IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Gambier is the main export commodity of Kepulauan Riau and its quality is highly affected by soil... more Gambier is the main export commodity of Kepulauan Riau and its quality is highly affected by soil and climate characteristics. The research aim was to study potency of gambier crop based on the soil fertility evaluation and the quality of gambier products in Kundur, Kepulauan Riau. Study was conducted in Kundur Island, Kepulauan Riau from June to October 2018. The study method was a survey to characterize the land, identify the performance of gambier crop, and collect secondary data and gambier product samples. Results revealed that low to moderate soil fertility of the study area was indicated by low soil pH, total-N, P2O5, and K2O, low to moderate soil organic C and low to very low Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and CEC, sandy loam to sand clay loam soil texture. Evapotranspiration of productive gambier crop is moderately high causing water deficit in January, February, and March. Based on SNI, catechin content of gambier product from West and North Kundur (52.98 and 50.14%) meet the Quality Sta...
Cassava - Recent Updates on Food, Feed and Industry [Working Title]
Cassava is grown nowadays for use in food, feed, and industrial purposes. It is believed that the... more Cassava is grown nowadays for use in food, feed, and industrial purposes. It is believed that the agro-industrial sector, which uses cassava as a raw material, has more advanced farming technology for improving cassava production. Lampung province in Sumatra Island, Indonesia, is one of the cassava production centers for industrial raw materials, with a planted area of 256,632 ha in 2018. The planting areas are acid soils of Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Oxisols with pH levels ranging from 4.5 to 5.0. Acidic soils have a complicated set of plant growth-limiting constraints. Essential nutrients for plant growth, such as N, P, and K, as well as other cations, are often low due to leaching, nutrients fixed by Fe/Al oxides of clay minerals, and low soil cation exchange capacity. In these acid soils, cassava production ranges from 8 to 15 t ha−1 for traditional farming, 20–24 t ha−1 for semi-developed farming to 25–35 t ha−1 for advanced farming. Meanwhile, with numerous technological advan...
Food sovereignty is the rights of every nation to maintain and develop skills in producing basic ... more Food sovereignty is the rights of every nation to maintain and develop skills in producing basic foods, with respect for cultural and product diversity. The food sovereignty of a nation would be viable provided that the natural resources essential for plant growth are available and one of them is water. However, the increase of water demand far exceeds its availability, thus water shortage for agriculture with, as water is also needed by other organisms. As a tropical country, Indonesia has sufficient water supplies from both rainfall and groundwater. With good water management and conservation strategy, it should suffice the demand. Therefore, save the water movement as part of water sustainability program would highly contribute in achieving sustainable food production hence food sovereignty in the long run.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2021
Indonesia is currently still the world’s prime exporter of nutmeg. Meanwhile, the quality require... more Indonesia is currently still the world’s prime exporter of nutmeg. Meanwhile, the quality requirements demanded by the world market continue to increase that needs Indonesian intention seriously. This article reveals the performance of Indonesian and global nutmeg production, competitiveness and potential, challenges and opportunities of Indonesia to survive as the major world’s producer and supplier of nutmeg. In 2019, Indonesia produced 37 thousand tons and exported 20 thousand tons to fill 52 thousand tons of the nutmeg world market, with India (12 thousand tons), Sri Lanka (3 thousand tons), and other countries. Unfortunately, Indonesian nutmeg price is lower than Grenada and India, even European Union (EU), the USA, and Japan rejected Indonesian nutmeg 54 times from 2014 to 2016. Indonesia’s potential as a major producer of nutmeg is still good because this commodity is an indigenous plant of Indonesia, the land and climate are suitable for the nutmeg development, and the culti...
Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia ... more Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia industri yang sangat menunjang perekonomian Indonesia. Produk kelapa sawit yang sering ditemui di pasar antara lain minyak goreng, margarine, sabun dan sebagainya. Kelapa sawit dikembangkan oleh perkebunan negara, perkebunan besarswasta dan perkebunan rakyat. Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu provinsi yang mengembangkan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat. Pada tahun 2014 luas areal perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat 97.884ha atau 48,2% dari luas areal sawit Lampung dan pada tahun 2010 baru mencapai 80.538 ha, meningkat 21,54% dari luas areal tahun 2010 (BPS Lampung, 2015). Hal ini menunjukkan minat petani menanam kelapa sawitcukup tinggi. Bila dilihat dari produksi, pada tahun 2014produksi kelapa sawit sudah terjadi peningkatan produksi 5,90% (dari 162.827 ton pada tahun 2010 menjadi 172.427 ton pada tahun 2014), dengan peningkatan rata-rata per tahun sebesar 1,47%.
Tanah areal perkebunan Indonesia seluas 26,5 juta ha yang terdiri atas tanah mineral dan tanah ga... more Tanah areal perkebunan Indonesia seluas 26,5 juta ha yang terdiri atas tanah mineral dan tanah gambut, rentan mengalami kerusakan. Penyebabnya antara lain pengelolaan tanah berlebihan, penggunaan tidak sesuai dengan kelas kesesuaian lahan, dan pengembalian hara tidak berimbang. Kerusakan tanah juga didorong oleh sifat alam seperti curah hujan tinggi, topografi berlereng dan erodibilitas tanah tinggi. Tujuan penulisan artikel adalah membahas berbagai indikator kerusakan tanah pada lahan perkebunandan strategi pencegahan serta penanggulangannya. Indikator penilaian kerusakan sifat fisika, kimia dan biologi tanah mineral yang relatif baru adalah sealing/crusting (lapisan tanah tipis kedap air) , pemadatan tanah, kandungan logam berat dan residu pestisida, dan kandungan mikroba.Sedangkan pada tanah gambut seperti perubahan simpanan karbon, tingkat respirasi, emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK), tingkat kematangan gambut, perubahan tinggi muka air, subsidensi dan kontaminasi polutan. Untuk menghi...
Agricultural land in Lampung is the land of sub-optimal as acid dry land, rainfed areas and wetla... more Agricultural land in Lampung is the land of sub-optimal as acid dry land, rainfed areas and wetlands. A study was conducted to study the extent and distribution of the lands of sub-optimal, as well as the policies of local governments in land productivity improvement. Acid dry land area of 2.7 million ha spread with 1.23 million ha is recommended for the development of food crops. Rainfed areas reported an area of 121 thousand hectares, while the area of swamp land is 108 thousand hectares which consists of tidal marsh and swamp are 56 thousand ha and 52 thousand ha, respectively. Government policies to improve the productivity of acid dry land more focused on increasing productivity of plantation crops and horticulture. While policies to increase the productivity of food crops, especially rice is more focused on the rainfed areas and wetlands. Government policies to take advantage of dry land under stands of annual crops for the attainment of food self-sufficiency is not yet visibl...
One of the factors that affect the productivity of cacao plants is water availability. Water defi... more One of the factors that affect the productivity of cacao plants is water availability. Water deficit will negatively affect the development of cacao flowers and beans. Water stress is reported as one of the causes of low productivity on plantation crops in Lampung Province. The study was aimed to analyze the characteristics of agroecology and supplemental irrigation required for growth and production of cacao in Lampung. The research was carried out in the District of Pesawaran, Tanggamus, East Lampung, and South Lampung, Lampung Province, from 2012 to 2015. The study was conducted with the survey method and literature study for the collection of the primary and secondary data, related to the characteristics of the land agroecology. Geographically, the main cacao growing areas in this region is divided into two regions, western region consist of Pesawaran and Tanggamus District and east region comprise of East Lampung and South Lampung District. Based on agroecological zones, the pl...
