Berbagai studi terhadap akademisi selama ini lebih banyak berfokus pada pendekatan patogenesis se... more Berbagai studi terhadap akademisi selama ini lebih banyak berfokus pada pendekatan patogenesis seperti penanganan stres atau beban kerja. Sementara itu, studi melalui kerangka salutogenesis seperti well-being masih jarang dilakukan, padahal hal tersebut penting untuk penguatan ketahanan psikologis dan peningkatan batas toleransi stres. Maka dari itu, riset kali ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengkaji kualitas well-being pada dosen dengan menggunakan konstruk PERMA: positive emotions, engagement, relationship, meaning dan accomplishment. Dalam penelitian ini, The PERMA Profiler digunakan untuk mengukur kesejahteraan psikologis 159 dosen UPI (pria= 50,31%; perempuan= 39,62%; tidak teridentifikasi= 10,06%) yang dipilih secara aksidental dari delapan fakultas. Hasil uji deskriptif menggambarkan bahwa mayoritas akademisi di UPI memiliki kualitas well-being yang cukup adekuat. Selain itu, analisis korelasional dengan menggunakan pearson pada setiap dimensi menunjukkan bahwa semua ...
This research aims to determine the psychometric properties of MDS3 (Maryland's Safety and Su... more This research aims to determine the psychometric properties of MDS3 (Maryland's Safety and Supportive School) school climate measurement tools which are adapted in Indonesian to high school students. The study participants consisted of 200 public and private high school students in Bandung. The MDS3 instrument in the English version translated into Indonesian consists of 56 items that have three dimensions namely Safety, Engagement and Environment. Psychometric analyzes such as item-total correlation, Alpha reliability, and exploratory factor analysis were performed as empirical evidence of the psychometric quality of this instrument. The results of this study indicated that the reliability of this instrument is high, 0.881 with item discrimination power or total-item correlations that are relatively weak in the Safety Dimension. Exploratory factor analysis also showed unsatisfactory results on the Safety dimension because many items are different from the model of the factor st...
This study aimed to determine the effect of positive emotions and brand equity on impulsive buyin... more This study aimed to determine the effect of positive emotions and brand equity on impulsive buying on female consumers. The research used the quantitative method with 414 female consumers. The instruments were the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale, Brand Equity Scale, and The Impulse Buying Tendency Scale. The data analysis techniques which is used in this research is multiple regression. The results show that positive emotions had no effect on impulsive buying. Furthermore this study also show that brand equity has a direct effect on impulsive buying
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal trisilas yang berasal... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal trisilas yang berasal dari falsafah budaya suku Sunda. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah masyarakat suku Sunda sebanyak 310 orang. Jumlah butir skala nilai kearifan lokal trisilas sebelum diujikan adalah 45 butir, lalu setelah diujikan berjumlah 17 butir. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis faktor yaitu dengan metode CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) untuk dapat menganalisis validitas konstruk. CFA ini digunakan untuk menguji model faktor alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal Trisilas berdasarkan pada indeks kecocokan parameter model fit. CFA menunjukkan kecocokan model yang baik diantaranya nilai RMSEA sebesar 0.066, nilai GFI sebesar 0.904 serta nilai CFI sebesar 0.890 yang mana seluruh parameter yang digunakan peneliti untuk menganalisis faktor alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal Trisilas telah sesuai dengan kriteria minimum nilai indeks kecocokan suatu model. Kata kunci: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, masyarakat ...
Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia (JP3I), 2019
The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of Team Trust Scale which is ad... more The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of Team Trust Scale which is adapted from Costa and Anderson (2011) in Indonesia. Team Trust Scale consist of 21 items with 4 dimensions is propensity to trust, perceived trustworthiness, cooperative behaviors and monitoring. The subject of this study is 572 workers that works within team in Indonesia. The result of confirmatory factor analysis show this scale’s model is good fit with fit indexes 0,07 (RMSEA), 0,04 (SRMR), 0,93 (CFI) dan 0,92 (TLI). Also for the result of convergent and discriminant validity show team trust scale that adapted to Indonesia is valid. For the reliability with coefficient Alpha Cronbach method is 0,930 and it show this scale is reliable. Moreover, this study using comparative test for characteristic of participants such work field, work period, position, amount personnel in unit and division/department. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas dan reliabilitas al...
This study aimed to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and communication satisfact... more This study aimed to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and communication satisfaction of organizational citizenship behavior of employees. This research used quantitative approach with correlational methods. The participants of this research was 300 employees in Bandung. The instruments were emotional intelligence (Goleman that modified by Muta’asifah (2013), communication satisfaction (Downs and Hazen, 1977), and organizational citizenship behavior (Kumar and Shah, 2015). The analysis of this research was multiple linier regression analysis. The result of this research showed that there is a effect of emotional intelligence and communication satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Bandung. In order to improve the aspects of this research that are still lacking, it is necessary to conduct training and counseling on employees.
