The CRESST-III experiment aims at the direct detection of dark matter particles via their elastic... more The CRESST-III experiment aims at the direct detection of dark matter particles via their elastic scattering off nuclei in a scintillating CaWO_44 target crystal. For many years CaWO_44 crystals have successfully been produced in-house at Technische Universität München with a focus on high radiopurity. To further improve the CaWO_44 crystals, an extensive chemical purification of the raw materials has been performed and the crystal TUM93 was produced from this powder. We present results from an \alphaα-decay rate analysis performed on 344 days of data collected in the ongoing CRESST-III data-taking campaign. The \alphaα-decay rate could significantly be reduced.
We describe the design, optimization, electrical and optical tests of Microwave Kinetic Inductanc... more We describe the design, optimization, electrical and optical tests of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for the mm-wave range. Our detectors are based on a novel resonator design, and are suitable for ground-based astronomical observations in the 143 GHz atmospheric window. The measured optical Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) at 0.3 K is $\sim 10^{-16}~\text{W}/\sqrt{\rm Hz}$ under a 300 K background load. This is equivalent or better than the performance of the best current bolometric detectors for the 140 GHz atmospheric window, limited by atmospheric noise in the best available sites. We also describe which improvements can be introduced to reduce the NEP of our detector, for lower background applications (narrow band or space-based).
Many low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a ... more Many low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a few hundred eV, and larger than expected from known backgrounds. Due to the significant impact of this excess on the dark matter or neutrino sensitivity of these experiments, a collective effort has been started to share the knowledge about the individual observations. For this, the EXCESS Workshop was initiated. In its first iteration in June 2021, ten rare event search collaborations contributed to this initiative via talks and discussions. The contributing collaborations were CONNIE, CRESST, DAMIC, EDELWEISS, MINER, NEWS-G, NUCLEUS, RICOCHET, SENSEI and SuperCDMS. They presented data about their observed energy spectra and known backgrounds together with details about the respective measurements. In this paper, we summarize the presented information and give a comprehensive overview of the similarities and differences between the distinct measurements. The provided data is furthermore...
Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) have recently drawn the attention of the low-temperature detec... more Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) have recently drawn the attention of the low-temperature detectors community. High sensitivity, low fabrication complexity, small time constant and most notably the intrinsic capability of frequency multiplexed readout open new possibilities for experiments which need large format arrays of ultra sensitive light detectors. In millimeter Astronomy, the New IRAM KID Array (NIKA) instrument is today the most beautiful demonstration of this statement. It is a two bands hundreds-pixels KID based camera permanently installed at the focal plane of the IRAM 30-m telescope of Pico Veleta (Granada, Spain). Thanks to the NIKA observational campaign, we have de nitively demonstrated performances comparable to the state-of-art of bolometers and the instrument is today opened to the astronomers community. This encourages further array scaling and opens the path to next generation kilo-pixels ground-based cameras, like NIKA-2. Moreover, the will to extend KID tec...
CUORE is a proposed tightly packed array of 1000 TeO 2 bolometers, each being a cube 5 cm on a si... more CUORE is a proposed tightly packed array of 1000 TeO 2 bolometers, each being a cube 5 cm on a side with a mass of 750 g. The array consists of 25 vertical towers, arranged in a square of 5 towers by 5 towers, each containing ten layers of four crystals. The design of the detector is optimized for ultralowbackground searches for neutrinoless double beta decay of 130 Te (33.8% abundance), cold dark matter, solar axions, and rare nuclear decays. A preliminary experiment involving 20 crystals of various sizes (MIBETA) has been completed, and a single CUORE tower is being constructed as a smaller scale experiment called CUORICINO. The expected performance and sensitivity, based on Monte Carlo simulations and extrapolations of present results, are reported.
INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy Large-mass arrays of bolometers proved to be good detectors for... more INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy Large-mass arrays of bolometers proved to be good detectors for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νDBD) and Dark Matter searches. CUORE and LUCIFER are bolometric 0νDBD experiments that will start to take data in 2015 at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The sensitivity of CUORE to 0νDBD could be increased by removing the dominant source of background, due to α particles, exploiting the small amount of Cherenkov light emitted by the β (signal) and not by αs. LUCIFER could be extended to search also for Dark Matter interactions, provided that an efficient rejection of β /γ background in the energy region of interest (below 10 keV) can be obtained using the simultaneous detection of heat and scintillation signals. The interest in sensitive cryogenic light detectors gave birth to the CALDER project, that aims at the development of detectors with an active area of 5 × 5 cm2 (the face of typical bolometric crystals), operating in a wide temper...
