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The 5th JLESC Workshop - 27-29 June, 2016

The workshop will be held in Lyon, at ENS de Lyon, from June 27th (afternoon) to 29th. It will gather top researchers in HPC from INRIA, the University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Jülich Supercomputing Center and Riken AICS to explore research problems related to post Petascale / Exascale Supercomputers and present early results of their joint work.

The workshop will feature technical sessions on five main topics: Application and Numerical libraries; Parallel Programming, runtime and tools; Resilience; Big Data, I/O and visualization; Cloud for HPC.

This will be the fifth edition of this workshop series after Sophia-Antipolis (2014), Chicago (2014), Barcelona (2015) and Bonn (2015).

This is the registration site. Please visit the main workshop site for more information.

The 3rd JLESC Summer School - 30 June-1 July, 2016

The JLESC Summer School will follow at the same location on June 30th-July 1st.  The theme of this summer school will be on Resilience. This summer school is offered to students (mainly PhD students and post-docs although Master students may also be interested) of the collaboration and open to students and faculties outside of the collaboration, if room. We are considering a maximum of 24 students.

Both events are supported by the PUF in the context of the NEXTGN project.

This is the registration site. Please visit the main school site for more information.

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