Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objective of this research aims to find out whether or not significant correlation between pa... more The objective of this research aims to find out whether or not significant correlation between parents’ education and the parents’ involvement, parents’ education and the twelfth graders’ English achievement , parents’ involvement and the twelfth graders’ English achievement , and parents’ education parent’s involvement and the twelfth graders’ English achievement of SMAN 5 Prabumulih academic year of 2019/2020 which consisted of six classes. A quantitative method used in this research also used a stratified random sampling methods. There are two kinds of data will be analyzed. The first is questionnaire and the second is the data of documents. There was any significant influence because significant output (0,000) was lower than the mean of significant influence at 0.05 levels. It could be concluded that there were any significant influence of parents’ education and parents’ involvement toward English achievement.Â
The enhancement or modification of instructional materials is essential to ensure their effective... more The enhancement or modification of instructional materials is essential to ensure their effectiveness as teaching aids. For the purpose of improving the quality of instructional materials and making them more appealing to educators and students alike, a comprehensive approach must be taken that considers both the content and the form of the materials. In order to make the module an attractive teaching material, it is imperative to enhance its quality. This study aimed to identify the optimal approach for developing an English grammar instructional material based on the constructivist theory and to assess its validity. The research employed a research and development method using the DDR model. The study findings reveal that the English grammar subject 1 module, containing basic and simple materials, is the most suitable form for developing an instructional material oriented to constructivism theory. Additionally, the presentation of the module is clear and well-organized, the langua...
In remote areas school experience limitations in fulfilling quality educational facilities and in... more In remote areas school experience limitations in fulfilling quality educational facilities and infrastructure. This qualitative research aimed at revealing how schools meet the standard of facilities and infrastructure and what factors influence them. The instruments used were interviews, observation and documentation. The results found that the standard fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure in the Elementary Schools Public 25 at Muara Sugihan District was still low compared from several other public elementary schools at the Muara Sugihan sub-district. The Principal explained that the factors influence it include geographical location, the role of community leaders, parents of students, educators and. Facilities for the provision of necessities related to facilities should be carried out jointly by all school members.
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade s... more The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade students at Insan Mandiri Cendekia Palembang. The method which used in this study is classroom action research where it took place in 2 cycles. The result of this study found that there was improvement of students' vocabulary and learning activeness. The score of minimum completeness criteria of English lesson was 70. In vocabulary test cycle 1, there were 16students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 49% of students. And in vocabulary test cycle 2, there were 29 students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 89% of students. There was improvement of student's vocabulary as 40%where from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students’ learning activeness increased during the teaching learning process whereas it indicated the students’ learning activeness had increased.
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade s... more The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade students at InsanMandiriCendekia Palembang. The method which used in this study is classroom action research where it took place in 2 cycles. The result of this study found that there was improvement of students’ vocabulary and learning activeness. The score of minimum completeness criteria of English lesson was 70. In vocabulary test cycle 1, there were 16students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 49% of students. And in vocabulary test cycle 2, there were 29 students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 89% of students. There was improvement of student’s vocabulary as 40%where from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students’ learning activeness increased during the teaching learning process whereas it indicated the students’ learning activeness had increased.
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objectives of the study are to find out whether or not(1) There is significant influence of... more The objectives of the study are to find out whether or not(1) There is significant influence of extensive reading towards students’ reading comprehension between those who have height reading interest and those who have low reading interest at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan (2) There is significant influence of conventional reading strategy toward the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension between who those have high reading interest and those who have low reading interest at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan. (3) There is significant influence of extensive reading strategy and conventional reading strategy towards the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension between those who have high reading interest and those who have low reading interest at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan.(4) There is significant interaction effect of extensive reading strategy and reading interest on student...
