Teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte hayatimiza giren mobil cihazlar, toplumsal yapida en yaygin kull... more Teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte hayatimiza giren mobil cihazlar, toplumsal yapida en yaygin kullanim alanina sahip teknolojik cihazlar haline gelmistir. Mobil cihazlar yuksek islem kapasiteleri ve her gecen gun gelisen yeni ozellikleriyle birlikte buyuk ilgi cekmektedir. Son on yilda uretilen mobil cihazlarla, bir bilgisayar ile yapilabilecek hemen hemen tum islemler gerceklestirilebilmektedir. Mobil cihazlarin bu asiri kullanimlari toplumda bir bagimlilik haline gelmektedir. Bu calismada genclerin mobil cihazlara bagimlilik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla online anket metodu ile genclerin yogun oldugu universite ogrencilerinden veri toplanmistir. Arastirmada 261 katilimcidan kolayda ornekleme metodu ile elde edilen veriler amaca uygun istatistik programinda analiz edilmistir. Arastirmada guvenilirlik analizi, frekans analizi ve faktor analizi yapilmistir. Sonuc olarak, genclerin mobil bagimlilik duzeyini etkileyen baslica faktorler tespit edilmistir.
Balance and gait analyzes are of great importance in the diagnosis of orthopedic diseases affecti... more Balance and gait analyzes are of great importance in the diagnosis of orthopedic diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system. Pedobarography devices, which have an important place in the analysis of walking signs, are frequently used in neurology, orthopedics, physical therapy and rehabilitation fields. Designed for study, the pedobarography device simultaneously transmits the dynamic walking signals of the persons to the computer environment wirelessly. On the computer interface, incoming data is analyzed by the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The dominance of the frequency bands in which the energy density ratio of the approach and detail coefficients of the main signal divided into the lower frequency regions is obtained. The forms of walking through the approach and detail coefficients have been analyzed within themselves. Distinguishing features of slow, normal and fast walking modes can be shown between D1 (between 7.5 Hz and 15 Hz) and D2 (between 3.75 Hz and 7.5 Hz). It ...
Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to make 3D objects by adding layer upon laye... more Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to make 3D objects by adding layer upon layer of material, the material traditionally being plastics, metals or ceramics, however ‘smart’ materials are now in use. Nowadays, the term “3D Printing” has become a much-used synonym for additive manufacturing. The use of computing, 3D solid modelling applications, layering materials and machine equipment is common to majority of additive manufacturing technologies. Advancing from this 3D printing technology, is an emerging trend for what is being termed “4D printing”. 4D printing places dependency on smart materials, the functionality of additive manufacturing machines and in ingenious design processes. Although many developments have been made, limitations are still very much in existence, particularly with regards to function and application. The objective of this short review is to discuss the developments, challenges and outlook for 4D printing technology. The review revealed that ...
Business And Management Studies: An International Journal, 2020
Renewable energy sources play an essential role in sustainable development. The share of renewabl... more Renewable energy sources play an essential role in sustainable development. The share of renewable energy-based energy generation is rapidly increasing all over the world. Turkey has a great potential in terms of both solar and wind energy due to its geographical location. The desired level has not yet been reached in using this potential. Nevertheless, with the increase in installed power in recent years, electricity generation from solar energy has gained momentum. In this study, data on cumulative installed solar power in Turkey in the 2009-2019 period were used. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) methods were selected to predict the cumulative installed solar power for 2020 with these data. The cumulative installed power was predicted, and the results were compared and interpreted.
Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastir... more Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastirmada, gunumuzde siklikla kullanilan uc boyutlu yazicilarin saglik alanindaki gelismelerini inceledik. Uc boyutlu (3D) bioprint, doku anatomi, biyoloji ve fizyolojiyi canlandirmak icin canli hucreler, nukleik asitler, ilac partikulleri, proteinler ve buyume faktorleri dahil, biyolojik materyallerin tasarimi ve tam yerlesimi icin guclu bir arac haline gelmistir. Bioprinting son on yilda onemli olcude gelismistir ve gelecekte canli doku uretiminde yaygin olarak kullanilacaktir. Cogu hasta, gelisen teknoloji sayesinde doku hasari ve organ nakli sorunlarinin, ozellestirilmis modeller ile uc boyutlu biyo-baskilarla cozulecegini dusunmektedir. Bu calismada uc boyutlu biyo-yazici teknolojisi tanitildi, doku muhendisligi, rejeneratif tip vb. Saglik alaninda uygulamalar ve kullanimlari incelenmistir.
