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Efficient electronic structure calculations for extended systems of coupled quantum dots using a linear combination of quantum dot orbitals method

Alexander Mittelstädt, Ludwig A. Th. Greif, Stefan T. Jagsch, and Andrei Schliwa
Phys. Rev. B 103, 115302 – Published 1 March 2021
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We present a novel “linear combination of atomic orbitals”-type of approximation, enabling accurate electronic structure calculations for systems of up to 20 or more electronically coupled quantum dots. Using realistic single quantum dot wave functions as a basis to expand the eigenstates of the heterostructure, our method shows excellent agreement with full 8-band k·p calculations, exemplarily chosen for our benchmarking comparison, with orders of magnitude reduction in computational time. We show that, to correctly predict the electronic properties of such stacks of coupled quantum dots, it is necessary to consider the strain distribution in the whole heterostructure. Edge effects determine the electronic structure for stacks of 10 quantum dots, after which a homogeneous confinement region develops in the center. The overarching goal of our investigations is to design a stack of vertically coupled quantum dots with an intraband staircase potential suitable as an active material for a quantum-dot-based quantum cascade laser. Following a parameter study in the InxGa1xAs/GaAs material system, varying quantum dot size, material composition, and interdot coupling strength, we show that an intraband staircase potential of identical transitions can, in principle, be realized. A species library we generated for over 800 unique quantum dots provides easy access to the basis functions required for different realizations of heterostructures. In the associated paper [Mittelstädt et al., Phys. Rev. B 103, 115301 (2021)], we investigate room temperature lasing of a terahertz quantum cascade laser based on a two-quantum-dot unit cell superlattice.

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  • Received 28 November 2019
  • Revised 8 February 2021
  • Accepted 9 February 2021


©2021 American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

Authors & Affiliations

Alexander Mittelstädt*, Ludwig A. Th. Greif, Stefan T. Jagsch, and Andrei Schliwa

  • Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany

  • *mittelstaedt@tu-berlin.de

See Also

Terahertz lasing at room temperature: A numerical study of a vertical-emitting quantum cascade laser based on a quantum dot superlattice

Alexander Mittelstädt, Ludwig A. Th. Greif, Stefan T. Jagsch, and Andrei Schliwa
Phys. Rev. B 103, 115301 (2021)

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Vol. 103, Iss. 11 — 15 March 2021

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Schematic illustration of light amplification in a QD cascade structure driven via an external bias. Stacks of electronically coupled QDs build a staircase potential providing optical transitions (blue electron densities) and states making nonradiative relaxation of carriers efficient (green electron densities).

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Schematic illustration of the LCQO-method for a system of two QDs. (a) A library of basis functions for different QD species (A,B,...) is created. (b) The heterostructure is formed using the library's QDs as building blocks (M=AB), whereby the subsystems are partially superimposed. The system's Hamiltonian is generated, considering the strain distribution and resulting piezoelectric potentials in the in the hybrid system M. (c) The eigenstates of the heterostructure |ψiLCQO are expanded in the union of the basis {|φkM}:={|φjA}{|φlB}.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    A comparison of calculation time between the 8-band k·p-simulations (red squares) and the LCQO method (blue circles). Empty and filled symbols denote a stack of two and ten QDs, respectively. The total calculation time ttot is normalized to an LCQO simulation, calculating two states in a stack of two QDs. The simulations were performed on AMD Opteron 6274 processors, where the k·p-simulations were parallelized using four threads.

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    Evolution of the energetic positions of the p-to-s transitions for a stack of two identical QDs as a function of (a) barrier width and (b) material composition for the k·p model (red squares) and the LCQO model (blue circles). Semifilled circles and squares distinguish the py and px-to-s transitions.

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  • Figure 5
    Figure 5

    Probability densities of the first four Kramers-degenerated electron states (isosurface at 90%) for the 8-band k·p model and the LCQO method, respectively. The system considered is a stack of two identical In1.0Ga0.0As QDs with a barrier width of b=16MLs showing binding and antibinding s-type orbitals, |ψsb|2 and |ψsa|2, respectively, followed by p-type orbitals |ψpy|2 and |ψpx|2, respectively.