Jurnal Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang, Sep 22, 2017
Salah satu tantangan besar yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA adalah kualitas Su... more Salah satu tantangan besar yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA adalah kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan kesiapan tenaga kerja terampil untuk mampu bersaing dalam merebut pangsa kerja di kawasan ASEAN. SDM yang berkualitas, termasuk tenaga kerja terampil dapat diwujudkan melalui pendidikan dan guru sebagai pendidik profesional merupakan garda terdepan. Oleh karena itu, profesionalisme dan kompetensi guru harus ditingkatkan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan. Beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menigkatkan profesionalisme dan kompetensi guru adalah adanya standarisasi pendidikan guru, pelaksanaan program induksi guru pemula, pelaksanaan program profesionalisasi yang diprakarsai oleh sekolah, dan profesionalisasi yang diprakarsai oleh individu, yaitu guru itu sendiri.Kata-Kata Kunci: pendidik profesional, MEA, program induksi, profesionalisasi guru berbasis sekolah, dan profesionalisasi guru berbasis individ
In Indonesia, English has become a lesson that must be learned and has many enthusiasts. However,... more In Indonesia, English has become a lesson that must be learned and has many enthusiasts. However, can English lessons be used to integrate character education. This descriptive qualitative method research aims to find about character education that can be integrate in teaching English, teaching materials that can be used and how the teachers integrate character education in teaching English. This research was conducted at Junior High School 4 of Tungkal Jaya. Informants of this research were English teachers and students at grade eight. The data obtained from observation, interview and documentation and analyzed using a qualitative analysis process by using data reduction, display and conclusion. Findings of this research showed that: there are only eight characters education that can be integrated in teaching English, this eight characters education were integrated by using teaching material “One Direction song, History which tells about togetherness and friendship” and integrated ...
Abstrak Pembelajaran daring (e-learning) telah dipandang sebagai solusi terbaik untuk mengganti... more Abstrak Pembelajaran daring (e-learning) telah dipandang sebagai solusi terbaik untuk menggantikan pembelajaran konvensional selama masa pandemi covid-19. Akan tetapi, e-learning perlu diintegrasikan dengan aspek pedagogi yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana keaktifan dan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran Research on Language Teaching ( RoLT) melalui penerapan e-learning berbasis konstruktivisme. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 39 mahasiswa yang diambil secara conviniece sampling. Metode eksperimen dengan rancangan One-Short Case Study digunakan. Data dikumpulkan melalui penilaian proses dan hasil dalam bentuk pengamatan, refleksi, tugas dan tes akhir. Data dianalisis berdasarkan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penilitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa sangat aktif dalam pembelajaran yang dibukktikan oleh rerata skor pengamatan yang mencapai 86, 23. Rata-rata hasil belajar mencapai 76, 18 dalaml refleksi; 86, 18 dalam penyelesaian tugas dan 78, 05 dala...
This study aimed at finding out whether or not: (1) there was a significant difference in reading... more This study aimed at finding out whether or not: (1) there was a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who have high critical thinking taught by using skimming technique and those of who are taught by using conventional technique; (2) there was a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who have low critical thinking taught by using skimming technique and those of who are taught by using conventional technique; (3) there was a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who have high and low critical thinking taught by using skimming reading and those of who are taught by using conventional technique; (4) there was an interaction effect of skimming technique and critical thinking on the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The total number of population was 456 students of the eighth grade students of SMPN 50 Palembang. The sample for this study were 30 stud...
Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Tahrun Universitas PGRI Pale... more Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Tahrun Universitas PGRI Palembang e-mail: Abstrak Salah satu dampak pandemi covid-19 dalam dunia pendidikan adalah diterapkannya pendidikan jarak jauh melalui Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) berbasis internet. Dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan ini, mahasiswa perlu melakukan strategi-strategi belajar tertentu secara nyata dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan strategi belajar bahasa Inggris oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian dilakukan di PPs Universitas PGRI Palembang dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 25 orang yang diambil berdasarkan teknik convinience sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan angket SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) dan dianalisis berdasarkan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum mahasiswa menggunakan semua jenis strategi belajar dengan intensitas yang berbeda, ya...
