Hero Web Design is a small-scale company that is growing, the company is engaged in technology. A... more Hero Web Design is a small-scale company that is growing, the company is engaged in technology. Attendance activities at Hero Web Design still use the conventional method, every day employees carry out attendance activities manually. This results in fraud, loss, and damage to the processed data because they are not integrated. As a result, with the emergence of these problems the company could not develop. With the problems that Hero Web Design has, here an online attendance information system is made with a QR-Code and face detection using the Scrum method. In this study using the Scrum method using 3 Sprints, each Sprint has a process of not more than one month. The data sources used in this study are observational data in the form of attendance management activities and report management. The second data source is interview data in the form of an answer from a question-and-answer discussion with Hero Web Design. The third data source is literature study data in the form of suppor...
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat memberikan pemebelajaran bagi murid, sehingga informasi ... more Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat memberikan pemebelajaran bagi murid, sehingga informasi sebagai media pembelajaran bisa lebih mudah diterima oleh murid. Pengembangan sistem informasi animasi berbasis ini bertujuan sebagai sumber belajar bagi murid taman kanak-kanak (TK) Permata Bangsa Surabaya. Bahan pembelajaran berorientasi video animasi memakai PHP dan sistem database memakai MySQL lalu untuk webserver memakai XAMPP. Rancang bangun website ini sebagai wadah untuk pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan saat berada di sekolah taman kanak-kanak (TK) ataupun saat diluar sekolah taman kanak-kanak (TK). Rancang bangun website ini bermaksud untuk menerapkan media pembelajaran agar bisa diakses oleh murid sekolah kapan saja dan dimana saja. Model pembelajaran berbasis video animasi bersifat formal. Pembelajaran yang terdapat juga menyediakan bahan pembelajaran meliputi macam-macam materi pembelajaran yang ada pada taman kanak-kanak (TK) Permata Bangsa Surabaya. Perancangan menghasilk...
Desa Penanggungan adalah sebuah desa di Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto, Propinsi Jawa T... more Desa Penanggungan adalah sebuah desa di Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto, Propinsi Jawa Timur. Luas wilayahnya mencapai 474 Ha dengan ketinggian rata- rata 700 mdpl. Kecamatan Trawas merupakan salah satu lokasi wisata alam yang terkenal di Jawa Timur. Pada umumnya mata pencaharian warga adalah sebagai petani kebun, pegawai negeri/swasta, serta pelaku UKM. Hasil kebun berupa pisang dan ketela yang melimpah sepanjang tahun, mendorong sebagian warga menjadi pelaku UKM keripik pisang dan ketela pohon. Saat ini UKM mitra yakni UKM Lestari Jaya dan UKM Rizal Jaya, sangat membutuhkan peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan pemasaran. Selama ini proses produksi keripik pisang/ketela pohon di UKM mitra  masih dilakukan secara tradisional. Proses produksi yang meliputi pengupasan kulit ketela, pemotongan/perajangan, penggorengan hingga pengemasan masih dilakukan secara manual menggunakan alat-alat dapur yang sederhana. Kondisi semacam ini menimbulkan banyak kesulitan. Pada proses pengupas...
The growth of information technology especially internet and web-based application can make infor... more The growth of information technology especially internet and web-based application can make information access of Damri bus route in Surabaya easier that will be developed with PHP, HTML, Javascript, and MySQL there’re also tools needed are Laragon, VSCode, Web-Browser, and Navicat. The method used in this application development is Dijkstra algorithm, These algorithm used for calculate closest route from one bus-stop to another. These web-based application provide information of shortest bus routes and also help determining bus which new passengers should take to get to some place. Keywords: Decision Support System, bus damri, dijkstra, closest route ABSTRAK Perkembangan di bidang teknologi informasi khususnya teknologi internet dan aplikasi berbasis web dapat mempermudah dalam mengakses informasi rute Damri di kota Surabaya yang akan dibuat menggunakan PHP, HTML, Javascript dan MySQL adapun alat yang dibutuhkan ialah Laragon, VSCode, Web-Browser, dan Navicat. Metodologi yang dig...
PT Dua Kelinci is one of the leading companies engaged in Indonesia's food industry or snack ... more PT Dua Kelinci is one of the leading companies engaged in Indonesia's food industry or snack food provider. PT Dua Kelinci currently has its head office located in Pati, Jakarta, and Surabaya and has distributors spread all over Indonesia, and is starting to enter the international market. To meet the needs of management and better performance of employees cannot be separated from business trips. The process of completing official travel at this company, which is still using the manual method by using the form available for official travel, then the file is sent to the head office and processed by the finance department to replace the cost of authorized travel by the form. Therefore, there is a need for an official travel information system that can record in real-time the planning and completion of official travel costs at PT Dua Kelinci. The proposed output is designing a business travel information system using the PIECES method (Case study at PT Dua Kelinci). It is hoped tha...
