Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, promosi, dan kemasan terhadap min... more Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, promosi, dan kemasan terhadap minat beli produk Ma Bruschetta. Populasi terdiri dari 82 responden dengan metode pengambilan sampel yaitu sampel jenuh. Sampling jenuh merupakan cara untuk menentukan sampel jika seluruh anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel yang pernah membeli produk Ma Bruschetta. Pendekatan penelitian secara kuantitatif dengan metode analisis regresi linear berganda dan diolah menggunakan SPSS. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner secara online. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa promosi dan kemasan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat beli dengan nilai sig. uji t sebesar 0.000 dan 0.016. Sedangkan nilai sig. uji t variabel kualitas produk sebesar 0.850 > 0.05 sehingga tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli produk Ma Bruschetta. Kata kunci: kualitas produk, promosi, kemasan, minat beli
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena dimana banyak perusahaan keluarga yang gagal untuk ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena dimana banyak perusahaan keluarga yang gagal untuk bertahan lintas generasi. Dalam upaya membangun perusahaan keluarga yang bertahan, generasi senior perlu melakukan transfer pengetahuan sebelum melakukan proses suksesi. Peneliti ingin mengetahui apa saja pengetahuan yang ditransfer pada perus-ahaan keluarga skala UKM di Surabaya dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkan generasi penerus dalam proses suksesi dalam family business. Dengan demikian praktisi perusahaan keluarga dapat mengurangi kegagalan proses suksesi. Jenis penilitan yang digunakan merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan objek perusahaan keluarga dan subjek yang digunakan adalah ge-nerasi pendahulu dan generasi penerus. Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis selama dilapangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat beberapa penge-tahuan yang ditransfer oleh generasi pendahulu kepada penerus yang dibagi dalam empat di-mensi yaitu knowledge of the product,...
Jurnal LeECOM (Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community)
Siswa-siswi SMA kelas X dan XI SMA St. Louis 1 Surabaya yang mengambil extra kurikuler youthprene... more Siswa-siswi SMA kelas X dan XI SMA St. Louis 1 Surabaya yang mengambil extra kurikuler youthpreneur diberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang bagaimana cara menemukan ide bisnis yang baru dengan memperhatikan keadaan sekitar dari problematika yang ada di lingkungan (baik di lingkungan sekolah maupun daerah rumahnya) pada 14 September 2022, jam 15.00- 16.00 WIB. Siswa-siswi diharapkan mampu menemukan solusi dari masalah yang muncul dan solusi tersebut dapat dijadikan ide bisnis dalam berwirausaha. Kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini penting karena merupakan sebuah alur proses pembentukan karakter berwirausaha dalam hal penemuan ide bisnis, kekuatan bisnis (pembeda bisnis/uniqueness/selling point compare to other business), dan cara berpikir kreatif dan kritis terhadap ide bisnis yang ada. Para murid diajarkan untuk menemukan peluang dan ide bisnis yang baru (fresh) yang bisa dijadikan modal diskusi dengan teman satu tim dalam membuka usaha. Proses kegiatannya meliputi dosen memberikan...
In the midst of intense mobile wallet competition that is present in Indonesia, LinkAja was born ... more In the midst of intense mobile wallet competition that is present in Indonesia, LinkAja was born as a result of the collaboration of seven well-known SOEs in Indonesia, the birth of LinkAja is expected to match, even rival the dominance of Go-Pay and Ovo, to be able to compete with its competitors LinkAja needs to increase customer loyalty by improving customer experience and customer satisfaction. The background of this research is due to a decrease in the number of LinkAja users and from the results of a survey it is stated that the loyalty of LinkAja users is in the lowest order compared to its competitors. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of customer experience on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable for LinkAja users in the city of Semarang. This type of research is explanatory research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, the sample was taken using purposive sampling with a total of 100 respondents using LinkAja ...
