Research Overview

The University of North Texas is a recognized student-center public research university with a culture of learning based on diverse view-points, interdisciplinary endeavors, creativity, and disciplined excellence. This is accomplished through a broad and balanced array of programs where well-prepared students and dedicated scholars and artists collaborate with the local and global communities in the creation, integration, application, and dissemination of knowledge.

Information Science faculty members understand the importance of translating research into their teaching of future information professionals. Specifically, the faculty members incorporate their research initiatives into the development of course materials as well as in the delivery of course content. The views research as crucial to adding to the knowledge base of the profession, and they promote research to their students in order to address the critical issues in the field.

The Interdisciplinary Information Science doctoral program fosters an intellectual and synergetic environment with research agendas generated by a student body of more than 70 and an interdisciplinary faculty from academic and research units across campus. This environment enriches Department of Information Science faculty research and enhances the quality of instruction at the master's level and bachelor levels. Graduate students have worked with faculty in developing publications, presentations, and sponsored projects, which have provided them with a rich educational opportunity to experience the whole cycle of the research process.

Since 2008, Information Science faculty members have secured more than $6 million dollars in external funding. The sponsored projects reflect a diverse range of topics, partnerships, and agencies. In addition, The University also awards a number of funding opportunities including the Research Initiation, RIG, Research Opportunity Program, ROP, Research Enabling, REG, grants, UAEM-UNT Research Seed Fund, UAEM, and Junior Faculty Summer Research Funds, JFSRF.