The APJCP accepts the following manuscript types:
Research Articles: Scientific reports of original research. The text for research articles is limited to 5,000 words including the title page, abstract, text, references, figures, and tables.
Review Articles including mini-review: A timely, in-depth treatment of an issue. Review articles are generally solicited by the editors, but unsolicited materials may also be considered. Authors intending to submit a review article must send an email in this regard to the Editor-in-Chief at with the subject line of “Request to send a review for APJCP”. The author must also explain his intent and present supporting documents of his/her competency in the subject. His request will be assessed and he/she will be notified of the results of the editorial assessment, and then he may proceed accordingly.
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: A systematic review answers a defined research question by collecting and summarizing all empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria. A meta-analysis is the use of statistical methods to summarize the results of these studies.
Methodological papers: Manuscripts containing a description of novel methods and significant improvements to tried-and-tested basic research techniques related to cancer are welcome. The manuscript has to provide readers with new tools and skills to improve their methodology and/or conduct their research.
Editorials: Opinions of recognized leaders in cancer specialties. Editorials are generally solicited by the Editor-in-Chief and are related to a manuscript on the same issue. The length should not exceed 2,400 words and with no more than 20 references.
Commentaries: Presents a point of view of general interest not related to an article in the same issue of the APJCP.
Short Communications: Short scietific report on selected topics from recognized cancer organizations or assoociations. The short communication report scietific finding in more abstract and descriptive manner. Short communications must report completed work, not preliminary findings: they are an alternative format for describing smaller pieces of work. The studcture is the same as a original paper thet should not exceed 2,000 words in lenght and with no more than 2 tables/figures (Two figures or two tablea and one figure and one table). The 2000 words does not include the tables, abstract, and refrences). Refrences must be limited to 15.
In Memoriam: Memorialization of recently deceased individuals who have made notable contributions to the field of cancer prevention in the Asia Pacific region.
Correspondence: Letters to the Editor related to papers previously published in the APJCP. Letters must be submitted within six months of the online publication date of the article. The authors of the original publication will be given the opportunity to respond in the same issue of the journal. Letters and responses must not exceed 750 words in length. Financial associations or other potential conflicts of interest must be declared.
Case series: Reports of single cases will not be considered; however, the APJCP encourages large case series from Asian countries/populations (minorities, ethnicities, and populations with a particular attribute), in which not much data on cancer is available.
Protocol: Manuscript of ongoing or starting large well-designed studies such as clinical trials and cohorts can be considered for publication if the manuscript follows the Protocol Items for Randomized Trials (SPIRIT)) articulation. Prospective authors are advised to visit the SPIRIT site at "" and read the convention and prepare their manuscript using the SPIRTI recommendations. The manuscript should present all items listed in the SPIRTI checklist. The protocol must have ethical approval and be officially registered (for clinical trials) before being considered for publication.
The APJCP does not charge any submission, page, or color fees. However, to defray costs of formatting and preservation, server maintenance, etc., there is a minimal publication charge based on country of residency’s World Bank classification for accepted manuscripts. The charges are as follow:
To find the category of your country, please download World Bank Calcification Table.
Country of residence is determined by the affiliation of the corresponding author. If more than one corresponding author from different categories of World Bank classification, the charge will be based on the higher income category.
-- Students (MS, Ph.D., Research fellows)/ visiting faculties from low and lower categories who study/visit in the upper and high income categories can pay the same as the country of their origin if they are considered as international students (they must provide a certificate from the international office of the university).
-- Corresponding authors who may have two or more affiliations from different countries in different categories of world bank, must pay according to country of higher income category.
Important Notice: Starting from July 1, 2017, all manuscripts accepted for publication will be assessed for quality of English writing. Those that do not pass our required quality score will be monitored for improvement by our editorial assistants before being published. There is extra 50 US dollars charge of monitoring cost for these manuscripts. Please click here and read more about this notice.
Due to the high volume of submissions that we receive, the APJCP does not consider presubmission inquiries. Instead, please submit full manuscripts online.
The APJCP will not consider any work that is funded directly or indirectly by tobacco companies or their subsidiaries. Any such work will be editorially rejected. Please note that this does not include work from organizations that sponsor research from funds won as part of tobacco settlements that are intended to promote research and care toward alleviating the suffering of individuals affected by tobacco products.
