JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Prayer is a physical, mental, and spiritual activity that gives good meaning to relationships wit... more Prayer is a physical, mental, and spiritual activity that gives good meaning to relationships with Allah, fellow human beings, and oneself. Prayer begins with ablution first to remove najis and hadats. Religion is a rule, guideline, teaching, or system that governs beliefs, beliefs, or beliefs. Islam was revealed by Allah SWT. In Islam, expressing gratitude for every Muslim to the Creator is by praying. Moreover, at this time, the current guidance book on prayer procedures is still running in the delivery of information in the form of text and 2D images. This way is not valuable because it is not mobile style, while currently, human mobility is higher. In this study, we are designing and building a learning application of obligatory prayer based on augmented reality to run on Android-based smartphones and can be studied anywhere and anytime without being limited by space and time. This application contains procedures for ablution and movements of people praying in the form of 3D ani...
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
This research is motivated by the internet which is starting to be seen as a potential media to b... more This research is motivated by the internet which is starting to be seen as a potential media to be used as a means ofadvertising. Compared to other media such as television, the internet offers relatively lower rates for a longerinstallation period. If it costs 20 million rupiah, an advertiser can only display one ad for one slot for two times.Conversely, for the same fee, advertisers can place weeks of advertisements on the internet. Since online advertisinghas emerged, many digital ad providers have been able to advertise a product. When individuals or their companies(customers) want to advertise products, many of them still don't understand how to use digital advertising providers.The purpose of this study is to provide an information or description in the decision to choose a digital advertisingprovider for car sellers according to customer desires.In this research, a system implemented using the Weight Product (WP) method has a vector V value that is differentfor each custo...
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
At this time advances in technology and information have experienced rapid progress, one of which... more At this time advances in technology and information have experienced rapid progress, one of which is in the field ofentertainment, both audio and visual. And one of the entertainments is movies. With the increasing number of movies,there are several classifications of movie genres to assist users in finding and selecting movies to watch, but the genreclassification itself is still very general. Due to the above factors, especially in genre, subgenre, rating, movie durationwhich always develops over time according to a certain pattern and also audiences who have different moviepreferences, the researcher sees that there is a need for an application that can recommend movies with preferencesthat can be set according to the wishes of movie lovers. From the problems that arise, this research was built using theSimple Additive Weighting (SAW) method which aims to make it easier for users to determine which movie to choose.This system produces a web-based information system using several ...
2018 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 2018
An inaccuracy antenna direction causes the channel searching on DVB-T2 STB to be difficult. Track... more An inaccuracy antenna direction causes the channel searching on DVB-T2 STB to be difficult. Tracking antenna system with auto-tracking capability is the applicable technology which can facilitate the process of channel searching. In a real implementation, the tracking antenna systems need reference parameters which are easily obtained and easily processed on the processors with limited capabilities. The focus of this paper is how to obtain reliable input parameters for the tracking antenna system. Fuzzy Inference system is not used for tracking method but to improve input parameters processing. This paper proposes two possible parameters, among others are the signal indicator and CVBS luminance level. FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) is used as a real-time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) and makes both of parameters as FIS input. The test result shows that both parameters are very feasible to be used as input parameters for tracking antenna system. FIS simulation shows that this algorithm has good performance. This is shown by the simulation results that FIS can adjust the parameter characteristics.
Analog terrestrial TV is still a popular choice for urban societies although the migration to dig... more Analog terrestrial TV is still a popular choice for urban societies although the migration to digital system has already begun. Video quality of analog TV was heavily influenced by performance of the antenna. Most users prefer to use indoor antenna due to its simplicity. The disadvantage of this type of antenna is the users may need to change the antenna direction repeatedly when they change to different TV channel. In this research, we designed and developed tracking system that enable indoor TV antenna to adjust its direction automatically to get optimum video clarity. This system is built by several servo motors and telescopic antennas. Composite Video Baseband Signal (CVBS) processing is used to obtain reference information regarding video clarity level conditions on TV screen. The results show that CVBS signal processing has performance in describing video clarity level. System performance has been verified from trial results on some UHF channels. Minimum tracking time is reach...
