Board of Research and Community Service (LPPM) is a board which concerns to direct and guide the ... more Board of Research and Community Service (LPPM) is a board which concerns to direct and guide the lecturers to do a research to develop their scientific knowledge. This research is hoped to have a form of scientific knowledge that gives benefits to the development of social and economic within the society. There are three major kinds of the research in LPPM which are Hibah of Superior, Competitive and Study Program. The step of this research is conducted by proposing the proposal research into LPPM and then it will be given such an assesment based on criterias that have been determined. This research uses some research methods to find out a specific problem with the exact goal. The collecting data’s method has function to get data of the research, and the method of development system is used for designing process, examining, asessment, verification and also the decision result that appropiate with the data that has been received (appropiate with the expectation). The result of this study is implemented in a system of decision making to determine the eligibility of the research proposal in LPPM in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. By adopting technology based on the web-site and architecture of client-server network, it enables the system of decision making can be accessed all at once. This system uses JSP programming language which is clustered with MySQL as its databas
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Exam questions as a test instrument to measure educational success must have good quality. This q... more Exam questions as a test instrument to measure educational success must have good quality. This quality can be measured by the level of cognition expected of students. The level of cognition reflects the mastery of learning materials as a form of evaluation of the teaching and learning process outlined in the curriculum. For this reason, the exam questions need to be mapped into the cognitive process dimensions, namely based on the categories in the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). The mapping method used is Natural Language Processing (NLP) as one of the fields of Artificial Intelligence development. The stages in this mapping are pre-processing, including tokenization, stemming, stop-word removal, and feature extraction using POS Tagging. The output of this mapping process is in the form of categories of test items into RBT: remembering (C1), understanding (C2), applying (C3), analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). The classification results obtained information th...
By adopting slow freeze-thaw method and carrying out freeze-thaw cycle times of 25,50,75,100,125,... more By adopting slow freeze-thaw method and carrying out freeze-thaw cycle times of 25,50,75,100,125,150,200,225,250,275 and 300 on the LC35 fiber lightweight aggregate concrete,The compressive strength and elastic modulus of the lightweight aggregate concrete after freeze-thaw cycle have been obtained by employing a press machine and an instrument for measuring dynamic modula.According to the testing-result,the relationship between the compressive strength and the number of freeze-thaw cycle as well as the relation between the blemish degree and the blemish increment after freeze-thaw cycle are attained.The volume fraction and species of fibers have great influence on the properties of lightweight aggregate concrete.According to frost resistance properties,the improving order is:hybrid fibers polypropylene fiber steel fiber.The result can provide an experiment and theoretical basis to the research of lightweight aggregate concrete in cold north-west region.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran/deskripsi perilaku seks remaja di Purwokerto. Met... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran/deskripsi perilaku seks remaja di Purwokerto. Metode kajian yang dipakai adalah dengan menelaah hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan terhadap perilaku seksual yang dilakukan remaja di wilayah Purwokerto. Perilaku seks merupakan berbagai kegiatan yang mengarah pada pemuasan dorongan seksual. Hal tersebut akibat dari bekerjanya hormon seksual yang ada dalam diri seseorang. Masa remaja ditandai dengan perubahan hormon dan mulai berfungsinya hormon-hormon seksual secara aktif. Hal ini berdampak pada mulai munculnya ketertarikan remaja terhadap lawan jenis secara lebih intensif. Apabila hal ini kurang mendapat penanganan yang benar maka akan mengarah pada seks bebas dan sangat merugikan masa depan remaja tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu memberikan gambaran tentang perilaku seksual remaja di Purwokerto. Perilaku seksual yang akan dikaji mulai dari berpacaran; membaca majalah ...
Kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap pendidik (guru) akan menunjukkan kualitas pendidik dalam m... more Kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap pendidik (guru) akan menunjukkan kualitas pendidik dalam menjalankan profesinya. Kompetensi tersebut akan terwujud dalam bentuk penguasaan pengetahuan dan profesionalisme. Sejauh ini belum ada sistem yang bisa digunakan untuk menentukan apakah seorang pendidik telah memiliki kompetensi atau belum seperti yang dituangkan dalam UUGD 2005 yaitu kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional sesuai dengan indikatornya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah sistem berbasis WEB dan bersifat online untuk menentukan tingkat kompetensi pendidik. Sistem ini dirancangbangun menggunakan fuzzy inference system yang merupakan salah satu metode dalam bidang logika fuzzy. Tahapan dalam membangun sistem ini adalah fuzzifikasi, inferensi, dan penentuan output. Sistem online ini mempermudah bagi pemakai (guru) untuk mengoperasikan di mana saja dan kapan saja sebagai bahan ...