MI Manbaul Ulum adalah lembaga pendidikan setingkat sekolah dasar yang terletak di Kabupaten Gres... more MI Manbaul Ulum adalah lembaga pendidikan setingkat sekolah dasar yang terletak di Kabupaten Gresik. Untuk mengelola nilai akademik, sekolah tersebut masih menggunakan cara manual dalam pengolahan nilai siswa. Akibatnya proses pengolahan nilai sering mengalami kendala terutama untuk proses input nilai dari guru mata pelajaran dan pengolahan nilai oleh wali kelas. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem informasi pengolah nilai siswa berbasis web yang nantinya akan membantu guru untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya. Selain itu di MI Manbaul Ulum setiap akhir semester juga dilakukan pemilihan siswa berprestasi, tapi masih menggunakan cara manual sehingga dirasa kurang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem informasi pengolah nilai siswa (e-rapor) dengan fitur pemilihan siswa berprestasi menggunkana metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) pada MI Manbaul Ulum.
In the information age, technology has become one of the things that are growing more rapidly, on... more In the information age, technology has become one of the things that are growing more rapidly, one of the technologies is the internet. From the use of the internet, it can also be used by sales that have Android mobile-based bread ordering information systems. By only using a cell phone, system users can order bread. This can be a tool in the special community in ordering bread. As with computers, mobile phones can also install a variety of software or software that they want. Besides, android phones can also be used for transactions. Like making a bread order transactions through an android phone. The stages that will be carried out by the author for the application development process include analysis and needs, application design, and application interface design, so that the application is made easy to use. The ordering system designed can make it easier for admin to view order details, check stock, manage customer data by using a database as a storage medium, and can also prov...
Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini, internet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sist... more Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini, internet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sistem informasi suatu perusahaan/instansi. Perananan sistem informasi sangat diperlukan. Dalam penelitian ini objek yang digunakan adalah SAT RESKOBA POLRESTABES SURABAYA. Aktivitas operasional masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal ini menjadikan kegiatan administrasi penyidik kurang produktif. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan aktivitas administrasi penyidik lebih tertata dan terstruktur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengacu pada aturan SDLC yang tahap–tahapnya meliputi observasi dan studi kelayakan, analisa kebutuhan sistem, desain sistem, pembangunan sistem, uji coba dan evaluasi, pembuatan laporan. Dalam penelitian ini target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah membuat aplikasi tahanan narkoba berbasis web secara sistematis, terstruktur, terarah, dan lengkap.
Desa Padangbandung selama ini sudah mempunyai sistem yang baik tapi masih menggunakan microsoft w... more Desa Padangbandung selama ini sudah mempunyai sistem yang baik tapi masih menggunakan microsoft word dan microsoft excel serta buku catatan pendukung lainnya selain itu belum adanya aplikasi yang mendukung untuk memungkinkan pemberian informasi geografis desa Padangbandung. Dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi tersebut, perangkat desa Padangbandung sering kali menemui kendala dalam pelayanan kependudukan seperti sulitnya pemberian data dan informasi penduduk secara cepat dan akurat, serta sering terjadi kesalahan data. Maka dari itu, diperlukan suatau sistem pengembangan teknologi berbasis informasi geografis dan kependudukan yang akan membantu menginformasikan keadaan geografis serta pendataan penduduk Desa Padangbandung. Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Kependudukan ini merekam dan menginformasikan data mengenai data letak UKM unggulan, lokasi setiap RT dan RW, KTP, KK, Surat Kelahiran, Pindah Datang,Pindah Keluar, serta Surat Kematian Desa Padangbandung. Sistem informasi geografis d...
Internet Service Provider XYZ is a service company that provides a variety of Internet service ... more Internet Service Provider XYZ is a service company that provides a variety of Internet service package products, cloud data, communication networks, and complete installations, as well as various local and international TV channel service packages interactively using fiber optic technology. However, over time, problems arose, where many customers complained about the troubleshooter service management provided by the ISP, for example, related to reports of disturbances from customers, the length of time in handling disturbances, the lack of clarity of officers who handled disturbances and so on which led to a decrease in the level of customer satisfaction. To deal with these problems, researchers developed a customer satisfaction management information system by applying the Simple Additive Weighting method supported by a website-based google maps API to solve the problems being faced by ISP XYZ. The results of the s...