Lampung Province is one of nutmeg-producing region in Sumatra. Today nutmeg is one of the region&... more Lampung Province is one of nutmeg-producing region in Sumatra. Today nutmeg is one of the region's export commodities. The quality is an important factor in global nutmeg trade. The aim of this study was to assess nutmeg development prospect by analyzing the land characteristics and the quality of nutmeg. The study utilized a survey method to characterize the land and performance of smallholder nutmeg plantations, to communicate with farmers and to sample some nutmeg seeds for quality analysis. The survey was carried out in four subdistricts of the main nutmeg producing areas in Tanggamus Regency, namely Kota Agung-Timur, Gisting, Semaka, and Air-Naningan, in each area, 2-3 smallholder nutmeg plantations were assessed. The areas suitable for nutmeg development are Kota Agung-Timur, Gisting, and Semaka. The main supporting factor is water availability throughout the year, whereas the limiting factor are air humidity >75%, low organic C and CEC ≤16 cmol (+)/kg of soil, and erosion hazard due to a slope of >15%. Nutmeg productivity has potentials to be improved through technological innovation as current nutmeg cultivation is still conventional and does not use superior seeds, fertilizer and postharvest technology. On the other hand, the nutmeg seeds qualities have met SNI standards such as specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, soluble in alcohol, and chemical properties such as myristicin, α-pinene, sabinene, and safrole. Methyl eugenol is below the threshold of the European Pharmacopoeia standard and the α-pinene is better than nutmeg essential oil of produced from other regions. Keywords: nutmeg, land, physical and chemical qualities of nutmeg, Tanggamus of Lampung Province Abstrak Provinsi Lampung adalah salah satu daerah penghasil pala di pulau Sumatera. Saat ini pala merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor daerah tersebut. Mutu merupakan faktor penting dalam perdagangan pala global. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji prospek pengembangan tanaman pala berdasarkan analisis karakteristik lahan dan mutu hasil pala di Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei untuk mengkarak-terisasi lahan dan keragaan tanaman pala, serta melakukan tanya jawab dengan petani dan mengumpulkan biji pala untuk bahan analisis mutu. Survei dilaksanakan di empat daerah penghasil pala utama di Kabupaten Tanggamus, yaitu Kecamatan Kota Agung Timur, Gisting, Semaka dan Air Naningan. Di masing-masing kecamatan dikunjungi 2 - 3 kebun pala rakyat. Daerah yang cukup sesuai untuk pengembangan pala adalah Kota Agung Timur, Gisting, dan Semaka (Tanggamus bagian Barat). Faktor pendukung utama pertumbuhan dan produksi pala di daerah ini ialah air tersedia sepanjang tahun, sedangkan faktor pembatas adalah kelembapan udara >75%, kandungan C-organik tanah rendah, dan KTK tanah 16 cmol (+)/kg. Faktor pembatas lainnya adalah bahaya erosi tinggi yang disebabkan oleh kemiringan lahan >15%. Produksi dan mutu pala berpotensi ditingkatkan melalui inovasi teknologi karena budidaya pala masih bersifat konvensional, tanpa bibit unggul, pupuk dan teknologi pascapanen. Potensi lain adalah sifat fisik seperti berat jenis (BJ), indeks bias, putaran optik, kelarutan dalam alkohol, dan sifat kimia seperti kandungan miristisin, -pinen, sabinen, serta safrol biji pala Lampung telah memenuhi SNI. Metil eugenol sebagai senyawa karsinogenik terukur di bawah ambang batas ketetapan European Pharmacopoeia, dan kandungan -pinen terindikasi lebih baik dibanding di dalam minyak atsiri biji pala daerah lainnya di Indonesia. Kata kunci: pala, lahan, mutu fisik dan kimia pala, Tanggamus Provinsi Lampung
