Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1998
A high-resolution seismic tomography of Mt.Vesuvius was started in May 1994, with the aim of reco... more A high-resolution seismic tomography of Mt.Vesuvius was started in May 1994, with the aim of reconstructing the detailed shallow crustal structure underneath the volcano and define its feeding system. The first phase of the experiment was to perform a 2D profile, using three underground explosions as active sources. Data from controlled sources and Ž microearthquakes were jointly used to determine the shallow structure of the volcano. A high-velocity body Vp s 3.5-4. kmrs was identified at about 2 km beneath the Somma-Caldera. It is likely to represent a sub-volcanic structure, formed by a dense network of solidified dikes. A prominent converted P-to-S phase at about 10 km of depth indicates the occurrence of a sharp transition to a very low-velocity zone. This may represent the top of an extended magmatic reservoir.
since over a century the Calabrian region is going through a period of relative seismic quietness... more since over a century the Calabrian region is going through a period of relative seismic quietness, its seismic hazard is at the highest levels in the Mediterranean basin due to several catastrophic earthquakes present in the historical records. In consideration of the mass movements described above, a gravity recording station was installed in Cosenza (Fig. 1) in order to contribute to the geophysical monitoring of this seismic region. The recorded signals could allow in fact to reveal tidal anomalies correlated with the difference between some local feature of the lithosphere and/or geodynamic activity and the corresponding characteristics of the models used to calculate the reference gravity tide. Albano et al. (2014) present and discuss the results of the analysis of less than two years
The present work is supported and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Res... more The present work is supported and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the research project PON01-02710 "MASSIMO" - "Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di SIstemi MOnumentali".
The sea level perturbations generated by the large M 9.0, Tohoku-Oki earthquake of March, 11th, 2... more The sea level perturbations generated by the large M 9.0, Tohoku-Oki earthquake of March, 11th, 2011, in the Mediterranean sea, have been investigated by tide gauge data. The tidal records, acquired by 26 stations located along the coast of Italy, managed by ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), have been analyzed through the Empirical Mode Decomposition. After an inverse barometric correction was applied and considered the effects of wind velocity and direction at the tidal stations, we found that the abrupt changes in amplitude and frequency of the tide, which lasted for several hours, were caused by the arrival of the perturbations at the recording stations, approximately 40-50 hours after the main shock and about 13 hours after its arrival at Gibraltar, namely about 45 hours after the origin time of the earthquake. In particular, this tsunami caused two main effects in the Mediterranean: the generation of frequency fluctuations, that destabilized the diurn...
Abstract In this paper, the non-invasive system MASSIMO is presented for the monitoring and the s... more Abstract In this paper, the non-invasive system MASSIMO is presented for the monitoring and the seismic vulnerability mitigation of the cultural heritage. It integrates ground-based, airborne and spaceborne remote sensing tools with geophysical and in situ surveys to provide the multi-spatial (regional, urban and building scales) and multi-temporal (long-term, short-term, near-real-time and real-time scales) monitoring of test areas and buildings. The measurements are integrated through web-based GIS and 3D visual platforms to support decision-making stakeholders involved in urban planning and structural requalification. An application of this system is presented over the Calabria region for the town of Cosenza and a test historical complex.
Il presente lavoro e finanziato dal Ministero dell'Universita, dell'Istruzione e della Ri... more Il presente lavoro e finanziato dal Ministero dell'Universita, dell'Istruzione e della Ricerca (MIUR) nell'ambito del programma PON R&C 2007-2013 che finanzia al 100% il progetto PON "MASSIMO"-"Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di Sistemi Monumentali"
L’installazione e gestione di una rete di sismografi finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità ... more L’installazione e gestione di una rete di sismografi finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità della Calabria risale agli inizi degli anni ‘70, quando furono attribuiti come compiti prima all’IRPI-CNR e quindi al Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università della Calabria (UniCal). Tuttavia le prime stazioni furono attivate solo a partire dal 1978, sostanzialmente nell’ambito del Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica (PFG). La crescita della struttura fu rallentata dalla carenza di personale tecnico, problema che tuttora rappresenta una difficoltà e, dopo la chiusura del PFG, anche di risorse finanziarie. La strumentazione che era stata acquisita nelle fasi precedenti, integrata anche con un contributo concesso una tantum dalla Regione Calabria, portò alla realizzazione verso la metà degli anni ‘80 della rete rappresentata in Figura 1, nel periodo della sua massima espansione. Si trattava di una rete analogica con sensori a sola componente verticale; la trasmissione dei segnali ...