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, sales and the number of visitors to Taco Casa Bali have decreased. In t... more Due to Covid-19 pandemic, sales and the number of visitors to Taco Casa Bali have decreased. In this changing situation, repurchase intention is very important for the continuity of the culinary business, so it is important to find out the factors that influence it. The research aimed to determine the effect of product quality and price in influencing customer satisfaction on customer repurchase intentions at Taco Casa Bali during Covid-19 pandemic. Although variables in this research are not new, there is still inconsistency in the findings and also this paper factors in Covid-19 pandemic situation. Sample size consisted of 97 respondents. Using Smart-PLS version 3.9, results showed that product quality does not affect the customer repurchase intention. Price and customer satisfaction affect the customer repurchase intention. Product quality and price affect customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction does not act as a mediator for product quality and price on customer repurch...
Jurnal LeECOM (Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community)
Menjadi seorang wirausahawan di masa pandemi ini memiliki berbagai tantangan yang rumit. Sedangka... more Menjadi seorang wirausahawan di masa pandemi ini memiliki berbagai tantangan yang rumit. Sedangkan di lain sisi, wirausaha adalah solusi bagi generasi muda untuk menghadapi terbatasnya lowongan pekerjaan. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat kepada siswa-siswi Sekolah Merlion, Surabaya adalah untuk memicu semangat kewirausahaan dini dengan harapan di masa yang akan datang dapat meningkatkan minat kewirausahaan bagi generasi muda. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh para dosen Universitas Ciputra Surabaya kepada siswasiswi SMP dan SMA Sekolah Merlion, Surabaya pada tanggal 24 Januari 2022 secara daring menggunakan Zoom dengan. Secara keseluruhan, para fasilitator berhasil mengajarkan siswa-siswi tentang business model canvas (BMC) yang ditunjukkan dari kemampuan para siswa dalam mendefinisikan dan mengklasifikasi contoh-contoh setiap blok yang ada dalam BMC. Dengan demikian, para siswa mampu mengetahui kondisi dan menganalisis peluang proyek bisnis yang ada secara e...
The food and beverage business in Indonesia is positive because it is able to contribute the high... more The food and beverage business in Indonesia is positive because it is able to contribute the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) among the sub-sectors under other creative economy categories. This phenomenon is certainly a good opportunity for food and beverage business actors such as Syahi Haleeb. Syahi Haleeb sells spiced milk tea beverage products located in Surabaya. This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and price on the intention to repurchase Syahi Haleeb's products. This study uses a quantitative approach using purposive sampling technique. The population in this study are consumers of Syahi Haleeb's products. The sample used in this study were 97 respondents. Data collection method using a questionnaire with a Likert scale and data analysis using linear regression analysis. The results in this study show that product quality has a positive and significant effect on repurchase interest, price has a significant effect on repurchase interest.
Ma-sum merupakan bisnis yang bergerak pada industri madu, dan madu yang di pasarkan merupakan mad... more Ma-sum merupakan bisnis yang bergerak pada industri madu, dan madu yang di pasarkan merupakan madu asli sumbawa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, testimoni dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Ma-sum Merupakan penelitian kausal kuantitatif dan populasi dan sampel dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah membeli madu Ma-sum di surabaya. Karena populasinya tidak diketahui dengan margin of error 10%, Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan maka jumlah sampel yang akan digunakan sebanyak 96.04 responden dan akan dibulatkan menjadi 97 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang di bantu dengan program SPSS 25. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga indikator yaitu kualitas produk, testimoni dan harga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Alat analisis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda, uji hipotesis dan uji asumsi klasik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyeb...
Proceeding of the International Conference on Family Business and Entrepreneurship, 2020
This research aim at assessing the impact of Covid 19 crisis toward family business’ Socioemotion... more This research aim at assessing the impact of Covid 19 crisis toward family business’ Socioemotional Wealth’s (SEW) dimensions. SEW framework differentiate the unique entity of family business to non family business. It identifies why family business decision making do not merely based on financial consideration but also family’s welfare and emotional attachment. Five SEW dimensions that will be explore are known as FIBER (Family control, Identification, Binding social Ties, Emotional attachment and Renewal of the family bond). As Indonesia enter a recession as shown by a decrease in GDP quarterly data 2020, it will put a strain on the family business decision as most business now fall into surviving mode. The question will be weather the pressure of survivability reduce the intensity of SEW in family business or, on the contrary, the pressure will change the degree of SEW dimensions? The method used to answer this will be an explanatory single case study. The exploitative study sho...