ABSTRAKProduktivitas kelapa sawit rakyat di Provinsi Lampung masih relatifrendah dibanding potens... more ABSTRAKProduktivitas kelapa sawit rakyat di Provinsi Lampung masih relatifrendah dibanding potensi produktivitas optimal. Berkenaan dengan hal itu,dari bulan Februari sampai dengan September 2012 dilakukan kajiandengan tujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik agroekologi dan teknispengelolaan kebun kelapa sawit rakyat yang berpeluang diperbaiki agarproduktivitas kebun kelapa sawit rakyat meningkat. Kebun kelapa sawitrakyat yang diidentifikasi dipilih secara acak di tujuh kabupaten diProvinsi Lampung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survei danwawancara petani. Rata-rata produksi tandan buah segar (TBS) kebunkelapa sawit rakyat di Lampung masih rendah (15 ton/hektar/tahun).Produksi ini berpeluang ditingkatkan melalui penerapan teknologi yangdapat mengatasi sifat-sifat agroekologi sebagai faktor pembataspertumbuhan dan produksi kelapa sawit, seperti ketersediaan air, retensihara, dan bahaya erosi. Teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasikendala tersebut antara lain membangun irigasi s...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The exploitation of peat soil considered enrich CO2 gas emissions in the atmosphere and contribut... more The exploitation of peat soil considered enrich CO2 gas emissions in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. The farmers in Jambi and Riau province have been cultivated Liberica coffee on peat soil since 1940. This study evaluated the effect of Liberica coffee cultivation to peat carbon conservation. The study was arranged as an observation method at the Liberica coffee tress aged 1) 4-6 years (young productive plants) and 2) > 10 years (mature productive plants). Each observation consisted of 16 trees. The results showed that the average CO2 emissions from the peat cultivated Liberica coffee around 23.7 Mg CO2/ha/year, while it from peat soil under natural forests were reported to be 20-40 Mg CO2/ha/year. The litters of the productive Liberica coffee trees return organic C to the peat about 0.35 to 4.7 Mg/ha/year. Compost of 13.5 Mg/ha of Liberica coffee cherries cascara and parchment, applied by farmers as a fertilizer also returned 7.38 Mg/ha/year of organic C, while ...
Tidal swampland is a marginal land that has significant potentials for the development of food cr... more Tidal swampland is a marginal land that has significant potentials for the development of food crops, although its exploration will face several constraints such as low pH, high content of iron (Fe2+), low phosphorus (P), shallow pyrite (FeS2) layer, high salinity, and excess water. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of biofertilizer and saturated soil cultivation in improving nutrient use efficiency and productivity of soybean in the tidal swamp. The field experiment was arranged in a splitsplit plot design with 2 x 3 x 4 treatments and 3 replications respectively. The treatment in the main plot was soybean cultivation techniques (B) consisting of farmer’s cultivation method (B1) and saturated soil cultivation (B2). The subplot treatment was soybean superior varieties consisting of Anjasmoro (V1), Argomulyo (V2) and Grobogan (V3) and the sub-subplot treatment was fertilization (P) consisting of a 100% of standard dose of NPK (P1) and the use of biological fer...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2016
Program upaya khusus (UPSUS) peningkatan produksi padi yang dicanangkan Kementerian Pertanian mem... more Program upaya khusus (UPSUS) peningkatan produksi padi yang dicanangkan Kementerian Pertanian memberi tugas kepada Provinsi Lampung untuk meningkatkan produksi padi dari 3,3 juta ton pada tahun 2014 menjadi 4,3 juta ton pada 2017. Tugas tersebut merupakan tantangan yang cukup berat bagi petani dan pengambil kebijakan di daerah tersebut karena permasalahan hasil pelaksanaan Program Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SL-PTT) di lahan sawah, program tersebut hanya mampu meningkatkan produktivitas padi 200–300 kg/ha. Peluang yang cukup terbuka tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal adalah pengembangan padi gogo di lahan kering suboptimal. Saat ini luas panen padi gogo baru 47.981 ha dan hasilnya berkontribusi sekitar 4,5% terhadap total produksi padi di Lampung. Luas panen padi gogo tersebut berpotensi ditingkatkan karena di daerah ini tersedia lahan kering yang sesuai untuk pengembangan padi gogo seluas 802.341 ha. Dengan perluasan areal tanam menjadi 100.000 ha dan peningk...