Berbagai studi terhadap akademisi selama ini lebih banyak berfokus pada pendekatan patogenesis se... more Berbagai studi terhadap akademisi selama ini lebih banyak berfokus pada pendekatan patogenesis seperti penanganan stres atau beban kerja. Sementara itu, studi melalui kerangka salutogenesis seperti well-being masih jarang dilakukan, padahal hal tersebut penting untuk penguatan ketahanan psikologis dan peningkatan batas toleransi stres. Maka dari itu, riset kali ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengkaji kualitas well-being pada dosen dengan menggunakan konstruk PERMA: positive emotions, engagement, relationship, meaning dan accomplishment. Dalam penelitian ini, The PERMA Profiler digunakan untuk mengukur kesejahteraan psikologis 159 dosen UPI (pria= 50,31%; perempuan= 39,62%; tidak teridentifikasi= 10,06%) yang dipilih secara aksidental dari delapan fakultas. Hasil uji deskriptif menggambarkan bahwa mayoritas akademisi di UPI memiliki kualitas well-being yang cukup adekuat. Selain itu, analisis korelasional dengan menggunakan pearson pada setiap dimensi menunjukkan bahwa semua ...
This research aims to determine the psychometric properties of MDS3 (Maryland's Safety and Su... more This research aims to determine the psychometric properties of MDS3 (Maryland's Safety and Supportive School) school climate measurement tools which are adapted in Indonesian to high school students. The study participants consisted of 200 public and private high school students in Bandung. The MDS3 instrument in the English version translated into Indonesian consists of 56 items that have three dimensions namely Safety, Engagement and Environment. Psychometric analyzes such as item-total correlation, Alpha reliability, and exploratory factor analysis were performed as empirical evidence of the psychometric quality of this instrument. The results of this study indicated that the reliability of this instrument is high, 0.881 with item discrimination power or total-item correlations that are relatively weak in the Safety Dimension. Exploratory factor analysis also showed unsatisfactory results on the Safety dimension because many items are different from the model of the factor st...
This study aimed to determine the effect of positive emotions and brand equity on impulsive buyin... more This study aimed to determine the effect of positive emotions and brand equity on impulsive buying on female consumers. The research used the quantitative method with 414 female consumers. The instruments were the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale, Brand Equity Scale, and The Impulse Buying Tendency Scale. The data analysis techniques which is used in this research is multiple regression. The results show that positive emotions had no effect on impulsive buying. Furthermore this study also show that brand equity has a direct effect on impulsive buying
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal trisilas yang berasal... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal trisilas yang berasal dari falsafah budaya suku Sunda. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah masyarakat suku Sunda sebanyak 310 orang. Jumlah butir skala nilai kearifan lokal trisilas sebelum diujikan adalah 45 butir, lalu setelah diujikan berjumlah 17 butir. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis faktor yaitu dengan metode CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) untuk dapat menganalisis validitas konstruk. CFA ini digunakan untuk menguji model faktor alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal Trisilas berdasarkan pada indeks kecocokan parameter model fit. CFA menunjukkan kecocokan model yang baik diantaranya nilai RMSEA sebesar 0.066, nilai GFI sebesar 0.904 serta nilai CFI sebesar 0.890 yang mana seluruh parameter yang digunakan peneliti untuk menganalisis faktor alat ukur nilai kearifan lokal Trisilas telah sesuai dengan kriteria minimum nilai indeks kecocokan suatu model. Kata kunci: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, masyarakat ...
Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia (JP3I), 2019
The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of Team Trust Scale which is ad... more The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of Team Trust Scale which is adapted from Costa and Anderson (2011) in Indonesia. Team Trust Scale consist of 21 items with 4 dimensions is propensity to trust, perceived trustworthiness, cooperative behaviors and monitoring. The subject of this study is 572 workers that works within team in Indonesia. The result of confirmatory factor analysis show this scale’s model is good fit with fit indexes 0,07 (RMSEA), 0,04 (SRMR), 0,93 (CFI) dan 0,92 (TLI). Also for the result of convergent and discriminant validity show team trust scale that adapted to Indonesia is valid. For the reliability with coefficient Alpha Cronbach method is 0,930 and it show this scale is reliable. Moreover, this study using comparative test for characteristic of participants such work field, work period, position, amount personnel in unit and division/department. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas dan reliabilitas al...
This study aimed to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and communication satisfact... more This study aimed to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and communication satisfaction of organizational citizenship behavior of employees. This research used quantitative approach with correlational methods. The participants of this research was 300 employees in Bandung. The instruments were emotional intelligence (Goleman that modified by Muta’asifah (2013), communication satisfaction (Downs and Hazen, 1977), and organizational citizenship behavior (Kumar and Shah, 2015). The analysis of this research was multiple linier regression analysis. The result of this research showed that there is a effect of emotional intelligence and communication satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Bandung. In order to improve the aspects of this research that are still lacking, it is necessary to conduct training and counseling on employees.
Papers by diah wyandini