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Curriculum Vitae

King's College London, Philosophy, Faculty Member
Sacha Yevgeny Golob – CV Personal Information Nationality: U.K. & U.S.A. Date of Birth: 19/10/1981 Contact: sacha.golob@kcl.ac.uk Website: www.kcl.academia.edu/SachaGolob Employment History 2023-: Professor of Philosophy, King’s College London (2012 Lecturer, 2017 Senior Lecturer, 2020 Reader) 2022-: Vice-Dean, Arts and Humanities, King’s College London 2015-: Founder and Co-Director, Centre for Philosophy and Art 2009–2013: Junior Research Fellow (Open Competition), Peterhouse, Cambridge Education 2006 -2010 Ph.D., History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge 2003–2005: B.Phil., Philosophy, University of Oxford 2000–2003: B.A. (Hons.), 1st Class Philosophy, University of Cambridge (1st in year) Publications – Monographs (Peer Reviewed) Heidegger on Concepts, Freedom, and Normativity: pp.xviii + 270. CUP 2014 ‘[A] wonderful book [that] will be indispensable for any future discussion’ (Crowell, Philosophy in Review, 2015). ‘[T]he overall rigour, strength and originality of the claims advanced mark this book out as a timely and substantial contribution to the field’ (Cregan, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2015) ‘[A]n engaging and thought-provoking [book] from which both analytic and continental thinkers will profit greatly’ (Campbell, NDPR, 2015) ‘[Places] Heidegger in a scarely developed, if not completely new field of the theory of intentionality’ (Keiling, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 2016) Publications – Edited Collections (Peer Reviewed) The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy. Co-ed. Timmermann: pp.xii + 751. CUP, 2017 The Cambridge Handbook of Continental Philosophy. Co-editor with Karen Ng: pp.xx + circa 650. CUP, Forthcoming Publications – Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed) ‘Kant on Intentionality, Magnitude, and the Unity of Perception’, European Journal of Philosophy, 2011: pp.1-23 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468–0378.2011.00503.x/full ‘Heidegger on Kant, Time, and the ‘Form’ of Intentionality’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2013, Vol.21: pp.345-367 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09608788.2012.692662 ‘Heidegger on Assertion, Method, and Metaphysics’, European Journal of Philosophy, 2013: pp.1-31 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ejop.12018/full ‘Self-Knowledge, Transparency and Self-Authorship’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 2015, Vol.CXV: pp.235-253 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9264.2015.00393.x ‘Subjectivity, Reflection and Freedom in Later Foucault’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2015, Vol.23: pp.666-688 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09672559.2015.1091029. ‘The ‘Thing’ in Georges Bataille and Martin Heidegger: Method, Ritual and Prostitution’, Comparative Critical Studies, 2016, Vol.13: pp.47–65 http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/ccs.2016.0186. ‘Kant as Both Conceptualist and Nonconceptualist’, Kantian Review, 2016, Vol.21: pp.367-391 http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1369415416000248 ‘The Holzwege of Heidegger and Finlay’, Co-Authored with Kathleen McKay, Evental Aesthetics, 2016, Vol.5: pp.58-87 http://eventalaesthetics.net/vol-5-no-1-2016-aesthetic-inquiries-2/ ‘Kant and Thought Insertion’, Self-Knowledge In and Out of Illness – SI Palgrave Communications, 2017, Vol.3: pp.1-8 http://www.palgrave-journals.com/articles/palcomms2016108 ‘A New Theory of Stupidity’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2019, Vol.27: pp.562-80 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09672559.2019.1632372 ‘Can there be a Finite Interpretation of the Kantian Sublime?’ Kant Yearbook, 2019, Vol.11: pp.17-41 https://doi.org/10.1515/kantyb-2019-0002 ‘Exemplars, Institutions and Self-Knowledge in Schopenhauer as Educator’, Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 2020, Vol.51: pp.46-66 https://doi.org/10.5325/jnietstud.51.1.0046 ‘A Heideggerian Pedagogy of Disruption’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2021, Vol.54: pp.194-203 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131857.2021.1888712 ‘MacIntyre and the Ethics of Catastrophe’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2021, Vol.29: 204-220 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09672559.2021.1918747 ‘Kant on revolution as a sign of moral progress’, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021, Vol.55: pp.977-89 DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.12598 ‘Is Heidegger’s History of Being a Genealogy?’, The Monist, 2022, Vol.105: pp.507-220 https://doi.org/10.1093/monist/onac014 Publications – Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed) ‘Heidegger: Ethics, Freedom, Ontology’, in The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy, Golob and Timmermann (eds.). CUP, 2017: pp.623-636 https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/cambridge-history-of-moral-philosophy/heidegger/58069AA05AB29BD24FB6B0EF0769BE5B ‘Why the Transcendental Deduction is Compatible with Nonconceptualism’ in Kantian Nonconceptualism, Schulting (ed.). Palgrave Macmillan, 2016: pp.43-66 http://www.palgrave.com/in/book/9781137535160 ‘Methodological Anxiety’ in Thinking about the Emotions: A Philosophical History, Cohen and Stern (eds.). Oxford University Press, 2017: pp.253-271 https://global.oup.com/academic/product/thinking-about-the-emotions-9780198766858?cc=gb&lang=en& ‘Heidegger and The Occlusion of the Political’ in „Geschichte, Politik, Ideologie. Heideggers ,Schwarze Hefte‘ im Kontext“, Espinet, Figal, Keiling and Mirkovic (eds.). Mohr Siebeck, 2018: pp.137-153 https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/buch/heideggers-schwarze-hefte-im-kontext-9783161547904 ‘Was Heidegger a Relativist?’ in The Emergence of Modern Relativism, Kusch, Kinzel, Steizinger, and Wildschut (eds.) Routledge, 2019: pp.181-196 https://www.routledge.com/The-Emergence-of-Relativism-German-Thought-from-the-Enlightenment-to-National/Kusch-Kinzel-Steizinger-Wildschut/p/book/9781138571877 ‘Decadence and Aesthetics’ in Decadence, Desmarais and Weir (eds.), CUP, 2019: pp.115-130 www.cambridge.org/core/books/decadence-and-literature/ ‘What do Animals See?’ in Kant and Animals, Allais and Callanan (eds.). OUP, 2020: pp.66-89 https://global.oup.com/academic/product/kant-and-animals-9780198859918 ‘Heidegger: From Fluid Action to Gelassenheit’ in The Routledge Handbook of the Phenomenology of Agency, Erhard & Keiling (eds.), Routledge, 2020: pp.1-18 www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Phenomenology-of-Agency/Erhard-Keiling/p/book/9781138098978 ‘What Does it Mean to ‘Act in the Light of’ a Norm?’ in Transcending Reason, McMullin & Burch (ed.) Rowman and Littlefield, 2020: pp.79-99 https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538148204/Transcending-Reason-Heidegger-on-Rationality ‘Logic, Language and the Question of Method in Early Heidegger’ in Heidegger On Logic, Casati and Dahlstrom (eds.) CUP, 2022: pp.73-89 www.cambridge.org/core/books/heidegger-on-logic/ ‘The ‘I’ Concept in Phenomenology’ in The Self, Kitcher (ed.), OUP 2021: pp.267-287 www.global.oup.com/academic/product/the-self-9780190087258?cc=gb&lang=en& ‘Kierkegaard and Heidegger on Pathos-Filled Transition’ in Transformation and the History of Philosophy, Bruno & Vlasits (eds.), Routledge 2022 Selected Public Philosophy ‘The Politics of Stupidity’, New Statesman, Oct. 2020 https://www.newstatesman.com/ideas/2020/10/politics-stupidity ‘Why Some Of The Smartest People Can Be So Very Stupid’, Aeon: Psyche Sept. 2021 https://psyche.co/ideas/why-some-of-the-smartest-people-can-be-so-very-stupid ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, Ideas, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Dec. 2021 https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/how-a-debate-over-nothing-split-western-philosophy-apart-1.6268281 Selected Invited Talks – Details Available UK Universities including: Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Essex, Glasgow, Keele, LSE, Oxford, Royal Holloway, Sheffield, Southampton, UCL, Warwick, West of England Overseas Universities including: Bonn, Freiburg, Fribourg, Oslo, Madrid Carlos III, São Paulo, UCD, UNC Chapel Hill, Witwatersrand Art Institutions including: Flat Time House, National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Somerset House, Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Trinity Laban Conservatoire Selected Externally Funded Grants PI/CI 2021-: PI (Ex officio) UKRI Impact Accelerator Account for KCL Arts and Humanities, £450,000. 2019-: CI, BA/Leverhulme Research Grants for support workshops and conferences leading up to the centenary of Heidegger’s Being and Time, jointly with Denis McManus (PI, Southampton) and Joseph Schear (PI, Oxford (Oxford), £9,745 2019-: Estate of Francis Bacon to Centre for Philosophy and Art, £3,000 Selected Editorial and Assessment Roles 2020-: Co-Editor, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 2019-: Associate Editor, Philosophy. 2018-: 19th Century Editor, Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. 2016-2019: AHRC Peer Review College. Selected Internal Service Roles 2014-2021: REF 2021 & Research Lead for KCL Philosophy Selected External Service Roles 2018-: External Examiner for Essex MA in Philosophy, Southampton MA in Philosophy 2015-: Executive Comm., Society for European Philosophy, Executive Committee 2015-: Executive Comm, British Society for the History of Philosophy 2016-2020: Member, AHRC Peer Review College 2016-2020: External Examiner for Royal Holloway BA in Philosophy 2015- 2019: Executive Committee, Aristotelian Society 2017-2019: Academic Committee, The Forum for Philosophy Languages – CEFRL Level German – C2 (Goethe) French – C1 (Dalf) sacha.golob@kcl.ac.uk www.kcl.academia.edu/SachaGolob 4