The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as m... more The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as multimedia learning with the blanded learning method. Utilizing google classroom can help with the collection of tasks, very efficient in terms of costs and users. The design used was a one-group pretestposttest design, the sample was 30 subject matter teachers assigned to Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the Ministry of Religion in Tasikmalaya regency. The results of the pretest with an average value of 47 and posttest 76 on a scale of 100, while the normalized gain value is at the value of 0.53 with the medium category, it can be said there is an increase in understanding of google classroom in the substantive training of increasing multimedia competency. Key words: google classroom, understanding, blanded learning
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as m... more The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as multimedia learning with the blanded learning method. Utilizing google classroom can help with the collection of tasks, very efficient in terms of costs and users. The design used was a one-group pretestposttest design, the sample was 30 subject matter teachers assigned to Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the Ministry of Religion in Tasikmalaya regency. The results of the pretest with an average value of 47 and posttest 76 on a scale of 100, while the normalized gain value is at the value of 0.53 with the medium category, it can be said there is an increase in understanding of google classroom in the substantive training of increasing multimedia competency. Key words: google classroom, understanding, blanded learning
The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the preparation of web-based teaching... more The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the preparation of web-based teaching materials exelearning as a new curriculum, with a quantitative descriptive method. Web-based authoring application program known as eXe (the elearning xhtml editor) is an open source program developed and easy to use by people who do not understand html programming language though, this application can be opened through the application android mobile phone or leptop with internet protocol (IP) address or IP address without bandwidth. The new curriculum is expected to enrich the creative and interactive classroom learning, the research results obtained average score of competence test 47.27, the effectiveness percentage of 54.54% with high category, 18.18% with high enough category, and 27.30% low category. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas penyusunan bahan ajar berbasis web exelearning sebagai kurikulum baru, dengan metode desktiptif kuantitatif. Program aplikasi authoring berbasis web yang dikenal dengan the eXe (the elearning xhtml editor) merupakan suatu program open source yang dikembangkan dan mudah digunakan oleh orang yang tidak memahami bahasa pemograman html sekalipun, aplikasi ini dapat dibuka melalui aplikasi handphone android atau leptop dengan munggunakan internet protocol (IP) address atau alamat IP tanpa bandwidth. Kurikulum baru ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya pembelajaran dikelas yang kreatif dan interaktif, hasil penelitian didapat rata-rata nilai uji kompetensi 47.27, persentase efektivitas sebesar 54,54% dengan kategori tinggi, 18,18% dengan kategori cukup tinggi, dan 27,30% kategori rendah. Kata kunci: efektivitas, bahan ajar, exelearning. PENDAHULUAN Keberhasilan capaian tujuan tidak lepas dari widyaiswara selaku fasilitator dalam pengelola pembelajaran yang kompeten. Akan tetapi kompetensi tersebut jika tidak diasah akan tumpul dan tertinggal informasi, seperti gergaji yang dipakai untuk menebang pohon tanpa melihat mata gergajinya sudah tumpul karena tidak pernah diasah, maka dari itu kompetensi seorang widyaiswara perlu di tingkatkan agar informasi yang didapat selalu kekinian, seperti mata gergaji yang perlu diasah agar tajam. Peningkatan kompetensi widyaiswara dapat diukur melalui capaian tujuan peningkatan kompetensi peserta diklat dalam memahami materi. Peningkatan kompetensi peserta diklat melalui diklat secara regular atau klasikal dari hasil penelitian pada diklat di
This study was aim to investigate the improvement of students' cognitive abilities and creative t... more This study was aim to investigate the improvement of students' cognitive abilities and creative thinking skills who was taught using an exelearning-assisted problem based learning model. A quasi-experimental method was used to engage 48 ninth-grade science students of an Islamic Senior High School at Bandung. Data were collected by using a cognitive test and creative thinking skills test that administered at the beginning and the end of the instruction, analyzed by using the normalized gain. Students who had an exelearning-assisted project based learning model demonstrated significantly higher average normalized gain on cognitive test and creative thinking skills test than those who did not have. Correlation coefficient between the experimental group students' cognitive abilities and creative thinking skill was rxy = 0,55 with determination coefficient R=30.67%. The findings showed statistically significant differences between the improvement of the experimental group compare to the control group. Most students responded excited and motivated when they was taught using an exelearning-assisted problem based learning model.
