Tingkat pelayanan persampahan di Kota Mempawah adalah 40,87% dengan tingkat pelayanan pengangkuta... more Tingkat pelayanan persampahan di Kota Mempawah adalah 40,87% dengan tingkat pelayanan pengangkutan sebesar 16,61% Tahun 2006. Daerah pelayanan pengangkutan sampah mencakup 6 (enam) kecamatan dengan lokasi tersebar dan jarak antar lokasi TPA ke tiap-tiap kecamatan relatif jauh maka perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pengangkutan sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pola pengangkutan sampah yang tepat dan relevan didukung oleh pembiayaan yang efisien terkait dengan target cakupan pelayanan bidang persampahan 60% jumlah penduduk Tahun 2011. Analisa teknis didukung analisa efektifitas-biaya dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi korelasi antara volume sampah terangkut (output) dan biaya nyata (input) untuk menghasilkan produktifitas optimal (tingkat pelayanan pengangkutan sampah). Analisa penentuan alternatif dengan skoring juga dilakukan dalam menilai kelayakan investasi yang paling layak dan sesuai dengan kondisi daerah. Melihat dari segi kelayakan rencana jangka pendek Tahun 2011, tolok ukur produktivitas, dan efektifitas-biaya, investasi yang dipilih adalah investasi untuk alternatif dengan nilai skor tertinggi 3,2 yaitu alternatif zonanisasi wilayah dengan menyediakan 2 buah TPA dan maksimalisasi ritase. Pola ini memberikan tingkat pelayanan pengangkutan sebesar 36,84%, potensi reduksi 24,26%, dan tingkat pelayanan persampahan sebesar 61,10%. NPW total pola ini adalah Rp. 4,886 M dengan rincian NPW investasi sebesar Rp. 507,60 Juta dan NPW operasional sebesar Rp. 4,358 M untuk periode 5 tahun atau nilai annuity sebesar Rp. 1,349 M.
Aptech Proceeding International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science & Arts : Development of Green Agro-Industry to Support Human Life Sustainability, Nov 28, 2017
Surabaya City, the capital of East Java, is one of the centers for business, trade, industries, a... more Surabaya City, the capital of East Java, is one of the centers for business, trade, industries, and education in Indonesia. Surabaya is also a very important hub for the eastern part of Indonesia, making it a strategic location for property investors. Nowadays, Surabayaās economic is hugely affected by its significant growth in properties, where skyscrapers, malls, plazas, apartments, office buildings, and hotels will continue to be built in the coming years. The amount of the aforementioned commercial buildings creates concern on drinking water supply management. In this study, the projection of drinking water need was determined by projecting inhabitants or users of high-rise buildings based on existing project data as well as interviews and field survey to people in charge. The study was directed towards 9 high-rise buildings in the eastern part of Surabaya, in particular in the districts of Gubeng, Tenggilis Mejoyo, Rungkut, and Gunung Anyar. The projection data were then analyzed and modeled using WaterCAD. Technical aspects discussed in this study include the amount of water, the network of water distribution system, and supply management. This study found that the total water need would range between 3-20 L/s depending on the number of inhabitants or user. The modelling predicted year to year situation on flows and pressures until 2025. In the last year of the modelling, the pressure obtained on the distribution system were in the range of -4 to 18 mH2O, which is a critical range of pressure in those areas.