ELTE Journal (English Languange Teaching and Education), Jan 3, 2019
AbstractThis study was to investigate the influence of herringbone technique and reading interest... more AbstractThis study was to investigate the influence of herringbone technique and reading interest towards reading comprehension achievement of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Palembang. The population of this study was all the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Palembang. The sample was 72 students were taken by using two-stage random sampling; cluster random sampling and simple random sampling technique. In carrying out the research, the writer used an experimental method; factorial design.The writer distributed pre-test, post-test, and reading interst questionnaire in collecting the data. Then, in analyzing the data, the writer used t-test and two-way ANOVA. The result of this study analysis that; first, there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between students who had high reading intrest taught by using herringbone technique. Second, there was significant difference in readingcomprehension achievement between students who had low reading intrest taught by using herringbone technique. Third, there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between students who had high reading interest and those who had low reading interest taught by using herringbone technique. Fourth,there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between students who had high reading interest and those who had low reading interest taught by using traditional teaching. And the last, there was significant interaction effect ofherringbone technique and reading interest on reading comprehension achievement of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Palembang.Keywords: Herringbone technique, Students’ Reading Interest, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Jurnal Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang, Aug 28, 2017
Abstrak Dalam melaksanakan tugas profesinya, guru bahasa Inggris dewasa ini dihadapkan pada perub... more Abstrak Dalam melaksanakan tugas profesinya, guru bahasa Inggris dewasa ini dihadapkan pada perubahan-perubahan perilaku peserta didik sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi informasi. Oleh karena itu, guru harus memahami bahwa perilaku perserta didik dewasa ini berbeda dengan perilaku peserta didik pada generasi sebelumnya. Saat ini, guru menghadapi peserta didik yang dilahirkan pada era teknologi informasi yang sangat dasyat. Generasi ini biasa disebut dengan istilah Generation Y atau disingkat Gen Y yang berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya, yaitu Generation X. Untuk menghadapi generasi ini, guru memerlukan strategi pembelajaran alternatif yang sesuai untuk mendorong mereka terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran. Artikel ini secara umum membahas hakikat generasi Y dan strategi pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat digunakan guru.Kata-kata kunci: Generasi Y, teknologi informasi, dan strategi pembelajaran
Digital learning is one way to overcome learning during a pandemic. There are several platforms t... more Digital learning is one way to overcome learning during a pandemic. There are several platforms that teachers can use in carrying out learning such as WhatsApp, YouTube and Google Classroom. This mixed method research aims to find out how were the teachers’ implementation of digital learning and how were EFL learners’ perception on teaching activities through digital learning of English. This research was conduct at Senior High School YPI Tunas Bangsa of Palembang. There were several samples including principal, one English teachers and eighty students’. The data obtained from interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Analyzed by using data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of platform and the students’ perception of learning English through digital technology. This research is expected to be one of the solutions to improve the way teachers implement learning through student perceptions.
This research was concerned with the influence of the mind mapping method and learning motivation... more This research was concerned with the influence of the mind mapping method and learning motivation towards students` writing ability on descriptive texts at Islamic Junior High School Two of Palembang in the academic year 2019/2020. Sixty students of the eighth grade were chosen as samples utilizing two stages of random sampling. This study applied the factorial research design. The data were collected by using questionnaires and tests. The data were analyzed by using Normality, Homogeneity, Independent Sample t-test, and Two-Way ANOVA. The results showed that, first, there was a significant difference in students’ writing ability on descriptive texts for the students who have high learning motivation with the students who have low learning motivation taught by using the mind mapping method, Second, there was a significant difference on students’ writing ability on descriptive texts for the students who have high learning motivation taught by using mind mapping and conventional metho...
This study aims to find out whether applying Project-Based Learning can improve students’ Critica... more This study aims to find out whether applying Project-Based Learning can improve students’ Critical Thinking skills in General English for Pre Intermediate 4 class in LB LIA Palembang, a Non Formal English Language Institution in Palembang. The study was conducted as a classroom action research. There were 20 students who participated as the samples of the research. The data were collected through observation, questionnaire and interview. Then, the data were analyzed. The results showed 17 out of 20 students (85%) get the desired level of Critical Thinking skills. Based on the interview, all students have positive understanding of Project-Based Learning model. In conclusion, PBL has an influence in improving students’ critical thinking skills. Further study needs to be conducted to give more positive impact to society
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Negeri Kabupaten Muara Enim. Metode penelitian ini adalah korelasional dengan populasi 128 orang guru. Sampel dipilih melalui sampling acak proposional hingga mendapatkan 128 orang responden. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validasi dan reliabilitas terhadap dua variable bebas yaitu Budaya Organisasi (X1) dan Gaya Kepemimpinan (X2), dan satu variable terikat yaitu Kinerja Guru (Y). Uji hipotesis dan analisis data menggunakanan analisis bivariat dengan korelasi product moment, dan analisis multivariate melalui uji multikolinearitas, dan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh antara budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru baik parsial maupun simultan di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Muara Eni