CUPID is a proposed future tonne-scale bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta... more CUPID is a proposed future tonne-scale bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) experiment to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos and discover Lepton Number Violation in the so-called inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass. CUPID will be built on experience, expertise and lessons learned in CUORE, and will exploit the current CUORE infrastructure as much as possible. In order to achieve its ambitious science goals, CUPID aims to dramatically reduce the backgrounds in the region of interest introducing a high efficiently $\alpha$/$\beta$ discrimination techniques, also demonstrated by the CUPID-0 and CUPID-Mo experiments, and using a high transition energy double beta decay nucleus, $^{100}$Mo. This document describe the main concepts related with the design of the CUPID experiment and indicates the projected sensitivities and the global scientific goal of the experiment.
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment ... more The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment reaching the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in 19 towers. The construction of the experiment and the installation of the detector was completed in August 2016. In this paper, the technical challenges of the construction, the design choices and measured performance of the electronic instrumentation are presented.
Localization and modeling of radioactive contaminations is a challenge that ultra-low background ... more Localization and modeling of radioactive contaminations is a challenge that ultra-low background experiments are constantly facing. These are fundamental steps both to extract scientific results and to further reduce the background of the detectors. Here we present an innovative technique based on the analysis of $$\alpha -\alpha $$ α - α delayed coincidences in $${}^{232}$$ 232 Th and $${}^{238}$$ 238 U decay chains, developed to investigate the contaminations of the ZnSe crystals in the CUPID-0 experiment. This method allows to disentangle surface and bulk contaminations of the detectors relying on the different probability to tag delayed coincidences as function of the $$\alpha $$ α decay position.
The CUORE experiment is a large bolometric array searching for the lepton number violating neutri... more The CUORE experiment is a large bolometric array searching for the lepton number violating neutrino-less double beta decay ($$0\nu \beta \beta $$ 0 ν β β ) in the isotope $$\mathrm {^{130}Te}$$ 130 Te . In this work we present the latest results on two searches for the double beta decay (DBD) of $$\mathrm {^{130}Te}$$ 130 Te to the first $$0^{+}_2$$ 0 2 + excited state of $$\mathrm {^{130}Xe}$$ 130 Xe : the $$0\nu \beta \beta $$ 0 ν β β decay and the Standard Model-allowed two-neutrinos double beta decay ($$2\nu \beta \beta $$ 2 ν β β ). Both searches are based on a 372.5 kg$$\times $$ × yr TeO$$_2$$ 2 exposure. The de-excitation gamma rays emitted by the excited Xe nucleus in the final state yield a unique signature, which can be searched for with low background by studying coincident events in two or more bolometers. The closely packed arrangement of the CUORE crystals constitutes a significant advantage in this regard. The median limit setting sensitivities at 90% Credible Interv...
CUPID-0 is the first pilot experiment of CUPID, a next-generation project searching for neutrinol... more CUPID-0 is the first pilot experiment of CUPID, a next-generation project searching for neutrinoless double beta decay. In its first scientific run, CUPID-0 operated 26 ZnSe cryogenic calorimeters coupled to light detectors in the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In this work, we analyzed a ZnSe exposure of 11.34 kg year to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $$^{70}$$70Zn and for the neutrinoless positron-emitting electron capture of $$^{64}$$64Zn. We found no evidence for these decays and set 90$$\%$$% credible interval limits of $$\hbox {T}_{1/2}^{0\nu \beta \beta }$$T1/20νββ($$^{70}$$70Zn) > 1.6 $$10^{21}$$1021 year and $$\hbox {T}_{1/2}^{0\nu EC \beta +}$$T1/20νECβ+($$^{64}$$64Zn) > 1.2$$\times 10^{22}$$×1022 year, surpassing by more than one order of magnitude the previous experimental results (Belli et al. in J Phys G 38(11):115107,, 2011).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Jul 1, 2018
CUPID-0 is an array of 24 Zn 82 Se scintillating bolometers used to search for the 0νββ decay of ... more CUPID-0 is an array of 24 Zn 82 Se scintillating bolometers used to search for the 0νββ decay of 82 Se. It is the first large mass 0νββ experiment exploiting a double read-out technique: the phonon signal to accurately measure particle energies and the light signal to reject the α-induced background. Its success might open the road to a next generation project of ton mass scale, CUPID. The array is in operation at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso since the beginning of 2017, in this paper we present the preliminary results obtained with an exposure of 10.45 kg• y.