The APJCP will not consider manuscripts that are concurrently submitted elsewhere or have been published previously (including online publications). The presentation of research results at scientific conferences or in the abstract book of the conference does not constitute a previously published article. A manuscript cannot be posted on the author’s or institutional website when it has been submitted to the APJCP Editorial system. Accepted manuscripts cannot be posted online until after the paper has been fully published in the APJCP website.
Cell Line Authentication
To ensure the highest standards of quality and accuracy, the APJCP strongly encourages the authentication of cell lines used in the research submitted to the journal. Manuscripts based on research using cell lines must include a statement addressing the following points in the Methods section of the manuscript:
If cells were obtained directly from a cell bank that performs cell line characterizations and had a passage in the user’s laboratory for fewer than 6 months after receipt or resuscitation, re-authorization is not required. In these cases, please include the method of characterization used by the cell bank. If the cell lines were obtained from an alternate source, authors must provide authentication of the origin and identity of the cells. This is best achieved by DNA (STR) profiling. The DNA profile should be cross-checked with the DNA profile of the donor tissue (in the case of a new cell line), or with the DNA profile of other continuous cell lines.
Clinical Trial Registry
The APJCP requires that all prospective, randomized, controlled trials be registered in a national or international registry database.
Reports of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) must clearly state the method of randomization. The title and abstract must specify that the manuscript is a report of randomized controlled trials. Authors reporting RCTs manuscript are advised to provide the CONSORT checklist as a supplemental file (obtain a copy of the CONSORT checklist here).
The authors’ names listed in a manuscript indicate that each author has participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship should be established based on the following criteria and responsibilities:
Substantial contributions to conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of research.
Participate critically in revising intellectual contents of the paper.
Author status must carefully be reviewed prior to submitting a manuscript. Changes to the names on the author list (adding or deleting) may not be permitted or may require extra charges for corresponding authors.
Authors' Professional and Ethical Responsibilities
The APJCP reserves the right to forward any claim of scientific misconduct to the sponsoring or funding institution, or to other appropriate authorities for investigation ― the APJCP does not investigate or make determinations of misconduct. The author will be notified if the APJCP forwards any manuscript to the sponsoring or funding institution for such a claim.
Use of previously published or copyrighted material reproduced from another source must be properly cited. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining written permission from the appropriate authors and/or copyright holders to use previously published or copyrighted material. Signed permission statements from the copyright holder for both print and online reproduction, must be sent to the APJCP Editorial Office upon manuscript submission. Permission statements must also be obtained from at least one author when citing in press articles.
Observational studies (cohort, case-control, or cross-sectional designs) must be reported according to the STROBE Statement. Authors reporting Observational studies are advised to provide the STOBE Statement as a supplemental file (download a copy of the STOBE statement).
Authors reporting diagnostic tests studies are advised to provide the STARD flow diagram and checklist as a supplemental file (download a STARD Follow Diagram).
The following guidelines should be followed:
In reporting clinical staging of cancer UICC TNM Classification and Stage groupings should be used. If another staging system is stated, UICC TNM equivalent must also be provided. When a stage or classification is used in the manuscript, a reference citing the staging system must be provided.
Use the generic drug name (or generic name followed by trade name in parentheses). Include manufacturer and their location (city and country) for drugs and devices.
Use only standard abbreviations and spell out all abbreviations at first use in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
Use the following standard when appropriate to report data and information:
Submission to journal includes:
1) Filling out the metadata form
When you submit your manuscript, you need to have the following items of information ready:
Corresponding author’s contact information: You need to provide the complete contact information of the corresponding author including e-mail, phone number, institutional address.
Running Head: Prepare a running head of 40 characters or less for your manuscript.
Abstract: Prepare an abstract of your manuscript according to the author’s guideline. Normally Research Articles, Review Articles, Meta-analysis, and case series, should include an abstract.
Keywords: Prepare three to ten keywords. Keywords are used for optimizing search engines ― appropriate keywords are therefore important.
Co-authors Information: For a successful upload, you need to have the full name, affiliation, and emails of all authors.
Suggested reviewer: During manuscript submission, you are asked to suggest at least two reviewers for your manuscript. You need to have the name, affiliation, and email for each reviewer. Make sure the reviewer of your choice is competent in the subject of your manuscript. Important Notice: The suggested reviewer must be willing to associate his name with the manuscript as reviewer and plus register with review recognition website such as Publons or other reviewer registration website.
