The low learning outcomes of 3rd grade students at Public Elementery School 05 Mukomuko City in M... more The low learning outcomes of 3rd grade students at Public Elementery School 05 Mukomuko City in Mathematics subjects two-dimentional figure and their characteristics only 3 students (38%) who have the above grades of minimum criteria (KKM). With an average student evaluation score of 48. For this reason, it is necessary to improve learning to improve student learning outcomes. One effort to improve learning is the use of appropriate learning models with subject matter. In this case the researchers used a direct learning model (direct instruction) to improve student learning outcomes. Direct Learning Model is one of the active learning models that provides opportunities for students to share ideas, consider the most appropriate answers and answer questions verbally so as to foster student confidence in expressing ideas or answers in front of the class thus is expected to improve student learning outcomes. From the learning outcomes that researchers do turn out direct learning models...
JURNAL AGRIBISNIS DAN KOMUNIKASI PERTANIAN (Journal of Agribusiness and Agricultural Communication)
Agricultural extension workers have work performance that should be increased. This illustrates t... more Agricultural extension workers have work performance that should be increased. This illustrates that it is needed the increase of work motivation and performance of agricultural extension workers. This study aimed to analysis the work motivation and performance of agricultural extension workers in Berau Regency. The analysis was done descriptively. The work motivation of agricultural instructors could be assessed from work performance, recognition from others, responsibility, opportunities for advancement, salary/wages, and work relations. The performance of agricultural extension workers could be viewed from the preparation of agricultural extension, implementation of agricultural extension, evaluation and reporting.
This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the early childhood education operational assi... more This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the early childhood education operational assistance fund in improving early childhood education in Tana Tidung Regency. This research employs a qualitative research method, which is a method used to study natural conditions where the researcher acts as the key instrument. The data generated is descriptive in nature, and data analysis is conducted inductively. The data obtained in this study utilize data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The effectiveness of the early childhood education operational assistance fund implemented by the Department of Education and Culture in Tana Tidung Regency analyzed through three factors (Goal Attainment, Integration, and Adaptation), is generally underway, but not fully effective. This can be evidenced in terms of goal achievement, where fund distribution is on target and timely, and in terms of procedures and benefits, where it effectively allevia...
This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive reco... more This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive recovery treatment on the composition of the improvement of volleyball smash technique. This research is a quasi-experiment, with data analysis using SEM-PLS in the weight training model treatment group with active and passive recovery intervals. The subjects of this research were 120 semester IV students of the 2018/2019 Academic Year in the Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNISMA Bekasi. The measurement results show that the active and passive recovery weight training treatment has a significant effect on the volleyball smash technique skills. The SEM-PLS analysis results show that active recovery weight training improves volleyball smash technique skills (β=0.521, Tcount = 5.602 ≥ Ttable = 2.001, P-Values =0.000 ≤ 0.05). These findings could assist in adjusting strength training for volleyball player performance enhancement in an effort...
The objectives of the study were to examine the implementation of registration with the billing s... more The objectives of the study were to examine the implementation of registration with the billing system, and to analyze the factors that affect the registration with the new system. The study was conducted in three regional centers: Jakarta, Bogor and Serang. The research method is correlational descriptive and it includes different means of data collection, such as questionnaire, observation, and in-depth interview. Total of 206 sample students were selected through purposive sampling from the three locations. The data gathered was analyzed indescriptive statistics and inferential statistics, specifically regression test. The results of the study show that the implementation of billing system registration can minimize cases and problems of registration; and the information about registration together with the role of the study group board (pokjar board), service UPBJJ-UT, UT service center, bank services, and registration monitoring significant affected on the student registration...
Judul penelitian ini adalah Pemahaman Buku Materi Pokok (BMP) dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi... more Judul penelitian ini adalah Pemahaman Buku Materi Pokok (BMP) dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi. Hal yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini adalah bahwa sistem belajar di UT menggunakan sistem belajar jarak jauh.Pertemuan tatap muka hanya dilakukan 8 kali pertemuan.Selebihnya sistem belajar di UT menggunakan media komunikasi, seperti internet untuk tutorial online. Keragaman belajar tersebut menuntut keaktifan mahasiswa dalam memilih gaya belajar, mempelajari bahan ajar, dan menggunakan strategi belajar. Harapannya, pemilihan gaya belajar yang tepat, kesiapan mempelajari bahan ajar, dan menggunakan strategi belajar yang sesuai dalam mengikuti keaktifan mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan tutorial dapat membantu pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap BMP. Penelitian ini dalam rangka mencari jawab apakah pemilihan gaya belajar, bahan ajar dan strategi belajar yang tepat, berkontribusi atau dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap BMP. Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan pene...
