In the present work, we have analyzed the elastic scattering data of 6He+p at 25.6, 38.6, 40.9, a... more In the present work, we have analyzed the elastic scattering data of 6He+p at 25.6, 38.6, 40.9, and 71 MeV/A and 8He+p at 15.6, 25.6, 32.5, 66, and 72 MeV/A, using the microscopic local optical potential calculated within the framework of the Brueckner–Hartree–Fock (BHF) formalism. The calculation requires mainly two inputs: (1) the nucleon–nucleon (NN) interaction and (2) the nucleon distributions in target nuclei. In the present work, realistic internucleon (NN) potential from Argonne v18 (AV18) and the Urbana IX (UVIX) model of three-body forces with several nucleon density distributions are used for generating the nucleon–nucleus optical potential. We have used the exact method for calculating both the direct and the exchange parts of the spin–orbit potential. We confirm the earlier results that the spin–orbit potential for these neutron-rich nuclei is diffused and extended. Our results show that the different density distributions reproduce rather well the experimental differen...
Proton-nucleus scattering provides a useful tool to determine either the parameters entering in t... more Proton-nucleus scattering provides a useful tool to determine either the parameters entering in the assumed shape of the neutron distribution or to test the reliability of the theoretically calculated neutron distributions in the target nuclei. We have used the Bethe-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach to calculate the optical potential for analyzing the experimental observables (e.g., differential cross section and polarization) for p-4,6,8 He and p-6,7,9,11 Li scattering. The calculation requires mainly two inputs: (1) the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction and (2) the nucleon distributions in target nuclei. Various local realistic internucleon (NN) potentials such as Reid93, Urbana v-14, and Argonne v-18 along with several model nucleon density distributions are employed in generating the nucleon-nucleus optical potential. We study the sensitivity of the calculated physical observables on the NN interaction and the density distributions used. It is observed that all the NN interactions and also the different density distributions reproduce rather well the experimental differential cross sections while the calculated polarization is more sensitive to the NN interaction and also to the density distribution used. Thus the polarization data can be used as an additional constraint on the determination of nucleon (especially neutron) density distributions in nuclei. Some results of the representative cases highlighting these features are presented and discussed in detail for illustration.
We report microscopic calculations of the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter and the n... more We report microscopic calculations of the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleus optical potential in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach. The calculations use several internucleon (NN) potentials, such as the Hamada-Johnston, Urbana v14, Argonne v14, Argonne v18, Reid93, and Nijm II along with and without two types of three-body forces (TBFs): the Urbana IX model and the phenomenological density-dependent three-nucleon interaction model of Lagris and Pandharipande [Nucl. Phys. A 359, 349 (1981)] and Friedman and Pandharipande [Nucl. Phys. A 361, 502 (1981)]. The inclusion of TBFs helps to reproduce the saturation properties for symmetric nuclear matter rather well as expected. The proton-nucleus optical potential has been calculated by folding the calculated reaction matrices (with and without three-body forces) over the nucleon density distributions obtained from the relativistic mean-field theory. The results show that the inclusion of TBFs reduces the strength of the central part of the optical potential in the nuclear interior and affects the calculated spin-orbit potential only marginally. As a test of the calculated potential, we have analyzed proton differential elastic scattering, analyzing power, and spin-rotation data from 40 Ca and 208 Pb at 65 and 200 MeV. It is observed that the inclusion of TBFs improves the agreement with the experiment especially for the polarization data.
Data on elastic scattering of 96 MeV neutrons from Fe, Y, and ²°Pb in the angular interval 10-70 ... more Data on elastic scattering of 96 MeV neutrons from Fe, Y, and ²°Pb in the angular interval 10-70 deg. are reported. The previously published data on ²°Pb have been extended, as a new method has been developed to obtain more information from data, namely to increase the number of angular bins at the most forward angles. A study of the
Introduction The discovery of Halo structure in Li has triggered interest in activities concernin... more Introduction The discovery of Halo structure in Li has triggered interest in activities concerning the production of new variety of exotic nuclei having large neutron or proton excess. The progress in the study of these unstable nuclei has led to a renewed interest in the investigations concerning proton and neutron distributions. Proton elastic scattering from these nuclei has been one of the important tools in extracting information about the distribution of nucleons. In view of the above, Matsuda et. al [1] have recently measured the elastic scattering of C from protons at 290MeV/Nucleon and analysed the data using the modified version of the Murdock and Horowitz model [2].This model involves density dependence in the effective interaction in terms of four parameters. The parameters are extracted by calculating observables for the scattering of protons from N=Z nucleus C for which the nucleon density distribution is known with a much greater level of confidence. The parameters th...