Theoretical knowledge taught to students in Faculties of Engineering and Technical Education in c... more Theoretical knowledge taught to students in Faculties of Engineering and Technical Education in chapter lectures needs to be reinforced by applying them in the laboratory or supporting them by simulations. In the formation of a laboratory; restrictions such as appropriate physical environment, time, expensive equipment supply and security are encountered. These restrictions bring out the need to search for appropriate alternatives. It is possible to design experiments independent to space, time and high costs as virtual lab simulations, being an alternative to conventional laboratories. Although the use of virtual laboratories in education does not replace the traditional laboratories, they can be considered as supportive to education. Material laboratory is needed to study science of materials effectively. But most of the universities do not have laboratories or enough materials to be used. Students have difficulties in such cases. Even if there is not any lack of equipment in labo...
Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastir... more Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastirmada, gunumuzde siklikla kullanilan uc boyutlu yazicilarin saglik alanindaki gelismelerini inceledik. Uc boyutlu (3D) bioprint, doku anatomi, biyoloji ve fizyolojiyi canlandirmak icin canli hucreler, nukleik asitler, ilac partikulleri, proteinler ve buyume faktorleri dahil, biyolojik materyallerin tasarimi ve tam yerlesimi icin guclu bir arac haline gelmistir. Bioprinting son on yilda onemli olcude gelismistir ve gelecekte canli doku uretiminde yaygin olarak kullanilacaktir. Cogu hasta, gelisen teknoloji sayesinde doku hasari ve organ nakli sorunlarinin, ozellestirilmis modeller ile uc boyutlu biyo-baskilarla cozulecegini dusunmektedir. Bu calismada uc boyutlu biyo-yazici teknolojisi tanitildi, doku muhendisligi, rejeneratif tip vb. Saglik alaninda uygulamalar ve kullanimlari incelenmistir.
2019 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2019
Different researches have been conducted in order to make the interpretation of tissues belonging... more Different researches have been conducted in order to make the interpretation of tissues belonging to different individuals carrying different characteristics. These investigations are generally based on vibration signals. In the studies in the literature, the vibration signals that usually appear in the vocal cords during speech are examined. However, there is no study on vibration signals recorded by applying any vibration source. The investigation of the frequency characteristics of the vibration source which has a fixed frequency on the tissues is of great importance both for the information about the tissue and the investigation of the related diseases. In this study, it is aimed to design the user interface to measure the vibration signals taken from certain distances to the vibration source applying vibration at a constant frequency to the living tissues determined on the human face and to analyze these vibration signals. The first part of the equipment consists of a motor and...
Today, the necessity of widespread using in all areas of informatics and to gain basic skills for... more Today, the necessity of widespread using in all areas of informatics and to gain basic skills for the use of information technologies has increased the importance of these courses. In this study, an education model developed for all undergraduate and college freshmen students who are taking compulsory computer courses at Akdeniz University. In this education model, computer usage and knowledge level of each students are measured by “a proficiency exam”. Homogeneous classes are established by distributing students into groups according to their success rates. Approximately 3000 students take these lessons in every term. These lessons are organized online. Thus, loss of time at the beginning of each semester is prevented and costs arising from the documentation are reduced. In addition, academic staff and laboratories assigned to lessons are reduced.
Because of continuous competition in the corporate industrial sector, numerous companies are alwa... more Because of continuous competition in the corporate industrial sector, numerous companies are always looking for strategies to ensure timely product delivery to survive against their competitors. For this reason, logistics play a significant role in the warehousing, shipments, and transportation of the products. Therefore, the high utilization of resources can improve the profit margins and reduce unnecessary storage or shipping costs. One significant issue in shipments is the Pallet Loading Problem (PLP) which can generally be solved by seeking to maximize the total number of boxes to be loaded on a pallet. In many previous studies, various solutions for the PLP have been suggested in the context of logistics and shipment delivery systems. In this paper, a novel two-phase approach is presented by utilizing a number of Machine Learning (ML) models to tackle the PLP. The dataset utilized in this study was obtained from the DHL supply chain system. According to the training and testing...