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  • Figure 6
    Figure 6

    Diagrams illustrating the hydrostatic strain, piezoelectricity, and the conduction band edge for a single QD and stacks of two and ten identical In1.0Ga0.0AsQDs. Here, the barrier width is set to b=8MLs and the wetting layer is omitted. (a) The distribution of the hydrostatic strain eh and (b) the conduction band edge evolution VCB. (c) The corresponding distribution of the piezoelectric potential within the (001)-plane trough the center of the QD stacks. The |ψi(z)|2 show the probability densities of the first three Kramers-degenerate electron states.

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  • Figure 7
    Figure 7

    Evolution of the state's absolute energy and hydrostatic strain. (a) Energetic position of Kramers-degenerate electronic states ɛi as a function of the separating barrier width b in a pair of two In1.0Ga0.0AsQDs. Filled and semifilled circles denote the binding sb-, antibinding sa-, and p-type orbitals (black, blue, and green), respectively. (b) Maximum negative hydrostatic strain eh,max as a function of the barrier width b for an isolated pair of coupled QDs (blue) and the two central QDs in stacks of 4 to 14. The dotted line represents the hydrostatic strain within a single QD.

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  • Figure 8
    Figure 8

    Evolution of the transition energy Δɛji of the p-to-s intraband transitions for the two central QDs in a stack of ten identical QDs as a function of (a) barrier width b, (b) QD material composition, and (c)–(e) size for a constant base diameter db, height h, and aspect ratio ARv, respectively. Except for (b) and red symbols in (e), In1.0Ga0.0As/GaAsQDs are considered and separated by b=16MLs. The red semifilled circles in (e) show the transition energies for In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAsQDs at a constant aspect ratio.

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  • Figure 9
    Figure 9

    Evolution of the energies Δɛji of the p-to-s intraband transitions in a stack of two identical QDs as a function of barrier width b (red semifilled squares). (a) The transition energies omitting strain as well as piezoelectricity and the volume vi of the corresponding binding s-type and the p-type orbitals (black filled and semifilled diamonds). vi is the volume of the orbital i at which the electron density is 0.1% of its maximum value. (b) The transition energies including strain but neglecting piezoelectricity. VCB depicts the depth of the QDs potential well measured in the mid of the top QD, i.e., the minimum of the conduction band edge. The transition energies were calculated using the 8-band k·p model.

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  • Figure 10
    Figure 10

    The VCB band-structure staircase potential for the two central QDs in a stack of ten identical In1.0Ga0.0As/GaAsQDs separated by b=16MLs at various external biases Eext. Gray lines and shaded areas depict the calculated conduction band-edge and barrier material, respectively. Colored lines show the |ψi(z)|2 of the s- and p-type Kramers-degenerate electron states for the QDs in the central region, showing a maximum probability density. (a) The staircase potential without an external bias. (b) The staircase potential at Eext=24 kVcm1. Solid blue and dashed green lines depict the sb- and p-type orbitals discussed in Sec. 3c. (c) the staircase potential at Eext=72 kVcm1 showing four central QDs.

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  • Figure 11
    Figure 11

    Evolution of the energy Δɛji of the p-to-s intraband transitions for the two central QDs in a stack of ten In1.0Ga0.0As/GaAsQDs separated by barriers of b=16MLs as a function of external bias Eext.

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  • Figure 12
    Figure 12

    The VCB band-structure staircase potential for a stack of 20 identical In0.8Ga0.2As/GaAsQDs with basis lengths and heights of 14.7nm and 2.8nm, respectively, at an external bias of Eext=32kVcm1. The barrier width is set to 8MLs. Wavy arrows indicate possible intraband transitions. A plot of the full band-structure staircase potential is provided in the Supplemental Material [22].

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