The fully microscopic p-nucleus optical potential has been calculated in the framework of the fir... more The fully microscopic p-nucleus optical potential has been calculated in the framework of the first order Brueckner theory employing Urbana V14, soft-core internucleon interaction along with the relativistic mean field densities both for protons and neutrons. It is observed that the volume integral per nucleon, of the real part of the spin-orbit interaction calculated for Zr (A = 76-110) and Sn (A = 96-136) isotopes, decreases with the increase in neutron number. The present optical model calculation satisfactorily reproduces the experimental (where available) cross sections and analyzing power. Further the magnitude of the first maximum (minimum) in the calculated analyzing power decreases (increases) with the addition of neutrons both for Zr and Sn isotopes reflecting the weakening of the spin-orbit interaction.
We describe our results for the calculated neutron–nucleus optical potential in the energy region... more We describe our results for the calculated neutron–nucleus optical potential in the energy region 65-200 MeV for the scattering of neutrons from 40 Ca, in first order Brueckner theory [1], using both the Urbana v -14 soft-core [2] and Hamada -Johnston (HJ) hard-core [3] interactions. The corresponding results are denoted by UB and HJ respectively. We have made a systematic study of energy dependence of Mean Square Radii and the volume integrals of the Optical model potentials. We define the volume integrals Jv/A and Jw/A per nucleon of the real and imaginary central potential respectively as () A dr r r V 4 A J 2 V / ∫ = π and () A dr r r W 4 A J 2 W / ∫ = π We have shown the energy dependence of the volume integral per nucleon for the real and imaginary part of calculated central potential using Urbana v-14 [1] in fig 1. We have also used Hamada-Johnston realistic interaction for n-40 Ca in the energy region 65 to 225MeV. We results show that: 1. Volume integral of the real central...
The equation of state of pure neutron matter at zero temperature is calculated in lowest order Br... more The equation of state of pure neutron matter at zero temperature is calculated in lowest order Brueckner theory. The calculation is performed for Urbana v14 inter nucleon interaction up to Fermi momentum 4 fm -1 .The integral equation method of Brueckner and Gammel is used for the calculation of the reaction matrices (g-matrices).The pure neutron matter system is unbound at any density.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics, 2005
We have compared the binding energy of nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleus optical potential, ... more We have compared the binding energy of nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleus optical potential, calculated in Brueckner theory starting from both the soft-core Urbana V-14 and the hard-core Hamada-Johnston internucleon potentials. Our results show that the real central part of the optical potential calculated from V-14 is about 10 MeV deeper than from the hard-core potential in the energy region
The proton-nucleus optical potentials generated by folding the calculated complex, density and en... more The proton-nucleus optical potentials generated by folding the calculated complex, density and energy dependent g-matrices (with and without three-body forces (TBF): Urbana IX (UVIX) and TNI) over the target nucleon density distributions obtained from the relativistic mean field theory, are used for the calculation of the differential cross section / d d σ θ , polarization y A , spin rotation function (Q). for 65 and 200 MeV polarized proton incident on 40 Ca and 208 Pb. The agreement with the experiment is rather impressive. It is found that the inclusion of TBF (Urbana IX (UVIX) and TNI) reduces the strength of the central part of the optical potential in the nuclear interior and affects the calculated spin-orbit potential only marginally and leads to an improvement in the agreement with the corresponding experimental results.
We have shown that the commonly used series expansion given by Greenlees et al. and Scheerbaum fo... more We have shown that the commonly used series expansion given by Greenlees et al. and Scheerbaum for calculating the spin-orbit potential is not rapidly convergent and that exact calculation of the dominant direct part can be easily done. Our exact calculation of the microscopic optical potential for the scattering of protons from 40 Ca and 208 Pb at 65 MeV and 200 MeV shows that the direct part is substantially different from the results using series expansion. Our results show that the spin-orbit potential affects the cross-section even at intermediate angles specially at high energies. The results presented here have direct application for calculating spin-orbit potential of all strongly interacting Fermionic probes.