This research aims about how to build parent’s trust at Super Rasa Jaya Company. This is a family... more This research aims about how to build parent’s trust at Super Rasa Jaya Company. This is a family company engaged in bakery industry. This research was a descriptive qualitative. For data collecting technique, this study used interview and observations method. The data were validated though data validity test. Data triangulation was carried out by interviewing 6 informants who worked as entrepreneurs. Four of them have become a successful leaders of the next generation for more than 5 years. Two others were the owners of Super Rasa Jaya Company. This study found the owner of Super Rasa Jaya Company (head of the generation) had not been able to have their trust on the performance of their future generations yet. To gain that trust, the future generations had to work very hard. They were also required to provide evidence about their work. The next generation had to be able to demonstrate high performance in running and organizing the company. They had to able to produce a variety of n...
Jurnal LeECOM (Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community), 2021
The purpose of this community service to Frateran Highschool is to increase their understanding t... more The purpose of this community service to Frateran Highschool is to increase their understanding towards Determining Pricing Strategy within their businesses. This training is on live discussion via zoom regarding the previous experiences in determining pricing strategy among lecturers, facilitators, and students as participants. These activities were conducted in an hour meeting session on 17th September 2021, as community service from Ciputra lecturers’ activity to SMAK. Frateran Surabaya. The class was attended by 12 out of 15 students registered, grade XII within Entrepreneurship Subject. The pricing strategies matrix consists of 3x3 quadrants, which then divided into 1. Fixed menu Pricing, and 2. Dynamic Pricing. Students also learned about value added within a product, thus lead them into positioning and differentiation for the businesses. The explanation also given by using examples for each method: Traveloka, Gofood, Grabfood (promotional posters & vouchers) to balance out pe...
As the vision of Ciputra University is “Creating World Class Entrepreneur”, it was deemed necessa... more As the vision of Ciputra University is “Creating World Class Entrepreneur”, it was deemed necessary to run an international class as the first step to fulfill it’s vision. Since 2011, the International Business Management of Ciputra University (IBM) runs an international class (IC) that runs a parallel curriculum and activity with the regular class (RC). The only difference is the use of English language and textbook used in teaching learning process. Over the last 2 years, several programs were created to accentuate the difference between IBM IC and IBM RC and also aim at improving human capital of its graduate. Program such as student exchange, visiting professor, immersion program and others were introduced and received a warm welcome from the students. This paper will describe the development of internationalization approach of the IBM IC. Literatures in internationalization strategy of higher education in global era will be used as a benchmark in evaluating IBM IC’s approach. T...
Each International Business Management student of Universitas Ciputra must take a series of entre... more Each International Business Management student of Universitas Ciputra must take a series of entrepreneurial project class from semester one until semester seven. In each of those semesters, they were accompanied by a facilitator in doing their business project. Their startup project begins in semester two and three and followed by innovation and expansion in semester four and five. This research will focus on the startup phase of the business. In semester three and four, the students were yet to acquire enough knowledge to run their start up. This research used qualitative research to explore student’s preference in directive coaching. Five students were interviewed with a semi structured question and their answers were categorized to find the answer of the research problem. The result showed that the student expect more of informing from facilitator. They expect facilitator to help them identifies the problem and suggest opinions based on facilitator experience. They also expect fa...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai cara membangun kepercayaan orang tua pada perusahaan Super Rasa ... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai cara membangun kepercayaan orang tua pada perusahaan Super Rasa Jaya. yang dimana perusahaan tersebut merupakan perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak di industri roti. Jenis dari penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Setelah mengumpulkan semua data yang dibutuhkan, kemudian penulis akan melakukan uji keabsahan data dengan metode member check, melalui interview kepada 6 informan yang merupakan entrepreneur. Dimana 4 diantaranya sudah melakukan suksesi kepemimpinan terhadap generasi penerusnya selama lebih dari 5 tahun. Sedangkan, 2 diantaranya merupakan pemilik dari perusahaan Super Rasa Jaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya bahwa pemilik (kepala generasi) dari perusahaan Super Rasa Jaya belum memiliki kerpercayaan terhadap calon generasi penerus. Untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan itu, calon generasi penerus harus bekerja sangat keras dan juga...