2017 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), 2017
Real-Time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) is very important for the tracking antenna system on an ... more Real-Time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) is very important for the tracking antenna system on an analog television in the decision making related to the direction of the antenna. This paper proposes VQA system based on FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) that works in real-time to process information from analog signals on AV-Out television. The VQA system can be said to work well if the output results show that the perception of the system is almost close to the perception of the user in assessing the video clarity level. In this research, simulation is performed using MATLAB Toolbox and then implemented by using AVR AT Mega 32 A microcontroller. Result of trial shows that there is no significant difference between simulation and implementation with percentage difference of only 1.74%. Other trial results prove that the perception of VQA system that has been built almost approach the user's perception in assessing the video clarity level. This is evident from the percentage of accuracy on VQA system that reaches 79% to 95%.
Sidoarjo Regency as one of the cities with an increasingly dense population and the needs of peop... more Sidoarjo Regency as one of the cities with an increasingly dense population and the needs of people who want to find information about housing quickly, makes a Geographical Information System indispensable, especially in terms of finding housing locations. Therefore, the authors create a web-based housing geographic information system in Sidoarjo Regency using Breadth First Search to design the system interface and logic, MySQL for database system design and Bing Api for mapping. Information presented in the form of housing names, addresses, photos of housing, pictures of house types, house plans, availability and prices of each type of house. With the GIS (Geographical Information System), it is hoped that the public can more easily and quickly get housing information in Sidoarjo Regency. The results of this study show the details of the housing location from the user's location according to the radius to be selected and know the approximate distance of travel time to the resid...
Public facilities related to religion one of which is the mosque. Mosque Is a place of worship fo... more Public facilities related to religion one of which is the mosque. Mosque Is a place of worship for Muslims worldwide. The city of Surabaya which incidentally is a tourist city that is often visited by foreign and local tourists, and especially the Muslims who want to establish prayer and need access to the location of the nearest mosque. The real condition that often happens is that tourists do not know the position of the closest mosque around them, so spend time searching for the existence of the mosque. Particle Swarm Optimization Method is an algorithm that is inspired by the behavior of a group of birds in a group to look for food. This method is one of the methods for searching the shortest distance. With this method, it can provide solutions to produce the closest location. From the tests carried out, the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm has been successfully applied to the search for the nearest Mosque location point and has successfully designed and built a nearby Mosq...
To facilitate the addition of library collections of UBHARA libraries, in this study will provide... more To facilitate the addition of library collections of UBHARA libraries, in this study will provide a solution to field manuals based on forecasting using MSE single exponential smoothing formula errors and RMSE errors. Data is forecast from 2012 to 2016, with the value of each field of economics, law, socio-political, and engineering. The data will be processed through the pre-processing process before preparing the data to be forecast. In the calculation example, the program uses data in 2012 and 2015, alpha value = 0.1 and is calculated from month 1 to month to 3 months so it is estimated to 4. The result of the data obtained is borrowed book which has the highest data is Economy. Because in every data the number of loan books looks more dominant economic data. In 2015 the calculation shows the value of MSE error and RMSE error. The error value to determine whether the error forecasting results is better or not. For 2015 forecast data to be displayed at the value of the error.
Supporting System for Deciding the Feasibility of Providing Credit to Customers with Topsis Metho... more Supporting System for Deciding the Feasibility of Providing Credit to Customers with Topsis Method and Simple Additive Weighting Method in CV. Sumber Hidup Prosperous, this research is motivated by the results of a customer who must meet the criteria determined by the cooperative to be able to get credit. In this case cooperatives are required to be able to make decisions quickly and carefully. To realize this it is necessary to have a decision support system (SPK) with the Topsis method and the Simple Additive Weighting method that can solve the problem of decision making with many criteria. The results obtained from this study are the application program of the Decision Support System for Providing Credit to the Customer with the Topsis Method and the Simple Additive Weighting Method in CV. The Source of Prosperous Life. The conclusions of the results of this study have shown a value that is accurate enough to help simplify the process of creditworthiness and report generation.
Tracking antenna system dalam penggunaan set top box DVB-T2 adalah teknologi tepat guna yang dapa... more Tracking antenna system dalam penggunaan set top box DVB-T2 adalah teknologi tepat guna yang dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam mendapatkan kualitas video yang optimal. Parameter input yang handal adalah salah satu syarat dalam realisasi tracking antenna system. Pada penelitian ini mengusulkan level luminansi pada sinyal analog CVBS sebagai parameter utama. Metode analisa rata-rata dan metode analisa garis juga diusulkan untuk menganalisa level luminansi. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa level luminansi CVBS layak untuk digunakan sebagai parameter input. Hal ini disimpulkan dari perbedaan nilai ADC yang signifikan pada beberapa kondisi visual. Tantangan terbesar penggunaan level luminansi CVBS sebagai parameter input adalah kemunculan OSD (On Screen Display). Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa metode analisa rata-rata dapat terganggu oleh kemunculan OSD. Sementara metode analisa garis tidak terganggu oleh kemunculan OSD. Meskipun demikian, kedua metode memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan y...