ABSTRACT Summary We have analysed p-40Ca differential elastic scattering, analysing power and spi... more ABSTRACT Summary We have analysed p-40Ca differential elastic scattering, analysing power and spin-rotation function data at 200 and 500 MeV using Dirac optional potential and various prescriptions for nucleon density in the target. Our results show that the predictions of the spin-rotation function are in good agreement with data only at 500 MeV with all target densities used here. However, at 200 MeV the spin-rotation function data seems to be more sensitive to minor differences in the target densities. Our results show that the spin observables are better reproduced by the wine-bottle-bottom shape of the real Schrödinger equivalent potential. We have found that the shape of the real potential has an important effect on the prediction of spin observables especially in the transition region.
Recently the measured proton-9 C elastic angular distribution at 300 MeV/nucleon had been analyze... more Recently the measured proton-9 C elastic angular distribution at 300 MeV/nucleon had been analyzed within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework. The Argonne v-18 internucleon potential was used to generate the reaction matrices which were then folded over 9 C density distributions obtained by using the relativistic mean-field model. The calculations yield a satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
In the present work we describe our results concerning the calculation of equation of state of sy... more In the present work we describe our results concerning the calculation of equation of state of symmetric zero temperature nuclear matter and the microscopic optical potential using the soft-core Argonne inter-nucleon potentials in first order Brueckner–Hartree–Fock (BHF) theory. The nuclear matter saturates at a density 0.228 nucleon/fm 3 with 17.52 MeV binding energy per nucleon for Argonne av-14 and at 0.228 nucleon/fm 3 with 17.01 MeV binding energy per nucleon for Argonne av-18. As a test case we present an analysis of 65 and 200 MeV protons scattering from 208 Pb . The Argonne av-14 has been used for the first time to calculate nucleon optical potential in BHF and analyze the nucleon scattering data. We also compare our reaction matrix results with those using the old hard-core Hamada–Johnston and the soft-core Urbana uv-14 and Argonne av-18 inter-nucleon potentials. Our results indicate that the microscopic potential obtained using av-14 gives marginally better agreement with ...
National security has gained vital importance due to increasing number of suspicious and terroris... more National security has gained vital importance due to increasing number of suspicious and terrorist events across the globe. Use of different subfields of information technology has also gained much attraction of researchers and practitioners to design systems which can detect main members which are actually responsible for such kind of events. In this paper, we present a novel method to predict key players from a covert network by applying a hybrid framework. The proposed system calculates certain centrality measures for each node in the network and then applies novel hybrid classifier for detection of key players. Our system also applies anomaly detection to predict any terrorist activity in order to help law enforcement agencies to destabilize the involved network. As a proof of concept, the proposed framework has been implemented and tested using different case studies including two publicly available datasets and one local network.
We have analysed proton scattering cross sections and polarisations from 40Ca and "'Pb at interme... more We have analysed proton scattering cross sections and polarisations from 40Ca and "'Pb at intermediate energies using optical potentials calculated from Brueckner theory with internucleon potentials and ground state densities both different from those used previously. We show that the calculated results are very sensitive to the assumed densities and that agreement with experiment is only obtained using phenomenological densities and is not obtained using shell-model densities. We are not able to obtain agreement with the experimental data with a particular soft-core potential, Urbana V-14. It is now well established le5) that the nucleon optical potential CJ = V+ iW can be calculated fairly reliably using Brueckner theory. The basic idea is to calculate ' On leave from A.M.U.
A recent paper has shown that empnical values of J. the volume integral per nucleon of the real p... more A recent paper has shown that empnical values of J. the volume integral per nucleon of the real part of the nucleon opttcal potenttal. for intermediate-mass nuclei do not follow the predictions of the Lane model. We calculate the optical potentials using first-order Brueckner theory. obtain the corresponding values of J. and compare these with the empirtcal values. Agreement with some of the empirical features is obtained but maJor qualitative discrepanctes remain. We trace these discrepancies to the method used to extract values of J from the experimental scattermg cross sections.