We report new results from the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130 Te with the CUORE... more We report new results from the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130 Te with the CUORE detector. This search benefits from a four-fold increase in exposure, lower trigger thresholds and analysis improvements relative to our previous results. We observe a background of (1.38 ± 0.07) • 10 −2 counts/(keV•kg•yr) in the 0νββ decay region of interest and, with a total exposure of 372.5 kg•yr, we attain a median exclusion sensitivity of 1.7 • 10 25 yr. We find no evidence for 0νββ
The CRESST-III experiment aims at the direct detection of dark matter particles via their elastic... more The CRESST-III experiment aims at the direct detection of dark matter particles via their elastic scattering off nuclei in a scintillating CaWO_44 target crystal. For many years CaWO_44 crystals have successfully been produced in-house at Technische Universität München with a focus on high radiopurity. To further improve the CaWO_44 crystals, an extensive chemical purification of the raw materials has been performed and the crystal TUM93 was produced from this powder. We present results from an \alphaα-decay rate analysis performed on 344 days of data collected in the ongoing CRESST-III data-taking campaign. The \alphaα-decay rate could significantly be reduced.
We describe the design, optimization, electrical and optical tests of Microwave Kinetic Inductanc... more We describe the design, optimization, electrical and optical tests of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for the mm-wave range. Our detectors are based on a novel resonator design, and are suitable for ground-based astronomical observations in the 143 GHz atmospheric window. The measured optical Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) at 0.3 K is $\sim 10^{-16}~\text{W}/\sqrt{\rm Hz}$ under a 300 K background load. This is equivalent or better than the performance of the best current bolometric detectors for the 140 GHz atmospheric window, limited by atmospheric noise in the best available sites. We also describe which improvements can be introduced to reduce the NEP of our detector, for lower background applications (narrow band or space-based).
Many low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a ... more Many low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a few hundred eV, and larger than expected from known backgrounds. Due to the significant impact of this excess on the dark matter or neutrino sensitivity of these experiments, a collective effort has been started to share the knowledge about the individual observations. For this, the EXCESS Workshop was initiated. In its first iteration in June 2021, ten rare event search collaborations contributed to this initiative via talks and discussions. The contributing collaborations were CONNIE, CRESST, DAMIC, EDELWEISS, MINER, NEWS-G, NUCLEUS, RICOCHET, SENSEI and SuperCDMS. They presented data about their observed energy spectra and known backgrounds together with details about the respective measurements. In this paper, we summarize the presented information and give a comprehensive overview of the similarities and differences between the distinct measurements. The provided data is furthermore...
Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) have recently drawn the attention of the low-temperature detec... more Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) have recently drawn the attention of the low-temperature detectors community. High sensitivity, low fabrication complexity, small time constant and most notably the intrinsic capability of frequency multiplexed readout open new possibilities for experiments which need large format arrays of ultra sensitive light detectors. In millimeter Astronomy, the New IRAM KID Array (NIKA) instrument is today the most beautiful demonstration of this statement. It is a two bands hundreds-pixels KID based camera permanently installed at the focal plane of the IRAM 30-m telescope of Pico Veleta (Granada, Spain). Thanks to the NIKA observational campaign, we have de nitively demonstrated performances comparable to the state-of-art of bolometers and the instrument is today opened to the astronomers community. This encourages further array scaling and opens the path to next generation kilo-pixels ground-based cameras, like NIKA-2. Moreover, the will to extend KID tec...
CUORE is a proposed tightly packed array of 1000 TeO 2 bolometers, each being a cube 5 cm on a si... more CUORE is a proposed tightly packed array of 1000 TeO 2 bolometers, each being a cube 5 cm on a side with a mass of 750 g. The array consists of 25 vertical towers, arranged in a square of 5 towers by 5 towers, each containing ten layers of four crystals. The design of the detector is optimized for ultralowbackground searches for neutrinoless double beta decay of 130 Te (33.8% abundance), cold dark matter, solar axions, and rare nuclear decays. A preliminary experiment involving 20 crystals of various sizes (MIBETA) has been completed, and a single CUORE tower is being constructed as a smaller scale experiment called CUORICINO. The expected performance and sensitivity, based on Monte Carlo simulations and extrapolations of present results, are reported.
INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy Large-mass arrays of bolometers proved to be good detectors for... more INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy Large-mass arrays of bolometers proved to be good detectors for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νDBD) and Dark Matter searches. CUORE and LUCIFER are bolometric 0νDBD experiments that will start to take data in 2015 at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The sensitivity of CUORE to 0νDBD could be increased by removing the dominant source of background, due to α particles, exploiting the small amount of Cherenkov light emitted by the β (signal) and not by αs. LUCIFER could be extended to search also for Dark Matter interactions, provided that an efficient rejection of β /γ background in the energy region of interest (below 10 keV) can be obtained using the simultaneous detection of heat and scintillation signals. The interest in sensitive cryogenic light detectors gave birth to the CALDER project, that aims at the development of detectors with an active area of 5 × 5 cm2 (the face of typical bolometric crystals), operating in a wide temper...