Permasalahan kehilangan air pada pendistribusian air bersih harus ditangani sehingga meningkatkan... more Permasalahan kehilangan air pada pendistribusian air bersih harus ditangani sehingga meningkatkan jumlah ketersedian air untuk dikonsumsi, pemanfaatan sumber air baku lebih optimal, menurukan biaya operasi serta melindungi kesehatan masyarakat karena menurunnya kualitas air akibat adanya kebocoran pipa. SPAM Kutawaringin dan Sodong-Soreang merupakan wilayah pelayanan Perumda Air Minum Tirta Raharja. Pada tahun 2021, area pelayanan ini memiliki angka kehilangan air masing-masing sebesar 31% dan 31,9%.NRW merupakan salah satu penyebab buruknya kinerja perusahaan air minum (Tommy dan Arya, 2016). NRW yang tinggi menyebabkan biaya operasional yang semakin tinggi untuk produksi, pemeliharaan, dan perbaikan (Heston dan Pasawati, 2016). Pembentukan DMA berdasarkan kriteria ideal merupakan salah satu strategi dalam mengendalikan kehilangan air terutama pada kehilangan air fisik. Pengendalian tekanan pada jaringan distribusi di DMA terpilih menjadi prioritas dalam menurunkan kehilangan air f...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The water treatment applied in PDAM Surabaya City to treat Kali Surabaya still uses a conventiona... more The water treatment applied in PDAM Surabaya City to treat Kali Surabaya still uses a conventional process where the treatment process will get even harder with decreasing quality of raw water. Immersed microfiltration membrane is a reliable technology in water treatment compared to conventional technology. Nevertheless, the performance of the membrane decreases due to deposits that occur on the membrane surface and lead to fouling. This study aims to examine the effect of pressure and spacers on the performance of microfiltration ceramic membrane measured based on quality and quantity parameters. The research parameters used were turbidity, TSS, organic matter, total coliform, E. Coli and the number of microplastic while the quantity parameters included flux, amount of water production and the duration of membrane operation before fouling. This study tested immersed flat-sheet microfiltration ceramic membranes in sedimentation unit of PDAM Ngagel III Surabaya City. Membrane operati...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
High salinity water, containing high TDS and chloride, is a common problem in coastal areas of In... more High salinity water, containing high TDS and chloride, is a common problem in coastal areas of Indonesia. The chloride content in water causes water to taste salty. It occurs in a small community of Tambak Cemandi Village, Sidoarjo. The groundwater has chloride content up to 3,694.3 mg/L, hardness 2,071 mg/L (CaCO3), and total coliform 7,100 MPN/100 mL. Membrane technology has been overgrowing all over the world in the water desalination process. This study aims to examine the basic concepts, principles, advantages, and disadvantages of membrane technology and its application in brackish water treatment for drinking purposes. This research was conducted by literature review, secondary data analysis, and application of case studies. The case study is applied to small scale drinking water treatment (flow rate 0.2 L/second) with brackish raw water from groundwater in Tambak Cemandi Village, where some of the population do not have access to safe drinking water. The study concludes that...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Umbulan spring water would be used as raw water for clean water production by Surabaya City. Umbu... more Umbulan spring water would be used as raw water for clean water production by Surabaya City. Umbulan water would be sold in bulk for Rp3,300.00/m3 in 2019. The price would rise by 5.53% annually. The difference between Umbulan water price and PDAM Kota Surabaya tap water rates encouraged PDAM Kota Surabaya to plan using Umbulan water source. In its design, PDAM Kota Surabaya would make a special area that would use only Umbulan water as tap water. To maintain its quality, Umbulan water must be distributed separately from PDAM Water. There are two alternative plans to distribute Umbulan water. The first alternative was by isolating the distribution pipes in the planned area. The second alternative was by using new food-grade pipes without isolating the existing pipe. These two alternatives affect water flow pattern in West Surabaya. Customers in the planned area still doubted the quality of Umbulan water. However, customers in that area were willing to pay a higher rate as long as it...
The existing palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment is often still difficult to adhere to the ef... more The existing palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment is often still difficult to adhere to the effluent standards. One of the most promising novel technologies in wastewater treatment system is the membrane bioreactor (MBR). The aim of this study is to treat POME using aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor (ASMBR) system to improve the effluent quality before biofouling reducer (BFR) is applied to reduce the membrane fouling. Diluted POME was treated with a 20 L lab-scale ASMBR equipped with a single microfiltration flat sheet membrane module. The ASMBR systems with mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) from 3000 to 12,000 mg L-1 and solids retention time (SRT) from 20 days and above were used to investigate the best operating condition of the system without BFR. The finding shows ASMBR continuous system operated at MLSS of 9000 mg L-1 and SRT of 20 days to produce good quality effluent, less microbial products, and moderate membrane fouling rate. Since membrane fouling is the main o...
Perencanaan ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik, tepatnya di Desa Raci Wetan, Desa... more Perencanaan ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik, tepatnya di Desa Raci Wetan, Desa Sidorejo, dan Desa Melirang. Dalam upaya untuk mencapai akses air minum layak dan sanitasi layak sebesar 100%, maka dilakukan studi perencanaan bangunan pengolahan dan sistem penyaluran air bersih serta perencanaan sistem penyaluran air limbah domestik dan pengolahannya. Hasil perencanaan ini menghasilkan sebuah desain IPAM yang memiliki kapasitas sebesar 4,83 l/detik dan sistem perpipaan untuk penyaluran air bersih yang melayani 6 RW. Total RAB keseluruhan untuk sistem ini ditaksir sekitar Rp 3.927.570.320,18. Sedangkan perencanaan untuk air limbah domestik menghasilkan 12 SPAL beserta unit IPAL yang melayani 13 RW; terdiri dari 2 SPAL menggunakan sistem smallbore sewer dengan IPAL berupa ABR-ABF dan 10 SPAL menggunakan sistem shallow sewer dengan IPAL berupa ABR. Total RAB perencanaan air limbah keseluruhan ditaksir sekitarĀ Rp 11.121.645.679,60.