The Calabrian Arc is an area of high seismic hazard, in the past often affected by destructive ea... more The Calabrian Arc is an area of high seismic hazard, in the past often affected by destructive earthquakes. The seismicity of the Calabrian region is monitored by the Italian National Seismic Network integrated by the Calabrian Regional one and, in the last three years, by the Pollino temporary array. We have applied the Seismic Network Evaluation through Simulation to assess the individual contribution of each network in locating earthquakes with epicentres in the Calabrian region and surrounding. We shows that the Calabrian Regional Seismic Network greatly improves the quality of the coverage in almost the Calabria territory except in the Crotone Basin, in the Serre and in the offshore areas. We show that the contribution of the Pollino temporary array is instead restricted to a very small area centred on the Pollino Chain. Due to the presence in the Serre of important seismogenic volumes, which in the past have generated destructive earthquakes, it would be opportune to add at least several seismic stations in this area and surrounding to improve the seismic monitoring.
... Page 2. 206 i>]i;r paolo <;. bruno hi alii 40"40f Fin. I - Location ol ilio andini... more ... Page 2. 206 i>]i;r paolo <;. bruno hi alii 40"40f Fin. I - Location ol ilio andini shots (MC94-30) ami of the-OVO iht'ee-component recording station. ... Lei., 16(1). 1317-1320. FlNETTi I. (¿ Morelli С. (1974) - l-splorazioiie sismica a ri/lessio/te dei (ìoljì di Napoli e Pozzuoli. Boll. Geol. ...
The Phlegraean Fields are a densely inhabited volcanic area which includcs part of the city of Na... more The Phlegraean Fields are a densely inhabited volcanic area which includcs part of the city of Napoli. During the past 2,000 year~ it has been ~ubject to slow vertical movements (bradyscisms). A rapid uplift was observed in early 1970, which caused alarm in the population. Ground deformation started to be monitorcd by means of tide gauge observations and topographic levelling, making it possible to define the area interested in the phenomenon and to outline the pattern of deformation. Vertical deformation data are well fitted by radially symmetric sources, such as 1he Mogi's model, while horizo,ntal deformation data are best fitted by a linear source model. Contemporaneously. a tight seismic network was installed in the area. The frcquency of seismic events and the released energies have shown that the seismicity of the volcanic area is very low. Seismic activity evolved both with regard to the relative occurrence rate of various kinds of shock and to the distribution of epicentres. The values of the Ishimoto-Iida coefficient, calculated for three kinds ol shock, show that the focal medium is very heterogeneous down to a depth of a few kilometrcs. Observations suggest that the origin of the ground uplift can be attributed to the intinasion of magmatic masses. This hypothesis is coherent with data and is supported by structural information. Available data allow a rough estimation of the maximum magnitude possible for an earthquake with epicenter in the Phlegraean Fields.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1998
A high-resolution seismic tomography of Mt.Vesuvius was started in May 1994, with the aim of reco... more A high-resolution seismic tomography of Mt.Vesuvius was started in May 1994, with the aim of reconstructing the detailed shallow crustal structure underneath the volcano and define its feeding system. The first phase of the experiment was to perform a 2D profile, using three underground explosions as active sources. Data from controlled sources and Ž microearthquakes were jointly used to determine the shallow structure of the volcano. A high-velocity body Vp s 3.5-4. kmrs was identified at about 2 km beneath the Somma-Caldera. It is likely to represent a sub-volcanic structure, formed by a dense network of solidified dikes. A prominent converted P-to-S phase at about 10 km of depth indicates the occurrence of a sharp transition to a very low-velocity zone. This may represent the top of an extended magmatic reservoir.
since over a century the Calabrian region is going through a period of relative seismic quietness... more since over a century the Calabrian region is going through a period of relative seismic quietness, its seismic hazard is at the highest levels in the Mediterranean basin due to several catastrophic earthquakes present in the historical records. In consideration of the mass movements described above, a gravity recording station was installed in Cosenza (Fig. 1) in order to contribute to the geophysical monitoring of this seismic region. The recorded signals could allow in fact to reveal tidal anomalies correlated with the difference between some local feature of the lithosphere and/or geodynamic activity and the corresponding characteristics of the models used to calculate the reference gravity tide. Albano et al. (2014) present and discuss the results of the analysis of less than two years
The present work is supported and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Res... more The present work is supported and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the research project PON01-02710 "MASSIMO" - "Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di SIstemi MOnumentali".
The sea level perturbations generated by the large M 9.0, Tohoku-Oki earthquake of March, 11th, 2... more The sea level perturbations generated by the large M 9.0, Tohoku-Oki earthquake of March, 11th, 2011, in the Mediterranean sea, have been investigated by tide gauge data. The tidal records, acquired by 26 stations located along the coast of Italy, managed by ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), have been analyzed through the Empirical Mode Decomposition. After an inverse barometric correction was applied and considered the effects of wind velocity and direction at the tidal stations, we found that the abrupt changes in amplitude and frequency of the tide, which lasted for several hours, were caused by the arrival of the perturbations at the recording stations, approximately 40-50 hours after the main shock and about 13 hours after its arrival at Gibraltar, namely about 45 hours after the origin time of the earthquake. In particular, this tsunami caused two main effects in the Mediterranean: the generation of frequency fluctuations, that destabilized the diurn...