CUPID is a proposed future tonne-scale bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta... more CUPID is a proposed future tonne-scale bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) experiment to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos and discover Lepton Number Violation in the so-called inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass. CUPID will be built on experience, expertise and lessons learned in CUORE, and will exploit the current CUORE infrastructure as much as possible. In order to achieve its ambitious science goals, CUPID aims to dramatically reduce the backgrounds in the region of interest introducing a high efficiently $\alpha$/$\beta$ discrimination techniques, also demonstrated by the CUPID-0 and CUPID-Mo experiments, and using a high transition energy double beta decay nucleus, $^{100}$Mo. This document describe the main concepts related with the design of the CUPID experiment and indicates the projected sensitivities and the global scientific goal of the experiment.
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment ... more The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment reaching the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in 19 towers. The construction of the experiment and the installation of the detector was completed in August 2016. In this paper, the technical challenges of the construction, the design choices and measured performance of the electronic instrumentation are presented.
Localization and modeling of radioactive contaminations is a challenge that ultra-low background ... more Localization and modeling of radioactive contaminations is a challenge that ultra-low background experiments are constantly facing. These are fundamental steps both to extract scientific results and to further reduce the background of the detectors. Here we present an innovative technique based on the analysis of $$\alpha -\alpha $$ α - α delayed coincidences in $${}^{232}$$ 232 Th and $${}^{238}$$ 238 U decay chains, developed to investigate the contaminations of the ZnSe crystals in the CUPID-0 experiment. This method allows to disentangle surface and bulk contaminations of the detectors relying on the different probability to tag delayed coincidences as function of the $$\alpha $$ α decay position.
The CUORE experiment is a large bolometric array searching for the lepton number violating neutri... more The CUORE experiment is a large bolometric array searching for the lepton number violating neutrino-less double beta decay ($$0\nu \beta \beta $$ 0 ν β β ) in the isotope $$\mathrm {^{130}Te}$$ 130 Te . In this work we present the latest results on two searches for the double beta decay (DBD) of $$\mathrm {^{130}Te}$$ 130 Te to the first $$0^{+}_2$$ 0 2 + excited state of $$\mathrm {^{130}Xe}$$ 130 Xe : the $$0\nu \beta \beta $$ 0 ν β β decay and the Standard Model-allowed two-neutrinos double beta decay ($$2\nu \beta \beta $$ 2 ν β β ). Both searches are based on a 372.5 kg$$\times $$ × yr TeO$$_2$$ 2 exposure. The de-excitation gamma rays emitted by the excited Xe nucleus in the final state yield a unique signature, which can be searched for with low background by studying coincident events in two or more bolometers. The closely packed arrangement of the CUORE crystals constitutes a significant advantage in this regard. The median limit setting sensitivities at 90% Credible Interv...
CUPID-0 is the first pilot experiment of CUPID, a next-generation project searching for neutrinol... more CUPID-0 is the first pilot experiment of CUPID, a next-generation project searching for neutrinoless double beta decay. In its first scientific run, CUPID-0 operated 26 ZnSe cryogenic calorimeters coupled to light detectors in the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In this work, we analyzed a ZnSe exposure of 11.34 kg year to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $$^{70}$$70Zn and for the neutrinoless positron-emitting electron capture of $$^{64}$$64Zn. We found no evidence for these decays and set 90$$\%$$% credible interval limits of $$\hbox {T}_{1/2}^{0\nu \beta \beta }$$T1/20νββ($$^{70}$$70Zn) > 1.6 $$10^{21}$$1021 year and $$\hbox {T}_{1/2}^{0\nu EC \beta +}$$T1/20νECβ+($$^{64}$$64Zn) > 1.2$$\times 10^{22}$$×1022 year, surpassing by more than one order of magnitude the previous experimental results (Belli et al. in J Phys G 38(11):115107,, 2011).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Jul 1, 2018
CUPID-0 is an array of 24 Zn 82 Se scintillating bolometers used to search for the 0νββ decay of ... more CUPID-0 is an array of 24 Zn 82 Se scintillating bolometers used to search for the 0νββ decay of 82 Se. It is the first large mass 0νββ experiment exploiting a double read-out technique: the phonon signal to accurately measure particle energies and the light signal to reject the α-induced background. Its success might open the road to a next generation project of ton mass scale, CUPID. The array is in operation at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso since the beginning of 2017, in this paper we present the preliminary results obtained with an exposure of 10.45 kg• y.
We report new results from the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130 Te with the CUORE... more We report new results from the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130 Te with the CUORE detector. This search benefits from a four-fold increase in exposure, lower trigger thresholds and analysis improvements relative to our previous results. We observe a background of (1.38 ± 0.07) • 10 −2 counts/(keV•kg•yr) in the 0νββ decay region of interest and, with a total exposure of 372.5 kg•yr, we attain a median exclusion sensitivity of 1.7 • 10 25 yr. We find no evidence for 0νββ
Papers by Antonio D'Addabbo