Sentence-based mathematics problem-solving skills are essential as the skills can improve the abi... more Sentence-based mathematics problem-solving skills are essential as the skills can improve the ability to deal with various mathematical problems in daily life, increase the imagination, develop creativity, and develop an individual’s comprehension skills. However, mastery of these skills among students is still unsatisfactory because students often find it difficult to understand mathematical problems in verse, are weak at planning the correct solution strategy, and often make mistakes in their calculations. This study was conducted to identify the challenges that mathematics teachers face when teaching sentence-based mathematics problem-solving skills and the approaches used to address these challenges. This study was conducted qualitatively in the form of a case study. The data were collected through observations and interviews with two respondents who teach mathematics to year four students in a Chinese national primary school in Kuala Lumpur. This study shows that the teachers h...
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Quizizz is an application proposed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia that can be used to obta... more Quizizz is an application proposed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia that can be used to obtain information about pupils’ learning acquisition throughout lessons. Quizizz integrates technology and gamification concepts that captivate students’ desire to learn. For home-based learning, Malaysian teachers were advised to guide pupils using communication mediums and applications so that the pupils would not be left behind in their learning. This study investigated the prior knowledge and perceptions of mathematics teachers regarding Quizizz, and their attitudes towards using this application. Furthermore, this study aimed to discover the interests among primary school mathematics teachers with different years of teaching experience in integrating the Quizizz application into their classes. We adopted a quantitative research method, using a questionnaire as research instrument. Fifty primary school teachers teaching mathematics in Johor were selected as respondents. The data obtaine...
Mathematics teachers are vital in helping students understand math better. This crucial aspect of... more Mathematics teachers are vital in helping students understand math better. This crucial aspect of the responsibility of mathematics teachers is gaining recognition all across the world. So, we use bibliometric analysis to assist academics and researchers in comprehending the relevant research on mathematics teachers. The purpose of this bibliometric study was to investigate and depict the evolution of 1,145 Scopus-registered mathematics teacher articles published in various international journals between 2012 and 2022. Obtained results were exported to Microsoft Excel, and Harzing's Publish or Perish to analyze frequency and measure citation metrics. To visualize and analyze the collaboration patterns, VOSviewer was used. The publication was then interpreted according to growth rate, prolific journals, productive countries, main institutions, top ten cited papers, keywords analysis and topic of interest. Our results show a rising pace of growth of literature on the research of m...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) atas talian membawa banyak perubahan dalam sektor p... more Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) atas talian membawa banyak perubahan dalam sektor pendidikan terutamanya kepada para guru dan para pelajar. Walau bagaimanapun, didapati ramai guru matematik masih kurang pendedahan dalam aspek penguasaan ilmu, pengkaedahan PdP, pengintegrasian dan penggunaan serta sikap terhadap Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) dalam pendidikan. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk menjawab tiga objektif kajian iaitu: Persepsi pelajar Tahun 4 dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Matematik melalui aplikasi Jamboard dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sosial Konstruktivisme, pelaksanaan kaedah konstruktivisme dan Google Jamboard terhadap Matematik Pelajar tahun 4 dan perbezaan Faktor jantina dan kelas pelaksanaan kaedah konstruktivisme dan Google Jamboard terhadap Matematik Pelajar tahun 4 juga diambil kira dalam kajian ini. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 60 pelajar Tahun 4. Instrumen kajian ini ialah soal selidik yang merangkumi 12 item. Data y...
The entrepreneurial element is one of the aspects emphasized in the primary school mathematics ed... more The entrepreneurial element is one of the aspects emphasized in the primary school mathematics education curriculum in Malaysia. However, previous studies have found that application of entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching is still lacking. This study was therefore conducted to identify the real challenges that mathematics teachers face in applying the entrepreneurial element in mathematics teaching. This study is qualitative case study which involved six primary school mathematics teachers. Semi-structured interviews, observation, document analysis and field notes were used for the data collection process in this study. The data obtained was analyzed using the constant comparative analysis method to determine themes and sub-themes. The findings were that a teacher’s knowledge, teaching style, limited time of teaching, and attitudes, and in-service courses and training are among the identified challenges in applying entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching. This ...