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as m... more The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as multimedia learning with the blanded learning method. Utilizing google classroom can help with the collection of tasks, very efficient in terms of costs and users. The design used was a one-group pretestposttest design, the sample was 30 subject matter teachers assigned to Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the Ministry of Religion in Tasikmalaya regency. The results of the pretest with an average value of 47 and posttest 76 on a scale of 100, while the normalized gain value is at the value of 0.53 with the medium category, it can be said there is an increase in understanding of google classroom in the substantive training of increasing multimedia competency. Key words: google classroom, understanding, blanded learning
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as m... more The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of google classroom as multimedia learning with the blanded learning method. Utilizing google classroom can help with the collection of tasks, very efficient in terms of costs and users. The design used was a one-group pretestposttest design, the sample was 30 subject matter teachers assigned to Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the Ministry of Religion in Tasikmalaya regency. The results of the pretest with an average value of 47 and posttest 76 on a scale of 100, while the normalized gain value is at the value of 0.53 with the medium category, it can be said there is an increase in understanding of google classroom in the substantive training of increasing multimedia competency. Key words: google classroom, understanding, blanded learning
The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the preparation of web-based teaching... more The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the preparation of web-based teaching materials exelearning as a new curriculum, with a quantitative descriptive method. Web-based authoring application program known as eXe (the elearning xhtml editor) is an open source program developed and easy to use by people who do not understand html programming language though, this application can be opened through the application android mobile phone or leptop with internet protocol (IP) address or IP address without bandwidth. The new curriculum is expected to enrich the creative and interactive classroom learning, the research results obtained average score of competence test 47.27, the effectiveness percentage of 54.54% with high category, 18.18% with high enough category, and 27.30% low category. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas penyusunan bahan ajar berbasis web exelearning sebagai kurikulum baru, dengan metode desktiptif kuantitatif. Program aplikasi authoring berbasis web yang dikenal dengan the eXe (the elearning xhtml editor) merupakan suatu program open source yang dikembangkan dan mudah digunakan oleh orang yang tidak memahami bahasa pemograman html sekalipun, aplikasi ini dapat dibuka melalui aplikasi handphone android atau leptop dengan munggunakan internet protocol (IP) address atau alamat IP tanpa bandwidth. Kurikulum baru ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya pembelajaran dikelas yang kreatif dan interaktif, hasil penelitian didapat rata-rata nilai uji kompetensi 47.27, persentase efektivitas sebesar 54,54% dengan kategori tinggi, 18,18% dengan kategori cukup tinggi, dan 27,30% kategori rendah. Kata kunci: efektivitas, bahan ajar, exelearning. PENDAHULUAN Keberhasilan capaian tujuan tidak lepas dari widyaiswara selaku fasilitator dalam pengelola pembelajaran yang kompeten. Akan tetapi kompetensi tersebut jika tidak diasah akan tumpul dan tertinggal informasi, seperti gergaji yang dipakai untuk menebang pohon tanpa melihat mata gergajinya sudah tumpul karena tidak pernah diasah, maka dari itu kompetensi seorang widyaiswara perlu di tingkatkan agar informasi yang didapat selalu kekinian, seperti mata gergaji yang perlu diasah agar tajam. Peningkatan kompetensi widyaiswara dapat diukur melalui capaian tujuan peningkatan kompetensi peserta diklat dalam memahami materi. Peningkatan kompetensi peserta diklat melalui diklat secara regular atau klasikal dari hasil penelitian pada diklat di
This study was aim to investigate the improvement of students' cognitive abilities and creative t... more This study was aim to investigate the improvement of students' cognitive abilities and creative thinking skills who was taught using an exelearning-assisted problem based learning model. A quasi-experimental method was used to engage 48 ninth-grade science students of an Islamic Senior High School at Bandung. Data were collected by using a cognitive test and creative thinking skills test that administered at the beginning and the end of the instruction, analyzed by using the normalized gain. Students who had an exelearning-assisted project based learning model demonstrated significantly higher average normalized gain on cognitive test and creative thinking skills test than those who did not have. Correlation coefficient between the experimental group students' cognitive abilities and creative thinking skill was rxy = 0,55 with determination coefficient R=30.67%. The findings showed statistically significant differences between the improvement of the experimental group compare to the control group. Most students responded excited and motivated when they was taught using an exelearning-assisted problem based learning model.
Papers by Saeful Nurdin
Conference Presentations by Saeful Nurdin