INTENSIF Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Teknologi dan Penerapan Sistem Informasi, 2021
SMK XYZ is a vocational high school with approximately 2550 students with various majors and back... more SMK XYZ is a vocational high school with approximately 2550 students with various majors and backgrounds, so there are many problems. For subscribers, each student gets a notebook on discipline and order; if a student commits a violation, it will be written by the discipline taught in the book. Furthermore, the counseling guidance teacher, together with the class teacher, conducts coaching; this activity is a manual system that has not been computerized. It hinders the performance of these teachers. From these problems, an order information system's analysis and design are carried out, which can facilitate and accelerate teachers in planning, directing, and monitoring. The SMART method's application to the discipline information system is based on the science of facts, which states a criterion with value; each weighted value can show and reflect comparisons between standards related to planning, direction, and supervision of students carried out by teachers. Subscription to ...
INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Home Industry Shoes is one of the SMEs that are engaged in the production and sale of shoes. Shoe... more Home Industry Shoes is one of the SMEs that are engaged in the production and sale of shoes. Shoes SMEs in marketing and sales have been still relying on customers from surrounding areas of production activities. Current business competition is stringent, thus making SME shoes demanded to be more advanced in marketing and sales to be able to stay afloat. Shoes SMEs have problems with promotional media and sales, which does not yet have an independent online sales system. Therefore, the authors feel the need to help SMEs by creating an online sales information system that can be used as a promotional media as well as a media for selling independently and easy to use. In this study, the authors apply the incremental method in system development and also observation in gathering data on the needs of the system developed. Achievements in this study, the authors, produce an online sales information system for SMEs, in particular, the production of home industry shoes that can be used ind...
INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So require... more School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So required financial information management information system to improve the quality of service to students and accelerate the performance of employees in school. It is expected that this system can improve the performance of employees or teachers in school including chairman institutionalized in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to make school financial management information system designed and built by using PHP programming language and MySQL database so that it can process the school finance data such as tuition fee payment and making financial reports done efficiently and effectively. In this study, the author uses two methods, namely data collection methods and methods of system development. For data collection method, we use three way, that is observation, interview and study of library for development of system method used by writer that is incremental method having 5 stages...
Hero Web Design is a small-scale company that is growing, the company is engaged in technology. A... more Hero Web Design is a small-scale company that is growing, the company is engaged in technology. Attendance activities at Hero Web Design still use the conventional method, every day employees carry out attendance activities manually. This results in fraud, loss, and damage to the processed data because they are not integrated. As a result, with the emergence of these problems the company could not develop. With the problems that Hero Web Design has, here an online attendance information system is made with a QR-Code and face detection using the Scrum method. In this study using the Scrum method using 3 Sprints, each Sprint has a process of not more than one month. The data sources used in this study are observational data in the form of attendance management activities and report management. The second data source is interview data in the form of an answer from a question-and-answer discussion with Hero Web Design. The third data source is literature study data in the form of suppor...
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat memberikan pemebelajaran bagi murid, sehingga informasi ... more Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat memberikan pemebelajaran bagi murid, sehingga informasi sebagai media pembelajaran bisa lebih mudah diterima oleh murid. Pengembangan sistem informasi animasi berbasis ini bertujuan sebagai sumber belajar bagi murid taman kanak-kanak (TK) Permata Bangsa Surabaya. Bahan pembelajaran berorientasi video animasi memakai PHP dan sistem database memakai MySQL lalu untuk webserver memakai XAMPP. Rancang bangun website ini sebagai wadah untuk pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan saat berada di sekolah taman kanak-kanak (TK) ataupun saat diluar sekolah taman kanak-kanak (TK). Rancang bangun website ini bermaksud untuk menerapkan media pembelajaran agar bisa diakses oleh murid sekolah kapan saja dan dimana saja. Model pembelajaran berbasis video animasi bersifat formal. Pembelajaran yang terdapat juga menyediakan bahan pembelajaran meliputi macam-macam materi pembelajaran yang ada pada taman kanak-kanak (TK) Permata Bangsa Surabaya. Perancangan menghasilk...
