ザンビア債務再編不透明に、債権国が修正案も反対 他国に影響も

ザンビア債務再編不透明に、債権国が修正案も反対 他国に影響も
アフリカ南部のザンビアは20日、30億ドルのユーロ債の再編について、修正案が中国を含む主要債権国の反対により実行できなくなったと発表した。写真はIMF本部で撮影、2018年9月(2023年 ロイター/Yuri Gripas)
[ヨハネスブルク/ロンドン 20日 ロイター] - アフリカ南部のザンビアは20日、30億ドルのユーロ債の再編について、修正案が中国を含む主要債権国の反対により実行できなくなったと発表した。


私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab


Rachel Savage is Africa Senior Markets Correspondent at Reuters, where she covers finance and economics across Sub-Saharan Africa, from sovereign debt crises and IMF programs to foreign exchange markets and cryptocurrencies. Previously she was LGBT+ Correspondent at the Thomson Reuters Foundation for just over three years and was awarded Journalist of the Year in 2021 by the NLJGA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists, a U.S. group. Before that, Rachel was based in Nairobi and then Lagos as an East and West Africa Correspondent for The Economist, after starting her career a decade ago as a business journalist in London.


Karin Strohecker is the London-based Global Chief Correspondent for Emerging Markets, leading a team that covers debt and economic issues and investment trends in developing nations around the globe. Having joined Reuters more than 20 years ago, Karin has worked in text and television in Frankfurt, Berlin and Vienna, covering major events such as IMF World Bank meetings in Washington, the World Economic Forum in Davos, OPEC meetings and the World Cup.