Tingkat pelayanan persampahan di Kota Mempawah adalah 40,87% dengan tingkat pelayanan pengangkuta... more Tingkat pelayanan persampahan di Kota Mempawah adalah 40,87% dengan tingkat pelayanan pengangkutan sebesar 16,61% Tahun 2006. Daerah pelayanan pengangkutan sampah mencakup 6 (enam) kecamatan dengan lokasi tersebar dan jarak antar lokasi TPA ke tiap-tiap kecamatan relatif jauh maka perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pengangkutan sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pola pengangkutan sampah yang tepat dan relevan didukung oleh pembiayaan yang efisien terkait dengan target cakupan pelayanan bidang persampahan 60% jumlah penduduk Tahun 2011. Analisa teknis didukung analisa efektifitas-biaya dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi korelasi antara volume sampah terangkut (output) dan biaya nyata (input) untuk menghasilkan produktifitas optimal (tingkat pelayanan pengangkutan sampah). Analisa penentuan alternatif dengan skoring juga dilakukan dalam menilai kelayakan investasi yang paling layak dan sesuai dengan kondisi daerah. Melihat dari segi kelayakan rencana jangka pendek Tahun 2011, tolok ukur produktivitas, dan efektifitas-biaya, investasi yang dipilih adalah investasi untuk alternatif dengan nilai skor tertinggi 3,2 yaitu alternatif zonanisasi wilayah dengan menyediakan 2 buah TPA dan maksimalisasi ritase. Pola ini memberikan tingkat pelayanan pengangkutan sebesar 36,84%, potensi reduksi 24,26%, dan tingkat pelayanan persampahan sebesar 61,10%. NPW total pola ini adalah Rp. 4,886 M dengan rincian NPW investasi sebesar Rp. 507,60 Juta dan NPW operasional sebesar Rp. 4,358 M untuk periode 5 tahun atau nilai annuity sebesar Rp. 1,349 M.
Aptech Proceeding International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science & Arts : Development of Green Agro-Industry to Support Human Life Sustainability, Nov 28, 2017
Surabaya City, the capital of East Java, is one of the centers for business, trade, industries, a... more Surabaya City, the capital of East Java, is one of the centers for business, trade, industries, and education in Indonesia. Surabaya is also a very important hub for the eastern part of Indonesia, making it a strategic location for property investors. Nowadays, Surabayaās economic is hugely affected by its significant growth in properties, where skyscrapers, malls, plazas, apartments, office buildings, and hotels will continue to be built in the coming years. The amount of the aforementioned commercial buildings creates concern on drinking water supply management. In this study, the projection of drinking water need was determined by projecting inhabitants or users of high-rise buildings based on existing project data as well as interviews and field survey to people in charge. The study was directed towards 9 high-rise buildings in the eastern part of Surabaya, in particular in the districts of Gubeng, Tenggilis Mejoyo, Rungkut, and Gunung Anyar. The projection data were then analyzed and modeled using WaterCAD. Technical aspects discussed in this study include the amount of water, the network of water distribution system, and supply management. This study found that the total water need would range between 3-20 L/s depending on the number of inhabitants or user. The modelling predicted year to year situation on flows and pressures until 2025. In the last year of the modelling, the pressure obtained on the distribution system were in the range of -4 to 18 mH2O, which is a critical range of pressure in those areas.
Permasalahan kehilangan air pada pendistribusian air bersih harus ditangani sehingga meningkatkan... more Permasalahan kehilangan air pada pendistribusian air bersih harus ditangani sehingga meningkatkan jumlah ketersedian air untuk dikonsumsi, pemanfaatan sumber air baku lebih optimal, menurukan biaya operasi serta melindungi kesehatan masyarakat karena menurunnya kualitas air akibat adanya kebocoran pipa. SPAM Kutawaringin dan Sodong-Soreang merupakan wilayah pelayanan Perumda Air Minum Tirta Raharja. Pada tahun 2021, area pelayanan ini memiliki angka kehilangan air masing-masing sebesar 31% dan 31,9%.NRW merupakan salah satu penyebab buruknya kinerja perusahaan air minum (Tommy dan Arya, 2016). NRW yang tinggi menyebabkan biaya operasional yang semakin tinggi untuk produksi, pemeliharaan, dan perbaikan (Heston dan Pasawati, 2016). Pembentukan DMA berdasarkan kriteria ideal merupakan salah satu strategi dalam mengendalikan kehilangan air terutama pada kehilangan air fisik. Pengendalian tekanan pada jaringan distribusi di DMA terpilih menjadi prioritas dalam menurunkan kehilangan air f...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The water treatment applied in PDAM Surabaya City to treat Kali Surabaya still uses a conventiona... more The water treatment applied in PDAM Surabaya City to treat Kali Surabaya still uses a conventional process where the treatment process will get even harder with decreasing quality of raw water. Immersed microfiltration membrane is a reliable technology in water treatment compared to conventional technology. Nevertheless, the performance of the membrane decreases due to deposits that occur on the membrane surface and lead to fouling. This study aims to examine the effect of pressure and spacers on the performance of microfiltration ceramic membrane measured based on quality and quantity parameters. The research parameters used were turbidity, TSS, organic matter, total coliform, E. Coli and the number of microplastic while the quantity parameters included flux, amount of water production and the duration of membrane operation before fouling. This study tested immersed flat-sheet microfiltration ceramic membranes in sedimentation unit of PDAM Ngagel III Surabaya City. Membrane operati...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