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objective of this research aims to find out whether or not significant correlation between pa... more The objective of this research aims to find out whether or not significant correlation between parents’ education and the parents’ involvement, parents’ education and the twelfth graders’ English achievement , parents’ involvement and the twelfth graders’ English achievement , and parents’ education parent’s involvement and the twelfth graders’ English achievement of SMAN 5 Prabumulih academic year of 2019/2020 which consisted of six classes. A quantitative method used in this research also used a stratified random sampling methods. There are two kinds of data will be analyzed. The first is questionnaire and the second is the data of documents. There was any significant influence because significant output (0,000) was lower than the mean of significant influence at 0.05 levels. It could be concluded that there were any significant influence of parents’ education and parents’ involvement toward English achievement.Â
The enhancement or modification of instructional materials is essential to ensure their effective... more The enhancement or modification of instructional materials is essential to ensure their effectiveness as teaching aids. For the purpose of improving the quality of instructional materials and making them more appealing to educators and students alike, a comprehensive approach must be taken that considers both the content and the form of the materials. In order to make the module an attractive teaching material, it is imperative to enhance its quality. This study aimed to identify the optimal approach for developing an English grammar instructional material based on the constructivist theory and to assess its validity. The research employed a research and development method using the DDR model. The study findings reveal that the English grammar subject 1 module, containing basic and simple materials, is the most suitable form for developing an instructional material oriented to constructivism theory. Additionally, the presentation of the module is clear and well-organized, the langua...
In remote areas school experience limitations in fulfilling quality educational facilities and in... more In remote areas school experience limitations in fulfilling quality educational facilities and infrastructure. This qualitative research aimed at revealing how schools meet the standard of facilities and infrastructure and what factors influence them. The instruments used were interviews, observation and documentation. The results found that the standard fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure in the Elementary Schools Public 25 at Muara Sugihan District was still low compared from several other public elementary schools at the Muara Sugihan sub-district. The Principal explained that the factors influence it include geographical location, the role of community leaders, parents of students, educators and. Facilities for the provision of necessities related to facilities should be carried out jointly by all school members.
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade s... more The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade students at Insan Mandiri Cendekia Palembang. The method which used in this study is classroom action research where it took place in 2 cycles. The result of this study found that there was improvement of students' vocabulary and learning activeness. The score of minimum completeness criteria of English lesson was 70. In vocabulary test cycle 1, there were 16students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 49% of students. And in vocabulary test cycle 2, there were 29 students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 89% of students. There was improvement of student's vocabulary as 40%where from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students’ learning activeness increased during the teaching learning process whereas it indicated the students’ learning activeness had increased.
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade s... more The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade students at InsanMandiriCendekia Palembang. The method which used in this study is classroom action research where it took place in 2 cycles. The result of this study found that there was improvement of students’ vocabulary and learning activeness. The score of minimum completeness criteria of English lesson was 70. In vocabulary test cycle 1, there were 16students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 49% of students. And in vocabulary test cycle 2, there were 29 students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 89% of students. There was improvement of student’s vocabulary as 40%where from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students’ learning activeness increased during the teaching learning process whereas it indicated the students’ learning activeness had increased.
Esteem Journal of English Education Study Programme
The objectives of the study are to find out whether or not(1) There is significant influence of... more The objectives of the study are to find out whether or not(1) There is significant influence of extensive reading towards students’ reading comprehension between those who have height reading interest and those who have low reading interest at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan (2) There is significant influence of conventional reading strategy toward the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension between who those have high reading interest and those who have low reading interest at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan. (3) There is significant influence of extensive reading strategy and conventional reading strategy towards the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension between those who have high reading interest and those who have low reading interest at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan.(4) There is significant interaction effect of extensive reading strategy and reading interest on student...