Agrivita Journal of Agricultural Science, Sep 10, 2009
... Pisang nangka rasanya agak manis keasam-asaman dan merupakan jenis pisang besar, dimana tingg... more ... Pisang nangka rasanya agak manis keasam-asaman dan merupakan jenis pisang besar, dimana tinggi tanaman bisa mencapai 3.5 m, kulit buah agak tebal, dan tetap ... Soil Management Requirements for Banana Production on the Heavy Soils Around Lake Victoria in Uganda. ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Gambier is the main export commodity of Kepulauan Riau and its quality is highly affected by soil... more Gambier is the main export commodity of Kepulauan Riau and its quality is highly affected by soil and climate characteristics. The research aim was to study potency of gambier crop based on the soil fertility evaluation and the quality of gambier products in Kundur, Kepulauan Riau. Study was conducted in Kundur Island, Kepulauan Riau from June to October 2018. The study method was a survey to characterize the land, identify the performance of gambier crop, and collect secondary data and gambier product samples. Results revealed that low to moderate soil fertility of the study area was indicated by low soil pH, total-N, P2O5, and K2O, low to moderate soil organic C and low to very low Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and CEC, sandy loam to sand clay loam soil texture. Evapotranspiration of productive gambier crop is moderately high causing water deficit in January, February, and March. Based on SNI, catechin content of gambier product from West and North Kundur (52.98 and 50.14%) meet the Quality Sta...
Cassava - Recent Updates on Food, Feed and Industry [Working Title]
Cassava is grown nowadays for use in food, feed, and industrial purposes. It is believed that the... more Cassava is grown nowadays for use in food, feed, and industrial purposes. It is believed that the agro-industrial sector, which uses cassava as a raw material, has more advanced farming technology for improving cassava production. Lampung province in Sumatra Island, Indonesia, is one of the cassava production centers for industrial raw materials, with a planted area of 256,632 ha in 2018. The planting areas are acid soils of Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Oxisols with pH levels ranging from 4.5 to 5.0. Acidic soils have a complicated set of plant growth-limiting constraints. Essential nutrients for plant growth, such as N, P, and K, as well as other cations, are often low due to leaching, nutrients fixed by Fe/Al oxides of clay minerals, and low soil cation exchange capacity. In these acid soils, cassava production ranges from 8 to 15 t ha−1 for traditional farming, 20–24 t ha−1 for semi-developed farming to 25–35 t ha−1 for advanced farming. Meanwhile, with numerous technological advan...
Food sovereignty is the rights of every nation to maintain and develop skills in producing basic ... more Food sovereignty is the rights of every nation to maintain and develop skills in producing basic foods, with respect for cultural and product diversity. The food sovereignty of a nation would be viable provided that the natural resources essential for plant growth are available and one of them is water. However, the increase of water demand far exceeds its availability, thus water shortage for agriculture with, as water is also needed by other organisms. As a tropical country, Indonesia has sufficient water supplies from both rainfall and groundwater. With good water management and conservation strategy, it should suffice the demand. Therefore, save the water movement as part of water sustainability program would highly contribute in achieving sustainable food production hence food sovereignty in the long run.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2021
Indonesia is currently still the world’s prime exporter of nutmeg. Meanwhile, the quality require... more Indonesia is currently still the world’s prime exporter of nutmeg. Meanwhile, the quality requirements demanded by the world market continue to increase that needs Indonesian intention seriously. This article reveals the performance of Indonesian and global nutmeg production, competitiveness and potential, challenges and opportunities of Indonesia to survive as the major world’s producer and supplier of nutmeg. In 2019, Indonesia produced 37 thousand tons and exported 20 thousand tons to fill 52 thousand tons of the nutmeg world market, with India (12 thousand tons), Sri Lanka (3 thousand tons), and other countries. Unfortunately, Indonesian nutmeg price is lower than Grenada and India, even European Union (EU), the USA, and Japan rejected Indonesian nutmeg 54 times from 2014 to 2016. Indonesia’s potential as a major producer of nutmeg is still good because this commodity is an indigenous plant of Indonesia, the land and climate are suitable for the nutmeg development, and the culti...
Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia ... more Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia industri yang sangat menunjang perekonomian Indonesia. Produk kelapa sawit yang sering ditemui di pasar antara lain minyak goreng, margarine, sabun dan sebagainya. Kelapa sawit dikembangkan oleh perkebunan negara, perkebunan besarswasta dan perkebunan rakyat. Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu provinsi yang mengembangkan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat. Pada tahun 2014 luas areal perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat 97.884ha atau 48,2% dari luas areal sawit Lampung dan pada tahun 2010 baru mencapai 80.538 ha, meningkat 21,54% dari luas areal tahun 2010 (BPS Lampung, 2015). Hal ini menunjukkan minat petani menanam kelapa sawitcukup tinggi. Bila dilihat dari produksi, pada tahun 2014produksi kelapa sawit sudah terjadi peningkatan produksi 5,90% (dari 162.827 ton pada tahun 2010 menjadi 172.427 ton pada tahun 2014), dengan peningkatan rata-rata per tahun sebesar 1,47%.
Tanah areal perkebunan Indonesia seluas 26,5 juta ha yang terdiri atas tanah mineral dan tanah ga... more Tanah areal perkebunan Indonesia seluas 26,5 juta ha yang terdiri atas tanah mineral dan tanah gambut, rentan mengalami kerusakan. Penyebabnya antara lain pengelolaan tanah berlebihan, penggunaan tidak sesuai dengan kelas kesesuaian lahan, dan pengembalian hara tidak berimbang. Kerusakan tanah juga didorong oleh sifat alam seperti curah hujan tinggi, topografi berlereng dan erodibilitas tanah tinggi. Tujuan penulisan artikel adalah membahas berbagai indikator kerusakan tanah pada lahan perkebunandan strategi pencegahan serta penanggulangannya. Indikator penilaian kerusakan sifat fisika, kimia dan biologi tanah mineral yang relatif baru adalah sealing/crusting (lapisan tanah tipis kedap air) , pemadatan tanah, kandungan logam berat dan residu pestisida, dan kandungan mikroba.Sedangkan pada tanah gambut seperti perubahan simpanan karbon, tingkat respirasi, emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK), tingkat kematangan gambut, perubahan tinggi muka air, subsidensi dan kontaminasi polutan. Untuk menghi...
Agricultural land in Lampung is the land of sub-optimal as acid dry land, rainfed areas and wetla... more Agricultural land in Lampung is the land of sub-optimal as acid dry land, rainfed areas and wetlands. A study was conducted to study the extent and distribution of the lands of sub-optimal, as well as the policies of local governments in land productivity improvement. Acid dry land area of 2.7 million ha spread with 1.23 million ha is recommended for the development of food crops. Rainfed areas reported an area of 121 thousand hectares, while the area of swamp land is 108 thousand hectares which consists of tidal marsh and swamp are 56 thousand ha and 52 thousand ha, respectively. Government policies to improve the productivity of acid dry land more focused on increasing productivity of plantation crops and horticulture. While policies to increase the productivity of food crops, especially rice is more focused on the rainfed areas and wetlands. Government policies to take advantage of dry land under stands of annual crops for the attainment of food self-sufficiency is not yet visibl...
One of the factors that affect the productivity of cacao plants is water availability. Water defi... more One of the factors that affect the productivity of cacao plants is water availability. Water deficit will negatively affect the development of cacao flowers and beans. Water stress is reported as one of the causes of low productivity on plantation crops in Lampung Province. The study was aimed to analyze the characteristics of agroecology and supplemental irrigation required for growth and production of cacao in Lampung. The research was carried out in the District of Pesawaran, Tanggamus, East Lampung, and South Lampung, Lampung Province, from 2012 to 2015. The study was conducted with the survey method and literature study for the collection of the primary and secondary data, related to the characteristics of the land agroecology. Geographically, the main cacao growing areas in this region is divided into two regions, western region consist of Pesawaran and Tanggamus District and east region comprise of East Lampung and South Lampung District. Based on agroecological zones, the pl...