This research’s objective is to investigates the reliability and validity of the needs analysis i... more This research’s objective is to investigates the reliability and validity of the needs analysis instrument for mathematics problem-solving based on the computational thinking module among primary school mathematics teachers. For the needs analysis phase, the researchers applied a quantitative method involving a questionnaire. The instrument calibration method is test of language validity, content validity, empirical validity and reliability. The instrument’s reliability was tested in a pilot study involving 50 primary school mathematics teachers. The pilot study was analyzed using SPSS version 26. The pilot test results show that Cronbach’s alpha value for Construct A: computational thinking skills is 0.786, Construct B: problem-solving skills is 0.772, and the need for the problem-solving module is 0.775. Finally, the researcher expects that this instrument will assist other researchers in the needs analysis phase of developing a mathematical module based on computational thinking ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Teknologi pada hari ini memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Peningkatan t... more Teknologi pada hari ini memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Peningkatan teknologi pada hari ini juga memberikan impak yang besar kepada pendidikan dalam negara. Pembelajaran atas talian mulai diperkenalkan diperingkat rendah dan menengah untuk memudahkan pelajar untuk menerima ilmu pengetahuan dengan lebih baik bukan sahaja tertumpu dalam pengajaran yang dibuat dalam kelas di sekolah. Pembelajaran atas talian ini adalah sesuatu yang agak baru dalam dunia pendidikan di Malaysia. Oleh itu, kajian ini dibuat untuk fokus mengenal pasti cabaran pelaksanaan pembelajaran atas talian khususnya bagi guru matematik di sekolah rendah. Responden dalam kajian ini merupakan guru matematik yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengaplikasikan pembelajaran atas talian bagi subjek tersebut dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa, terdapat tiga cabaran utama dalam mengaplikasikan pembelajaran atas talian iaitu segi masa, kos dan juga tanggungawab murid d...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Pendidikan abad ke-21, merupakan satu revolusi baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang menyediakan murid... more Pendidikan abad ke-21, merupakan satu revolusi baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang menyediakan murid dari segi ilmu pengetahuan agar dapat berhadapan dengan cabaran serta menyumbang kepada kemajuan negara. Oleh itu, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah merangka Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013 – 2025 menyarankan kurikulum perlu memberi penekanan kepada penguasaan kemahiran abad-21 seperti kreatif dan inovatif, penyelesaian masalah, pemikiran kritis, dan komunikasi untuk membolehkan pelajar bersaing di peringkat global. Pelbagai garis panduan ditetapkan bagi membantu guru matematik untuk mempersiapkan dirinya dengan kefahaman dan pengetahuan yang mendalam terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan abad ke-21 ini. Namun, dapatan kajian menyatakan ramai guru masih pada peringkat sederhana dari segi kesediaan. Hal ini kerana, guru berhadapan dengan cabaran dalam mengintegrasikan pelbagai elemen abad ke-21 dalam rancangan pelajaran serta diterapkan melalui proses pengajaran matematik...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Konsep pembelajaran flipped classroom merupakan trend terbaharu dan salah satu teknologi dalam Pd... more Konsep pembelajaran flipped classroom merupakan trend terbaharu dan salah satu teknologi dalam PdPc untuk pembelajaran abad ke-21. Pendekatan flipped classroom merupakan salah satu kaedah pembelajaran untuk mengatasi kesukaran dan menarik minat pelajar untuk mempelajari matematik. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat kajian yang terhad mengkaji secara sistematik literatur sedia ada yang berkaitan dengan sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran flipped classrooom dalam subjek matematik. Kajian sistematik ini adalah untuk mensintesis kajian empirikal berkaitan sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran flipped classrooom dalam subjek matematik. Sebanyak 22 artikel yang berkaitan dari tahun 2018 sehingga 2022 dipilih dari dua pangkalan data iaitu Scopus dan Web of Science (WOS). Bagi memastikan kajian ini dijalankan secara sistematik, garis panduan oleh Model PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses) telah digunakan. Kajian ini mendapati tiga tema yang berkaitan deng...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Kompetensi guru merupakan kemampuan dan kecekapan yang harus dimiliki oleh guru dalam menjalankan... more Kompetensi guru merupakan kemampuan dan kecekapan yang harus dimiliki oleh guru dalam menjalankan proses pembelajaran yang meliputi perancangan, pelaksanaan sehingga kepada penilaian pembelajaran. Kompetensi guru yang berkualiti dalam melaksanakan sistem pengajaran akan memberi impak kepada kemenjadian murid. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian sedia ada masih belum mencukupi bagi mengkaji secara sistematik literatur berkaitan tahap kompetensi guru dalam pengajaran konsep matematik. Ini menyerlahkan nilai kajian ini yang bertujuan untuk menjalankan tinjauan literatur yang sistematik tentang tahap kompetensi guru dalam pengajaran konsep matematik. Kajian menggunakan dua pangkalan data terkemuka iaitu Scopus dan Web of Science digunakan untuk mencari artikel 2018 hingga 2022. Data pencarian dianalisis melalui kaedah Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) dan hanya 42 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria. Kajian ini mendapati faktor kompetensi pedagogi merupakan f...
As a research area, computational thinking (CT) has gotten increased attention in mathematics edu... more As a research area, computational thinking (CT) has gotten increased attention in mathematics education in the last decade. A study identifying patterns in CT research would be essential in understanding the technique for developing CT in mathematics and guiding future research attempts. As a result, the goal of this systematic literature review is to look at the learning methods promoting CT in mathematics lessons. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses standards were utilised to guarantee that this study was done systematically. The result shows that even though there are various types of learning tools that are most commonly used, the coding programming tool and robotic activities tool are the most user-friendly methods for encouraging CT in mathematics education. This literature review is intended to provide educators with a better understanding of learning tools in order to enhance CT, which may help transform education into something more creativ...
This study was conducted to see whether there are varied level of oral questions in formative ass... more This study was conducted to see whether there are varied level of oral questions in formative assessment practices for primary school mathematics subject. Oral questioning is one of the main techniques used in formative assessment. Different levels of oral questioning that are implemented effectively in formative assessments can help in improving student’s understanding in mathematics subjects. This qualitative study was conducted on two mathematics teachers at a primary school in the district Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The data was obtained through observation techniques, interviews and document analysis. The findings showed that the teachers did not vary the level of oral questioning in their teaching process but rather focused on the use of low-level oral questions which are at the level of remembering and understanding. In addition, this gives students less opportunity to improve their thinking during the mathematics teaching process. The implication of the study is...
Kertas ini membincangkan tinjauan literatur yang menumpukan kepada penyoalan lisan guru dalam pro... more Kertas ini membincangkan tinjauan literatur yang menumpukan kepada penyoalan lisan guru dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik, mengkaji peranan penyoalan lisan di dalam kelas dan sejauh mana ia akan menyumbang kepada pengajaran yang berkesan, peningkatan tahap berfikir aras tinggi pelajar, nilai dan kelebihan yang dapat dicapai melalui komunikasi verbal antara guru dan pelajar. Kertas ini juga meneroka tentang kesan masa menunggu dalam aktiviti penyoalan lisan yang dijalankan. Makalah ini disimpulkan dengan implikasi dan perbincangan terhadap penyoalan lisan guru
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of school location and professional qualificat... more The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of school location and professional qualification on levels of giving feedback among primary school mathematics teachers in oral questioning. This study is a quantitative study using survey methods. Questionnaires were used in this study to collect data on the level of giving feedback in the verbal questioning of primary school teachers and to see the difference in the level of responding to verbal questioning based on school location and professional qualification of mathematics teachers (with Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.91). A total of 154 primary school mathematics teachers around the state Negeri Sembilan were selected as samples for this study using simple random sampling methods. The findings were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis to answer the research questions.El propósito de este estudio es explorar el impacto de la ubicación de la escuela y la calificación profesional en ...