Teknolojinin 21.yuzyilda inanilmaz bir hizla ilerlemesiyle, gunumuz insaninin, bu hiza uyum sagla... more Teknolojinin 21.yuzyilda inanilmaz bir hizla ilerlemesiyle, gunumuz insaninin, bu hiza uyum saglayabilmesinin on kosulu, teknoloji kullanma becerisi olmustur. Gunluk yasantidaki hayal gucunu zorlayan gelismeler yasam sekillerini degistirmis, teknolojinin gelismesi ve teknolojik urunlerin ucuzlamasi sonucu yeni teknolojiler her yastan bireyin kullanimina sunulmustur. Telefonu, televizyonu, uydu sistemlerini, camasir makinesi ve buzdolabi gibi elektronik esyalari etkili ve verimli bir sekilde kullanabilmek icin yeterli teknik bilgiye sahip olmayi gerekli kilmistir. Teknoloji okuryazarliginda amac, bireye teknolojinin daha genis toplumsal sistemle olan iliskisini gostermek ve teknolojik sistemlerin kendilerini sekillendiren politik, kulturel ve ekonomik sistemlerden ayri dusunulemeyecegi bilincini vermektir. Bu arastirma, Mesleki Yuksekogretimde ogrenim goren ogrencilerin teknoloji-okuryazarlik duzeylerini belirlemek amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma, Iskenderun Teknik Un...
Application fields of polymer-based materials are continuously increasing. Accordingly, the desir... more Application fields of polymer-based materials are continuously increasing. Accordingly, the desired properties from polymeric materials also varies depending on the application. Industrial development and academic studies continue to increase in order to achieve the targeted properties. In particular, nano-sized additives are extremely effective on the technical properties of polymer-based materials. Overall, the macro properties vary by size in the nanoscale properties of materials. In this review study, the effect of the additives added to the polymer nano-materials on their tensile strength were investigated by scanning through publications to date.
The logistics sector in Turkey and the world is growing and the sector's potential is better ... more The logistics sector in Turkey and the world is growing and the sector's potential is better understood over time. It is known that the logistics sector is very open to development and has to keep up with the innovations that occur with technology. Businesses are trying to be successful in competition by keeping up with these innovations. Industry 4.0 has influenced the sectors where competition is at the forefront, especially logistics. In recent studies, it has been observed that a significant increase in the use of artificial intelligence techniques. As a result of the use of artificial intelligence in the logistics sector, changes in operations and dynamics have started to occur. Artificial intelligence models the physiological and neurological structure of human intelligence with the help of various technologies and transfers them to machines. Options such as driverless vehicles emerging with artificial intelligence, robots used in storage and shelves, and the easy use of b...
Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-lay... more Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-layer of material, the material traditionally being plastics, metals or ceramics, however ‘smart’ materials are now in use. Nowadays, the term “3D Printing” has become a much-used synonym for additive manufacturing. The use of computing, 3D solid modeling applications, layering materials and machine equipment is common to majority of additive manufacturing technologies. Advancing from this 3D printing technology, is an emerging trend for what is being termed “4D printing”. 4D printing places dependency on smart materials, the functionality of additive manufacturing machines and in ingenious design processes. Although many developments have been made, limitations are still very much in existence, particularly with regards to function and application. The objective of this short review is to discuss the developments, challenges and outlook for 4D printing technology. The review revealed that ...
Sayisallasan ve her gecen gun daha fazla teknolojinin kullanildigi otomasyon caginda eski manuel ... more Sayisallasan ve her gecen gun daha fazla teknolojinin kullanildigi otomasyon caginda eski manuel sistemlerin yerini otomatik sistemlerin almasi insanlarin yasamini gittikce kolaylastirmaktadir. Gunumuzde insanlar interneti, guvensiz olmadikca gundelik hayatlarinin ayrilmaz bir parcasi yapmislardir. Nesnelerin Internet'i (iot), cihazlarin bir ag altyapisi uzerinden uzaktan baglanmasini, algilanmasini ve kontrol edilmesini saglayan bir platform saglar. Fiziksel nesnelerin oldukca onemli bir kisminin ag baglantisinin bulunmadigi bilinmektedir. Nesnelerin interneti (Internet of Things-IoT) ekosistemi ve makinalar arasi iletisim (Machine to Machine Communication-M2M) teknolojileri sayesinde bu nesnelerin ag uzerinde izlenmesi ve kontrolunun saglanmasi amaclanmaktadir. Algilayici teknolojilerindeki gelismelere bagli olarak cok kucuk ve dusuk maliyetli algilayicilarin uretimi artmistir. Algilayicilar, fiziksel ozellikleri ve sartlari tespit eden ve olcen, yeni nesil teknoloji icin olma...
Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 2020
Küresel ısınmaya neden olan karbondioksit (CO 2), Nitröz oksit (N 2 O) ve Metan (CH 4) çeşitli se... more Küresel ısınmaya neden olan karbondioksit (CO 2), Nitröz oksit (N 2 O) ve Metan (CH 4) çeşitli sektörler tarafından oluşturulan sera gazlarıdır. Birleşmiş milletler iklim değişikliği çerçeve sözleşmesince (UNFCCC) Türkiye'nin de içinde olduğu ülkelerin çeşitli sektörleri tarafından oluşturulan sera gazı emisyon değerleri kayıt altına alınarak takip edilmektedir. Ülkelerin oluşturdukları sera gazı emisyon değerleri zaman içinde birçok etkene göre farklılık oluşturabilir. Bu değerin tahmin edilmesi ülkeler açısından önemlidir. Çalışmada 1990-2014 yılları arasındaki farklı sektörlerdeki sera gazı emisyon değerleri ile yapay sinir ağı modeli ve topluluk öğrenme yöntemleri kullanılarak en iyi tahmin modelini oluşturmak için çeşitli deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çok katmanlı algılayıcı (ÇKA) modeli ile en yüksek R 2 performans değeri üretim, enerji endüstrisi, yerleşim ve ulaşım sektörleri için sırasıyla 0.86, 0.93, 0.91 ve 0.95 olarak bulunmuştur. Topluluk öğrenme yöntemlerine dayan...
Teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte hayatimiza giren mobil cihazlar, toplumsal yapida en yaygin kull... more Teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte hayatimiza giren mobil cihazlar, toplumsal yapida en yaygin kullanim alanina sahip teknolojik cihazlar haline gelmistir. Mobil cihazlar yuksek islem kapasiteleri ve her gecen gun gelisen yeni ozellikleriyle birlikte buyuk ilgi cekmektedir. Son on yilda uretilen mobil cihazlarla, bir bilgisayar ile yapilabilecek hemen hemen tum islemler gerceklestirilebilmektedir. Mobil cihazlarin bu asiri kullanimlari toplumda bir bagimlilik haline gelmektedir. Bu calismada genclerin mobil cihazlara bagimlilik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla online anket metodu ile genclerin yogun oldugu universite ogrencilerinden veri toplanmistir. Arastirmada 261 katilimcidan kolayda ornekleme metodu ile elde edilen veriler amaca uygun istatistik programinda analiz edilmistir. Arastirmada guvenilirlik analizi, frekans analizi ve faktor analizi yapilmistir. Sonuc olarak, genclerin mobil bagimlilik duzeyini etkileyen baslica faktorler tespit edilmistir.
Balance and gait analyzes are of great importance in the diagnosis of orthopedic diseases affecti... more Balance and gait analyzes are of great importance in the diagnosis of orthopedic diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system. Pedobarography devices, which have an important place in the analysis of walking signs, are frequently used in neurology, orthopedics, physical therapy and rehabilitation fields. Designed for study, the pedobarography device simultaneously transmits the dynamic walking signals of the persons to the computer environment wirelessly. On the computer interface, incoming data is analyzed by the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The dominance of the frequency bands in which the energy density ratio of the approach and detail coefficients of the main signal divided into the lower frequency regions is obtained. The forms of walking through the approach and detail coefficients have been analyzed within themselves. Distinguishing features of slow, normal and fast walking modes can be shown between D1 (between 7.5 Hz and 15 Hz) and D2 (between 3.75 Hz and 7.5 Hz). It ...
Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to make 3D objects by adding layer upon laye... more Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to make 3D objects by adding layer upon layer of material, the material traditionally being plastics, metals or ceramics, however ‘smart’ materials are now in use. Nowadays, the term “3D Printing” has become a much-used synonym for additive manufacturing. The use of computing, 3D solid modelling applications, layering materials and machine equipment is common to majority of additive manufacturing technologies. Advancing from this 3D printing technology, is an emerging trend for what is being termed “4D printing”. 4D printing places dependency on smart materials, the functionality of additive manufacturing machines and in ingenious design processes. Although many developments have been made, limitations are still very much in existence, particularly with regards to function and application. The objective of this short review is to discuss the developments, challenges and outlook for 4D printing technology. The review revealed that ...
Business And Management Studies: An International Journal, 2020
Renewable energy sources play an essential role in sustainable development. The share of renewabl... more Renewable energy sources play an essential role in sustainable development. The share of renewable energy-based energy generation is rapidly increasing all over the world. Turkey has a great potential in terms of both solar and wind energy due to its geographical location. The desired level has not yet been reached in using this potential. Nevertheless, with the increase in installed power in recent years, electricity generation from solar energy has gained momentum. In this study, data on cumulative installed solar power in Turkey in the 2009-2019 period were used. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) methods were selected to predict the cumulative installed solar power for 2020 with these data. The cumulative installed power was predicted, and the results were compared and interpreted.
Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastir... more Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastirmada, gunumuzde siklikla kullanilan uc boyutlu yazicilarin saglik alanindaki gelismelerini inceledik. Uc boyutlu (3D) bioprint, doku anatomi, biyoloji ve fizyolojiyi canlandirmak icin canli hucreler, nukleik asitler, ilac partikulleri, proteinler ve buyume faktorleri dahil, biyolojik materyallerin tasarimi ve tam yerlesimi icin guclu bir arac haline gelmistir. Bioprinting son on yilda onemli olcude gelismistir ve gelecekte canli doku uretiminde yaygin olarak kullanilacaktir. Cogu hasta, gelisen teknoloji sayesinde doku hasari ve organ nakli sorunlarinin, ozellestirilmis modeller ile uc boyutlu biyo-baskilarla cozulecegini dusunmektedir. Bu calismada uc boyutlu biyo-yazici teknolojisi tanitildi, doku muhendisligi, rejeneratif tip vb. Saglik alaninda uygulamalar ve kullanimlari incelenmistir.
Theoretical knowledge taught to students in Faculties of Engineering and Technical Education in c... more Theoretical knowledge taught to students in Faculties of Engineering and Technical Education in chapter lectures needs to be reinforced by applying them in the laboratory or supporting them by simulations. In the formation of a laboratory; restrictions such as appropriate physical environment, time, expensive equipment supply and security are encountered. These restrictions bring out the need to search for appropriate alternatives. It is possible to design experiments independent to space, time and high costs as virtual lab simulations, being an alternative to conventional laboratories. Although the use of virtual laboratories in education does not replace the traditional laboratories, they can be considered as supportive to education. Material laboratory is needed to study science of materials effectively. But most of the universities do not have laboratories or enough materials to be used. Students have difficulties in such cases. Even if there is not any lack of equipment in labo...
Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastir... more Uc boyutlu yazicilar gunumuzde bircok yerde kullanilan hizla gelisen bir teknolojidir. Bu arastirmada, gunumuzde siklikla kullanilan uc boyutlu yazicilarin saglik alanindaki gelismelerini inceledik. Uc boyutlu (3D) bioprint, doku anatomi, biyoloji ve fizyolojiyi canlandirmak icin canli hucreler, nukleik asitler, ilac partikulleri, proteinler ve buyume faktorleri dahil, biyolojik materyallerin tasarimi ve tam yerlesimi icin guclu bir arac haline gelmistir. Bioprinting son on yilda onemli olcude gelismistir ve gelecekte canli doku uretiminde yaygin olarak kullanilacaktir. Cogu hasta, gelisen teknoloji sayesinde doku hasari ve organ nakli sorunlarinin, ozellestirilmis modeller ile uc boyutlu biyo-baskilarla cozulecegini dusunmektedir. Bu calismada uc boyutlu biyo-yazici teknolojisi tanitildi, doku muhendisligi, rejeneratif tip vb. Saglik alaninda uygulamalar ve kullanimlari incelenmistir.
