IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
In order to ensure safety and reliability of energy transportation, it is necessary to understand... more In order to ensure safety and reliability of energy transportation, it is necessary to understand and predict the performance of the gas turbine components. A prediction frame of the gas turbine compressor isentropic efficiency is established using the neural time series theory based on the Dynamic Neural Network. In order to obtain appropriate parameters for the network, a validation set is introduced to generalize the model. The compressor isentropic efficiency can be predicted based on the suggested model which provides an effective technical mean for the early warning of gas turbine performance. The experiment verified that the performance calculation model and the isentropic entropy efficiency prediction model based on the neural time series are effective.
Ostour, 2022
The siege by French forces of Algiers is one of the important stages in the history of Algeria an... more The siege by French forces of Algiers is one of the important stages in the history of Algeria and the entire region. Its complexities and repercussions, by virtue of geography and history, transcended Algeria and France to spill over into many other parties, perhaps the most important of which was the Ottoman Empire, due to several considerations, including Algeria's subordination to the Ottoman Empire. This dependency led to questions about the extent of the interaction of the Ottoman Empire with the issue of the French blockade of the Algerian coasts, and this question trapped each party into attempting to justify its position. By translating four letters within the Ottoman archive, from Ottoman Turkish into Arabic, this study seeks out Ottoman reactions away from ready-made peremptory judgements.
articel, 2021
2019 yılından bu yana tamamen kapanması nedeniyle dünya enerji talebindeki düşüş, ihracatl... more Giriş:
2019 yılından bu yana tamamen kapanması nedeniyle dünya enerji talebindeki düşüş, ihracatları ağırlıklı olarak enerji mamulleri satışına dayanan Kuzey Afrika ülkelerinin gelirlerinde de düşüşe sebep oldu. Mesela, Cezayir ve Libya’nın mali gelir göstergeleri, bu ülkelerin kamu gelirlerinde 2020’nin ilk üçte birinden başlayarak önemli bir düşüş gösterdiğine işaret etmektedir. Bazı göstergelere göre aynı durum bölge ülkelerine ait hisse senedi endekslerinde %70’ten fazla değer kaybederek en düşük seviyelere inmek suretiyle yaşanmıştır.
istanbuljas, 2021
This study aims to follow the Ottoman Empire's stands on Constantine's requests, particularly tha... more This study aims to follow the Ottoman Empire's stands on Constantine's requests, particularly that of the designation of Ahmed Bey as the Pacha of Algeria replacing his predecessor Hussein Dey who was removed by the French forces following their conquest of Algeria in 1830. This study attempts to analyze the archived correspondences between Ahmed Bey and the Ottoman state and the context in which they occurred while indicating the State's position on Ahmed Bey's correspondence to Sublime Porte and the rationale behind it. Finally, the French state's handling of Ahmed Bey's demands through its ambassador in Istanbul will be discussed in the context of the international influences and the political climate of the region.
Bu çalışma, 1830’da Fransız kuvvetlerinin Cezayir’e girmesinden
sonra görevden azledilen Hüseyin Dey’in yerine Ahmed Bey’in
Cezayir valisi olarak tayin edilmesi konusundaki Konstantîn’den
iletilen taleplere karşı Osmanlı Devleti’nin tutumunu ortaya koymayı
amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada temel olarak bu konu hakkında “Ahmed
Bey” ile “Babıali” arasında geçen ve Türkiye’deki Osmanlı
arşivlerinde bulunan resmi yazışmaların tahliline dayanılacaktır.
Ancak bu yazışmaları incelemeden önce, onunla bağlantılı genel
bağlamdan bahsedilecek ve Osmanlı Devleti’nin bu talepleri nasıl
karşıladığı ve bunun ardında yatan nedenler açıklanacaktır. Aynı
zamanda, İstanbul’daki büyükelçisi tarafından temsil edilen
Fransa’nın tavrına ve konumuna değinilecektir. Çalışmanın konusu,
ilgili dönemde Mağrip’te mevcut olan genel bağlam ve uluslararası
tarafların durumlar üzerindeki etkisinin kapsamı ile
ilişkilendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Konstantîn, Ahmed Bey, Osmanlı Devleti,
Fransız İşgali, Cezayir Eyaleti.
