Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal
This research aimed to find out the pronunciation correctly and incorrectly made by the eighth gr... more This research aimed to find out the pronunciation correctly and incorrectly made by the eighth grade at SMP Swasta Puteri Sion in terms of vowels sound. The method of the research is a case study in the form of qualitative research method. The total samples of this research are 22 students. There are 36 vowels sound which include in the dialogue that will be analyzed by the researcher. The research result showed that 19 words incorrectly pronounced by the students with percentage 53% and 17 words are correctly pronounced by students with percentage 47%. The students could not pronounce the phonetic symbols correctly, they will pronounce well only as long as the words are familiar for them. In this case, the students need to more learn and read about phonetic symbol at the school and outside the school. In relation to this, encourage the students need to more learn and read about phonetic symbol at the school and outside the school by listening English music, reading a English novel ...
This study aims to analyze the Effect of Archive Arrangement, Infrastructure and Competency of Ar... more This study aims to analyze the Effect of Archive Arrangement, Infrastructure and Competency of Archive Officers on Work Effectiveness at the Office of Highways and Construction Development of North Sumatra Province. This stud use quantitative approach. Based on the F test, it is known that the calculated F value is 3.342 and the F table value at 5% alpha is 2.86. Thus, the Fcount value (3.342) > F table (2.86) with a significance level of 0.030 < 0.05, meaning that together or simultaneously the variables of Archive Arrangement (X1), Infrastructure (X2) and Archives Officer Competence (X3) have a positive and significant effect on Work Effectiveness.The relationship between the arrangement of archives, infrastructure and the competence of archiving officers on the effectiveness of work in the Department of Highways and Construction of North Sumatra Province that the R Square value obtained is 0.218 or 21.8%. This shows the ability of the Archives Arrangement variable (X1), Inf...
Bureaucratic reform requires the creation of good governance, namely the process of interaction b... more Bureaucratic reform requires the creation of good governance, namely the process of interaction between state institutions to the community derived from elements of civil society in order to perform the construction and establishment of good governance. In the practice to achieve Good Governance found "stagnation" due to the political culture of the organization and not show his support for a succession of bureaucratic reform. This study will look at organizational culture and political relations to the establishment of Good Governance in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive evaluative with the type of qualitative research. The results showed that organizational culture and politics play a major role in the"stagnant" succession of reforms would require strong leadership and visionary in order to oversee the achievement of a succession of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia.
Kelompok terorisme secara nyata telah meletakkan perhatian mereka untuk merekrut anggota baru dar... more Kelompok terorisme secara nyata telah meletakkan perhatian mereka untuk merekrut anggota baru dari kalangan terpelajar seperti mahasiswa yang masih studi perguruan tinggi, sejumlah pelaku terorisme yang telah tertangkap menunjukan status sebagai pelajar atau mahasiswa. Kami menilai salah satu cara yang penting untuk dibudayakan dalam lingkungan perguruan tinggi ialah dengan melakukan mengkampanyekan anti paham radikal dan anti paham teoris secara rutin serta mengkampanyekan cara yang tepat untuk menangani situasi yang terarah pada pemikiran dan tindakan radikal dan terorisme. Studi ini akan melihat persepsi mahasiswa di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sumatera Utara terhadap bahaya paham radikal dan paham terorisme serta solusi pencegahan bagi keamanan lingkungan sekitar mereka. Metode yang digunakan pada studi ini studi pustaka, dokumentasi dan focus group discussion (FGD). Hasil studi ini memperlihatkan apresiasi yang kuat dari kelompok diskusi mahasis...
The purpose of this research is to know the role of local government in developing the tourism po... more The purpose of this research is to know the role of local government in developing the tourism potential of nature and cultural tours in North Tapanuli Regency. In this study the method used is descriptive qualitative approach is exemplary. The source of the data in this study there are two primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection is done Field Research (Fieldwork) such as observation, interviews and Library research (Research Libraries). The analysis will be used by the author is descriptive qualitative. The results of research on the role the role of tourism in the development of the potential of tourism in North Tapanuli Regency is dominant as a facilitator as compared with other roles as motivators and dinamisator. The role of the facilitator is seen primarily in terms of the provision of the infrastructure objects are still largely borne by the Fund's channelling aid, a stimulant for people who want to develop a tourism objects, tourism promotion ef...
Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal
This research aimed to find out the pronunciation correctly and incorrectly made by the eighth gr... more This research aimed to find out the pronunciation correctly and incorrectly made by the eighth grade at SMP Swasta Puteri Sion in terms of vowels sound. The method of the research is a case study in the form of qualitative research method. The total samples of this research are 22 students. There are 36 vowels sound which include in the dialogue that will be analyzed by the researcher. The research result showed that 19 words incorrectly pronounced by the students with percentage 53% and 17 words are correctly pronounced by students with percentage 47%. The students could not pronounce the phonetic symbols correctly, they will pronounce well only as long as the words are familiar for them. In this case, the students need to more learn and read about phonetic symbol at the school and outside the school. In relation to this, encourage the students need to more learn and read about phonetic symbol at the school and outside the school by listening English music, reading a English novel ...
This study aims to analyze the Effect of Archive Arrangement, Infrastructure and Competency of Ar... more This study aims to analyze the Effect of Archive Arrangement, Infrastructure and Competency of Archive Officers on Work Effectiveness at the Office of Highways and Construction Development of North Sumatra Province. This stud use quantitative approach. Based on the F test, it is known that the calculated F value is 3.342 and the F table value at 5% alpha is 2.86. Thus, the Fcount value (3.342) > F table (2.86) with a significance level of 0.030 < 0.05, meaning that together or simultaneously the variables of Archive Arrangement (X1), Infrastructure (X2) and Archives Officer Competence (X3) have a positive and significant effect on Work Effectiveness.The relationship between the arrangement of archives, infrastructure and the competence of archiving officers on the effectiveness of work in the Department of Highways and Construction of North Sumatra Province that the R Square value obtained is 0.218 or 21.8%. This shows the ability of the Archives Arrangement variable (X1), Inf...
Bureaucratic reform requires the creation of good governance, namely the process of interaction b... more Bureaucratic reform requires the creation of good governance, namely the process of interaction between state institutions to the community derived from elements of civil society in order to perform the construction and establishment of good governance. In the practice to achieve Good Governance found "stagnation" due to the political culture of the organization and not show his support for a succession of bureaucratic reform. This study will look at organizational culture and political relations to the establishment of Good Governance in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive evaluative with the type of qualitative research. The results showed that organizational culture and politics play a major role in the"stagnant" succession of reforms would require strong leadership and visionary in order to oversee the achievement of a succession of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia.
Kelompok terorisme secara nyata telah meletakkan perhatian mereka untuk merekrut anggota baru dar... more Kelompok terorisme secara nyata telah meletakkan perhatian mereka untuk merekrut anggota baru dari kalangan terpelajar seperti mahasiswa yang masih studi perguruan tinggi, sejumlah pelaku terorisme yang telah tertangkap menunjukan status sebagai pelajar atau mahasiswa. Kami menilai salah satu cara yang penting untuk dibudayakan dalam lingkungan perguruan tinggi ialah dengan melakukan mengkampanyekan anti paham radikal dan anti paham teoris secara rutin serta mengkampanyekan cara yang tepat untuk menangani situasi yang terarah pada pemikiran dan tindakan radikal dan terorisme. Studi ini akan melihat persepsi mahasiswa di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sumatera Utara terhadap bahaya paham radikal dan paham terorisme serta solusi pencegahan bagi keamanan lingkungan sekitar mereka. Metode yang digunakan pada studi ini studi pustaka, dokumentasi dan focus group discussion (FGD). Hasil studi ini memperlihatkan apresiasi yang kuat dari kelompok diskusi mahasis...
The purpose of this research is to know the role of local government in developing the tourism po... more The purpose of this research is to know the role of local government in developing the tourism potential of nature and cultural tours in North Tapanuli Regency. In this study the method used is descriptive qualitative approach is exemplary. The source of the data in this study there are two primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection is done Field Research (Fieldwork) such as observation, interviews and Library research (Research Libraries). The analysis will be used by the author is descriptive qualitative. The results of research on the role the role of tourism in the development of the potential of tourism in North Tapanuli Regency is dominant as a facilitator as compared with other roles as motivators and dinamisator. The role of the facilitator is seen primarily in terms of the provision of the infrastructure objects are still largely borne by the Fund's channelling aid, a stimulant for people who want to develop a tourism objects, tourism promotion ef...
Papers by rudi sinaga