2) uploading your files
You need to have at least three files prepared for uploading: Cover letter, Novelty Expression file, Manuscript Main File. Both files must be either Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or PDF file. If you have supplementary or supporting data (SSD) files you can upload it at this stage of submission.
The Manuscript Main File: is a Word file that include all components of the manuscript except supplementary files. That is,the file should have the following in order (This file must include cover page, abstract, keywords, the body of the manuscript, tables, and figures). Please bring tables after references and figures after tables. In case your tables are large, you may consider the pages that include the table being as as landscape other even all the pages in landscape.
Please read carefully and prepare your files (especially the Manuscript Mani file) as instructed here. The manuscript that does not follow the format, will be returned to the author before undergoing any screening or review process.
The Manuscript Main file
Your manuscript is a single file (a text file with embedded figures, tables etc.). You may either prepare your manuscript using a word processing program and save it as a .doc or .rtf file, remembering to insert your figures and tables into the document.
A typical manuscript includes the following items:
You can download the manuscript template "" file as a guide.
Title Page
The following items are required on the title page:
A Research Article, Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Methodological Paper, and Case Series, must each contain a structured abstract of approximately 300 words. The structured abstract must have four specified subtitles: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion(s). Abstracts are not required for Editorials, Commentaries, Short Communications, or Correspondence.
Three to 10 keywords or terms to be used as index terms. Use terms from the medical subject headings list of The keywords are listed after the abstract on the same page.
The body of the manuscript:
The body of the manuscript should be divided into four sections: (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and Discussion, Acknowledgement, and References). The Materials and Methods and Results section can have sub-headings based on author’s choice (no subheading for Introduction and Discussion). The section headings and sub-headings should be typed on a separate line. While the body does not contain a conclusion heading, the last paragraph of the discussion will state the study’s conclusion.
Referencing Citation:
It is very important to cite the references according to the journal rules and format. A manuscript that does not follow the reference citation of the journal, will be returned to the author before undergoing any review or initial screening. References citations must be provided as follows:
Citation in the text:
The journal uses Vancouver referencing style. The in-text citation is a numeric style, where citations are numbered [1] in the order of appearance. This citation leads your reader to a full reference to the source in the list of references at the end of your work. Each citation number should be enclosed in brackets as [1] on the same line as the text, before any punctuation, with a space before the bracket [2]. Once a source has been cited, the same number is re-used for all subsequent citations to the same source.
If you need to reference several sources at the same point in your text, indicate each source separated by a comma. A hyphen should be used to link numbers which are inclusive. For example: Several drug trials [3, 6-8, 12] proved...
Referencing different sources:
The journal uses Vancouver referencing style. The following find a brief description references for different sources:
1) Book
Author’s Surname INITIALS. Book Title. Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher; Date.
Note: If there are no authors, only editors, use the same format as above and follow the last named editor with a comma and the word editor or editors.
2) Chapter in edited book
Author of chapter's surname INITIALS. Title of chapter. In: Editor's surname INITIALS, editor(s). Book Title. Edition (if not first). Place of publication: Publisher; Date. Pages
Li CW, Wang GJ. Mems manufacturing techniques for tissue scaffolding devices. In: Bhansali S, Vasudev A, editors. Mems for biomedical applications. Cambridge: Woodhead; 2012. p. 192-217.
Note: Pagination is always shortened to the fewest numbers necessary. For example you would write 23–5, not 23–25.
3) Electronic Book
Author’s Surname INITIALS. Book Title [Internet]. Edition/version. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of original publication [Date cited]. Available from: URL.
Note: The dates in Vancouver are in the format: year month day (the month is abbreviated to 3 letters). For example [cited 2018 Oct 10]
4) Electronic Journal article
Author’s Surname INITIALS. Title of article. Title of journal (abbr) [Internet]. Date of publication [Date cited];volume number(issue):pages. Available from: URL
- If there are more than 6 authors, list the first six then add et al.
- Journal titles are abbreviated. You can use the NLM Catalog ( to find the correct journal abbreviation.
- Give the date as Year Month (abbreviated) Day
- Do not repeat page numbers unless they are followed by a letter. For example 123-125 becomes 123-5 but 124A-126A is correct.
- If no numbers appear on the pages of the article, it is usual to give an estimation of the length in square brackets. For example [20 p.] or [10 paragraphs].
5) Journal article
Author’s Surname INITIALS. Title of article. Title of journal (abbr). Date of publication;volume number(issue):pages.