Desa Penanggungan adalah sebuah desa di Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto, Propinsi Jawa T... more Desa Penanggungan adalah sebuah desa di Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto, Propinsi Jawa Timur. Luas wilayahnya mencapai 474 Ha dengan ketinggian rata- rata 700 mdpl. Kecamatan Trawas merupakan salah satu lokasi wisata alam yang terkenal di Jawa Timur. Pada umumnya mata pencaharian warga adalah sebagai petani kebun, pegawai negeri/swasta, serta pelaku UKM. Hasil kebun berupa pisang dan ketela yang melimpah sepanjang tahun, mendorong sebagian warga menjadi pelaku UKM keripik pisang dan ketela pohon. Saat ini UKM mitra yakni UKM Lestari Jaya dan UKM Rizal Jaya, sangat membutuhkan peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan pemasaran. Selama ini proses produksi keripik pisang/ketela pohon di UKM mitra  masih dilakukan secara tradisional. Proses produksi yang meliputi pengupasan kulit ketela, pemotongan/perajangan, penggorengan hingga pengemasan masih dilakukan secara manual menggunakan alat-alat dapur yang sederhana. Kondisi semacam ini menimbulkan banyak kesulitan. Pada proses pengupas...
The growth of information technology especially internet and web-based application can make infor... more The growth of information technology especially internet and web-based application can make information access of Damri bus route in Surabaya easier that will be developed with PHP, HTML, Javascript, and MySQL there’re also tools needed are Laragon, VSCode, Web-Browser, and Navicat. The method used in this application development is Dijkstra algorithm, These algorithm used for calculate closest route from one bus-stop to another. These web-based application provide information of shortest bus routes and also help determining bus which new passengers should take to get to some place. Keywords: Decision Support System, bus damri, dijkstra, closest route ABSTRAK Perkembangan di bidang teknologi informasi khususnya teknologi internet dan aplikasi berbasis web dapat mempermudah dalam mengakses informasi rute Damri di kota Surabaya yang akan dibuat menggunakan PHP, HTML, Javascript dan MySQL adapun alat yang dibutuhkan ialah Laragon, VSCode, Web-Browser, dan Navicat. Metodologi yang dig...
PT Dua Kelinci is one of the leading companies engaged in Indonesia's food industry or snack ... more PT Dua Kelinci is one of the leading companies engaged in Indonesia's food industry or snack food provider. PT Dua Kelinci currently has its head office located in Pati, Jakarta, and Surabaya and has distributors spread all over Indonesia, and is starting to enter the international market. To meet the needs of management and better performance of employees cannot be separated from business trips. The process of completing official travel at this company, which is still using the manual method by using the form available for official travel, then the file is sent to the head office and processed by the finance department to replace the cost of authorized travel by the form. Therefore, there is a need for an official travel information system that can record in real-time the planning and completion of official travel costs at PT Dua Kelinci. The proposed output is designing a business travel information system using the PIECES method (Case study at PT Dua Kelinci). It is hoped tha...
MI Manbaul Ulum adalah lembaga pendidikan setingkat sekolah dasar yang terletak di Kabupaten Gres... more MI Manbaul Ulum adalah lembaga pendidikan setingkat sekolah dasar yang terletak di Kabupaten Gresik. Untuk mengelola nilai akademik, sekolah tersebut masih menggunakan cara manual dalam pengolahan nilai siswa. Akibatnya proses pengolahan nilai sering mengalami kendala terutama untuk proses input nilai dari guru mata pelajaran dan pengolahan nilai oleh wali kelas. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem informasi pengolah nilai siswa berbasis web yang nantinya akan membantu guru untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya. Selain itu di MI Manbaul Ulum setiap akhir semester juga dilakukan pemilihan siswa berprestasi, tapi masih menggunakan cara manual sehingga dirasa kurang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem informasi pengolah nilai siswa (e-rapor) dengan fitur pemilihan siswa berprestasi menggunkana metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) pada MI Manbaul Ulum.
In the information age, technology has become one of the things that are growing more rapidly, on... more In the information age, technology has become one of the things that are growing more rapidly, one of the technologies is the internet. From the use of the internet, it can also be used by sales that have Android mobile-based bread ordering information systems. By only using a cell phone, system users can order bread. This can be a tool in the special community in ordering bread. As with computers, mobile phones can also install a variety of software or software that they want. Besides, android phones can also be used for transactions. Like making a bread order transactions through an android phone. The stages that will be carried out by the author for the application development process include analysis and needs, application design, and application interface design, so that the application is made easy to use. The ordering system designed can make it easier for admin to view order details, check stock, manage customer data by using a database as a storage medium, and can also prov...
Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini, internet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sist... more Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini, internet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sistem informasi suatu perusahaan/instansi. Perananan sistem informasi sangat diperlukan. Dalam penelitian ini objek yang digunakan adalah SAT RESKOBA POLRESTABES SURABAYA. Aktivitas operasional masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal ini menjadikan kegiatan administrasi penyidik kurang produktif. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan aktivitas administrasi penyidik lebih tertata dan terstruktur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengacu pada aturan SDLC yang tahap–tahapnya meliputi observasi dan studi kelayakan, analisa kebutuhan sistem, desain sistem, pembangunan sistem, uji coba dan evaluasi, pembuatan laporan. Dalam penelitian ini target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah membuat aplikasi tahanan narkoba berbasis web secara sistematis, terstruktur, terarah, dan lengkap.
Desa Padangbandung selama ini sudah mempunyai sistem yang baik tapi masih menggunakan microsoft w... more Desa Padangbandung selama ini sudah mempunyai sistem yang baik tapi masih menggunakan microsoft word dan microsoft excel serta buku catatan pendukung lainnya selain itu belum adanya aplikasi yang mendukung untuk memungkinkan pemberian informasi geografis desa Padangbandung. Dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi tersebut, perangkat desa Padangbandung sering kali menemui kendala dalam pelayanan kependudukan seperti sulitnya pemberian data dan informasi penduduk secara cepat dan akurat, serta sering terjadi kesalahan data. Maka dari itu, diperlukan suatau sistem pengembangan teknologi berbasis informasi geografis dan kependudukan yang akan membantu menginformasikan keadaan geografis serta pendataan penduduk Desa Padangbandung. Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Kependudukan ini merekam dan menginformasikan data mengenai data letak UKM unggulan, lokasi setiap RT dan RW, KTP, KK, Surat Kelahiran, Pindah Datang,Pindah Keluar, serta Surat Kematian Desa Padangbandung. Sistem informasi geografis d...
Internet Service Provider XYZ is a service company that provides a variety of Internet service ... more Internet Service Provider XYZ is a service company that provides a variety of Internet service package products, cloud data, communication networks, and complete installations, as well as various local and international TV channel service packages interactively using fiber optic technology. However, over time, problems arose, where many customers complained about the troubleshooter service management provided by the ISP, for example, related to reports of disturbances from customers, the length of time in handling disturbances, the lack of clarity of officers who handled disturbances and so on which led to a decrease in the level of customer satisfaction. To deal with these problems, researchers developed a customer satisfaction management information system by applying the Simple Additive Weighting method supported by a website-based google maps API to solve the problems being faced by ISP XYZ. The results of the s...
INTENSIF Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Teknologi dan Penerapan Sistem Informasi, 2021
SMK XYZ is a vocational high school with approximately 2550 students with various majors and back... more SMK XYZ is a vocational high school with approximately 2550 students with various majors and backgrounds, so there are many problems. For subscribers, each student gets a notebook on discipline and order; if a student commits a violation, it will be written by the discipline taught in the book. Furthermore, the counseling guidance teacher, together with the class teacher, conducts coaching; this activity is a manual system that has not been computerized. It hinders the performance of these teachers. From these problems, an order information system's analysis and design are carried out, which can facilitate and accelerate teachers in planning, directing, and monitoring. The SMART method's application to the discipline information system is based on the science of facts, which states a criterion with value; each weighted value can show and reflect comparisons between standards related to planning, direction, and supervision of students carried out by teachers. Subscription to ...
INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Home Industry Shoes is one of the SMEs that are engaged in the production and sale of shoes. Shoe... more Home Industry Shoes is one of the SMEs that are engaged in the production and sale of shoes. Shoes SMEs in marketing and sales have been still relying on customers from surrounding areas of production activities. Current business competition is stringent, thus making SME shoes demanded to be more advanced in marketing and sales to be able to stay afloat. Shoes SMEs have problems with promotional media and sales, which does not yet have an independent online sales system. Therefore, the authors feel the need to help SMEs by creating an online sales information system that can be used as a promotional media as well as a media for selling independently and easy to use. In this study, the authors apply the incremental method in system development and also observation in gathering data on the needs of the system developed. Achievements in this study, the authors, produce an online sales information system for SMEs, in particular, the production of home industry shoes that can be used ind...
INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So require... more School financial data processing if done manually then the result is less effective. So required financial information management information system to improve the quality of service to students and accelerate the performance of employees in school. It is expected that this system can improve the performance of employees or teachers in school including chairman institutionalized in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to make school financial management information system designed and built by using PHP programming language and MySQL database so that it can process the school finance data such as tuition fee payment and making financial reports done efficiently and effectively. In this study, the author uses two methods, namely data collection methods and methods of system development. For data collection method, we use three way, that is observation, interview and study of library for development of system method used by writer that is incremental method having 5 stages...
Papers by ahmad habib