In relation with improving the quality of education, various attempts have been made: an increase... more In relation with improving the quality of education, various attempts have been made: an increase teachers quality, complete educational facilities, increased allocation of funds for education and educational evaluation of the implementation of sustainable activities. Once observed, it seems clear that the problem is serious in improving the quality of education is the low quality of education at all educational levels, especially schools. Evaluation aims to assess the failure of schools achieving good standards of competence in effort schools improve the quality of education. Levels of school failure to improve the quality of education is influenced by several factors both from the students and of teachers and the school itself. With artificial neural network (ANN), we expect that we will be able to predict school failure which is related to several internal and external factors. So that, we can obtain valid information about some attributes which are affecting to the school failur...
Abstrak Pengambilan bar codes dua dimensi (2-D) menggunakan kamera sering kali tidak fokus sehing... more Abstrak Pengambilan bar codes dua dimensi (2-D) menggunakan kamera sering kali tidak fokus sehingga menghasilkan citra yang kabur (blur noise). Citra bar codes 2-D merupakan citra dengan bentuk yang khusus, sehingga proses deblurring harus dilakukan. Pada paper ini, diusulkan penggunaan metode wavelet yang handal dalam proses restorasi dan dirancang khusus untuk citra bar codes 2-D. Setelah menganalisis citra bar codes, standar deviasi dari kernel gaussian blur ditentukan. Kemudian, citra bar codes direstorasi menggunakan filter wavelet. Dari hasil uji coba didapatkan rata-rata nilai PSNR sebesar 30.14 untuk standar deviasi =10. Metode wavelet yang digunakan untuk deblurring citra bar codes 2-D n menghasilkan kualitas yang baik. Kata kunci: Bar codes dua dimensi, deblurring, restoration, wavelet.
Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di perguruan tinggi dapat dilihat dari tingginya tingkat keberhas... more Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di perguruan tinggi dapat dilihat dari tingginya tingkat keberhasilan mahasiswa dan rendahnya tingkat kegagalan mahasiswa. Salah satu indikator kegagalan mahasiswa adalah kasus drop out (berhenti studi). Permasalahan drop out menjadi sesuatu yang menarik untuk diteliti, karena hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh bermacam faktor. Banyak peneliti yang mengkaji maupun melakukan prediksi drop out berdasarkan faktor internal saja yaitu yang berasal dari dalam diri mahasiswa. Padahal selain faktor tersebut banyak faktor lain yang juga dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya drop out, salah satunya perilaku sosial mahasiswa. Namun tidak mudah menentukan dan mempelajari classifier yang tepat berdasarkan perilaku sosial mahasiswa untuk memprediksi kemungkinan drop out ini. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas, diusulkan model baru untuk mempelajari arsitektur Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) terbaik, agar menghasilkan classifier yang tepat dalam melakukan prediksi drop out denga...
Abstrak Tracking antena otomatis untuk televisi analog membutuhkan parameter acuan yang dapat dig... more Abstrak Tracking antena otomatis untuk televisi analog membutuhkan parameter acuan yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Salah satu parameter yang berpotensi untuk dapat digunakan adalah sinyal keluaran AV-Out pada perangkat televisi. Sinyal video analog CVBS pada AV-Out diubah menjadi deret pulsa agar dapat diolah oleh prosessor. Hasil pengolahan akan menghasilkan data yang dapat mendeskripsikan tingkat kejernihan video pada layar televisi. Selanjutnya, data tersebut akan digunakan oleh antena dalam menentukan arah terbaik guna mendapatkan kejernihan video maksimum. Sebagai upaya realisasi, maka dibangun sistem deteksi kejernihan video pada televisi berbasis pengolahan sinyal analog CVBS (Composite Video Baseband Signal) dan menggunakan pendekatan subyektif MOS-VQS (Mean Opinion Score - Video Quality Subjective). Beberapa hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa, rangkaian CVBS to Pulse Converter yang telah didesain mampu mengkonversikan sinyal analog CVBS menjadi deret pulsa berlevel teg...