Lampung Province is one of nutmeg-producing region in Sumatra. Today nutmeg is one of the region&... more Lampung Province is one of nutmeg-producing region in Sumatra. Today nutmeg is one of the region's export commodities. The quality is an important factor in global nutmeg trade. The aim of this study was to assess nutmeg development prospect by analyzing the land characteristics and the quality of nutmeg. The study utilized a survey method to characterize the land and performance of smallholder nutmeg plantations, to communicate with farmers and to sample some nutmeg seeds for quality analysis. The survey was carried out in four subdistricts of the main nutmeg producing areas in Tanggamus Regency, namely Kota Agung-Timur, Gisting, Semaka, and Air-Naningan, in each area, 2-3 smallholder nutmeg plantations were assessed. The areas suitable for nutmeg development are Kota Agung-Timur, Gisting, and Semaka. The main supporting factor is water availability throughout the year, whereas the limiting factor are air humidity >75%, low organic C and CEC ≤16 cmol (+)/kg of soil, and erosion hazard due to a slope of >15%. Nutmeg productivity has potentials to be improved through technological innovation as current nutmeg cultivation is still conventional and does not use superior seeds, fertilizer and postharvest technology. On the other hand, the nutmeg seeds qualities have met SNI standards such as specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, soluble in alcohol, and chemical properties such as myristicin, α-pinene, sabinene, and safrole. Methyl eugenol is below the threshold of the European Pharmacopoeia standard and the α-pinene is better than nutmeg essential oil of produced from other regions. Keywords: nutmeg, land, physical and chemical qualities of nutmeg, Tanggamus of Lampung Province Abstrak Provinsi Lampung adalah salah satu daerah penghasil pala di pulau Sumatera. Saat ini pala merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor daerah tersebut. Mutu merupakan faktor penting dalam perdagangan pala global. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji prospek pengembangan tanaman pala berdasarkan analisis karakteristik lahan dan mutu hasil pala di Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei untuk mengkarak-terisasi lahan dan keragaan tanaman pala, serta melakukan tanya jawab dengan petani dan mengumpulkan biji pala untuk bahan analisis mutu. Survei dilaksanakan di empat daerah penghasil pala utama di Kabupaten Tanggamus, yaitu Kecamatan Kota Agung Timur, Gisting, Semaka dan Air Naningan. Di masing-masing kecamatan dikunjungi 2 - 3 kebun pala rakyat. Daerah yang cukup sesuai untuk pengembangan pala adalah Kota Agung Timur, Gisting, dan Semaka (Tanggamus bagian Barat). Faktor pendukung utama pertumbuhan dan produksi pala di daerah ini ialah air tersedia sepanjang tahun, sedangkan faktor pembatas adalah kelembapan udara >75%, kandungan C-organik tanah rendah, dan KTK tanah 16 cmol (+)/kg. Faktor pembatas lainnya adalah bahaya erosi tinggi yang disebabkan oleh kemiringan lahan >15%. Produksi dan mutu pala berpotensi ditingkatkan melalui inovasi teknologi karena budidaya pala masih bersifat konvensional, tanpa bibit unggul, pupuk dan teknologi pascapanen. Potensi lain adalah sifat fisik seperti berat jenis (BJ), indeks bias, putaran optik, kelarutan dalam alkohol, dan sifat kimia seperti kandungan miristisin, -pinen, sabinen, serta safrol biji pala Lampung telah memenuhi SNI. Metil eugenol sebagai senyawa karsinogenik terukur di bawah ambang batas ketetapan European Pharmacopoeia, dan kandungan -pinen terindikasi lebih baik dibanding di dalam minyak atsiri biji pala daerah lainnya di Indonesia. Kata kunci: pala, lahan, mutu fisik dan kimia pala, Tanggamus Provinsi Lampung