2019 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2019
Different researches have been conducted in order to make the interpretation of tissues belonging... more Different researches have been conducted in order to make the interpretation of tissues belonging to different individuals carrying different characteristics. These investigations are generally based on vibration signals. In the studies in the literature, the vibration signals that usually appear in the vocal cords during speech are examined. However, there is no study on vibration signals recorded by applying any vibration source. The investigation of the frequency characteristics of the vibration source which has a fixed frequency on the tissues is of great importance both for the information about the tissue and the investigation of the related diseases. In this study, it is aimed to design the user interface to measure the vibration signals taken from certain distances to the vibration source applying vibration at a constant frequency to the living tissues determined on the human face and to analyze these vibration signals. The first part of the equipment consists of a motor and...
Today, the necessity of widespread using in all areas of informatics and to gain basic skills for... more Today, the necessity of widespread using in all areas of informatics and to gain basic skills for the use of information technologies has increased the importance of these courses. In this study, an education model developed for all undergraduate and college freshmen students who are taking compulsory computer courses at Akdeniz University. In this education model, computer usage and knowledge level of each students are measured by “a proficiency exam”. Homogeneous classes are established by distributing students into groups according to their success rates. Approximately 3000 students take these lessons in every term. These lessons are organized online. Thus, loss of time at the beginning of each semester is prevented and costs arising from the documentation are reduced. In addition, academic staff and laboratories assigned to lessons are reduced.
Because of continuous competition in the corporate industrial sector, numerous companies are alwa... more Because of continuous competition in the corporate industrial sector, numerous companies are always looking for strategies to ensure timely product delivery to survive against their competitors. For this reason, logistics play a significant role in the warehousing, shipments, and transportation of the products. Therefore, the high utilization of resources can improve the profit margins and reduce unnecessary storage or shipping costs. One significant issue in shipments is the Pallet Loading Problem (PLP) which can generally be solved by seeking to maximize the total number of boxes to be loaded on a pallet. In many previous studies, various solutions for the PLP have been suggested in the context of logistics and shipment delivery systems. In this paper, a novel two-phase approach is presented by utilizing a number of Machine Learning (ML) models to tackle the PLP. The dataset utilized in this study was obtained from the DHL supply chain system. According to the training and testing...
Teknolojinin 21.yuzyilda inanilmaz bir hizla ilerlemesiyle, gunumuz insaninin, bu hiza uyum sagla... more Teknolojinin 21.yuzyilda inanilmaz bir hizla ilerlemesiyle, gunumuz insaninin, bu hiza uyum saglayabilmesinin on kosulu, teknoloji kullanma becerisi olmustur. Gunluk yasantidaki hayal gucunu zorlayan gelismeler yasam sekillerini degistirmis, teknolojinin gelismesi ve teknolojik urunlerin ucuzlamasi sonucu yeni teknolojiler her yastan bireyin kullanimina sunulmustur. Telefonu, televizyonu, uydu sistemlerini, camasir makinesi ve buzdolabi gibi elektronik esyalari etkili ve verimli bir sekilde kullanabilmek icin yeterli teknik bilgiye sahip olmayi gerekli kilmistir. Teknoloji okuryazarliginda amac, bireye teknolojinin daha genis toplumsal sistemle olan iliskisini gostermek ve teknolojik sistemlerin kendilerini sekillendiren politik, kulturel ve ekonomik sistemlerden ayri dusunulemeyecegi bilincini vermektir. Bu arastirma, Mesleki Yuksekogretimde ogrenim goren ogrencilerin teknoloji-okuryazarlik duzeylerini belirlemek amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma, Iskenderun Teknik Un...
Application fields of polymer-based materials are continuously increasing. Accordingly, the desir... more Application fields of polymer-based materials are continuously increasing. Accordingly, the desired properties from polymeric materials also varies depending on the application. Industrial development and academic studies continue to increase in order to achieve the targeted properties. In particular, nano-sized additives are extremely effective on the technical properties of polymer-based materials. Overall, the macro properties vary by size in the nanoscale properties of materials. In this review study, the effect of the additives added to the polymer nano-materials on their tensile strength were investigated by scanning through publications to date.
