The design planning of the Mobile Banking Interface Design for Elderly Users aims to redesign the... more The design planning of the Mobile Banking Interface Design for Elderly Users aims to redesign the mobile banking application interface to be more effective and easier for elderly users. This research uses a mixed-method of explanatory sequential, which sequentially uses quantitative and qualitative modes. The quantitative model uses questionnaires and bodystorming simulations to obtain data on the needs and behavior of the elderly. The qualitative model is based on the User-Centered Design (UCD) design process. The research resulted in the following: (1) data on the needs of elderly users when using mobile banking applications (2) data on the behavior of elderly users to better understand the interface of the mobile banking application. Based on these data, a mobile banking interface was developed to suit the needs of elderly users, which includes a more simplified display, enlarged text size, enlarged button size and additional spacing, adjusted icon shape to the understanding of e...
At present, the growth of Instagram as an online site is phenomenal, because of the shift from it... more At present, the growth of Instagram as an online site is phenomenal, because of the shift from its original function as a social communication medium into a marketing platform. Furniture products used to be only available for in-store purchase, can now be easily purchased online. The present study attempted to discover the level of influence and effectiveness of the visual appearance of the furniture products photos through the social networking site, Instagram on consumer perceptions, which is measured using the EPIC (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact and Communication) model. The purpose of the study was to identify the effectiveness of the visual display of furniture product photos on the Instagram social networking site on consumer’s perceptions, and to map the use of the ideal visual display of furniture product photos for online product marketing purposes. The research used comparative analytical methods on photos of furniture products from six accounts of small creative economy ent...
The culinary world today is growing rapidly along with the progress of time. Doci Ramen is one of... more The culinary world today is growing rapidly along with the progress of time. Doci Ramen is one of the businesses that operate in middle 2012. On the other hand, the promising oppurtunity creates a whole different level of competition in this market. With so many competitors offering similar products, Doci Ramen has to come up with an execellent business plan to survive the harsh rivalry. So far, doci rame has not reached its target and still pretty unheard of the study was conducted on Doci Ramen by analysing external an internal factors in order to get the root cause of failure to achieve the revenue target. This research was look up the potential customers' dwelling around Jl. Dipatiukur throught focus group discussion, questionnaires and interviews. The research then produced an analysis of potential customers and their consumption patterns,the result of this research are how lack of advertisement and promotions for new comers influenced the fact that not many people will kno...
This study on the interactional experience of people who have visual impairments or disabilities ... more This study on the interactional experience of people who have visual impairments or disabilities in using Go-jek and Grab Android applications employs usability testing using mixed approach. It is an explanatory sequential design research; quantitative data were measured in time, number of errors, Single Ease Question (SEQ) questionnaire score and System Usability Scale (SUS) score. They were used to evaluate the usability level of the application, and finger mapping data and participant comments were used to find more specific problems in the design or look for user patterns. Usability evaluation was carried out on 6 sub-applications from Go-jek and Grab companies. Good grouping of visual elements and the completion of a small task makes usability perceptions increase. Yet, the design problems that make usability perception decrease are touch targets that are too small in size, bad visual element grouping, too many items in one page, and unfamiliar operational gestures. This resear...
Banyak perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang telah mengembangkan materi pembelajaran daring. Berbaga... more Banyak perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang telah mengembangkan materi pembelajaran daring. Berbagai jenis program studi dan mata kuliah telah disampaikan lewat pembelajaran daring. Mata kuliah yang termasuk ranah psikomotor banyak terdapat di program studi seni dan desain. Mata kuliah jenis ini mengandalkan kemampuan psikomotor dalam menghasilkan suatu bentuk desain tertentu. Penyampaian mata kuliah jenis tersebut dilakukan dengan berinteraksi langsung dengan dosen dengan memperhatikan dan meniru. Dalam pembelajaran daring, apakah kegiatan siswa di dalam kelas studio tersebut masih tetap dipertahankan dengan pengalaman yang sama? Apakah ruang fisik ini dapat digantikan dengan ruang maya? Studi fenomenologi dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara pengguna untuk memahami harapan siswa dan pengalaman yang akan diperoleh. Diskusi dan masukan dari siswa akan dijadikan landasan dalam penerapan pada pembelajaran daring. Prinsip teori pembelajaran berbasis multimedia dan teori beban kognitf aka...