ABSTRAKProduktivitas kelapa sawit rakyat di Provinsi Lampung masih relatifrendah dibanding potens... more ABSTRAKProduktivitas kelapa sawit rakyat di Provinsi Lampung masih relatifrendah dibanding potensi produktivitas optimal. Berkenaan dengan hal itu,dari bulan Februari sampai dengan September 2012 dilakukan kajiandengan tujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik agroekologi dan teknispengelolaan kebun kelapa sawit rakyat yang berpeluang diperbaiki agarproduktivitas kebun kelapa sawit rakyat meningkat. Kebun kelapa sawitrakyat yang diidentifikasi dipilih secara acak di tujuh kabupaten diProvinsi Lampung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survei danwawancara petani. Rata-rata produksi tandan buah segar (TBS) kebunkelapa sawit rakyat di Lampung masih rendah (15 ton/hektar/tahun).Produksi ini berpeluang ditingkatkan melalui penerapan teknologi yangdapat mengatasi sifat-sifat agroekologi sebagai faktor pembataspertumbuhan dan produksi kelapa sawit, seperti ketersediaan air, retensihara, dan bahaya erosi. Teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasikendala tersebut antara lain membangun irigasi s...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The exploitation of peat soil considered enrich CO2 gas emissions in the atmosphere and contribut... more The exploitation of peat soil considered enrich CO2 gas emissions in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. The farmers in Jambi and Riau province have been cultivated Liberica coffee on peat soil since 1940. This study evaluated the effect of Liberica coffee cultivation to peat carbon conservation. The study was arranged as an observation method at the Liberica coffee tress aged 1) 4-6 years (young productive plants) and 2) > 10 years (mature productive plants). Each observation consisted of 16 trees. The results showed that the average CO2 emissions from the peat cultivated Liberica coffee around 23.7 Mg CO2/ha/year, while it from peat soil under natural forests were reported to be 20-40 Mg CO2/ha/year. The litters of the productive Liberica coffee trees return organic C to the peat about 0.35 to 4.7 Mg/ha/year. Compost of 13.5 Mg/ha of Liberica coffee cherries cascara and parchment, applied by farmers as a fertilizer also returned 7.38 Mg/ha/year of organic C, while ...
Tidal swampland is a marginal land that has significant potentials for the development of food cr... more Tidal swampland is a marginal land that has significant potentials for the development of food crops, although its exploration will face several constraints such as low pH, high content of iron (Fe2+), low phosphorus (P), shallow pyrite (FeS2) layer, high salinity, and excess water. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of biofertilizer and saturated soil cultivation in improving nutrient use efficiency and productivity of soybean in the tidal swamp. The field experiment was arranged in a splitsplit plot design with 2 x 3 x 4 treatments and 3 replications respectively. The treatment in the main plot was soybean cultivation techniques (B) consisting of farmer’s cultivation method (B1) and saturated soil cultivation (B2). The subplot treatment was soybean superior varieties consisting of Anjasmoro (V1), Argomulyo (V2) and Grobogan (V3) and the sub-subplot treatment was fertilization (P) consisting of a 100% of standard dose of NPK (P1) and the use of biological fer...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2016
Program upaya khusus (UPSUS) peningkatan produksi padi yang dicanangkan Kementerian Pertanian mem... more Program upaya khusus (UPSUS) peningkatan produksi padi yang dicanangkan Kementerian Pertanian memberi tugas kepada Provinsi Lampung untuk meningkatkan produksi padi dari 3,3 juta ton pada tahun 2014 menjadi 4,3 juta ton pada 2017. Tugas tersebut merupakan tantangan yang cukup berat bagi petani dan pengambil kebijakan di daerah tersebut karena permasalahan hasil pelaksanaan Program Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SL-PTT) di lahan sawah, program tersebut hanya mampu meningkatkan produktivitas padi 200–300 kg/ha. Peluang yang cukup terbuka tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal adalah pengembangan padi gogo di lahan kering suboptimal. Saat ini luas panen padi gogo baru 47.981 ha dan hasilnya berkontribusi sekitar 4,5% terhadap total produksi padi di Lampung. Luas panen padi gogo tersebut berpotensi ditingkatkan karena di daerah ini tersedia lahan kering yang sesuai untuk pengembangan padi gogo seluas 802.341 ha. Dengan perluasan areal tanam menjadi 100.000 ha dan peningk...
Agrivita Journal of Agricultural Science, Sep 10, 2009
... Pisang nangka rasanya agak manis keasam-asaman dan merupakan jenis pisang besar, dimana tingg... more ... Pisang nangka rasanya agak manis keasam-asaman dan merupakan jenis pisang besar, dimana tinggi tanaman bisa mencapai 3.5 m, kulit buah agak tebal, dan tetap ... Soil Management Requirements for Banana Production on the Heavy Soils Around Lake Victoria in Uganda. ...
Papers by bariot hafif