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, promosi, dan kemasan terhadap min... more Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, promosi, dan kemasan terhadap minat beli produk Ma Bruschetta. Populasi terdiri dari 82 responden dengan metode pengambilan sampel yaitu sampel jenuh. Sampling jenuh merupakan cara untuk menentukan sampel jika seluruh anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel yang pernah membeli produk Ma Bruschetta. Pendekatan penelitian secara kuantitatif dengan metode analisis regresi linear berganda dan diolah menggunakan SPSS. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner secara online. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa promosi dan kemasan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat beli dengan nilai sig. uji t sebesar 0.000 dan 0.016. Sedangkan nilai sig. uji t variabel kualitas produk sebesar 0.850 > 0.05 sehingga tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli produk Ma Bruschetta. Kata kunci: kualitas produk, promosi, kemasan, minat beli
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena dimana banyak perusahaan keluarga yang gagal untuk ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena dimana banyak perusahaan keluarga yang gagal untuk bertahan lintas generasi. Dalam upaya membangun perusahaan keluarga yang bertahan, generasi senior perlu melakukan transfer pengetahuan sebelum melakukan proses suksesi. Peneliti ingin mengetahui apa saja pengetahuan yang ditransfer pada perus-ahaan keluarga skala UKM di Surabaya dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkan generasi penerus dalam proses suksesi dalam family business. Dengan demikian praktisi perusahaan keluarga dapat mengurangi kegagalan proses suksesi. Jenis penilitan yang digunakan merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan objek perusahaan keluarga dan subjek yang digunakan adalah ge-nerasi pendahulu dan generasi penerus. Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis selama dilapangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat beberapa penge-tahuan yang ditransfer oleh generasi pendahulu kepada penerus yang dibagi dalam empat di-mensi yaitu knowledge of the product,...
Jurnal LeECOM (Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community)
Siswa-siswi SMA kelas X dan XI SMA St. Louis 1 Surabaya yang mengambil extra kurikuler youthprene... more Siswa-siswi SMA kelas X dan XI SMA St. Louis 1 Surabaya yang mengambil extra kurikuler youthpreneur diberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang bagaimana cara menemukan ide bisnis yang baru dengan memperhatikan keadaan sekitar dari problematika yang ada di lingkungan (baik di lingkungan sekolah maupun daerah rumahnya) pada 14 September 2022, jam 15.00- 16.00 WIB. Siswa-siswi diharapkan mampu menemukan solusi dari masalah yang muncul dan solusi tersebut dapat dijadikan ide bisnis dalam berwirausaha. Kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini penting karena merupakan sebuah alur proses pembentukan karakter berwirausaha dalam hal penemuan ide bisnis, kekuatan bisnis (pembeda bisnis/uniqueness/selling point compare to other business), dan cara berpikir kreatif dan kritis terhadap ide bisnis yang ada. Para murid diajarkan untuk menemukan peluang dan ide bisnis yang baru (fresh) yang bisa dijadikan modal diskusi dengan teman satu tim dalam membuka usaha. Proses kegiatannya meliputi dosen memberikan...
In the midst of intense mobile wallet competition that is present in Indonesia, LinkAja was born ... more In the midst of intense mobile wallet competition that is present in Indonesia, LinkAja was born as a result of the collaboration of seven well-known SOEs in Indonesia, the birth of LinkAja is expected to match, even rival the dominance of Go-Pay and Ovo, to be able to compete with its competitors LinkAja needs to increase customer loyalty by improving customer experience and customer satisfaction. The background of this research is due to a decrease in the number of LinkAja users and from the results of a survey it is stated that the loyalty of LinkAja users is in the lowest order compared to its competitors. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of customer experience on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable for LinkAja users in the city of Semarang. This type of research is explanatory research. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, the sample was taken using purposive sampling with a total of 100 respondents using LinkAja ...