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Prayer is a physical, mental, and spiritual activity that gives good meaning to relationships wit... more Prayer is a physical, mental, and spiritual activity that gives good meaning to relationships with Allah, fellow human beings, and oneself. Prayer begins with ablution first to remove najis and hadats. Religion is a rule, guideline, teaching, or system that governs beliefs, beliefs, or beliefs. Islam was revealed by Allah SWT. In Islam, expressing gratitude for every Muslim to the Creator is by praying. Moreover, at this time, the current guidance book on prayer procedures is still running in the delivery of information in the form of text and 2D images. This way is not valuable because it is not mobile style, while currently, human mobility is higher. In this study, we are designing and building a learning application of obligatory prayer based on augmented reality to run on Android-based smartphones and can be studied anywhere and anytime without being limited by space and time. This application contains procedures for ablution and movements of people praying in the form of 3D ani...
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
This research is motivated by the internet which is starting to be seen as a potential media to b... more This research is motivated by the internet which is starting to be seen as a potential media to be used as a means ofadvertising. Compared to other media such as television, the internet offers relatively lower rates for a longerinstallation period. If it costs 20 million rupiah, an advertiser can only display one ad for one slot for two times.Conversely, for the same fee, advertisers can place weeks of advertisements on the internet. Since online advertisinghas emerged, many digital ad providers have been able to advertise a product. When individuals or their companies(customers) want to advertise products, many of them still don't understand how to use digital advertising providers.The purpose of this study is to provide an information or description in the decision to choose a digital advertisingprovider for car sellers according to customer desires.In this research, a system implemented using the Weight Product (WP) method has a vector V value that is differentfor each custo...
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
At this time advances in technology and information have experienced rapid progress, one of which... more At this time advances in technology and information have experienced rapid progress, one of which is in the field ofentertainment, both audio and visual. And one of the entertainments is movies. With the increasing number of movies,there are several classifications of movie genres to assist users in finding and selecting movies to watch, but the genreclassification itself is still very general. Due to the above factors, especially in genre, subgenre, rating, movie durationwhich always develops over time according to a certain pattern and also audiences who have different moviepreferences, the researcher sees that there is a need for an application that can recommend movies with preferencesthat can be set according to the wishes of movie lovers. From the problems that arise, this research was built using theSimple Additive Weighting (SAW) method which aims to make it easier for users to determine which movie to choose.This system produces a web-based information system using several ...
2018 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 2018
An inaccuracy antenna direction causes the channel searching on DVB-T2 STB to be difficult. Track... more An inaccuracy antenna direction causes the channel searching on DVB-T2 STB to be difficult. Tracking antenna system with auto-tracking capability is the applicable technology which can facilitate the process of channel searching. In a real implementation, the tracking antenna systems need reference parameters which are easily obtained and easily processed on the processors with limited capabilities. The focus of this paper is how to obtain reliable input parameters for the tracking antenna system. Fuzzy Inference system is not used for tracking method but to improve input parameters processing. This paper proposes two possible parameters, among others are the signal indicator and CVBS luminance level. FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) is used as a real-time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) and makes both of parameters as FIS input. The test result shows that both parameters are very feasible to be used as input parameters for tracking antenna system. FIS simulation shows that this algorithm has good performance. This is shown by the simulation results that FIS can adjust the parameter characteristics.
Analog terrestrial TV is still a popular choice for urban societies although the migration to dig... more Analog terrestrial TV is still a popular choice for urban societies although the migration to digital system has already begun. Video quality of analog TV was heavily influenced by performance of the antenna. Most users prefer to use indoor antenna due to its simplicity. The disadvantage of this type of antenna is the users may need to change the antenna direction repeatedly when they change to different TV channel. In this research, we designed and developed tracking system that enable indoor TV antenna to adjust its direction automatically to get optimum video clarity. This system is built by several servo motors and telescopic antennas. Composite Video Baseband Signal (CVBS) processing is used to obtain reference information regarding video clarity level conditions on TV screen. The results show that CVBS signal processing has performance in describing video clarity level. System performance has been verified from trial results on some UHF channels. Minimum tracking time is reach...