Cezayir-Fas ilişkilerinde tarihi krizler, 2021
In this paper, we tried to present a picture of the historical relations between Algeria and Moro... more In this paper, we tried to present a picture of the historical relations between Algeria and Morocco from the Ottoman era to the second half of the twentieth century.
Cezayir'in İsrail'in Afrika Birliği'ne girişinin karşısında durmak çabaları, 2021
This paper attempts to present Algeria's efforts to stop Israel from entering the African Union a... more This paper attempts to present Algeria's efforts to stop Israel from entering the African Union as an observer member of the African Union
AKEM, 2020
Cezayir ile Fas arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin kesilmesi İki ülke arasındaki krizlerde yeni bi... more Cezayir ile Fas arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin kesilmesi İki ülke arasındaki krizlerde yeni bir sayfa Giriş:
دراسة تتناول الافكار التي كانت منتشرة في الجمعيات والمنظمات داخل الدولة العثمانية ومدى مساهمة ذلك... more دراسة تتناول الافكار التي كانت منتشرة في الجمعيات والمنظمات داخل الدولة العثمانية ومدى مساهمة ذلك في القبول بالأمر الواقع الذي فرضته معاهدة ساكس بيكو
تتناول هذه الدراسة الجذور الفكرية التي تسربت داخلت الجمعيات المختلفة في العهد العثماني وكانت بمثا... more تتناول هذه الدراسة الجذور الفكرية التي تسربت داخلت الجمعيات المختلفة في العهد العثماني وكانت بمثابة الأرضية الصلبة التي اعتمدت وتقبلت بعدها اتفاقية سايكس بيكو، فهي دراسة تعتني بإبراز الجانب الفكري الذي سبق تطبيق الاتفاقية
حملة أوريلي على مدينة الجزائر من خلال الزهرة النائرة , 2017
نتناول في هذه المقالة الحملة الإسبانية التي كانت على مدينة الجزائر سنة 1775مـ، والتي قادها الأمير... more نتناول في هذه المقالة الحملة الإسبانية التي كانت على مدينة الجزائر سنة 1775مـ، والتي قادها الأميرال أوريلي
الأردن, 2012
تعد المؤسسة الأمنية عصب أساسي لفهم تركيب أي جهاز مؤسساتي أمني في أي مكان، وقد لعبت الشرطة أو المؤ... more تعد المؤسسة الأمنية عصب أساسي لفهم تركيب أي جهاز مؤسساتي أمني في أي مكان، وقد لعبت الشرطة أو المؤسسة الأمنية بخطوات مهمة لأجل حماية الأهالي خلال العهد العثماني سواء في مدينة الجزائر أو في غيرها
An Analytical Study Of The Book "Marat Al Jazeer" By Ali Reza Pasha Of Algeria - From The Ottoman Period To The French Occupatio
“Mirror of Algeria” for his writer “Ali Riza Pasha” is considered one of the most important refe... more “Mirror of Algeria” for his writer “Ali Riza Pasha” is considered one of the most important references in the Algerian history during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
Though the book eventually remains unknown because of two reasons; First because of its lost original version Second, because of the similarity with another book titeled “The Mirror”. This last was written by “Hamdan bin Othman Khoja”
In this paper we aim to describe the book and take a deeper look at the historical events it presents starting from the Ottoman and Turkish version of the book.
Keywords: Ali Riza, Mirror of Algeria, Algerian history, Ottoman Empire, the French occupation Hamdan Khoja
مركز التاريخ العربي , 2019
epidemics in Algeria during the Ottoman rule (1700-1830)
The research on the subordinate histori... more epidemics in Algeria during the Ottoman rule (1700-1830)
The research on the subordinate historical events is considered to be one of the new scientific methods used to comprehend human history in its fine details. Within the framework of this method, this study aims to highlight various hid-den aspects of the Algerian history during the Ottoman rule. Therefrom the theme of health and food crises was taken as an introduction to exploring those hidden aspects of that specific period of time.
