Laminazione - Lez. 11
Laminazione - Lez. 11
Laminazione - Lez. 11
Processo di laminazione
Schematic outline of
various flat-and-shaperolling processes.
Changes in the grain structure of cast or large-grain wrought metals during hot
rolling. Hot rolling is an effective way to reduce grain size in metals for improved
strength and ductility. Cast structures of ingots or continuous castings are
converted to a wrought structure by hot working.
utilizzato per la maggior parte dei
materiali metallici.
Le tensioni in laminazione
Effetti del raggio del rullo sulla tipologia di tensioni residue che
si manifestano su una laminazione piana: (a) rulli di piccoli
diametro o limitate riduzioni di spessore; (b) rulli di grande
diametro o elevate riduzioni dello spessore.
Raddrizzatura di un laminato
Schema dei principali tipi di laminatoi: (a) duo; (b) trio; (c) quarto; (d) a
grappolo (Sendzimir); (e) tandem, a tre stadi; (f) planetario.
Impianto di laminazione
Laminazione sagomata
Stages in shape
rolling of an H-section
part. Various other
structural sections,
such as channels and
I-beams, are also
rolled by this process.
Sbozzatura su laminatoio
Laminazione di un anello
Laminazione di un anello
Thread-Rolling Processes
Thread-rolling processes: (a) flat dies and (b) two-roller dies. These processes are
used extensively in making threaded fasteners at high rates of production.
Mannesmann Process
Cavity formation by secondary tensile stresses in a solid round bar and its use in
the rotary-tube-piercing process. This procedure uses the principle of the
Mannesmann mill for seamless tube making. The mandrel is held in place by the
long rod, although techniques have been developed in which the mandrel remains
in place without the rod.
The forming processes involves in the manufacture of solid rocket casings for the
U.S. Space Shuttle.