Pada masa kini, perkembangan Instagram sebagai situs online sangat fenomenal, yang berakibat pada... more Pada masa kini, perkembangan Instagram sebagai situs online sangat fenomenal, yang berakibat pada bergesernya fungsi semula sebagai media komunikasi sosial kemudian merambah menjadi media pemasaran. Produk furnitur yang semula harus didapatkan dengan cara membeli langsung ke toko, sekarang dapat dengan mudah dibeli secara online. Dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji seberapa besar pengaruh dan keefektifan tampilan visual dari foto produk furnitur melalui situs jejaring sosial Instagram terhadap persepsi konsumen, yang diukur dengan menggunakan model EPIC (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact dan Communication). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi keefektifan tampilan visual foto produk furnitur pada situs jejaring sosial Instagram terhadap persepsi konsumen, dan memetakan penggunaan tampilan visual foto produk furnitur yang ideal untuk upaya pemasaran produk secara online. Penelitian menggunakan metode komparatif analitis terhadap foto produk furnitur dari 6 akun pengusaha kecil ekon...
The development of the increasingly advanced advertising world makes each brand required to be ab... more The development of the increasingly advanced advertising world makes each brand required to be able to present an appeal to its advertisements by giving rise to advantages and characteristics in order to attract the sympathy of consumers. One attraction of advertising is to present a brand ambassador. The purpose of this study was to identify consumers' views of the figure of Dian Sastro as a Bukalapak brand ambassador through the characteristics of brand ambassadors. This research was conducted using quantitative descriptive research methods with technical data analysis using SPSS 16.0 software for windoww. The study used a sample of 116 respondents and data collection using online questionnaires. Based on the research results obtained from the four characteristics of brand ambassadors namely visibility, credibility, attraction, and power, the figure of Dian Sastro as a brand ambassador has a strong appeal and character and can support other indicators. Thus the figure of Dian ...
Instructional media are useful in assisting students and teachers to accumulate understandings on... more Instructional media are useful in assisting students and teachers to accumulate understandings on knowledge. Further, instructional media may serve as learning tool for young teachers prepared to be dispersed on various under-developed areas in Indonesia. Based on this premise, the authors develop and design an animation on the know-how of teaching basic math for students at under-developed areas of Indonesia. The purpose of instructional media design is to provide illustrative action in teaching basic math with limited educational resources. In the design process, the authors employed combined data of observation, interview, literatures, and field notes to understand social reality of teaching basic math at school with limited available resources. Processed data is compared with learning theory to develop contents of instructional media. It is resulted in a prototype of animation as an instructional media, produced as visual narrative of learning basic math at Papua as a case of t...
Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain, 2020
Analysis of Visual Elements In Houseblend Suwe Ora Jamu Jamu Product Packaging Design. The develo... more Analysis of Visual Elements In Houseblend Suwe Ora Jamu Jamu Product Packaging Design. The development of the Jamu industry from the MSME sector on Java is caused by an increasingly healthy lifestyle. This phenomenon is manifested into a traditional Jamu product with a new format that is supported by good packaging design. Now this herbal medicine is popular with the term Jamu Kekinian.Jamu Houseblend SOJ is one of the Jamu Kekinian products from Kedai Suwe Ora Jamu which has become a pioneer in reintroducing the culture of herbal medicine to millennials since 2013 in Jakarta.The purpose of this research is how then Jamu Houseblend SOJ are perceived by consumers. The analytical method that will be used is the study of literature, interviews and questionnaires. Throughthis research, it is known that the color combination in the packaging design is something that needs to be considered by the Kedai Suwe Ora Jamu company. These findings are expected to be a benchmark forthe company Jam...