In the development of tourism analysis, the potential of creative tourism is an interesting study... more In the development of tourism analysis, the potential of creative tourism is an interesting study. The essence of tourism development among others is the development that emphasizes local wisdom, and preservation of Cultural arts (batik). Development of batik creative tourism potential, it is appropriate to consider supporting aspects of tourism, and the characteristics of creative tourism. Batik Creative Tourism offers tourists the opportunity to develop creativity by learning with the locals in the process of making batik. The study from this economic sociological perspective is backed by the powerlessness of the tourism sector in developing the creative tourism potential of batik. Creative tourism requires the development of potential for the advancement of Batik creative tourism. This article examines the development of the creative tourism potential of batik in the village of Terusan and Paoman, district of Indramayu, West Java, in 2018. Data is obtained through observation, do...
This paper is part of the research result done by the author in 2013 that covered 5 UT’s branch o... more This paper is part of the research result done by the author in 2013 that covered 5 UT’s branch offices (Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh Universitas Terbuka/UPBJJ-UT), namely Jakarta, Bogor, Serang, Palembang and Purwokerto. The purpose of this study was to describe the UT front office clerks’ professionalism in providing services to the students. Analysis was carried out on the factors that influence the UT front office clerks’ professionalism in providing services. This research method was a quantitative method, and the total number of the respondents were 30 UT front office personnels. The data collection was using questionnaire and interview techniques, meanwhile the data analysis was using frequency distribution and regression test. The study concluded that the professionalism of the UT front office clerks that which in the area of creativity, innovation and responsiveness was showing the score level at fairly good (73,18%). On the other hand, the factors that influenced the UT...
Konflik horizontal berupa tawuran massal antarpenduduk merupakan akumulasi dari ketimpangan-ketim... more Konflik horizontal berupa tawuran massal antarpenduduk merupakan akumulasi dari ketimpangan-ketimpangan dalam menempatkan hak dan kewajiban. Konflik horizontal tersebut lebih bersifat destruktif dan anarkis, bahkan akibat yang ditimbulkannya tidak sedikit. Kondisi yang demikian amat kontras dengan tradisi dan nilai budaya bangsa kita yang dikenal sebagai bangsa yang ramah, beradab, dan beragama.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021
This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive reco... more This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive recovery treatment on the composition of the improvement of volleyball smash technique. This research is a quasi-experiment, with data analysis using SEM-PLS in the weight training model treatment group with active and passive recovery intervals. The subjects of this research were 120 semester IV students of the 2018/2019 Academic Year in the Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNISMA Bekasi. The measurement results show that the active and passive recovery weight training treatment has a significant effect on the volleyball smash technique skills. The SEM-PLS analysis results show that active recovery weight training improves volleyball smash technique skills (β=0.521, T count = 5.602 ≥ T table = 2.001, P-Values =0.000 ≤ 0.05). These findings could assist in adjusting strength training for volleyball player performance enhancement in an effo...
Sudirah. Sejak Orde Baru hingga era reformasi ini pembangunan pedesaan berkelanjutan terus dilaku... more Sudirah. Sejak Orde Baru hingga era reformasi ini pembangunan pedesaan berkelanjutan terus dilakukan salah satunya adalah hubungan antara penguatan modal sosial dan mitigasi bencana banjir, melalui kajian dari perspektif sosiologi dan penyuluhan pembangunan. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Kertawinangun, Soge, dan Ilir, kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Pada umumnya musim tanam padi dilakukan pada musim rendeng dan sadon. Namun musim tanam padi di ketiga desa tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan pada musim rendeng. Itupun sering mengalami gagal panen (puso), akibat banjir pada musim hujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Solusi gagal panen padi tersebut adalah membangun bendung Kali Perawan. Pembangunan bendung perlu modal finansial dan modal sosial. Modal sosial merupakan perekat hubungan sosial masyarakat berupa aspek-aspek: kearifan budaya, tata nilai, gotong royong, kepercayaan, dan jejaring sosial. Penguatan modal sosial difasilitasi Kepala Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), dan t...