Sentence-based mathematics problem-solving skills are essential as the skills can improve the abi... more Sentence-based mathematics problem-solving skills are essential as the skills can improve the ability to deal with various mathematical problems in daily life, increase the imagination, develop creativity, and develop an individual’s comprehension skills. However, mastery of these skills among students is still unsatisfactory because students often find it difficult to understand mathematical problems in verse, are weak at planning the correct solution strategy, and often make mistakes in their calculations. This study was conducted to identify the challenges that mathematics teachers face when teaching sentence-based mathematics problem-solving skills and the approaches used to address these challenges. This study was conducted qualitatively in the form of a case study. The data were collected through observations and interviews with two respondents who teach mathematics to year four students in a Chinese national primary school in Kuala Lumpur. This study shows that the teachers h...
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Quizizz is an application proposed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia that can be used to obta... more Quizizz is an application proposed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia that can be used to obtain information about pupils’ learning acquisition throughout lessons. Quizizz integrates technology and gamification concepts that captivate students’ desire to learn. For home-based learning, Malaysian teachers were advised to guide pupils using communication mediums and applications so that the pupils would not be left behind in their learning. This study investigated the prior knowledge and perceptions of mathematics teachers regarding Quizizz, and their attitudes towards using this application. Furthermore, this study aimed to discover the interests among primary school mathematics teachers with different years of teaching experience in integrating the Quizizz application into their classes. We adopted a quantitative research method, using a questionnaire as research instrument. Fifty primary school teachers teaching mathematics in Johor were selected as respondents. The data obtaine...
Mathematics teachers are vital in helping students understand math better. This crucial aspect of... more Mathematics teachers are vital in helping students understand math better. This crucial aspect of the responsibility of mathematics teachers is gaining recognition all across the world. So, we use bibliometric analysis to assist academics and researchers in comprehending the relevant research on mathematics teachers. The purpose of this bibliometric study was to investigate and depict the evolution of 1,145 Scopus-registered mathematics teacher articles published in various international journals between 2012 and 2022. Obtained results were exported to Microsoft Excel, and Harzing's Publish or Perish to analyze frequency and measure citation metrics. To visualize and analyze the collaboration patterns, VOSviewer was used. The publication was then interpreted according to growth rate, prolific journals, productive countries, main institutions, top ten cited papers, keywords analysis and topic of interest. Our results show a rising pace of growth of literature on the research of m...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) atas talian membawa banyak perubahan dalam sektor p... more Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) atas talian membawa banyak perubahan dalam sektor pendidikan terutamanya kepada para guru dan para pelajar. Walau bagaimanapun, didapati ramai guru matematik masih kurang pendedahan dalam aspek penguasaan ilmu, pengkaedahan PdP, pengintegrasian dan penggunaan serta sikap terhadap Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) dalam pendidikan. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk menjawab tiga objektif kajian iaitu: Persepsi pelajar Tahun 4 dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Matematik melalui aplikasi Jamboard dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sosial Konstruktivisme, pelaksanaan kaedah konstruktivisme dan Google Jamboard terhadap Matematik Pelajar tahun 4 dan perbezaan Faktor jantina dan kelas pelaksanaan kaedah konstruktivisme dan Google Jamboard terhadap Matematik Pelajar tahun 4 juga diambil kira dalam kajian ini. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 60 pelajar Tahun 4. Instrumen kajian ini ialah soal selidik yang merangkumi 12 item. Data y...
The entrepreneurial element is one of the aspects emphasized in the primary school mathematics ed... more The entrepreneurial element is one of the aspects emphasized in the primary school mathematics education curriculum in Malaysia. However, previous studies have found that application of entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching is still lacking. This study was therefore conducted to identify the real challenges that mathematics teachers face in applying the entrepreneurial element in mathematics teaching. This study is qualitative case study which involved six primary school mathematics teachers. Semi-structured interviews, observation, document analysis and field notes were used for the data collection process in this study. The data obtained was analyzed using the constant comparative analysis method to determine themes and sub-themes. The findings were that a teacher’s knowledge, teaching style, limited time of teaching, and attitudes, and in-service courses and training are among the identified challenges in applying entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching. This ...