The initial aim of this study was an attempt to recall the daily life in Alge-ria during the crisis, however, that aim was not achievable by only reciting sto-ries and facts that are related to the subject in local sources and international ar-chives, thus, examining some of the habits and reactions the society had, while facing famines and epidemics was a must.
The tracking of these crises, feedbacks and the different efforts to under-stand them led to numerous consequences that later became an inseparable part of popular culture in Algeria.
كتاب الجيب، القومية، الدولة العثمانية،, 2017
The book attempts to talk about nationalism and how it influenced the history of the Ottoman Empire
مجلة أسطور, 2020
تُعتبر المراجعات العلمية للكتب التي تتعلق بالتاريخ العثماني غايةً في الأهمية بالنسبة إلى الباحثين... more تُعتبر المراجعات العلمية للكتب التي تتعلق بالتاريخ العثماني غايةً في الأهمية بالنسبة إلى الباحثين العرب. وقد عدَّها عبد الرحيم بنحادة أحد مظاهر حيوية الحقول البحثية، وهي بالفعل كذلك، خاصة في ما يتعلَّق بالكتابة في تاريخ الدولة العثمانية بالنسبة إلى الأتراك. ويدخل الكتاب موضوع المراجعة ضمن هذا النسق المعرفي، أي نسق المراجعات الكبرى في التاريخ العثماني، لذا ارتأينا أن من الأهمية التقديم له بقراءة تفحُصِيَّة نقدية، ولا سيما أنَّ مؤلفته هي البروفيسورة مُباهات كوتوك أوغلو المتخصصة في الدراسات العثمانية.
2019 yılından bu yana tamamen kapanması nedeniyle dünya enerji talebindeki düşüş, ihracatları ağırlıklı olarak enerji mamulleri satışına dayanan Kuzey Afrika ülkelerinin gelirlerinde de düşüşe sebep oldu. Mesela, Cezayir ve Libya’nın mali gelir göstergeleri, bu ülkelerin kamu gelirlerinde 2020’nin ilk üçte birinden başlayarak önemli bir düşüş gösterdiğine işaret etmektedir. Bazı göstergelere göre aynı durum bölge ülkelerine ait hisse senedi endekslerinde %70’ten fazla değer kaybederek en düşük seviyelere inmek suretiyle yaşanmıştır.
Bu çalışma, 1830’da Fransız kuvvetlerinin Cezayir’e girmesinden
sonra görevden azledilen Hüseyin Dey’in yerine Ahmed Bey’in
Cezayir valisi olarak tayin edilmesi konusundaki Konstantîn’den
iletilen taleplere karşı Osmanlı Devleti’nin tutumunu ortaya koymayı
amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada temel olarak bu konu hakkında “Ahmed
Bey” ile “Babıali” arasında geçen ve Türkiye’deki Osmanlı
arşivlerinde bulunan resmi yazışmaların tahliline dayanılacaktır.
Ancak bu yazışmaları incelemeden önce, onunla bağlantılı genel
bağlamdan bahsedilecek ve Osmanlı Devleti’nin bu talepleri nasıl
karşıladığı ve bunun ardında yatan nedenler açıklanacaktır. Aynı
zamanda, İstanbul’daki büyükelçisi tarafından temsil edilen
Fransa’nın tavrına ve konumuna değinilecektir. Çalışmanın konusu,
ilgili dönemde Mağrip’te mevcut olan genel bağlam ve uluslararası
tarafların durumlar üzerindeki etkisinin kapsamı ile
ilişkilendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Konstantîn, Ahmed Bey, Osmanlı Devleti,
Fransız İşgali, Cezayir Eyaleti.
Though the book eventually remains unknown because of two reasons; First because of its lost original version Second, because of the similarity with another book titeled “The Mirror”. This last was written by “Hamdan bin Othman Khoja”
In this paper we aim to describe the book and take a deeper look at the historical events it presents starting from the Ottoman and Turkish version of the book.