In the present work, we have analyzed the elastic scattering data of 6He+p at 25.6, 38.6, 40.9, a... more In the present work, we have analyzed the elastic scattering data of 6He+p at 25.6, 38.6, 40.9, and 71 MeV/A and 8He+p at 15.6, 25.6, 32.5, 66, and 72 MeV/A, using the microscopic local optical potential calculated within the framework of the Brueckner–Hartree–Fock (BHF) formalism. The calculation requires mainly two inputs: (1) the nucleon–nucleon (NN) interaction and (2) the nucleon distributions in target nuclei. In the present work, realistic internucleon (NN) potential from Argonne v18 (AV18) and the Urbana IX (UVIX) model of three-body forces with several nucleon density distributions are used for generating the nucleon–nucleus optical potential. We have used the exact method for calculating both the direct and the exchange parts of the spin–orbit potential. We confirm the earlier results that the spin–orbit potential for these neutron-rich nuclei is diffused and extended. Our results show that the different density distributions reproduce rather well the experimental differen...
Proton-nucleus scattering provides a useful tool to determine either the parameters entering in t... more Proton-nucleus scattering provides a useful tool to determine either the parameters entering in the assumed shape of the neutron distribution or to test the reliability of the theoretically calculated neutron distributions in the target nuclei. We have used the Bethe-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach to calculate the optical potential for analyzing the experimental observables (e.g., differential cross section and polarization) for p-4,6,8 He and p-6,7,9,11 Li scattering. The calculation requires mainly two inputs: (1) the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction and (2) the nucleon distributions in target nuclei. Various local realistic internucleon (NN) potentials such as Reid93, Urbana v-14, and Argonne v-18 along with several model nucleon density distributions are employed in generating the nucleon-nucleus optical potential. We study the sensitivity of the calculated physical observables on the NN interaction and the density distributions used. It is observed that all the NN interactions and also the different density distributions reproduce rather well the experimental differential cross sections while the calculated polarization is more sensitive to the NN interaction and also to the density distribution used. Thus the polarization data can be used as an additional constraint on the determination of nucleon (especially neutron) density distributions in nuclei. Some results of the representative cases highlighting these features are presented and discussed in detail for illustration.
We report microscopic calculations of the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter and the n... more We report microscopic calculations of the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleus optical potential in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach. The calculations use several internucleon (NN) potentials, such as the Hamada-Johnston, Urbana v14, Argonne v14, Argonne v18, Reid93, and Nijm II along with and without two types of three-body forces (TBFs): the Urbana IX model and the phenomenological density-dependent three-nucleon interaction model of Lagris and Pandharipande [Nucl. Phys. A 359, 349 (1981)] and Friedman and Pandharipande [Nucl. Phys. A 361, 502 (1981)]. The inclusion of TBFs helps to reproduce the saturation properties for symmetric nuclear matter rather well as expected. The proton-nucleus optical potential has been calculated by folding the calculated reaction matrices (with and without three-body forces) over the nucleon density distributions obtained from the relativistic mean-field theory. The results show that the inclusion of TBFs reduces the strength of the central part of the optical potential in the nuclear interior and affects the calculated spin-orbit potential only marginally. As a test of the calculated potential, we have analyzed proton differential elastic scattering, analyzing power, and spin-rotation data from 40 Ca and 208 Pb at 65 and 200 MeV. It is observed that the inclusion of TBFs improves the agreement with the experiment especially for the polarization data.
Data on elastic scattering of 96 MeV neutrons from Fe, Y, and ²°Pb in the angular interval 10-70 ... more Data on elastic scattering of 96 MeV neutrons from Fe, Y, and ²°Pb in the angular interval 10-70 deg. are reported. The previously published data on ²°Pb have been extended, as a new method has been developed to obtain more information from data, namely to increase the number of angular bins at the most forward angles. A study of the
Introduction The discovery of Halo structure in Li has triggered interest in activities concernin... more Introduction The discovery of Halo structure in Li has triggered interest in activities concerning the production of new variety of exotic nuclei having large neutron or proton excess. The progress in the study of these unstable nuclei has led to a renewed interest in the investigations concerning proton and neutron distributions. Proton elastic scattering from these nuclei has been one of the important tools in extracting information about the distribution of nucleons. In view of the above, Matsuda et. al [1] have recently measured the elastic scattering of C from protons at 290MeV/Nucleon and analysed the data using the modified version of the Murdock and Horowitz model [2].This model involves density dependence in the effective interaction in terms of four parameters. The parameters are extracted by calculating observables for the scattering of protons from N=Z nucleus C for which the nucleon density distribution is known with a much greater level of confidence. The parameters th...
