Papers by khalida H. Tisgam
Tağsīr, Jun 9, 2024
تُعد البينيّة أمرًا لازِمًا بسبب تعقّد الأنظمة المعقّدة، وبتحديد أكبر، بسبب بنْيتها أو سلوكها؛ فط... more تُعد البينيّة أمرًا لازِمًا بسبب تعقّد الأنظمة المعقّدة، وبتحديد أكبر، بسبب بنْيتها أو سلوكها؛ فطبيعة هذه الأنظمة تقدمُ مُسوِّغاً منطقيًا للقيام بدراسة بينيّة. وتتولد عن فحص الأنظمة المعقّدة رؤىً جديدة تخصّ ممارسة الدراسة البينيّة، والتحقق من صِدق مبادئ سلوك البحث البينيّ التي تحظى بقبولٍ واسع. وتعمل الأنظمة المعقّدة أيضًا على توحيد مقاربات دراسة الإنسانيات والعلوم بينيًّا مع أنها تبدو مُتباعدة ظاهريًّا. والأهم من ذلك كله، أننا في هذه الدراسة نسلط الضوء على طابع الدراسات البينيّة المميّز والعصيّ على الوصف في الوقت نفسه، وأعني بذلك التركيب أو الاندماج، وذلك من خلال تناول نمط التنظيم الذاتي المتفرد الذي يتسم به النظام المعقّد
تجسي.ر, Jun 21, 2023
The developments in Translation Studies have been well recognized recently. Scholars in this fiel... more The developments in Translation Studies have been well recognized recently. Scholars in this field have concerned themselves with studying the relationship between political, social, economic and cognitive factors and translation. The ideological factor did not receive due consideration from academicians and researchers until recently, after the strongly emergent issue of "translation policy." Accordingly, this paper aims to investigate the significant role of ideology in translation. The paper adopts a descriptive approach, and takes as its basis Amanda Gorman's poem, "The Hill We Climb." The resulting sharp divide among two camps of translators and those concerned with translation will be spotlighted: those who view ideology as a means of devastation that has brought translation into disrepute to the extent they declare the end of translation, and those who consider ideology as an act of resistance and a proof of existence.
AL-Lisaniyyat, Dec 26, 2005
Humor is one of the most defining aspects of humanity. It is an integral part of everyday communi... more Humor is one of the most defining aspects of humanity. It is an integral part of everyday communication and an important component of so many literary works, films, art and mass entertainment. When trying to translate cultural humor, opaque elements and language-specific devices are expected to make the translator's work difficult, while some elements are ultimately not transferred at all. So, why does one translate a cultural humour? Usually, he does so in order to convey a message to someone whose culture and language differ from one’s own and thus prevent direct communication. This study sets out to provide evidence for the hypothesis that jokes that are bound to a specific culture lose their humorous aspect when translated literally into standard Arabic. Hence, the source culture can be substituted by the target one which shares the same aspect in a way that preserves their humorous aspect. The reason why jokes have been chosen among various humorous situations is that jokes are more formalized and more readily diffusible than the other forms of humour. It is found here that if the targets are funny in their own culture but not in the TL, a translator may invent new target-culture based jokes, instead of translating the original. ح بد عدل ة ديلشبد تلفدزلباددمدةلحد ةباعدلاددعت . ل زةدد عدل ديدةتعدلفدزلتشدءت لجليشدءلةدهنإ ب يةدزءعدل ةديتجدةلفد عدةلملافلأدةلح الأدل ةزبلأدلفزلب ثكعدلفزلمهزلبينبة . ل ةبد عدلادنبة لحد فةفثعدلحد ةباعدلحدزءبت ( ةدزلحدفةفث لحديةخعدل ت ) لبديةنععدلفدزلبد ثكعدل دعءتلفتلند ةتزعدلفدزلفندف حضزةغعد ل لبديةنععدل دع ل فتنتلفعلةزن لبب سبلمءبتزعدلحزهزلفزلًدبيملحغلعة لحيةخعدل ئةسةعدة ببزعةد . لحعةدسبل دفنلحد غ ل باةدب لغدع،ل دع ل،دنإلفحد فةفثعدلحد ةباعدلحدزءبتليبدزلعل دغ ن ل ي مدعل ،د لبة Translating Cultural Humour: Theory and Practice ............ 2 ب ة زعدل ةيتجدلق بط لًةفئةبلفةكتلد، ةل،تفةفثةل،تغعلفبل،تغعةل،تفةفثلفلتختلصخ ع . ،يلىعست له لمءبدتتلةدزن ملةده فلحد ةباعدلةدنةءلادف تلةدزلحدفةفث لببةديمزعدل ةدكنعدلفتلىدلبل عادعدلم افتعلحسدباعد ل بددختلحددفةفث لبادديزعدلحددفةفثعدل دا تددسدلفةددكزاة لفنددفلد،دد ةل حم ددي عدلحدد بععدلحددغلعدلىددعإلًةدد فبم ةه فلح ةباعدلةنةءلىلبلظفةمتلحف بط ل،س نلةنةءعدلةيبطة ت . دكنعدلبة تخدلة سلاةع ة لف د لفدزل ة ل ةكد تلحد ف لفدزلًدبةد تندلبدثكتةلحضةتل ك ل د،ل ةكنعدلفتلةيل بخلأدلح ةباعدلةندةءلفزلب ثكعد بخلأدلح ةباعد . ل دفل دعةلباديزعدلةدهتفةفثل دفلحد بطل ةدكنعدل دنةكلد،إل،دنتلحدسدباعدل اءةلا ة ادد لفادهعدلحدفةفثعدلفدزلحدلثةززل ةدكن ل تاد لفتلمءبدتزلعلفدكز ل،دئانعفل فادهعدلحدفةفثعد لحدزءبتلفدزلًج