2017 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), 2017
Real-Time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) is very important for the tracking antenna system on an ... more Real-Time VQA (Video Quality Assessment) is very important for the tracking antenna system on an analog television in the decision making related to the direction of the antenna. This paper proposes VQA system based on FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) that works in real-time to process information from analog signals on AV-Out television. The VQA system can be said to work well if the output results show that the perception of the system is almost close to the perception of the user in assessing the video clarity level. In this research, simulation is performed using MATLAB Toolbox and then implemented by using AVR AT Mega 32 A microcontroller. Result of trial shows that there is no significant difference between simulation and implementation with percentage difference of only 1.74%. Other trial results prove that the perception of VQA system that has been built almost approach the user's perception in assessing the video clarity level. This is evident from the percentage of accuracy on VQA system that reaches 79% to 95%.
Sidoarjo Regency as one of the cities with an increasingly dense population and the needs of peop... more Sidoarjo Regency as one of the cities with an increasingly dense population and the needs of people who want to find information about housing quickly, makes a Geographical Information System indispensable, especially in terms of finding housing locations. Therefore, the authors create a web-based housing geographic information system in Sidoarjo Regency using Breadth First Search to design the system interface and logic, MySQL for database system design and Bing Api for mapping. Information presented in the form of housing names, addresses, photos of housing, pictures of house types, house plans, availability and prices of each type of house. With the GIS (Geographical Information System), it is hoped that the public can more easily and quickly get housing information in Sidoarjo Regency. The results of this study show the details of the housing location from the user's location according to the radius to be selected and know the approximate distance of travel time to the resid...
Public facilities related to religion one of which is the mosque. Mosque Is a place of worship fo... more Public facilities related to religion one of which is the mosque. Mosque Is a place of worship for Muslims worldwide. The city of Surabaya which incidentally is a tourist city that is often visited by foreign and local tourists, and especially the Muslims who want to establish prayer and need access to the location of the nearest mosque. The real condition that often happens is that tourists do not know the position of the closest mosque around them, so spend time searching for the existence of the mosque. Particle Swarm Optimization Method is an algorithm that is inspired by the behavior of a group of birds in a group to look for food. This method is one of the methods for searching the shortest distance. With this method, it can provide solutions to produce the closest location. From the tests carried out, the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm has been successfully applied to the search for the nearest Mosque location point and has successfully designed and built a nearby Mosq...
To facilitate the addition of library collections of UBHARA libraries, in this study will provide... more To facilitate the addition of library collections of UBHARA libraries, in this study will provide a solution to field manuals based on forecasting using MSE single exponential smoothing formula errors and RMSE errors. Data is forecast from 2012 to 2016, with the value of each field of economics, law, socio-political, and engineering. The data will be processed through the pre-processing process before preparing the data to be forecast. In the calculation example, the program uses data in 2012 and 2015, alpha value = 0.1 and is calculated from month 1 to month to 3 months so it is estimated to 4. The result of the data obtained is borrowed book which has the highest data is Economy. Because in every data the number of loan books looks more dominant economic data. In 2015 the calculation shows the value of MSE error and RMSE error. The error value to determine whether the error forecasting results is better or not. For 2015 forecast data to be displayed at the value of the error.
Supporting System for Deciding the Feasibility of Providing Credit to Customers with Topsis Metho... more Supporting System for Deciding the Feasibility of Providing Credit to Customers with Topsis Method and Simple Additive Weighting Method in CV. Sumber Hidup Prosperous, this research is motivated by the results of a customer who must meet the criteria determined by the cooperative to be able to get credit. In this case cooperatives are required to be able to make decisions quickly and carefully. To realize this it is necessary to have a decision support system (SPK) with the Topsis method and the Simple Additive Weighting method that can solve the problem of decision making with many criteria. The results obtained from this study are the application program of the Decision Support System for Providing Credit to the Customer with the Topsis Method and the Simple Additive Weighting Method in CV. The Source of Prosperous Life. The conclusions of the results of this study have shown a value that is accurate enough to help simplify the process of creditworthiness and report generation.
Tracking antenna system dalam penggunaan set top box DVB-T2 adalah teknologi tepat guna yang dapa... more Tracking antenna system dalam penggunaan set top box DVB-T2 adalah teknologi tepat guna yang dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam mendapatkan kualitas video yang optimal. Parameter input yang handal adalah salah satu syarat dalam realisasi tracking antenna system. Pada penelitian ini mengusulkan level luminansi pada sinyal analog CVBS sebagai parameter utama. Metode analisa rata-rata dan metode analisa garis juga diusulkan untuk menganalisa level luminansi. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa level luminansi CVBS layak untuk digunakan sebagai parameter input. Hal ini disimpulkan dari perbedaan nilai ADC yang signifikan pada beberapa kondisi visual. Tantangan terbesar penggunaan level luminansi CVBS sebagai parameter input adalah kemunculan OSD (On Screen Display). Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa metode analisa rata-rata dapat terganggu oleh kemunculan OSD. Sementara metode analisa garis tidak terganggu oleh kemunculan OSD. Meskipun demikian, kedua metode memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan y...