Abstract In this paper, the non-invasive system MASSIMO is presented for the monitoring and the s... more Abstract In this paper, the non-invasive system MASSIMO is presented for the monitoring and the seismic vulnerability mitigation of the cultural heritage. It integrates ground-based, airborne and spaceborne remote sensing tools with geophysical and in situ surveys to provide the multi-spatial (regional, urban and building scales) and multi-temporal (long-term, short-term, near-real-time and real-time scales) monitoring of test areas and buildings. The measurements are integrated through web-based GIS and 3D visual platforms to support decision-making stakeholders involved in urban planning and structural requalification. An application of this system is presented over the Calabria region for the town of Cosenza and a test historical complex.
Il presente lavoro e finanziato dal Ministero dell'Universita, dell'Istruzione e della Ri... more Il presente lavoro e finanziato dal Ministero dell'Universita, dell'Istruzione e della Ricerca (MIUR) nell'ambito del programma PON R&C 2007-2013 che finanzia al 100% il progetto PON "MASSIMO"-"Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di Sistemi Monumentali"
L’installazione e gestione di una rete di sismografi finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità ... more L’installazione e gestione di una rete di sismografi finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità della Calabria risale agli inizi degli anni ‘70, quando furono attribuiti come compiti prima all’IRPI-CNR e quindi al Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università della Calabria (UniCal). Tuttavia le prime stazioni furono attivate solo a partire dal 1978, sostanzialmente nell’ambito del Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica (PFG). La crescita della struttura fu rallentata dalla carenza di personale tecnico, problema che tuttora rappresenta una difficoltà e, dopo la chiusura del PFG, anche di risorse finanziarie. La strumentazione che era stata acquisita nelle fasi precedenti, integrata anche con un contributo concesso una tantum dalla Regione Calabria, portò alla realizzazione verso la metà degli anni ‘80 della rete rappresentata in Figura 1, nel periodo della sua massima espansione. Si trattava di una rete analogica con sensori a sola componente verticale; la trasmissione dei segnali ...
The Calabrian Arc is an area of high seismic hazard, in the past often affected by destructive ea... more The Calabrian Arc is an area of high seismic hazard, in the past often affected by destructive earthquakes. The seismicity of the Calabrian region is monitored by the Italian National Seismic Network integrated by the Calabrian Regional one and, in the last three years, by the Pollino temporary array. We have applied the Seismic Network Evaluation through Simulation to assess the individual contribution of each network in locating earthquakes with epicentres in the Calabrian region and surrounding. We shows that the Calabrian Regional Seismic Network greatly improves the quality of the coverage in almost the Calabria territory except in the Crotone Basin, in the Serre and in the offshore areas. We show that the contribution of the Pollino temporary array is instead restricted to a very small area centred on the Pollino Chain. Due to the presence in the Serre of important seismogenic volumes, which in the past have generated destructive earthquakes, it would be opportune to add at least several seismic stations in this area and surrounding to improve the seismic monitoring.
... Page 2. 206 i>]i;r paolo <;. bruno hi alii 40"40f Fin. I - Location ol ilio andini... more ... Page 2. 206 i>]i;r paolo <;. bruno hi alii 40"40f Fin. I - Location ol ilio andini shots (MC94-30) ami of the-OVO iht'ee-component recording station. ... Lei., 16(1). 1317-1320. FlNETTi I. (¿ Morelli С. (1974) - l-splorazioiie sismica a ri/lessio/te dei (ìoljì di Napoli e Pozzuoli. Boll. Geol. ...
The Phlegraean Fields are a densely inhabited volcanic area which includcs part of the city of Na... more The Phlegraean Fields are a densely inhabited volcanic area which includcs part of the city of Napoli. During the past 2,000 year~ it has been ~ubject to slow vertical movements (bradyscisms). A rapid uplift was observed in early 1970, which caused alarm in the population. Ground deformation started to be monitorcd by means of tide gauge observations and topographic levelling, making it possible to define the area interested in the phenomenon and to outline the pattern of deformation. Vertical deformation data are well fitted by radially symmetric sources, such as 1he Mogi's model, while horizo,ntal deformation data are best fitted by a linear source model. Contemporaneously. a tight seismic network was installed in the area. The frcquency of seismic events and the released energies have shown that the seismicity of the volcanic area is very low. Seismic activity evolved both with regard to the relative occurrence rate of various kinds of shock and to the distribution of epicentres. The values of the Ishimoto-Iida coefficient, calculated for three kinds ol shock, show that the focal medium is very heterogeneous down to a depth of a few kilometrcs. Observations suggest that the origin of the ground uplift can be attributed to the intinasion of magmatic masses. This hypothesis is coherent with data and is supported by structural information. Available data allow a rough estimation of the maximum magnitude possible for an earthquake with epicenter in the Phlegraean Fields.
Papers by ignazio guerra