The current study investigates the significance of performative speech acts for translating Nahju... more The current study investigates the significance of performative speech acts for translating Nahjul Balagha. Attempting to accredit the claim that performatives are essential for understanding the intended meaning of a text is, speech act theory is employed to show that the different functions of performative acts must be considered in translation. For the elucidation of the potential of this theory, this study employs Searle’s taxonomy. The main question of this study is: How does Imam Ali (A.S.) employs performatives in his letters? In relation to this, the present study aims to see how Imam Ali’s performative acts in Nahjul Balagha are interpreted and then translated into English. To achieve this aim, the study qualitatively analyzes five selected letters from Nahjul Balagha with their English translation by Reza (2003) by comparing the performative function in the source text with the English target text. The results of this study attested the significance of performatives for tr...
Journal of College of Education for Women, 2019
Many translators, though flattered at being invited to teach a course at a university, are hesita... more Many translators, though flattered at being invited to teach a course at a university, are hesitant to accept the position due to their lack of pedagogical knowledge. Many problems regarding teaching translation arise from the fact that a great number of experienced and skilled translators who have been asked to teach beginner translators believe that translation is learned by experience and personal intuition and can by no means be taught in the classroom. Many of them also believe that translation theories are all of no use. On the opposite extreme are people who argue that translation is or (can) become an exact science like any other. Accordingly, one can ask the following questions: Is translation teachable at all? It is better to first define what the real nature of translation is; is it a science, an art or a craft? (Because it is only then that one can decide whether it is something to be taught in the classroom like any other field of study and with the same existing teaching methods.) Do translators need to be taught in the art or science of translation? Is it possible to train a translator in a classroom? The present study deals firstly with some theoretical reflections on the translation process and the various approaches to teaching translation. Secondly, it attempts to answer the above questions. Then, a course for translation is designed and described. Besides, it suggests some guidelines concerning how to design a translation course that is based mainly on the university students' needs, the best way to choose such a course and the errors that may be made by a course designer. Finally, it tries to identify the suitable procedures in the translation process and in the translation course itself in order to hopefully lead to more understanding of the learning and teaching of translation and gives the possible recommendations in this respect.
Journal of College of Education for Women, 2019
Translating poetry is considered one of the most complicated types of translations. It encounters... more Translating poetry is considered one of the most complicated types of translations. It encounters many difficulties, the most important of which is the question of possibility or impossibility of translating poetry. So, it is better to start by asking the following question: is the translation of poetry possible? Or is it impossible? It is definitely a rhetorical question because translation is as old as the presence of translated texts, which fills the shelves of libraries. One can ask despite these difficulties, who would discourage people of the world from translating poetry merely because it is fundamentally impossible? (Mann, 1970: 211) The present paper will elaborate, in more detail, upon the necessary traits of translation and poetry, and will seek the intellectual attitudes that deal with the issue of the possibility or impossibility of translating poetry by representing the views with or against the translation of poetry, as well as shedding some light on the problematic i...