The low learning outcomes of 3rd grade students at Public Elementery School 05 Mukomuko City in M... more The low learning outcomes of 3rd grade students at Public Elementery School 05 Mukomuko City in Mathematics subjects two-dimentional figure and their characteristics only 3 students (38%) who have the above grades of minimum criteria (KKM). With an average student evaluation score of 48. For this reason, it is necessary to improve learning to improve student learning outcomes. One effort to improve learning is the use of appropriate learning models with subject matter. In this case the researchers used a direct learning model (direct instruction) to improve student learning outcomes. Direct Learning Model is one of the active learning models that provides opportunities for students to share ideas, consider the most appropriate answers and answer questions verbally so as to foster student confidence in expressing ideas or answers in front of the class thus is expected to improve student learning outcomes. From the learning outcomes that researchers do turn out direct learning models...
JURNAL AGRIBISNIS DAN KOMUNIKASI PERTANIAN (Journal of Agribusiness and Agricultural Communication)
Agricultural extension workers have work performance that should be increased. This illustrates t... more Agricultural extension workers have work performance that should be increased. This illustrates that it is needed the increase of work motivation and performance of agricultural extension workers. This study aimed to analysis the work motivation and performance of agricultural extension workers in Berau Regency. The analysis was done descriptively. The work motivation of agricultural instructors could be assessed from work performance, recognition from others, responsibility, opportunities for advancement, salary/wages, and work relations. The performance of agricultural extension workers could be viewed from the preparation of agricultural extension, implementation of agricultural extension, evaluation and reporting.
This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the early childhood education operational assi... more This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the early childhood education operational assistance fund in improving early childhood education in Tana Tidung Regency. This research employs a qualitative research method, which is a method used to study natural conditions where the researcher acts as the key instrument. The data generated is descriptive in nature, and data analysis is conducted inductively. The data obtained in this study utilize data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The effectiveness of the early childhood education operational assistance fund implemented by the Department of Education and Culture in Tana Tidung Regency analyzed through three factors (Goal Attainment, Integration, and Adaptation), is generally underway, but not fully effective. This can be evidenced in terms of goal achievement, where fund distribution is on target and timely, and in terms of procedures and benefits, where it effectively allevia...
This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive reco... more This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive recovery treatment on the composition of the improvement of volleyball smash technique. This research is a quasi-experiment, with data analysis using SEM-PLS in the weight training model treatment group with active and passive recovery intervals. The subjects of this research were 120 semester IV students of the 2018/2019 Academic Year in the Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNISMA Bekasi. The measurement results show that the active and passive recovery weight training treatment has a significant effect on the volleyball smash technique skills. The SEM-PLS analysis results show that active recovery weight training improves volleyball smash technique skills (β=0.521, Tcount = 5.602 ≥ Ttable = 2.001, P-Values =0.000 ≤ 0.05). These findings could assist in adjusting strength training for volleyball player performance enhancement in an effort...
The objectives of the study were to examine the implementation of registration with the billing s... more The objectives of the study were to examine the implementation of registration with the billing system, and to analyze the factors that affect the registration with the new system. The study was conducted in three regional centers: Jakarta, Bogor and Serang. The research method is correlational descriptive and it includes different means of data collection, such as questionnaire, observation, and in-depth interview. Total of 206 sample students were selected through purposive sampling from the three locations. The data gathered was analyzed indescriptive statistics and inferential statistics, specifically regression test. The results of the study show that the implementation of billing system registration can minimize cases and problems of registration; and the information about registration together with the role of the study group board (pokjar board), service UPBJJ-UT, UT service center, bank services, and registration monitoring significant affected on the student registration...
Judul penelitian ini adalah Pemahaman Buku Materi Pokok (BMP) dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi... more Judul penelitian ini adalah Pemahaman Buku Materi Pokok (BMP) dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi. Hal yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini adalah bahwa sistem belajar di UT menggunakan sistem belajar jarak jauh.Pertemuan tatap muka hanya dilakukan 8 kali pertemuan.Selebihnya sistem belajar di UT menggunakan media komunikasi, seperti internet untuk tutorial online. Keragaman belajar tersebut menuntut keaktifan mahasiswa dalam memilih gaya belajar, mempelajari bahan ajar, dan menggunakan strategi belajar. Harapannya, pemilihan gaya belajar yang tepat, kesiapan mempelajari bahan ajar, dan menggunakan strategi belajar yang sesuai dalam mengikuti keaktifan mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan tutorial dapat membantu pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap BMP. Penelitian ini dalam rangka mencari jawab apakah pemilihan gaya belajar, bahan ajar dan strategi belajar yang tepat, berkontribusi atau dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap BMP. Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan pene...