High salinity water, containing high TDS and chloride, is a common problem in coastal areas of In... more High salinity water, containing high TDS and chloride, is a common problem in coastal areas of Indonesia. The chloride content in water causes water to taste salty. It occurs in a small community of Tambak Cemandi Village, Sidoarjo. The groundwater has chloride content up to 3,694.3 mg/L, hardness 2,071 mg/L (CaCO3), and total coliform 7,100 MPN/100 mL. Membrane technology has been overgrowing all over the world in the water desalination process. This study aims to examine the basic concepts, principles, advantages, and disadvantages of membrane technology and its application in brackish water treatment for drinking purposes. This research was conducted by literature review, secondary data analysis, and application of case studies. The case study is applied to small scale drinking water treatment (flow rate 0.2 L/second) with brackish raw water from groundwater in Tambak Cemandi Village, where some of the population do not have access to safe drinking water. The study concludes that...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Umbulan spring water would be used as raw water for clean water production by Surabaya City. Umbu... more Umbulan spring water would be used as raw water for clean water production by Surabaya City. Umbulan water would be sold in bulk for Rp3,300.00/m3 in 2019. The price would rise by 5.53% annually. The difference between Umbulan water price and PDAM Kota Surabaya tap water rates encouraged PDAM Kota Surabaya to plan using Umbulan water source. In its design, PDAM Kota Surabaya would make a special area that would use only Umbulan water as tap water. To maintain its quality, Umbulan water must be distributed separately from PDAM Water. There are two alternative plans to distribute Umbulan water. The first alternative was by isolating the distribution pipes in the planned area. The second alternative was by using new food-grade pipes without isolating the existing pipe. These two alternatives affect water flow pattern in West Surabaya. Customers in the planned area still doubted the quality of Umbulan water. However, customers in that area were willing to pay a higher rate as long as it...
The existing palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment is often still difficult to adhere to the ef... more The existing palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment is often still difficult to adhere to the effluent standards. One of the most promising novel technologies in wastewater treatment system is the membrane bioreactor (MBR). The aim of this study is to treat POME using aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor (ASMBR) system to improve the effluent quality before biofouling reducer (BFR) is applied to reduce the membrane fouling. Diluted POME was treated with a 20 L lab-scale ASMBR equipped with a single microfiltration flat sheet membrane module. The ASMBR systems with mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) from 3000 to 12,000 mg L-1 and solids retention time (SRT) from 20 days and above were used to investigate the best operating condition of the system without BFR. The finding shows ASMBR continuous system operated at MLSS of 9000 mg L-1 and SRT of 20 days to produce good quality effluent, less microbial products, and moderate membrane fouling rate. Since membrane fouling is the main o...
Perencanaan ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik, tepatnya di Desa Raci Wetan, Desa... more Perencanaan ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik, tepatnya di Desa Raci Wetan, Desa Sidorejo, dan Desa Melirang. Dalam upaya untuk mencapai akses air minum layak dan sanitasi layak sebesar 100%, maka dilakukan studi perencanaan bangunan pengolahan dan sistem penyaluran air bersih serta perencanaan sistem penyaluran air limbah domestik dan pengolahannya. Hasil perencanaan ini menghasilkan sebuah desain IPAM yang memiliki kapasitas sebesar 4,83 l/detik dan sistem perpipaan untuk penyaluran air bersih yang melayani 6 RW. Total RAB keseluruhan untuk sistem ini ditaksir sekitar Rp 3.927.570.320,18. Sedangkan perencanaan untuk air limbah domestik menghasilkan 12 SPAL beserta unit IPAL yang melayani 13 RW; terdiri dari 2 SPAL menggunakan sistem smallbore sewer dengan IPAL berupa ABR-ABF dan 10 SPAL menggunakan sistem shallow sewer dengan IPAL berupa ABR. Total RAB perencanaan air limbah keseluruhan ditaksir sekitarĀ Rp 11.121.645.679,60.
Papers by Adhi Yuniarto