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, sales and the number of visitors to Taco Casa Bali have decreased. In t... more Due to Covid-19 pandemic, sales and the number of visitors to Taco Casa Bali have decreased. In this changing situation, repurchase intention is very important for the continuity of the culinary business, so it is important to find out the factors that influence it. The research aimed to determine the effect of product quality and price in influencing customer satisfaction on customer repurchase intentions at Taco Casa Bali during Covid-19 pandemic. Although variables in this research are not new, there is still inconsistency in the findings and also this paper factors in Covid-19 pandemic situation. Sample size consisted of 97 respondents. Using Smart-PLS version 3.9, results showed that product quality does not affect the customer repurchase intention. Price and customer satisfaction affect the customer repurchase intention. Product quality and price affect customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction does not act as a mediator for product quality and price on customer repurch...
Jurnal LeECOM (Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community)
Menjadi seorang wirausahawan di masa pandemi ini memiliki berbagai tantangan yang rumit. Sedangka... more Menjadi seorang wirausahawan di masa pandemi ini memiliki berbagai tantangan yang rumit. Sedangkan di lain sisi, wirausaha adalah solusi bagi generasi muda untuk menghadapi terbatasnya lowongan pekerjaan. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat kepada siswa-siswi Sekolah Merlion, Surabaya adalah untuk memicu semangat kewirausahaan dini dengan harapan di masa yang akan datang dapat meningkatkan minat kewirausahaan bagi generasi muda. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh para dosen Universitas Ciputra Surabaya kepada siswasiswi SMP dan SMA Sekolah Merlion, Surabaya pada tanggal 24 Januari 2022 secara daring menggunakan Zoom dengan. Secara keseluruhan, para fasilitator berhasil mengajarkan siswa-siswi tentang business model canvas (BMC) yang ditunjukkan dari kemampuan para siswa dalam mendefinisikan dan mengklasifikasi contoh-contoh setiap blok yang ada dalam BMC. Dengan demikian, para siswa mampu mengetahui kondisi dan menganalisis peluang proyek bisnis yang ada secara e...
The food and beverage business in Indonesia is positive because it is able to contribute the high... more The food and beverage business in Indonesia is positive because it is able to contribute the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) among the sub-sectors under other creative economy categories. This phenomenon is certainly a good opportunity for food and beverage business actors such as Syahi Haleeb. Syahi Haleeb sells spiced milk tea beverage products located in Surabaya. This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and price on the intention to repurchase Syahi Haleeb's products. This study uses a quantitative approach using purposive sampling technique. The population in this study are consumers of Syahi Haleeb's products. The sample used in this study were 97 respondents. Data collection method using a questionnaire with a Likert scale and data analysis using linear regression analysis. The results in this study show that product quality has a positive and significant effect on repurchase interest, price has a significant effect on repurchase interest.
Ma-sum merupakan bisnis yang bergerak pada industri madu, dan madu yang di pasarkan merupakan mad... more Ma-sum merupakan bisnis yang bergerak pada industri madu, dan madu yang di pasarkan merupakan madu asli sumbawa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, testimoni dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Ma-sum Merupakan penelitian kausal kuantitatif dan populasi dan sampel dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah membeli madu Ma-sum di surabaya. Karena populasinya tidak diketahui dengan margin of error 10%, Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan maka jumlah sampel yang akan digunakan sebanyak 96.04 responden dan akan dibulatkan menjadi 97 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang di bantu dengan program SPSS 25. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga indikator yaitu kualitas produk, testimoni dan harga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Alat analisis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda, uji hipotesis dan uji asumsi klasik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyeb...
Proceeding of the International Conference on Family Business and Entrepreneurship, 2020
This research aim at assessing the impact of Covid 19 crisis toward family business’ Socioemotion... more This research aim at assessing the impact of Covid 19 crisis toward family business’ Socioemotional Wealth’s (SEW) dimensions. SEW framework differentiate the unique entity of family business to non family business. It identifies why family business decision making do not merely based on financial consideration but also family’s welfare and emotional attachment. Five SEW dimensions that will be explore are known as FIBER (Family control, Identification, Binding social Ties, Emotional attachment and Renewal of the family bond). As Indonesia enter a recession as shown by a decrease in GDP quarterly data 2020, it will put a strain on the family business decision as most business now fall into surviving mode. The question will be weather the pressure of survivability reduce the intensity of SEW in family business or, on the contrary, the pressure will change the degree of SEW dimensions? The method used to answer this will be an explanatory single case study. The exploitative study sho...
