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Direct Microwave Spectroscopy of Andreev Bound States in Planar Ge Josephson Junctions
M. Hinderling, S. C. ten Kate, M. Coraiola, D.Z. Haxell, M. Stiefel, M. Mergenthaler, S. Paredes, S.W. Bedell, D. Sabonis, and F. Nichele
PRX Quantum 5, 030357 (2024) – Published 27 September 2024

Inductive coupling between a superconducting resonator and a Josephson junction in germanium by means of flip-chip bonding enables microwave spectroscopy, showing discrete and gate-tunable Andreev bound states in short and long junctions.

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Quantum Many-Body Spin Ratchets
Lenart Zadnik, Marko Ljubotina, Žiga Krajnik, Enej Ilievski, and Tomaž Prosen
PRX Quantum 5, 030356 (2024) – Published 25 September 2024

A novel class of quantum circuits reveals how breaking space-reflection symmetry induces chiral spin transport, challenging traditional equilibrium concepts through a violation of the Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry.

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Non-Abelian Transport Distinguishes Three Usually Equivalent Notions of Entropy Production
Twesh Upadhyaya, William F. Braasch, Jr., Gabriel T. Landi, and Nicole Yunger Halpern
PRX Quantum 5, 030355 (2024) – Published 23 September 2024

Three equivalent formulas for classical stochastic entropy production become inequivalent in the quantum domain, revealing new facets of entropy production for quantum systems.

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Efficient Algorithms for All Port-Based Teleportation Protocols
Adam Wills, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, and Sergii Strelchuk
PRX Quantum 5, 030354 (2024) – Published 20 September 2024

Probabilistic port-based teleportation is shown, for the first time, to allow a polynomial-size quantum circuit implementation.

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Reducing Leakage of Single-Qubit Gates for Superconducting Quantum Processors Using Analytical Control Pulse Envelopes
Eric Hyyppä, Antti Vepsäläinen, Miha Papič, Chun Fai Chan, Sinan Inel, Alessandro Landra, Wei Liu, Jürgen Luus, Fabian Marxer, Caspar Ockeloen-Korppi, Sebastian Orbell, Brian Tarasinski, and Johannes Heinsoo
PRX Quantum 5, 030353 (2024) – Published 19 September 2024

A new approach for shaping single-qubit control pulses is experimentally shown to achieve fast gates with low errors and efficient calibration.

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Quasiprobabilities in Quantum Thermodynamics and Many-Body Systems
Stefano Gherardini and Gabriele De Chiara
PRX Quantum 5, 030201 (2024) – Published 18 September 2024

A thorough presentation of quasiprobabilities elucidates their potentially pivotal use in many important areas of quantum research.

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Improving Threshold for Fault-Tolerant Color-Code Quantum Computing by Flagged Weight Optimization
Yugo Takada and Keisuke Fujii
PRX Quantum 5, 030352 (2024) – Published 17 September 2024

Optimizing the weights of decoders using flag-qubit information achieves an increase in the threshold for color codes in quantum computing.

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Progress in Superconductor-Semiconductor Topological Josephson Junctions
William F. Schiela, Peng Yu, and Javad Shabani
PRX Quantum 5, 030102 (2024) – Published 16 September 2024

The state of the art on engineering topological superconductivity for the generation of Majorana bound states and applications on quantum technologies is discussed.

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Mitigating Scattering in a Quantum System Using Only an Integrating Sphere
Zhenfei Jiang, Tian Li, Matthew L. Boone, Zhenhuan Yi, Alexei V. Sokolov, Girish S. Agarwal, and Marlan O. Scully
PRX Quantum 5, 030351 (2024) – Published 13 September 2024

A novel scattering-mitigation scheme, using only an integrating sphere, is experimentally demonstrated to recover nearly 50% of mutual information in a quantum correlated two-mode squeezed state of light, despite a photon loss exceeding 85% in one of the modes.

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Featured in Physics
Signal Crosstalk in a Flip-Chip Quantum Processor
Sandoko Kosen, Hang-Xi Li, Marcus Rommel, Robert Rehammar, Marco Caputo, Leif Grönberg, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Anton Frisk Kockum, Janka Biznárová, Liangyu Chen, Christian Križan, Andreas Nylander, Amr Osman, Anita Fadavi Roudsari, Daryoush Shiri, Giovanna Tancredi, Joonas Govenius, and Jonas Bylander
PRX Quantum 5, 030350 (2024) – Published 12 September 2024
Physics logo Synopsis: Quantum Chip Cuts Unintended Signals

Low crosstalk levels are achieved in a superconducting quantum processor, indicating the potential of scaling up to larger numbers of qubits.

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In Situ Subwavelength Microscopy of Ultracold Atoms Using Dressed Excited States
R. Veyron, J-B. Gerent, G. Baclet, V. Mancois, P. Bouyer, and S. Bernon
PRX Quantum 5, 030349 (2024) – Published 11 September 2024

A new dressed-state-based method for imaging ultracold atoms achieves subwavelength resolution and reveals the complementary capabilities of two opposite imaging strength regimes to spatially resolve nanoscale quantum states.

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Solving Boolean Satisfiability Problems With The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
Sami Boulebnane and Ashley Montanaro
PRX Quantum 5, 030348 (2024) – Published 10 September 2024

Numerical studies suggest that quantum optimization may provide a polynomial speedup over the best classical solvers for constraint satisfaction problems.