The fully microscopic p-nucleus optical potential has been calculated in the framework of the fir... more The fully microscopic p-nucleus optical potential has been calculated in the framework of the first order Brueckner theory employing Urbana V14, soft-core internucleon interaction along with the relativistic mean field densities both for protons and neutrons. It is observed that the volume integral per nucleon, of the real part of the spin-orbit interaction calculated for Zr (A = 76-110) and Sn (A = 96-136) isotopes, decreases with the increase in neutron number. The present optical model calculation satisfactorily reproduces the experimental (where available) cross sections and analyzing power. Further the magnitude of the first maximum (minimum) in the calculated analyzing power decreases (increases) with the addition of neutrons both for Zr and Sn isotopes reflecting the weakening of the spin-orbit interaction.
We describe our results for the calculated neutron–nucleus optical potential in the energy region... more We describe our results for the calculated neutron–nucleus optical potential in the energy region 65-200 MeV for the scattering of neutrons from 40 Ca, in first order Brueckner theory [1], using both the Urbana v -14 soft-core [2] and Hamada -Johnston (HJ) hard-core [3] interactions. The corresponding results are denoted by UB and HJ respectively. We have made a systematic study of energy dependence of Mean Square Radii and the volume integrals of the Optical model potentials. We define the volume integrals Jv/A and Jw/A per nucleon of the real and imaginary central potential respectively as () A dr r r V 4 A J 2 V / ∫ = π and () A dr r r W 4 A J 2 W / ∫ = π We have shown the energy dependence of the volume integral per nucleon for the real and imaginary part of calculated central potential using Urbana v-14 [1] in fig 1. We have also used Hamada-Johnston realistic interaction for n-40 Ca in the energy region 65 to 225MeV. We results show that: 1. Volume integral of the real central...
The equation of state of pure neutron matter at zero temperature is calculated in lowest order Br... more The equation of state of pure neutron matter at zero temperature is calculated in lowest order Brueckner theory. The calculation is performed for Urbana v14 inter nucleon interaction up to Fermi momentum 4 fm -1 .The integral equation method of Brueckner and Gammel is used for the calculation of the reaction matrices (g-matrices).The pure neutron matter system is unbound at any density.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics, 2005
We have compared the binding energy of nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleus optical potential, ... more We have compared the binding energy of nuclear matter and the nucleon-nucleus optical potential, calculated in Brueckner theory starting from both the soft-core Urbana V-14 and the hard-core Hamada-Johnston internucleon potentials. Our results show that the real central part of the optical potential calculated from V-14 is about 10 MeV deeper than from the hard-core potential in the energy region
The proton-nucleus optical potentials generated by folding the calculated complex, density and en... more The proton-nucleus optical potentials generated by folding the calculated complex, density and energy dependent g-matrices (with and without three-body forces (TBF): Urbana IX (UVIX) and TNI) over the target nucleon density distributions obtained from the relativistic mean field theory, are used for the calculation of the differential cross section / d d σ θ , polarization y A , spin rotation function (Q). for 65 and 200 MeV polarized proton incident on 40 Ca and 208 Pb. The agreement with the experiment is rather impressive. It is found that the inclusion of TBF (Urbana IX (UVIX) and TNI) reduces the strength of the central part of the optical potential in the nuclear interior and affects the calculated spin-orbit potential only marginally and leads to an improvement in the agreement with the corresponding experimental results.
We have shown that the commonly used series expansion given by Greenlees et al. and Scheerbaum fo... more We have shown that the commonly used series expansion given by Greenlees et al. and Scheerbaum for calculating the spin-orbit potential is not rapidly convergent and that exact calculation of the dominant direct part can be easily done. Our exact calculation of the microscopic optical potential for the scattering of protons from 40 Ca and 208 Pb at 65 MeV and 200 MeV shows that the direct part is substantially different from the results using series expansion. Our results show that the spin-orbit potential affects the cross-section even at intermediate angles specially at high energies. The results presented here have direct application for calculating spin-orbit potential of all strongly interacting Fermionic probes.