The logistics sector in Turkey and the world is growing and the sector's potential is better ... more The logistics sector in Turkey and the world is growing and the sector's potential is better understood over time. It is known that the logistics sector is very open to development and has to keep up with the innovations that occur with technology. Businesses are trying to be successful in competition by keeping up with these innovations. Industry 4.0 has influenced the sectors where competition is at the forefront, especially logistics. In recent studies, it has been observed that a significant increase in the use of artificial intelligence techniques. As a result of the use of artificial intelligence in the logistics sector, changes in operations and dynamics have started to occur. Artificial intelligence models the physiological and neurological structure of human intelligence with the help of various technologies and transfers them to machines. Options such as driverless vehicles emerging with artificial intelligence, robots used in storage and shelves, and the easy use of b...
Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-lay... more Additive Manufacturing can be described as a process to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-layer of material, the material traditionally being plastics, metals or ceramics, however ‘smart’ materials are now in use. Nowadays, the term “3D Printing” has become a much-used synonym for additive manufacturing. The use of computing, 3D solid modeling applications, layering materials and machine equipment is common to majority of additive manufacturing technologies. Advancing from this 3D printing technology, is an emerging trend for what is being termed “4D printing”. 4D printing places dependency on smart materials, the functionality of additive manufacturing machines and in ingenious design processes. Although many developments have been made, limitations are still very much in existence, particularly with regards to function and application. The objective of this short review is to discuss the developments, challenges and outlook for 4D printing technology. The review revealed that ...
Sayisallasan ve her gecen gun daha fazla teknolojinin kullanildigi otomasyon caginda eski manuel ... more Sayisallasan ve her gecen gun daha fazla teknolojinin kullanildigi otomasyon caginda eski manuel sistemlerin yerini otomatik sistemlerin almasi insanlarin yasamini gittikce kolaylastirmaktadir. Gunumuzde insanlar interneti, guvensiz olmadikca gundelik hayatlarinin ayrilmaz bir parcasi yapmislardir. Nesnelerin Internet'i (iot), cihazlarin bir ag altyapisi uzerinden uzaktan baglanmasini, algilanmasini ve kontrol edilmesini saglayan bir platform saglar. Fiziksel nesnelerin oldukca onemli bir kisminin ag baglantisinin bulunmadigi bilinmektedir. Nesnelerin interneti (Internet of Things-IoT) ekosistemi ve makinalar arasi iletisim (Machine to Machine Communication-M2M) teknolojileri sayesinde bu nesnelerin ag uzerinde izlenmesi ve kontrolunun saglanmasi amaclanmaktadir. Algilayici teknolojilerindeki gelismelere bagli olarak cok kucuk ve dusuk maliyetli algilayicilarin uretimi artmistir. Algilayicilar, fiziksel ozellikleri ve sartlari tespit eden ve olcen, yeni nesil teknoloji icin olma...
Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 2020
Küresel ısınmaya neden olan karbondioksit (CO 2), Nitröz oksit (N 2 O) ve Metan (CH 4) çeşitli se... more Küresel ısınmaya neden olan karbondioksit (CO 2), Nitröz oksit (N 2 O) ve Metan (CH 4) çeşitli sektörler tarafından oluşturulan sera gazlarıdır. Birleşmiş milletler iklim değişikliği çerçeve sözleşmesince (UNFCCC) Türkiye'nin de içinde olduğu ülkelerin çeşitli sektörleri tarafından oluşturulan sera gazı emisyon değerleri kayıt altına alınarak takip edilmektedir. Ülkelerin oluşturdukları sera gazı emisyon değerleri zaman içinde birçok etkene göre farklılık oluşturabilir. Bu değerin tahmin edilmesi ülkeler açısından önemlidir. Çalışmada 1990-2014 yılları arasındaki farklı sektörlerdeki sera gazı emisyon değerleri ile yapay sinir ağı modeli ve topluluk öğrenme yöntemleri kullanılarak en iyi tahmin modelini oluşturmak için çeşitli deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çok katmanlı algılayıcı (ÇKA) modeli ile en yüksek R 2 performans değeri üretim, enerji endüstrisi, yerleşim ve ulaşım sektörleri için sırasıyla 0.86, 0.93, 0.91 ve 0.95 olarak bulunmuştur. Topluluk öğrenme yöntemlerine dayan...
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