This research’s objective is to investigates the reliability and validity of the needs analysis i... more This research’s objective is to investigates the reliability and validity of the needs analysis instrument for mathematics problem-solving based on the computational thinking module among primary school mathematics teachers. For the needs analysis phase, the researchers applied a quantitative method involving a questionnaire. The instrument calibration method is test of language validity, content validity, empirical validity and reliability. The instrument’s reliability was tested in a pilot study involving 50 primary school mathematics teachers. The pilot study was analyzed using SPSS version 26. The pilot test results show that Cronbach’s alpha value for Construct A: computational thinking skills is 0.786, Construct B: problem-solving skills is 0.772, and the need for the problem-solving module is 0.775. Finally, the researcher expects that this instrument will assist other researchers in the needs analysis phase of developing a mathematical module based on computational thinking ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Teknologi pada hari ini memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Peningkatan t... more Teknologi pada hari ini memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Peningkatan teknologi pada hari ini juga memberikan impak yang besar kepada pendidikan dalam negara. Pembelajaran atas talian mulai diperkenalkan diperingkat rendah dan menengah untuk memudahkan pelajar untuk menerima ilmu pengetahuan dengan lebih baik bukan sahaja tertumpu dalam pengajaran yang dibuat dalam kelas di sekolah. Pembelajaran atas talian ini adalah sesuatu yang agak baru dalam dunia pendidikan di Malaysia. Oleh itu, kajian ini dibuat untuk fokus mengenal pasti cabaran pelaksanaan pembelajaran atas talian khususnya bagi guru matematik di sekolah rendah. Responden dalam kajian ini merupakan guru matematik yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengaplikasikan pembelajaran atas talian bagi subjek tersebut dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa, terdapat tiga cabaran utama dalam mengaplikasikan pembelajaran atas talian iaitu segi masa, kos dan juga tanggungawab murid d...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Pendidikan abad ke-21, merupakan satu revolusi baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang menyediakan murid... more Pendidikan abad ke-21, merupakan satu revolusi baru dalam dunia pendidikan yang menyediakan murid dari segi ilmu pengetahuan agar dapat berhadapan dengan cabaran serta menyumbang kepada kemajuan negara. Oleh itu, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah merangka Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013 – 2025 menyarankan kurikulum perlu memberi penekanan kepada penguasaan kemahiran abad-21 seperti kreatif dan inovatif, penyelesaian masalah, pemikiran kritis, dan komunikasi untuk membolehkan pelajar bersaing di peringkat global. Pelbagai garis panduan ditetapkan bagi membantu guru matematik untuk mempersiapkan dirinya dengan kefahaman dan pengetahuan yang mendalam terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan abad ke-21 ini. Namun, dapatan kajian menyatakan ramai guru masih pada peringkat sederhana dari segi kesediaan. Hal ini kerana, guru berhadapan dengan cabaran dalam mengintegrasikan pelbagai elemen abad ke-21 dalam rancangan pelajaran serta diterapkan melalui proses pengajaran matematik...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Konsep pembelajaran flipped classroom merupakan trend terbaharu dan salah satu teknologi dalam Pd... more Konsep pembelajaran flipped classroom merupakan trend terbaharu dan salah satu teknologi dalam PdPc untuk pembelajaran abad ke-21. Pendekatan flipped classroom merupakan salah satu kaedah pembelajaran untuk mengatasi kesukaran dan menarik minat pelajar untuk mempelajari matematik. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat kajian yang terhad mengkaji secara sistematik literatur sedia ada yang berkaitan dengan sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran flipped classrooom dalam subjek matematik. Kajian sistematik ini adalah untuk mensintesis kajian empirikal berkaitan sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran flipped classrooom dalam subjek matematik. Sebanyak 22 artikel yang berkaitan dari tahun 2018 sehingga 2022 dipilih dari dua pangkalan data iaitu Scopus dan Web of Science (WOS). Bagi memastikan kajian ini dijalankan secara sistematik, garis panduan oleh Model PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses) telah digunakan. Kajian ini mendapati tiga tema yang berkaitan deng...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Kompetensi guru merupakan kemampuan dan kecekapan yang harus dimiliki oleh guru dalam menjalankan... more Kompetensi guru merupakan kemampuan dan kecekapan yang harus dimiliki oleh guru dalam menjalankan proses pembelajaran yang meliputi perancangan, pelaksanaan sehingga kepada penilaian pembelajaran. Kompetensi guru yang berkualiti dalam melaksanakan sistem pengajaran akan memberi impak kepada kemenjadian murid. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian sedia ada masih belum mencukupi bagi mengkaji secara sistematik literatur berkaitan tahap kompetensi guru dalam pengajaran konsep matematik. Ini menyerlahkan nilai kajian ini yang bertujuan untuk menjalankan tinjauan literatur yang sistematik tentang tahap kompetensi guru dalam pengajaran konsep matematik. Kajian menggunakan dua pangkalan data terkemuka iaitu Scopus dan Web of Science digunakan untuk mencari artikel 2018 hingga 2022. Data pencarian dianalisis melalui kaedah Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) dan hanya 42 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria. Kajian ini mendapati faktor kompetensi pedagogi merupakan f...
As a research area, computational thinking (CT) has gotten increased attention in mathematics edu... more As a research area, computational thinking (CT) has gotten increased attention in mathematics education in the last decade. A study identifying patterns in CT research would be essential in understanding the technique for developing CT in mathematics and guiding future research attempts. As a result, the goal of this systematic literature review is to look at the learning methods promoting CT in mathematics lessons. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses standards were utilised to guarantee that this study was done systematically. The result shows that even though there are various types of learning tools that are most commonly used, the coding programming tool and robotic activities tool are the most user-friendly methods for encouraging CT in mathematics education. This literature review is intended to provide educators with a better understanding of learning tools in order to enhance CT, which may help transform education into something more creativ...
This study was conducted to see whether there are varied level of oral questions in formative ass... more This study was conducted to see whether there are varied level of oral questions in formative assessment practices for primary school mathematics subject. Oral questioning is one of the main techniques used in formative assessment. Different levels of oral questioning that are implemented effectively in formative assessments can help in improving student’s understanding in mathematics subjects. This qualitative study was conducted on two mathematics teachers at a primary school in the district Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The data was obtained through observation techniques, interviews and document analysis. The findings showed that the teachers did not vary the level of oral questioning in their teaching process but rather focused on the use of low-level oral questions which are at the level of remembering and understanding. In addition, this gives students less opportunity to improve their thinking during the mathematics teaching process. The implication of the study is...
Kertas ini membincangkan tinjauan literatur yang menumpukan kepada penyoalan lisan guru dalam pro... more Kertas ini membincangkan tinjauan literatur yang menumpukan kepada penyoalan lisan guru dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik, mengkaji peranan penyoalan lisan di dalam kelas dan sejauh mana ia akan menyumbang kepada pengajaran yang berkesan, peningkatan tahap berfikir aras tinggi pelajar, nilai dan kelebihan yang dapat dicapai melalui komunikasi verbal antara guru dan pelajar. Kertas ini juga meneroka tentang kesan masa menunggu dalam aktiviti penyoalan lisan yang dijalankan. Makalah ini disimpulkan dengan implikasi dan perbincangan terhadap penyoalan lisan guru
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of school location and professional qualificat... more The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of school location and professional qualification on levels of giving feedback among primary school mathematics teachers in oral questioning. This study is a quantitative study using survey methods. Questionnaires were used in this study to collect data on the level of giving feedback in the verbal questioning of primary school teachers and to see the difference in the level of responding to verbal questioning based on school location and professional qualification of mathematics teachers (with Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.91). A total of 154 primary school mathematics teachers around the state Negeri Sembilan were selected as samples for this study using simple random sampling methods. The findings were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis to answer the research questions.El propósito de este estudio es explorar el impacto de la ubicación de la escuela y la calificación profesional en ...
Papers by sofwan mahmud