لارك, 2019
الملخص نحن نعيش في عالم يتغير باستمرار يستعمل فيه الناس لغات مختلفة ليتواصلوا بنجاح إلا أن هذا ال... more الملخص نحن نعيش في عالم يتغير باستمرار يستعمل فيه الناس لغات مختلفة ليتواصلوا بنجاح إلا أن هذا التواصل لا يكون مثمراً دائماً لأن الكثير من مستعملي اللغات يستعملون وسيلة تعبير مختلفة؛ فهم أحياناً يستعملون معنى حرفياً لما يقصدونه حقاً ويستعملون، في أحيان أخرى، اللغة على نحو مبهم تتطلب إضاءة من نوع ما، ولاسيّما حينما تُستعمل اللغة مجازياً. وتتحقق هذه الإضاءة عبر الترجمة. يهدف هذا البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على حالات معينة تم فيها ترجمة تعابير مجازية باللغة الإنجليزية حرفياً إلى اللغة العربية انطلاقاً من توصية شهيرة في نظرية الترجمة تفيد بوجوب عدم ترجمة اللغة المجازية ترجمة حرفية على الإطلاق لأن هكذا نوع من الترجمة يُعدّ أسوء طريقة ترجمة. كما يدرس بعض المقتطفات من قصة قصيرة لأوسكار وايلد بهدف تحليل لغتها والكيفية التي تم بها نقلها، فضلاً عن تبيان خيارات المترجمين عندما ترجما النص الأصل نفسه والكيفية التي يؤدي بها الافتقار للمعرفة الدلالية إلى ترجمة سيئة.
Translating poetry is considered one of the most complicated types of translations. It encounters... more Translating poetry is considered one of the most complicated types of translations. It encounters many difficulties, the most important of which is the question of possibility or impossibility of translating poetry. So, it is better to start by asking the following question: is the translation of poetry possible? Or is it impossible? It is definitely a rhetorical question because translation is as old as the presence of translated texts, which fills the shelves of libraries. One can ask despite these difficulties, who would discourage people of the world from translating poetry merely because it is fundamentally impossible? (Mann, 1970: 211) The present paper will elaborate, in more detail, upon the necessary traits of translation and poetry, and will seek the intellectual attitudes that deal with the issue of the possibility or impossibility of translating poetry by representing the views with or against the translation of poetry, as well as shedding some light on the problematic i...
With the aim of investigating the lexical cohesive devices, a short story from the American liter... more With the aim of investigating the lexical cohesive devices, a short story from the American literature; namely, ―The Tell-Tale Heart‖ by Edgar Allan Poe, is tackled as the data of study. The study adopts the framework of Halliday and Hasan‘s (1976) by which two major categories of lexical cohesion; reiteration and collocation are examined. To make the investigation possible, a full explanation of the lexical cohesive devices in both English and Arabic is presented to have a vivid image of the differences and similarities between them and to discuss their possible effect on translation. A mixture of qualitative and quantitative research method is employed to calculate the frequencies of each device in Poe‘s ―The Tell Tale Heart‖ and Al-Halawani‘s (2015) Arabic rendition and their percentages. The results obtained reveal that lexical cohesion in Poe‘s short story is founded on repetition, synonymy and collocation but the inadequate command of these devices by the translator leads to t...
Books by khalida H. Tisgam
الحلقة النقدية الأدب والتاريخ والهرمنيوطيقا الفلسفية تأليف ديفيد كوزنز هوي, 2005
This chapter is part of a translated book, The Critical Circle, on philosophical hermeneutics, in... more This chapter is part of a translated book, The Critical Circle, on philosophical hermeneutics, in general, and Hans-Georg Gadamer in particular. It states that the understanding of any content cannot be achieved only by reference to the individual parts and every individual part cannot be understood only by reference to the whole content. That is why it is called a circle.
Papers by khalida H. Tisgam
Books by khalida H. Tisgam