The design planning of the Mobile Banking Interface Design for Elderly Users aims to redesign the... more The design planning of the Mobile Banking Interface Design for Elderly Users aims to redesign the mobile banking application interface to be more effective and easier for elderly users. This research uses a mixed-method of explanatory sequential, which sequentially uses quantitative and qualitative modes. The quantitative model uses questionnaires and bodystorming simulations to obtain data on the needs and behavior of the elderly. The qualitative model is based on the User-Centered Design (UCD) design process. The research resulted in the following: (1) data on the needs of elderly users when using mobile banking applications (2) data on the behavior of elderly users to better understand the interface of the mobile banking application. Based on these data, a mobile banking interface was developed to suit the needs of elderly users, which includes a more simplified display, enlarged text size, enlarged button size and additional spacing, adjusted icon shape to the understanding of e...
At present, the growth of Instagram as an online site is phenomenal, because of the shift from it... more At present, the growth of Instagram as an online site is phenomenal, because of the shift from its original function as a social communication medium into a marketing platform. Furniture products used to be only available for in-store purchase, can now be easily purchased online. The present study attempted to discover the level of influence and effectiveness of the visual appearance of the furniture products photos through the social networking site, Instagram on consumer perceptions, which is measured using the EPIC (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact and Communication) model. The purpose of the study was to identify the effectiveness of the visual display of furniture product photos on the Instagram social networking site on consumer’s perceptions, and to map the use of the ideal visual display of furniture product photos for online product marketing purposes. The research used comparative analytical methods on photos of furniture products from six accounts of small creative economy ent...
The culinary world today is growing rapidly along with the progress of time. Doci Ramen is one of... more The culinary world today is growing rapidly along with the progress of time. Doci Ramen is one of the businesses that operate in middle 2012. On the other hand, the promising oppurtunity creates a whole different level of competition in this market. With so many competitors offering similar products, Doci Ramen has to come up with an execellent business plan to survive the harsh rivalry. So far, doci rame has not reached its target and still pretty unheard of the study was conducted on Doci Ramen by analysing external an internal factors in order to get the root cause of failure to achieve the revenue target. This research was look up the potential customers' dwelling around Jl. Dipatiukur throught focus group discussion, questionnaires and interviews. The research then produced an analysis of potential customers and their consumption patterns,the result of this research are how lack of advertisement and promotions for new comers influenced the fact that not many people will kno...
This study on the interactional experience of people who have visual impairments or disabilities ... more This study on the interactional experience of people who have visual impairments or disabilities in using Go-jek and Grab Android applications employs usability testing using mixed approach. It is an explanatory sequential design research; quantitative data were measured in time, number of errors, Single Ease Question (SEQ) questionnaire score and System Usability Scale (SUS) score. They were used to evaluate the usability level of the application, and finger mapping data and participant comments were used to find more specific problems in the design or look for user patterns. Usability evaluation was carried out on 6 sub-applications from Go-jek and Grab companies. Good grouping of visual elements and the completion of a small task makes usability perceptions increase. Yet, the design problems that make usability perception decrease are touch targets that are too small in size, bad visual element grouping, too many items in one page, and unfamiliar operational gestures. This resear...
Banyak perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang telah mengembangkan materi pembelajaran daring. Berbaga... more Banyak perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang telah mengembangkan materi pembelajaran daring. Berbagai jenis program studi dan mata kuliah telah disampaikan lewat pembelajaran daring. Mata kuliah yang termasuk ranah psikomotor banyak terdapat di program studi seni dan desain. Mata kuliah jenis ini mengandalkan kemampuan psikomotor dalam menghasilkan suatu bentuk desain tertentu. Penyampaian mata kuliah jenis tersebut dilakukan dengan berinteraksi langsung dengan dosen dengan memperhatikan dan meniru. Dalam pembelajaran daring, apakah kegiatan siswa di dalam kelas studio tersebut masih tetap dipertahankan dengan pengalaman yang sama? Apakah ruang fisik ini dapat digantikan dengan ruang maya? Studi fenomenologi dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara pengguna untuk memahami harapan siswa dan pengalaman yang akan diperoleh. Diskusi dan masukan dari siswa akan dijadikan landasan dalam penerapan pada pembelajaran daring. Prinsip teori pembelajaran berbasis multimedia dan teori beban kognitf aka...