This research aims about how to build parent’s trust at Super Rasa Jaya Company. This is a family... more This research aims about how to build parent’s trust at Super Rasa Jaya Company. This is a family company engaged in bakery industry. This research was a descriptive qualitative. For data collecting technique, this study used interview and observations method. The data were validated though data validity test. Data triangulation was carried out by interviewing 6 informants who worked as entrepreneurs. Four of them have become a successful leaders of the next generation for more than 5 years. Two others were the owners of Super Rasa Jaya Company. This study found the owner of Super Rasa Jaya Company (head of the generation) had not been able to have their trust on the performance of their future generations yet. To gain that trust, the future generations had to work very hard. They were also required to provide evidence about their work. The next generation had to be able to demonstrate high performance in running and organizing the company. They had to able to produce a variety of n...
Jurnal LeECOM (Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community), 2021
The purpose of this community service to Frateran Highschool is to increase their understanding t... more The purpose of this community service to Frateran Highschool is to increase their understanding towards Determining Pricing Strategy within their businesses. This training is on live discussion via zoom regarding the previous experiences in determining pricing strategy among lecturers, facilitators, and students as participants. These activities were conducted in an hour meeting session on 17th September 2021, as community service from Ciputra lecturers’ activity to SMAK. Frateran Surabaya. The class was attended by 12 out of 15 students registered, grade XII within Entrepreneurship Subject. The pricing strategies matrix consists of 3x3 quadrants, which then divided into 1. Fixed menu Pricing, and 2. Dynamic Pricing. Students also learned about value added within a product, thus lead them into positioning and differentiation for the businesses. The explanation also given by using examples for each method: Traveloka, Gofood, Grabfood (promotional posters & vouchers) to balance out pe...
As the vision of Ciputra University is “Creating World Class Entrepreneur”, it was deemed necessa... more As the vision of Ciputra University is “Creating World Class Entrepreneur”, it was deemed necessary to run an international class as the first step to fulfill it’s vision. Since 2011, the International Business Management of Ciputra University (IBM) runs an international class (IC) that runs a parallel curriculum and activity with the regular class (RC). The only difference is the use of English language and textbook used in teaching learning process. Over the last 2 years, several programs were created to accentuate the difference between IBM IC and IBM RC and also aim at improving human capital of its graduate. Program such as student exchange, visiting professor, immersion program and others were introduced and received a warm welcome from the students. This paper will describe the development of internationalization approach of the IBM IC. Literatures in internationalization strategy of higher education in global era will be used as a benchmark in evaluating IBM IC’s approach. T...
Each International Business Management student of Universitas Ciputra must take a series of entre... more Each International Business Management student of Universitas Ciputra must take a series of entrepreneurial project class from semester one until semester seven. In each of those semesters, they were accompanied by a facilitator in doing their business project. Their startup project begins in semester two and three and followed by innovation and expansion in semester four and five. This research will focus on the startup phase of the business. In semester three and four, the students were yet to acquire enough knowledge to run their start up. This research used qualitative research to explore student’s preference in directive coaching. Five students were interviewed with a semi structured question and their answers were categorized to find the answer of the research problem. The result showed that the student expect more of informing from facilitator. They expect facilitator to help them identifies the problem and suggest opinions based on facilitator experience. They also expect fa...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai cara membangun kepercayaan orang tua pada perusahaan Super Rasa ... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai cara membangun kepercayaan orang tua pada perusahaan Super Rasa Jaya. yang dimana perusahaan tersebut merupakan perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak di industri roti. Jenis dari penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Setelah mengumpulkan semua data yang dibutuhkan, kemudian penulis akan melakukan uji keabsahan data dengan metode member check, melalui interview kepada 6 informan yang merupakan entrepreneur. Dimana 4 diantaranya sudah melakukan suksesi kepemimpinan terhadap generasi penerusnya selama lebih dari 5 tahun. Sedangkan, 2 diantaranya merupakan pemilik dari perusahaan Super Rasa Jaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya bahwa pemilik (kepala generasi) dari perusahaan Super Rasa Jaya belum memiliki kerpercayaan terhadap calon generasi penerus. Untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan itu, calon generasi penerus harus bekerja sangat keras dan juga...
Papers by agustiono agustiono