Valkolupiinilla saattaisi olla myös Suomessa monia käyttökohteita. Se näyttäisi soveltuvan hyvin ... more Valkolupiinilla saattaisi olla myös Suomessa monia käyttökohteita. Se näyttäisi soveltuvan hyvin viherlannoitukseen, bioenergian raaka-aineeksi, rehukasvustoihin seoksena ja maan puhdistamiseen. Kuhunkin tarkoitukseen voi valita parhaiten sopivan lajikkeen.vo
Sewage sludge is rich in organic matter, and plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus andpota... more Sewage sludge is rich in organic matter, and plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus andpotassium. Nevertheless, using sludge as fertilizer for crops to produce food or feed is limited due to thepresence of trace contaminants such as heavy metals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigatethe use of sewage sludge as a nutrient source for bioenergy crops such as fibre hemp, oilseed rape andwhite lupin. Specific attention is paid to the biomass accumulation and the quality of the plant material aswell as the ability of the crops to take up the heavy metals from soils in order to ensure that the amount ofpollutant does not cumulate.Fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cv. Uso, oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cv. Wildcat and whitelupin (Lupinus albus L.) cv. Amiga were sown in 5-L pots in a greenhouse. Three potting mixes wereused: a standard peat-based potting compost with 50% sludge, sludge with peat (50%:50% by weight), or100% sludge, and a constant mass of 666 g potting mi...
Sludge is a good source of plant nutrients, but its use as fertilizer for food or fodder crops is... more Sludge is a good source of plant nutrients, but its use as fertilizer for food or fodder crops is questionable due to its potential content of heavy metals and metalloids. In two pot experiments, germination and growth of maize (Zea mays L., cv. Ronaldino), fiber hemp (Cannabis sativa L., cv. Uso 31) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (DC.) Metzg., cv.Wildcat) were studied when treated with sewage sludge and biogas sludge in comparison with chemical fertilizer during 2011. The experiment included five treatments: soil+sewage sludge, soil+fertilizer, sand mixed with peat+sewage sludge, sand mixed with peat+fertilizer, and soil+biogas sludge. Sludge content was calculated to deliver the same content of nitrogen that was added for each species. Germination percentage was recorded at 7, 10 and 14 days after sowing. Length and dry weight of roots and shoots were measured at 14 days after sowing for all species.Sewage sludge treatments resulted in higher germination percent...
Plant tissue cultures are an efficient system to study cell wall biosynthesis in living cells in ... more Plant tissue cultures are an efficient system to study cell wall biosynthesis in living cells in vivo. Tissue cultures also provide cells and culture medium from which enzymes and cell wall polymers can easily be separated for further studies. Tissue cultures with tracheary element differentiation or extracellular lignin formation have provided useful information related to several aspects of xylem and lignin formation. In this chapter, methods for nutrient medium preparation and callus culture initiation and its maintenance as well as those for protoplast isolation and viability observation are described. As a case study, we describe the establishment of a xylogenic culture of Zinnia elegans mesophyll cells.