Board of Research and Community Service (LPPM) is a board which concerns to direct and guide the ... more Board of Research and Community Service (LPPM) is a board which concerns to direct and guide the lecturers to do a research to develop their scientific knowledge. This research is hoped to have a form of scientific knowledge that gives benefits to the development of social and economic within the society. There are three major kinds of the research in LPPM which are Hibah of Superior, Competitive and Study Program. The step of this research is conducted by proposing the proposal research into LPPM and then it will be given such an assesment based on criterias that have been determined. This research uses some research methods to find out a specific problem with the exact goal. The collecting data’s method has function to get data of the research, and the method of development system is used for designing process, examining, asessment, verification and also the decision result that appropiate with the data that has been received (appropiate with the expectation). The result of this study is implemented in a system of decision making to determine the eligibility of the research proposal in LPPM in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. By adopting technology based on the web-site and architecture of client-server network, it enables the system of decision making can be accessed all at once. This system uses JSP programming language which is clustered with MySQL as its databas
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Exam questions as a test instrument to measure educational success must have good quality. This q... more Exam questions as a test instrument to measure educational success must have good quality. This quality can be measured by the level of cognition expected of students. The level of cognition reflects the mastery of learning materials as a form of evaluation of the teaching and learning process outlined in the curriculum. For this reason, the exam questions need to be mapped into the cognitive process dimensions, namely based on the categories in the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). The mapping method used is Natural Language Processing (NLP) as one of the fields of Artificial Intelligence development. The stages in this mapping are pre-processing, including tokenization, stemming, stop-word removal, and feature extraction using POS Tagging. The output of this mapping process is in the form of categories of test items into RBT: remembering (C1), understanding (C2), applying (C3), analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). The classification results obtained information th...
By adopting slow freeze-thaw method and carrying out freeze-thaw cycle times of 25,50,75,100,125,... more By adopting slow freeze-thaw method and carrying out freeze-thaw cycle times of 25,50,75,100,125,150,200,225,250,275 and 300 on the LC35 fiber lightweight aggregate concrete,The compressive strength and elastic modulus of the lightweight aggregate concrete after freeze-thaw cycle have been obtained by employing a press machine and an instrument for measuring dynamic modula.According to the testing-result,the relationship between the compressive strength and the number of freeze-thaw cycle as well as the relation between the blemish degree and the blemish increment after freeze-thaw cycle are attained.The volume fraction and species of fibers have great influence on the properties of lightweight aggregate concrete.According to frost resistance properties,the improving order is:hybrid fibers polypropylene fiber steel fiber.The result can provide an experiment and theoretical basis to the research of lightweight aggregate concrete in cold north-west region.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran/deskripsi perilaku seks remaja di Purwokerto. Met... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran/deskripsi perilaku seks remaja di Purwokerto. Metode kajian yang dipakai adalah dengan menelaah hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan terhadap perilaku seksual yang dilakukan remaja di wilayah Purwokerto. Perilaku seks merupakan berbagai kegiatan yang mengarah pada pemuasan dorongan seksual. Hal tersebut akibat dari bekerjanya hormon seksual yang ada dalam diri seseorang. Masa remaja ditandai dengan perubahan hormon dan mulai berfungsinya hormon-hormon seksual secara aktif. Hal ini berdampak pada mulai munculnya ketertarikan remaja terhadap lawan jenis secara lebih intensif. Apabila hal ini kurang mendapat penanganan yang benar maka akan mengarah pada seks bebas dan sangat merugikan masa depan remaja tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu memberikan gambaran tentang perilaku seksual remaja di Purwokerto. Perilaku seksual yang akan dikaji mulai dari berpacaran; membaca majalah ...
Kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap pendidik (guru) akan menunjukkan kualitas pendidik dalam m... more Kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap pendidik (guru) akan menunjukkan kualitas pendidik dalam menjalankan profesinya. Kompetensi tersebut akan terwujud dalam bentuk penguasaan pengetahuan dan profesionalisme. Sejauh ini belum ada sistem yang bisa digunakan untuk menentukan apakah seorang pendidik telah memiliki kompetensi atau belum seperti yang dituangkan dalam UUGD 2005 yaitu kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional sesuai dengan indikatornya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah sistem berbasis WEB dan bersifat online untuk menentukan tingkat kompetensi pendidik. Sistem ini dirancangbangun menggunakan fuzzy inference system yang merupakan salah satu metode dalam bidang logika fuzzy. Tahapan dalam membangun sistem ini adalah fuzzifikasi, inferensi, dan penentuan output. Sistem online ini mempermudah bagi pemakai (guru) untuk mengoperasikan di mana saja dan kapan saja sebagai bahan ...
Papers by tito pinandita