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Superconducting Qubits above 20 GHz Operating over 200 mK
Alexander Anferov, Shannon P. Harvey, Fanghui Wan, Jonathan Simon, and David I. Schuster
PRX Quantum 5, 030347 (2024) – Published 9 September 2024

Higher-frequency superconducting qubits with increased thermal resilience are produced, allowing for scaling up of quantum processors with high heat dissipation budgets.

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Stabilizing Remote Entanglement via Waveguide Dissipation
Parth S. Shah, Frank Yang, Chaitali Joshi, and Mohammad Mirhosseini
PRX Quantum 5, 030346 (2024) – Published 6 September 2024

Autonomous stabilization of remote entanglement is achieved experimentally with a pair of noninteracting superconducting qubits connected by an open waveguide.

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Entanglement Generation via Single-Qubit Rotations in a Torn Hilbert Space
Tao Zhang, Zhihao Chi, and Jiazhong Hu
PRX Quantum 5, 030345 (2024) – Published 5 September 2024

A new protocol enables the generation of arbitrary symmetric entangled states using only global single-qubit rotations in a torn Hilbert space, offering applications in variational quantum optimization with existing technology.

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Featured in Physics
Constant-Depth Preparation of Matrix Product States with Adaptive Quantum Circuits
Kevin C. Smith, Abid Khan, Bryan K. Clark, S.M. Girvin, and Tzu-Chieh Wei
PRX Quantum 5, 030344 (2024) – Published 4 September 2024
Physics logo Synopsis: Preparing Entangled States Efficiently

An efficient and practical protocol to prepare certain matrix product states using measurements and feedforward operations.

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Simulating Quantum Computation: How Many “Bits” for “It”?
Michael Zurel, Cihan Okay, and Robert Raussendorf
PRX Quantum 5, 030343 (2024) – Published 3 September 2024

Using tools from universal quantum computation with magic states, a widely believed hypothesis—that the inefficiency in quantum computations arises owing to tracking enormous amounts of classical data—is falsified.

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Higher-Order Cellular Automata Generated Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases and Detection Through Multi Point Strange Correlators
Jie-Yu Zhang, Meng-Yuan Li, and Peng Ye
PRX Quantum 5, 030342 (2024) – Published 28 August 2024

An investigation of higher-order cellular automata in the context of many-body physics shows the emergence of a large class of unexplored symmetry-protected topological phases of matter.

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Dephasing in Fluxonium Qubits from Coherent Quantum Phase Slips
Mallika T. Randeria, Thomas M. Hazard, Agustin Di Paolo, Kate Azar, Max Hays, Leon Ding, Junyoung An, Michael Gingras, Bethany M. Niedzielski, Hannah Stickler, Jeffrey A. Grover, Jonilyn L. Yoder, Mollie E. Schwartz, William D. Oliver, and Kyle Serniak
PRX Quantum 5, 030341 (2024) – Published 27 August 2024

Experimental exploration of phase slips in fluxonium qubits validates theoretical models and identifies design parameter bounds to prevent decoherence.

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Noise-Aware Variational Eigensolvers: A Dissipative Route for Lattice Gauge Theories
Jesús Cobos, David F. Locher, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller, and Enrique Rico
PRX Quantum 5, 030340 (2024) – Published 26 August 2024

A novel dissipative variational quantum algorithm, which outperforms previous unitary approaches, is proposed to study the ground-state properties of the ℤ2 lattice gauge theory.

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Efficient Long-Range Entanglement Using Dynamic Circuits
Elisa Bäumer, Vinay Tripathi, Derek S. Wang, Patrick Rall, Edward H. Chen, Swarnadeep Majumder, Alireza Seif, and Zlatko K. Minev
PRX Quantum 5, 030339 (2024) – Published 22 August 2024

Dynamic circuits that exploit midcircuit measurements, conditional feed-forward operations, and real-time logic outperform unitary quantum circuits on a large-scale quantum device.

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Robust Estimation of the Quantum Fisher Information on a Quantum Processor
Vittorio Vitale, Aniket Rath, Petar Jurcevic, Andreas Elben, Cyril Branciard, and Benoît Vermersch
PRX Quantum 5, 030338 (2024) – Published 21 August 2024

State-of-the-art randomized measurement techniques allow for error-mitigated estimation of quantum Fisher information and verification of quantum metrological advantage on NISQ devices.

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Flip-Chip-Based Fast Inductive Parity Readout of a Planar Superconducting Island
M. Hinderling, S.C. ten Kate, D.Z. Haxell, M. Coraiola, S. Paredes, E. Cheah, F. Krizek, R. Schott, W. Wegscheider, D. Sabonis, and F. Nichele
PRX Quantum 5, 030337 (2024) – Published 20 August 2024

A resonator is inductively coupled to a superconducting island, enabling fast and high-fidelity measurement of its parity.

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Coherent Acoustic Control of Defect Orbital States in the Strong-Driving Limit
B.A. McCullian, V. Sharma, H.Y. Chen, J.C. Crossman, E.J. Mueller, and G.D. Fuchs
PRX Quantum 5, 030336 (2024) – Published 19 August 2024

An acoustic resonator is used to drive Rabi oscillations between excited-state orbitals with good agreement with a theoretical model of the dynamics.

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Rydberg Molecules Bound by Strong Light Fields
Simon Hollerith, Valentin Walther, Kritsana Srakaew, David Wei, Daniel Adler, Suchita Agrawal, Pascal Weckesser, Immanuel Bloch, and Johannes Zeiher
PRX Quantum 5, 030335 (2024) – Published 16 August 2024

The experimental detection of macrodimerons confirms a novel, theoretically predicted molecular binding mechanism based on strong light-matter coupling.

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