Keywords: Ali Riza, Mirror of Algeria, Algerian history, Ottoman Empire, the French occupation Hamdan Khoja
The research on the subordinate historical events is considered to be one of the new scientific methods used to comprehend human history in its fine details. Within the framework of this method, this study aims to highlight various hid-den aspects of the Algerian history during the Ottoman rule. Therefrom the theme of health and food crises was taken as an introduction to exploring those hidden aspects of that specific period of time.
The initial aim of this study was an attempt to recall the daily life in Alge-ria during the crisis, however, that aim was not achievable by only reciting sto-ries and facts that are related to the subject in local sources and international ar-chives, thus, examining some of the habits and reactions the society had, while facing famines and epidemics was a must.
The tracking of these crises, feedbacks and the different efforts to under-stand them led to numerous consequences that later became an inseparable part of popular culture in Algeria.
2019 yılından bu yana tamamen kapanması nedeniyle dünya enerji talebindeki düşüş, ihracatları ağırlıklı olarak enerji mamulleri satışına dayanan Kuzey Afrika ülkelerinin gelirlerinde de düşüşe sebep oldu. Mesela, Cezayir ve Libya’nın mali gelir göstergeleri, bu ülkelerin kamu gelirlerinde 2020’nin ilk üçte birinden başlayarak önemli bir düşüş gösterdiğine işaret etmektedir. Bazı göstergelere göre aynı durum bölge ülkelerine ait hisse senedi endekslerinde %70’ten fazla değer kaybederek en düşük seviyelere inmek suretiyle yaşanmıştır.
Bu çalışma, 1830’da Fransız kuvvetlerinin Cezayir’e girmesinden
sonra görevden azledilen Hüseyin Dey’in yerine Ahmed Bey’in
Cezayir valisi olarak tayin edilmesi konusundaki Konstantîn’den
iletilen taleplere karşı Osmanlı Devleti’nin tutumunu ortaya koymayı
amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada temel olarak bu konu hakkında “Ahmed
Bey” ile “Babıali” arasında geçen ve Türkiye’deki Osmanlı
arşivlerinde bulunan resmi yazışmaların tahliline dayanılacaktır.
Ancak bu yazışmaları incelemeden önce, onunla bağlantılı genel
bağlamdan bahsedilecek ve Osmanlı Devleti’nin bu talepleri nasıl
karşıladığı ve bunun ardında yatan nedenler açıklanacaktır. Aynı
zamanda, İstanbul’daki büyükelçisi tarafından temsil edilen
Fransa’nın tavrına ve konumuna değinilecektir. Çalışmanın konusu,
ilgili dönemde Mağrip’te mevcut olan genel bağlam ve uluslararası
tarafların durumlar üzerindeki etkisinin kapsamı ile
ilişkilendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Konstantîn, Ahmed Bey, Osmanlı Devleti,
Fransız İşgali, Cezayir Eyaleti.
Though the book eventually remains unknown because of two reasons; First because of its lost original version Second, because of the similarity with another book titeled “The Mirror”. This last was written by “Hamdan bin Othman Khoja”
In this paper we aim to describe the book and take a deeper look at the historical events it presents starting from the Ottoman and Turkish version of the book.
Keywords: Ali Riza, Mirror of Algeria, Algerian history, Ottoman Empire, the French occupation Hamdan Khoja
The research on the subordinate historical events is considered to be one of the new scientific methods used to comprehend human history in its fine details. Within the framework of this method, this study aims to highlight various hid-den aspects of the Algerian history during the Ottoman rule. Therefrom the theme of health and food crises was taken as an introduction to exploring those hidden aspects of that specific period of time.
The initial aim of this study was an attempt to recall the daily life in Alge-ria during the crisis, however, that aim was not achievable by only reciting sto-ries and facts that are related to the subject in local sources and international ar-chives, thus, examining some of the habits and reactions the society had, while facing famines and epidemics was a must.
The tracking of these crises, feedbacks and the different efforts to under-stand them led to numerous consequences that later became an inseparable part of popular culture in Algeria.