Pada masa kini, perkembangan Instagram sebagai situs online sangat fenomenal, yang berakibat pada... more Pada masa kini, perkembangan Instagram sebagai situs online sangat fenomenal, yang berakibat pada bergesernya fungsi semula sebagai media komunikasi sosial kemudian merambah menjadi media pemasaran. Produk furnitur yang semula harus didapatkan dengan cara membeli langsung ke toko, sekarang dapat dengan mudah dibeli secara online. Dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji seberapa besar pengaruh dan keefektifan tampilan visual dari foto produk furnitur melalui situs jejaring sosial Instagram terhadap persepsi konsumen, yang diukur dengan menggunakan model EPIC (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact dan Communication). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi keefektifan tampilan visual foto produk furnitur pada situs jejaring sosial Instagram terhadap persepsi konsumen, dan memetakan penggunaan tampilan visual foto produk furnitur yang ideal untuk upaya pemasaran produk secara online. Penelitian menggunakan metode komparatif analitis terhadap foto produk furnitur dari 6 akun pengusaha kecil ekon...
The development of the increasingly advanced advertising world makes each brand required to be ab... more The development of the increasingly advanced advertising world makes each brand required to be able to present an appeal to its advertisements by giving rise to advantages and characteristics in order to attract the sympathy of consumers. One attraction of advertising is to present a brand ambassador. The purpose of this study was to identify consumers' views of the figure of Dian Sastro as a Bukalapak brand ambassador through the characteristics of brand ambassadors. This research was conducted using quantitative descriptive research methods with technical data analysis using SPSS 16.0 software for windoww. The study used a sample of 116 respondents and data collection using online questionnaires. Based on the research results obtained from the four characteristics of brand ambassadors namely visibility, credibility, attraction, and power, the figure of Dian Sastro as a brand ambassador has a strong appeal and character and can support other indicators. Thus the figure of Dian ...
Instructional media are useful in assisting students and teachers to accumulate understandings on... more Instructional media are useful in assisting students and teachers to accumulate understandings on knowledge. Further, instructional media may serve as learning tool for young teachers prepared to be dispersed on various under-developed areas in Indonesia. Based on this premise, the authors develop and design an animation on the know-how of teaching basic math for students at under-developed areas of Indonesia. The purpose of instructional media design is to provide illustrative action in teaching basic math with limited educational resources. In the design process, the authors employed combined data of observation, interview, literatures, and field notes to understand social reality of teaching basic math at school with limited available resources. Processed data is compared with learning theory to develop contents of instructional media. It is resulted in a prototype of animation as an instructional media, produced as visual narrative of learning basic math at Papua as a case of t...
Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain, 2020
Analysis of Visual Elements In Houseblend Suwe Ora Jamu Jamu Product Packaging Design. The develo... more Analysis of Visual Elements In Houseblend Suwe Ora Jamu Jamu Product Packaging Design. The development of the Jamu industry from the MSME sector on Java is caused by an increasingly healthy lifestyle. This phenomenon is manifested into a traditional Jamu product with a new format that is supported by good packaging design. Now this herbal medicine is popular with the term Jamu Kekinian.Jamu Houseblend SOJ is one of the Jamu Kekinian products from Kedai Suwe Ora Jamu which has become a pioneer in reintroducing the culture of herbal medicine to millennials since 2013 in Jakarta.The purpose of this research is how then Jamu Houseblend SOJ are perceived by consumers. The analytical method that will be used is the study of literature, interviews and questionnaires. Throughthis research, it is known that the color combination in the packaging design is something that needs to be considered by the Kedai Suwe Ora Jamu company. These findings are expected to be a benchmark forthe company Jam...
Papers by Achmad Syarief