In the development of tourism analysis, the potential of creative tourism is an interesting study... more In the development of tourism analysis, the potential of creative tourism is an interesting study. The essence of tourism development among others is the development that emphasizes local wisdom, and preservation of Cultural arts (batik). Development of batik creative tourism potential, it is appropriate to consider supporting aspects of tourism, and the characteristics of creative tourism. Batik Creative Tourism offers tourists the opportunity to develop creativity by learning with the locals in the process of making batik. The study from this economic sociological perspective is backed by the powerlessness of the tourism sector in developing the creative tourism potential of batik. Creative tourism requires the development of potential for the advancement of Batik creative tourism. This article examines the development of the creative tourism potential of batik in the village of Terusan and Paoman, district of Indramayu, West Java, in 2018. Data is obtained through observation, do...
This paper is part of the research result done by the author in 2013 that covered 5 UT’s branch o... more This paper is part of the research result done by the author in 2013 that covered 5 UT’s branch offices (Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh Universitas Terbuka/UPBJJ-UT), namely Jakarta, Bogor, Serang, Palembang and Purwokerto. The purpose of this study was to describe the UT front office clerks’ professionalism in providing services to the students. Analysis was carried out on the factors that influence the UT front office clerks’ professionalism in providing services. This research method was a quantitative method, and the total number of the respondents were 30 UT front office personnels. The data collection was using questionnaire and interview techniques, meanwhile the data analysis was using frequency distribution and regression test. The study concluded that the professionalism of the UT front office clerks that which in the area of creativity, innovation and responsiveness was showing the score level at fairly good (73,18%). On the other hand, the factors that influenced the UT...
Konflik horizontal berupa tawuran massal antarpenduduk merupakan akumulasi dari ketimpangan-ketim... more Konflik horizontal berupa tawuran massal antarpenduduk merupakan akumulasi dari ketimpangan-ketimpangan dalam menempatkan hak dan kewajiban. Konflik horizontal tersebut lebih bersifat destruktif dan anarkis, bahkan akibat yang ditimbulkannya tidak sedikit. Kondisi yang demikian amat kontras dengan tradisi dan nilai budaya bangsa kita yang dikenal sebagai bangsa yang ramah, beradab, dan beragama.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021
This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive reco... more This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive recovery treatment on the composition of the improvement of volleyball smash technique. This research is a quasi-experiment, with data analysis using SEM-PLS in the weight training model treatment group with active and passive recovery intervals. The subjects of this research were 120 semester IV students of the 2018/2019 Academic Year in the Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNISMA Bekasi. The measurement results show that the active and passive recovery weight training treatment has a significant effect on the volleyball smash technique skills. The SEM-PLS analysis results show that active recovery weight training improves volleyball smash technique skills (β=0.521, T count = 5.602 ≥ T table = 2.001, P-Values =0.000 ≤ 0.05). These findings could assist in adjusting strength training for volleyball player performance enhancement in an effo...
Sudirah. Sejak Orde Baru hingga era reformasi ini pembangunan pedesaan berkelanjutan terus dilaku... more Sudirah. Sejak Orde Baru hingga era reformasi ini pembangunan pedesaan berkelanjutan terus dilakukan salah satunya adalah hubungan antara penguatan modal sosial dan mitigasi bencana banjir, melalui kajian dari perspektif sosiologi dan penyuluhan pembangunan. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Kertawinangun, Soge, dan Ilir, kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Pada umumnya musim tanam padi dilakukan pada musim rendeng dan sadon. Namun musim tanam padi di ketiga desa tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan pada musim rendeng. Itupun sering mengalami gagal panen (puso), akibat banjir pada musim hujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Solusi gagal panen padi tersebut adalah membangun bendung Kali Perawan. Pembangunan bendung perlu modal finansial dan modal sosial. Modal sosial merupakan perekat hubungan sosial masyarakat berupa aspek-aspek: kearifan budaya, tata nilai, gotong royong, kepercayaan, dan jejaring sosial. Penguatan modal sosial difasilitasi Kepala Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), dan t...
Papers by sudirah sudirah