Jurnal Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang, Sep 22, 2017
Salah satu tantangan besar yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA adalah kualitas Su... more Salah satu tantangan besar yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA adalah kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan kesiapan tenaga kerja terampil untuk mampu bersaing dalam merebut pangsa kerja di kawasan ASEAN. SDM yang berkualitas, termasuk tenaga kerja terampil dapat diwujudkan melalui pendidikan dan guru sebagai pendidik profesional merupakan garda terdepan. Oleh karena itu, profesionalisme dan kompetensi guru harus ditingkatkan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan. Beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menigkatkan profesionalisme dan kompetensi guru adalah adanya standarisasi pendidikan guru, pelaksanaan program induksi guru pemula, pelaksanaan program profesionalisasi yang diprakarsai oleh sekolah, dan profesionalisasi yang diprakarsai oleh individu, yaitu guru itu sendiri.Kata-Kata Kunci: pendidik profesional, MEA, program induksi, profesionalisasi guru berbasis sekolah, dan profesionalisasi guru berbasis individ
In Indonesia, English has become a lesson that must be learned and has many enthusiasts. However,... more In Indonesia, English has become a lesson that must be learned and has many enthusiasts. However, can English lessons be used to integrate character education. This descriptive qualitative method research aims to find about character education that can be integrate in teaching English, teaching materials that can be used and how the teachers integrate character education in teaching English. This research was conducted at Junior High School 4 of Tungkal Jaya. Informants of this research were English teachers and students at grade eight. The data obtained from observation, interview and documentation and analyzed using a qualitative analysis process by using data reduction, display and conclusion. Findings of this research showed that: there are only eight characters education that can be integrated in teaching English, this eight characters education were integrated by using teaching material “One Direction song, History which tells about togetherness and friendship” and integrated ...
Abstrak Pembelajaran daring (e-learning) telah dipandang sebagai solusi terbaik untuk mengganti... more Abstrak Pembelajaran daring (e-learning) telah dipandang sebagai solusi terbaik untuk menggantikan pembelajaran konvensional selama masa pandemi covid-19. Akan tetapi, e-learning perlu diintegrasikan dengan aspek pedagogi yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana keaktifan dan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran Research on Language Teaching ( RoLT) melalui penerapan e-learning berbasis konstruktivisme. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 39 mahasiswa yang diambil secara conviniece sampling. Metode eksperimen dengan rancangan One-Short Case Study digunakan. Data dikumpulkan melalui penilaian proses dan hasil dalam bentuk pengamatan, refleksi, tugas dan tes akhir. Data dianalisis berdasarkan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penilitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa sangat aktif dalam pembelajaran yang dibukktikan oleh rerata skor pengamatan yang mencapai 86, 23. Rata-rata hasil belajar mencapai 76, 18 dalaml refleksi; 86, 18 dalam penyelesaian tugas dan 78, 05 dala...
This study aimed at finding out whether or not: (1) there was a significant difference in reading... more This study aimed at finding out whether or not: (1) there was a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who have high critical thinking taught by using skimming technique and those of who are taught by using conventional technique; (2) there was a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who have low critical thinking taught by using skimming technique and those of who are taught by using conventional technique; (3) there was a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who have high and low critical thinking taught by using skimming reading and those of who are taught by using conventional technique; (4) there was an interaction effect of skimming technique and critical thinking on the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The total number of population was 456 students of the eighth grade students of SMPN 50 Palembang. The sample for this study were 30 stud...
Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Tahrun Universitas PGRI Pale... more Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Tahrun Universitas PGRI Palembang e-mail: Abstrak Salah satu dampak pandemi covid-19 dalam dunia pendidikan adalah diterapkannya pendidikan jarak jauh melalui Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) berbasis internet. Dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan ini, mahasiswa perlu melakukan strategi-strategi belajar tertentu secara nyata dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan strategi belajar bahasa Inggris oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian dilakukan di PPs Universitas PGRI Palembang dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 25 orang yang diambil berdasarkan teknik convinience sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan angket SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) dan dianalisis berdasarkan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum mahasiswa menggunakan semua jenis strategi belajar dengan intensitas yang berbeda, ya...