Grassland in a changing world. Proceedings of the 23rd General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Kiel, Germany, 29th August - 2nd September 2010, 2010
Palkoviljoja kannattaisi viljellä Suomessa sekä ruoaksi että rehuksi nykyistä enemmän niiden sisä... more Palkoviljoja kannattaisi viljellä Suomessa sekä ruoaksi että rehuksi nykyistä enemmän niiden sisältämien proteiinien, energian ja bioaktiivisten yhdisteiden vuoksi.vo
Maissi voi kuulostaa eksoottiselta kasvilta Suomen leveysasteilla. Sitä kuitenkin viljellään meil... more Maissi voi kuulostaa eksoottiselta kasvilta Suomen leveysasteilla. Sitä kuitenkin viljellään meillä, vaikkakin hyvin pienellä alalla. Maissin tuotanto joko bioenergian raakaaineeksi tai rehuksi saattaisi olla mielenkiintoinen vaihtoehto monelle tilalle.vo
Valkolupiinilla saattaisi olla myös Suomessa monia käyttökohteita. Se näyttäisi soveltuvan hyvin ... more Valkolupiinilla saattaisi olla myös Suomessa monia käyttökohteita. Se näyttäisi soveltuvan hyvin viherlannoitukseen, bioenergian raaka-aineeksi, rehukasvustoihin seoksena ja maan puhdistamiseen. Kuhunkin tarkoitukseen voi valita parhaiten sopivan lajikkeen.vo
Sewage sludge is rich in organic matter, and plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus andpota... more Sewage sludge is rich in organic matter, and plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus andpotassium. Nevertheless, using sludge as fertilizer for crops to produce food or feed is limited due to thepresence of trace contaminants such as heavy metals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigatethe use of sewage sludge as a nutrient source for bioenergy crops such as fibre hemp, oilseed rape andwhite lupin. Specific attention is paid to the biomass accumulation and the quality of the plant material aswell as the ability of the crops to take up the heavy metals from soils in order to ensure that the amount ofpollutant does not cumulate.Fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cv. Uso, oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cv. Wildcat and whitelupin (Lupinus albus L.) cv. Amiga were sown in 5-L pots in a greenhouse. Three potting mixes wereused: a standard peat-based potting compost with 50% sludge, sludge with peat (50%:50% by weight), or100% sludge, and a constant mass of 666 g potting mi...
Sludge is a good source of plant nutrients, but its use as fertilizer for food or fodder crops is... more Sludge is a good source of plant nutrients, but its use as fertilizer for food or fodder crops is questionable due to its potential content of heavy metals and metalloids. In two pot experiments, germination and growth of maize (Zea mays L., cv. Ronaldino), fiber hemp (Cannabis sativa L., cv. Uso 31) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (DC.) Metzg., cv.Wildcat) were studied when treated with sewage sludge and biogas sludge in comparison with chemical fertilizer during 2011. The experiment included five treatments: soil+sewage sludge, soil+fertilizer, sand mixed with peat+sewage sludge, sand mixed with peat+fertilizer, and soil+biogas sludge. Sludge content was calculated to deliver the same content of nitrogen that was added for each species. Germination percentage was recorded at 7, 10 and 14 days after sowing. Length and dry weight of roots and shoots were measured at 14 days after sowing for all species.Sewage sludge treatments resulted in higher germination percent...
Plant tissue cultures are an efficient system to study cell wall biosynthesis in living cells in ... more Plant tissue cultures are an efficient system to study cell wall biosynthesis in living cells in vivo. Tissue cultures also provide cells and culture medium from which enzymes and cell wall polymers can easily be separated for further studies. Tissue cultures with tracheary element differentiation or extracellular lignin formation have provided useful information related to several aspects of xylem and lignin formation. In this chapter, methods for nutrient medium preparation and callus culture initiation and its maintenance as well as those for protoplast isolation and viability observation are described. As a case study, we describe the establishment of a xylogenic culture of Zinnia elegans mesophyll cells.
Grassland in a changing world. Proceedings of the 23rd General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Kiel, Germany, 29th August - 2nd September 2010, 2010
Palkoviljoja kannattaisi viljellä Suomessa sekä ruoaksi että rehuksi nykyistä enemmän niiden sisä... more Palkoviljoja kannattaisi viljellä Suomessa sekä ruoaksi että rehuksi nykyistä enemmän niiden sisältämien proteiinien, energian ja bioaktiivisten yhdisteiden vuoksi.vo
Maissi voi kuulostaa eksoottiselta kasvilta Suomen leveysasteilla. Sitä kuitenkin viljellään meil... more Maissi voi kuulostaa eksoottiselta kasvilta Suomen leveysasteilla. Sitä kuitenkin viljellään meillä, vaikkakin hyvin pienellä alalla. Maissin tuotanto joko bioenergian raakaaineeksi tai rehuksi saattaisi olla mielenkiintoinen vaihtoehto monelle tilalle.vo
Papers by arja santanen