If there are more than 6 authors, list the first six then add et al.
- Journal titles are abbreviated. You can use the NLM Catalog ( to find the correct journal abbreviation.
- Give the date as Year Month (abbreviated) Day
- Do not repeat page numbers unless they are followed by a letter. For example 123-125 becomes 123-5 but 124A-126A is correct
- Most individual articles are assigned an identifying "digital object identifier" or DOI. If a DOI is available, include it at the end of the reference.• DOIs are cited in the format of doi:10.xxxxxxx, e.g. doi:10.1086/679716.
6) Newspaper article
Author's Surname INITIALS. Title of article. Newspaper title. Date;Section: (column).
- Name of newspapers are never abbreviated, although a leading "The" may be dropped if desired
- If the article is unsigned, begin the reference with the title of the article
- Sections may be named, for example 'Metro Section', 'Holiday Extra', etc. Use these names in a reference only when the section lacks a number or letter.
7) Newspaper article on the Internet
Author's Surname INITIALS. Title of article. Newspaper title [Internet]. Date of publication [Date cited];Section (if applicable). [pages]. Available from: URL
Note: When a location (pagination) for the article is not provided, as often occurs, calculate the length of article using the best means possible, e.g. in terms of print pages, screens, or paragraphs.
8) patents
Inventor's Surname INITIALS, inventor(s); Assignee's name, assignee. Patent title. Patent country and document type Country code and patent number. Date issued.
9) Reference book entry on the Internet
A reference book is usually known by its title, and can be referenced as a dictionary. This would be the case for the majority of key reference books in medicine, e.g. BNF and BNFC. The template given below is to reference a particular entry from the online version of a reference book:
Book title [Internet]. Publication place: Publisher; year. Entry title; [date updated; date cited]. Available from: URL.
We have compiled examples taken from other reference books in a Word document
10) Report
Author's Surname INITIALS. Title of report. Place of publication: Publisher; Date published. Report No.:
Note: When a division or other subsidiary part of a publisher appears in the publication, enter the publisher name first. For example: Harvard Medical School, Department of Genetics.
11) Thesis/Dissertation
Author's Surname Initials. Title [publication type]. Place of publication: Publisher; year.
12) Unpublished material/personal communication
Emails, letters, conversations, interviews and lecturer's presentations are examples of sources that are often unpublished. Documents generally available to scholars in an archive or a depository can usually be included in a reference list. However, many publishers do not permit placing any form of unpublished material in the end references. Most authorities recommend placing references to personal communications such as letters and conversations within the running text, not as formal end references. Include the nature and source of the cited information, using a term or terms to indicate clearly that no corresponding citation is in the reference list. Place the source information in parentheses.
For example:
… and most of these meningiomas proved to be inoperable (2003 letter from RS Grant to me; unreferenced, see "Notes") while the few that …
13) Website
Author(s)/Organisation. Title of webpage [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of original publication OR Year of Copyright [updated year month day; cited year month day]. Available from: URL.
- Use the date that the page was first placed on the Internet. If it cannot be found, use the date of copyright, preceded by the letter ‘c’.
- If neither a date of publication nor a date of copyright can be found, use the date of update/revision and/or the date cited.
Try not to use references that are not standard or references that are not registered in international registration systems such as non-English publications that do not provide an English citation format.
Acknowledgment section:
A manuscript may include an “Acknowledgment” section. The acknowledgment section should be on a separate page after the references section. In this section, authors acknowledge all contributions from other persons, funding agencies, and any individual or organization who have contributed to the research that was done, or in the compilation of the manuscript, etc.
Tables should be formatted as single-spaced on separate pages in the word processing program. The following guidelines need to be adhered to in preparing tables:
The following guidelines need to be adhered to in preparing figures and legends:
Supplement and supporting data (SSD) will be published and uploaded as a linkable file in the online version of the article. SSD is mentioned in the article text and published online in its original format, along with the article. SSD will undergo peer review with the rest of the manuscript, but will not be copy-edited or changed from its original format. It must be relevant, but not integral to the paper. It may contain additional tables, data sets, figures, movie files, audio clips, 3D structures, and other related nonessential multimedia files. Like the manuscript accompanying it, it should be original and not previously published. If previously published, it must be submitted with the necessary permissions.
The names and email addresses entered into this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal, and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
To submit your paper, You need to register first then submit your paper.