ELTE Journal (English Languange Teaching and Education), Jan 3, 2019
AbstractThis study was to investigate the influence of herringbone technique and reading interest... more AbstractThis study was to investigate the influence of herringbone technique and reading interest towards reading comprehension achievement of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Palembang. The population of this study was all the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Palembang. The sample was 72 students were taken by using two-stage random sampling; cluster random sampling and simple random sampling technique. In carrying out the research, the writer used an experimental method; factorial design.The writer distributed pre-test, post-test, and reading interst questionnaire in collecting the data. Then, in analyzing the data, the writer used t-test and two-way ANOVA. The result of this study analysis that; first, there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between students who had high reading intrest taught by using herringbone technique. Second, there was significant difference in readingcomprehension achievement between students who had low reading intrest taught by using herringbone technique. Third, there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between students who had high reading interest and those who had low reading interest taught by using herringbone technique. Fourth,there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between students who had high reading interest and those who had low reading interest taught by using traditional teaching. And the last, there was significant interaction effect ofherringbone technique and reading interest on reading comprehension achievement of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 2 Palembang.Keywords: Herringbone technique, Students’ Reading Interest, Reading Comprehension Achievement
Jurnal Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang, Aug 28, 2017
Abstrak Dalam melaksanakan tugas profesinya, guru bahasa Inggris dewasa ini dihadapkan pada perub... more Abstrak Dalam melaksanakan tugas profesinya, guru bahasa Inggris dewasa ini dihadapkan pada perubahan-perubahan perilaku peserta didik sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi informasi. Oleh karena itu, guru harus memahami bahwa perilaku perserta didik dewasa ini berbeda dengan perilaku peserta didik pada generasi sebelumnya. Saat ini, guru menghadapi peserta didik yang dilahirkan pada era teknologi informasi yang sangat dasyat. Generasi ini biasa disebut dengan istilah Generation Y atau disingkat Gen Y yang berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya, yaitu Generation X. Untuk menghadapi generasi ini, guru memerlukan strategi pembelajaran alternatif yang sesuai untuk mendorong mereka terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran. Artikel ini secara umum membahas hakikat generasi Y dan strategi pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat digunakan guru.Kata-kata kunci: Generasi Y, teknologi informasi, dan strategi pembelajaran
Digital learning is one way to overcome learning during a pandemic. There are several platforms t... more Digital learning is one way to overcome learning during a pandemic. There are several platforms that teachers can use in carrying out learning such as WhatsApp, YouTube and Google Classroom. This mixed method research aims to find out how were the teachers’ implementation of digital learning and how were EFL learners’ perception on teaching activities through digital learning of English. This research was conduct at Senior High School YPI Tunas Bangsa of Palembang. There were several samples including principal, one English teachers and eighty students’. The data obtained from interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Analyzed by using data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of platform and the students’ perception of learning English through digital technology. This research is expected to be one of the solutions to improve the way teachers implement learning through student perceptions.
This research was concerned with the influence of the mind mapping method and learning motivation... more This research was concerned with the influence of the mind mapping method and learning motivation towards students` writing ability on descriptive texts at Islamic Junior High School Two of Palembang in the academic year 2019/2020. Sixty students of the eighth grade were chosen as samples utilizing two stages of random sampling. This study applied the factorial research design. The data were collected by using questionnaires and tests. The data were analyzed by using Normality, Homogeneity, Independent Sample t-test, and Two-Way ANOVA. The results showed that, first, there was a significant difference in students’ writing ability on descriptive texts for the students who have high learning motivation with the students who have low learning motivation taught by using the mind mapping method, Second, there was a significant difference on students’ writing ability on descriptive texts for the students who have high learning motivation taught by using mind mapping and conventional metho...
This study aims to find out whether applying Project-Based Learning can improve students’ Critica... more This study aims to find out whether applying Project-Based Learning can improve students’ Critical Thinking skills in General English for Pre Intermediate 4 class in LB LIA Palembang, a Non Formal English Language Institution in Palembang. The study was conducted as a classroom action research. There were 20 students who participated as the samples of the research. The data were collected through observation, questionnaire and interview. Then, the data were analyzed. The results showed 17 out of 20 students (85%) get the desired level of Critical Thinking skills. Based on the interview, all students have positive understanding of Project-Based Learning model. In conclusion, PBL has an influence in improving students’ critical thinking skills. Further study needs to be conducted to give more positive impact to society
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Negeri Kabupaten Muara Enim. Metode penelitian ini adalah korelasional dengan populasi 128 orang guru. Sampel dipilih melalui sampling acak proposional hingga mendapatkan 128 orang responden. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validasi dan reliabilitas terhadap dua variable bebas yaitu Budaya Organisasi (X1) dan Gaya Kepemimpinan (X2), dan satu variable terikat yaitu Kinerja Guru (Y). Uji hipotesis dan analisis data menggunakanan analisis bivariat dengan korelasi product moment, dan analisis multivariate melalui uji multikolinearitas, dan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh antara budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru baik parsial maupun simultan di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Muara Eni
Papers by tahrun tahrun