In relation with improving the quality of education, various attempts have been made: an increase... more In relation with improving the quality of education, various attempts have been made: an increase teachers quality, complete educational facilities, increased allocation of funds for education and educational evaluation of the implementation of sustainable activities. Once observed, it seems clear that the problem is serious in improving the quality of education is the low quality of education at all educational levels, especially schools. Evaluation aims to assess the failure of schools achieving good standards of competence in effort schools improve the quality of education. Levels of school failure to improve the quality of education is influenced by several factors both from the students and of teachers and the school itself. With artificial neural network (ANN), we expect that we will be able to predict school failure which is related to several internal and external factors. So that, we can obtain valid information about some attributes which are affecting to the school failur...
Abstrak Pengambilan bar codes dua dimensi (2-D) menggunakan kamera sering kali tidak fokus sehing... more Abstrak Pengambilan bar codes dua dimensi (2-D) menggunakan kamera sering kali tidak fokus sehingga menghasilkan citra yang kabur (blur noise). Citra bar codes 2-D merupakan citra dengan bentuk yang khusus, sehingga proses deblurring harus dilakukan. Pada paper ini, diusulkan penggunaan metode wavelet yang handal dalam proses restorasi dan dirancang khusus untuk citra bar codes 2-D. Setelah menganalisis citra bar codes, standar deviasi dari kernel gaussian blur ditentukan. Kemudian, citra bar codes direstorasi menggunakan filter wavelet. Dari hasil uji coba didapatkan rata-rata nilai PSNR sebesar 30.14 untuk standar deviasi =10. Metode wavelet yang digunakan untuk deblurring citra bar codes 2-D n menghasilkan kualitas yang baik. Kata kunci: Bar codes dua dimensi, deblurring, restoration, wavelet.
Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di perguruan tinggi dapat dilihat dari tingginya tingkat keberhas... more Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di perguruan tinggi dapat dilihat dari tingginya tingkat keberhasilan mahasiswa dan rendahnya tingkat kegagalan mahasiswa. Salah satu indikator kegagalan mahasiswa adalah kasus drop out (berhenti studi). Permasalahan drop out menjadi sesuatu yang menarik untuk diteliti, karena hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh bermacam faktor. Banyak peneliti yang mengkaji maupun melakukan prediksi drop out berdasarkan faktor internal saja yaitu yang berasal dari dalam diri mahasiswa. Padahal selain faktor tersebut banyak faktor lain yang juga dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya drop out, salah satunya perilaku sosial mahasiswa. Namun tidak mudah menentukan dan mempelajari classifier yang tepat berdasarkan perilaku sosial mahasiswa untuk memprediksi kemungkinan drop out ini. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas, diusulkan model baru untuk mempelajari arsitektur Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) terbaik, agar menghasilkan classifier yang tepat dalam melakukan prediksi drop out denga...
Abstrak Tracking antena otomatis untuk televisi analog membutuhkan parameter acuan yang dapat dig... more Abstrak Tracking antena otomatis untuk televisi analog membutuhkan parameter acuan yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Salah satu parameter yang berpotensi untuk dapat digunakan adalah sinyal keluaran AV-Out pada perangkat televisi. Sinyal video analog CVBS pada AV-Out diubah menjadi deret pulsa agar dapat diolah oleh prosessor. Hasil pengolahan akan menghasilkan data yang dapat mendeskripsikan tingkat kejernihan video pada layar televisi. Selanjutnya, data tersebut akan digunakan oleh antena dalam menentukan arah terbaik guna mendapatkan kejernihan video maksimum. Sebagai upaya realisasi, maka dibangun sistem deteksi kejernihan video pada televisi berbasis pengolahan sinyal analog CVBS (Composite Video Baseband Signal) dan menggunakan pendekatan subyektif MOS-VQS (Mean Opinion Score - Video Quality Subjective). Beberapa hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa, rangkaian CVBS to Pulse Converter yang telah didesain mampu mengkonversikan sinyal analog CVBS menjadi deret pulsa berlevel teg...
Papers by Mahaputra Hidayat