ABSTRACT Summary We have analysed p-40Ca differential elastic scattering, analysing power and spi... more ABSTRACT Summary We have analysed p-40Ca differential elastic scattering, analysing power and spin-rotation function data at 200 and 500 MeV using Dirac optional potential and various prescriptions for nucleon density in the target. Our results show that the predictions of the spin-rotation function are in good agreement with data only at 500 MeV with all target densities used here. However, at 200 MeV the spin-rotation function data seems to be more sensitive to minor differences in the target densities. Our results show that the spin observables are better reproduced by the wine-bottle-bottom shape of the real Schrödinger equivalent potential. We have found that the shape of the real potential has an important effect on the prediction of spin observables especially in the transition region.
Recently the measured proton-9 C elastic angular distribution at 300 MeV/nucleon had been analyze... more Recently the measured proton-9 C elastic angular distribution at 300 MeV/nucleon had been analyzed within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework. The Argonne v-18 internucleon potential was used to generate the reaction matrices which were then folded over 9 C density distributions obtained by using the relativistic mean-field model. The calculations yield a satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
In the present work we describe our results concerning the calculation of equation of state of sy... more In the present work we describe our results concerning the calculation of equation of state of symmetric zero temperature nuclear matter and the microscopic optical potential using the soft-core Argonne inter-nucleon potentials in first order Brueckner–Hartree–Fock (BHF) theory. The nuclear matter saturates at a density 0.228 nucleon/fm 3 with 17.52 MeV binding energy per nucleon for Argonne av-14 and at 0.228 nucleon/fm 3 with 17.01 MeV binding energy per nucleon for Argonne av-18. As a test case we present an analysis of 65 and 200 MeV protons scattering from 208 Pb . The Argonne av-14 has been used for the first time to calculate nucleon optical potential in BHF and analyze the nucleon scattering data. We also compare our reaction matrix results with those using the old hard-core Hamada–Johnston and the soft-core Urbana uv-14 and Argonne av-18 inter-nucleon potentials. Our results indicate that the microscopic potential obtained using av-14 gives marginally better agreement with ...
National security has gained vital importance due to increasing number of suspicious and terroris... more National security has gained vital importance due to increasing number of suspicious and terrorist events across the globe. Use of different subfields of information technology has also gained much attraction of researchers and practitioners to design systems which can detect main members which are actually responsible for such kind of events. In this paper, we present a novel method to predict key players from a covert network by applying a hybrid framework. The proposed system calculates certain centrality measures for each node in the network and then applies novel hybrid classifier for detection of key players. Our system also applies anomaly detection to predict any terrorist activity in order to help law enforcement agencies to destabilize the involved network. As a proof of concept, the proposed framework has been implemented and tested using different case studies including two publicly available datasets and one local network.
We have analysed proton scattering cross sections and polarisations from 40Ca and "'Pb at interme... more We have analysed proton scattering cross sections and polarisations from 40Ca and "'Pb at intermediate energies using optical potentials calculated from Brueckner theory with internucleon potentials and ground state densities both different from those used previously. We show that the calculated results are very sensitive to the assumed densities and that agreement with experiment is only obtained using phenomenological densities and is not obtained using shell-model densities. We are not able to obtain agreement with the experimental data with a particular soft-core potential, Urbana V-14. It is now well established le5) that the nucleon optical potential CJ = V+ iW can be calculated fairly reliably using Brueckner theory. The basic idea is to calculate ' On leave from A.M.U.
A recent paper has shown that empnical values of J. the volume integral per nucleon of the real p... more A recent paper has shown that empnical values of J. the volume integral per nucleon of the real part of the nucleon opttcal potenttal. for intermediate-mass nuclei do not follow the predictions of the Lane model. We calculate the optical potentials using first-order Brueckner theory. obtain the corresponding values of J. and compare these with the empirtcal values. Agreement with some of the empirical features is obtained but maJor qualitative discrepanctes remain. We trace these discrepancies to the method used to extract values of J from the experimental scattermg cross sections.
Papers by wasi haider