A list of literature describing Jmol can be found at Jmol Wiki
Jmol can be translated into your language. Please, read instructions in this Wiki page and, if you need help, contact the developers team.
Scripting documentation
This interactive online documentation is the main reference guide for all commands that form the Jmol scripting language. In addition to an extensive description of all commands and options, it provides demonstrations and examples.
Documentation for the JSmol library
JSmol.min.js and its accompanying files and folders (all included in Jmol standard distribution) is a library, written in JavaScript, that can be used to implement web pages that include the JSmol object. Its description and documentation is located in the Wiki.
Documentation for surfaces
This documentation describes and compares the different options available in Jmol scripts for generating surfaces, either based on the molecule or geometric. It also provides a testing and demonstration page.
This document specifies which colors Jmol uses for elements, chains, chain direction, charge, hydrogen bonds, isosurfaces, positional variability, residues, nucleotides, and secondary structure. Also, it describes standard color names in JavaScript and the Netscape 8-bit color palette.
This document demonstrates, using a 3D periodic table, which radii Jmol uses for elements. Includes atomic, van der Waals and ionic radii.
If you want to collaborate in the project, read more in the wiki.