2021 International Conference Advancement in Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems (ICADEIS), 2021
To improve health levels, good health literacy is required, in which Indonesia still categorized ... more To improve health levels, good health literacy is required, in which Indonesia still categorized as low in health awareness. Someone with low health literacy will experience more challenges when using or accessing health care system, especially to identify or being aware about Internet addiction. Thus, electronic consultation come into the picture to provide more engaging and interactive mechanism in discussing several and related issues in order to improve the quality of understanding regarding the topic. It also aims to allow users to browse and investigate the indicator for the purpose to stay healthy or identify the others through online without having to visit doctor at his workplace due to various reasons such as lack of free time. In this study, user experience (UX) perspective was used through RSM (Recognize, Scrutinize and Materialize) design approach by developing and evaluating the prototype with usability testing using concrete scenarios with alternative design. Also, this study implement alternative design in the design phases to expand the usability criteria and aspects to align with the user demand as the critical factors and trigger for success implementation.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang epistemologi tafsir maqasidi Jasser Auda. Kebaharuan nilai episte... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang epistemologi tafsir maqasidi Jasser Auda. Kebaharuan nilai epistemik yang ditawarkan Auda ke dalam diskursus al-Qur’an yang menjadikan maqasid al-syari’ah sebagai pangkal tolok ukur berpikirnya menarik untuk ditelit lebih dalam. Sebab, paradigma literalisme atau bahkan dekonstruksionisme mendominasi diskursus al-Quran hingga menyebabkan prinsip-prinsip dasar, nilai-nilai universal, dan maqasid al-syari’ah menjadi terabaikan. Auda menjadikan maqasid al-syari’ah sebagai pangkal tolak berpikir dan menggunakan teori sistem sebagai pisau analisisnya. Sebagai makhluk yang menyejarah, upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Auda tersebut tidak bias dilepaskan dari perkembangan dan perubahan epistemologi keilmuan, orientasi kepentingan dan cara menjalani kehidupan masyarakat pada umumnya. Tesis ini mengkaji tentang struktur-struktur dasar epistemologi tafsir maqasidi Jasser Auda yang meliputi: pertama, hakikat tafsir maqasidi. Kedua, metode tafsir yang digunakan dan, keti...
Salah satu daerah pelabuhan perikanan yang rentan dengan kecelakaan awak diatas kapal penangkap i... more Salah satu daerah pelabuhan perikanan yang rentan dengan kecelakaan awak diatas kapal penangkap ikan adalah di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sibolga Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan peraturan pengawakan kapal terhadap keselamatan kerja diatas kapal sesuai dengan standar peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan menganalisis kelengkapan peralatan keselamatan kapal di (PPN) Sibolga Sumatera Utara. Penelitian menggunakan metode pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan melihat langsung saat operasi penangkapan ikan, wawancara dilapangan dan menggunakan daftar isian kuisioner yang terdiri dari 40 responden dari 5 kapal alat tangkap Purse Seine . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapal penangkap ikan alat tangkap Purse Seine belum sepenuhnya menerapkan peraturan pengawakan kapal mengenai alat keselamatan kerja sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan standar yang berlaku, awak kapal Purse Sein...
Classroom action research is aimed to improve students' learning creativity through learning ... more Classroom action research is aimed to improve students' learning creativity through learning model of Active Learning with Question Student Have method with the material circle. The subject in this research is grade VII-a MTs. Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan with consist of students 34 students. The object of the research is to increase students' mathematical creativity through Active Learning model with Question Student Have method. Learning device in this research is the lesson plan, Teacher Handbook, Student Worksheet, Instrument test. The tests are used the validated and reliable test in learning mathematics. From the data analysis is showed that the evaluation result for the cycle I get 64,71%, the cycle II get 82.35%, and for cycle III get 91.18%. The result of student activity observation in cycle I get 54,9%, cycle II get 59,90% and cycle III get 86,70%. Observation on teachers’ competence in managing learning process in cycle I get 73.50%, on the cycle II and the cy...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dan mengkarakter isolat murni Rhizobium indegenous Reg... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dan mengkarakter isolat murni Rhizobium indegenous Regosol dan mengaji isolat tersebut yang paling kompatibel dengan kedelai Edamame. Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium Agrobioteknologi dan lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, DIY. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu : (1) Karakterisasi nodul akar kedelai Edamame, (2) Isolasi dan pemurnian Rhizobium sp. dari nodul akar kedelai Edamame, (3) Re-inokulasi Rhizobium sp. pada tanaman kedelai Edamame. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan faktor tunggal yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian isolat B, isolat E, isolat F dan isolat campuran (B, E dan F). Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali, setiap ulangan terdiri dari 3 sampel tanaman, 2 tanaman korban dan 1 tanaman cadangan. Dari hasil identifikasi dan karakterisasi diperoleh 6 isolat lalu dilakukan skr...
Today, IT services are obtained with a combination of multiple type of work activities, primarily... more Today, IT services are obtained with a combination of multiple type of work activities, primarily through sub-contract or known for as outsourcing policy. Structured activities are mainly based on standard processes, procedures and tools while unstructured mostly related to obtain new experience or knowledge in the different field through supervision. In support and delivery IT service, increasingly popular standardization efforts to be implemented into the business process which advocate for diverse kind of management such as capability, capacity, availability, service-level and financial in order to attain best level of IT product and quality result. As IT departments or division plan to bridge the digital divide that become the current trend, it is important that the automation can empower the process to become more efficient, there should be the trade-off to gain some improved activities if not have intention to hold the advantages as a adaptive, trigger and catalyst due to the interdependency. Thus, this study wants to develop an application in regard to deliver outsourcing service in various classification or type by understanding the current issue in the outsourcing in relation to pros and cons to balance the demand from the corporation (client) and preferences from the worker (provider).
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
The parking process is common attempt to eliminate traffic in the road by providing certain spot ... more The parking process is common attempt to eliminate traffic in the road by providing certain spot for vehicle to stay for certain time. Considering the increase of amount of population, large parking area horizontally or vertically is not necessary proper solution because it requires enormous expenses to acquire vacant land or to construct high-rise building. Therefore, smart parking system is one solution to provide information on the availability of vacant parking locations efficiently and conduct identification and transaction process quickly. Telkom University has been adopted this system by using physical card with RFID built-in for handling, convenience and security purposes since October 2014. Even though, it deliver an easy way for verification and validation but some problem occurred that raise several complaints from student and staff. This study has objective to explore the challenges and to addresses the issues faced by smart parking system, which has been implemented in subsequent years. By identifying the solution, it can improve the quality of the system for greater purpose in the future.
This study proposes portal website to provide digital gift as the attempt to develop radical inno... more This study proposes portal website to provide digital gift as the attempt to develop radical innovation by offering interactive and dynamic interaction between customer and community. The application is expected to contain a high degree of new knowledge, although it begin with the foundation of determining the physical gift to be deliver at certain time and location to specific person. The process can be executed after the membership have been done, thus it allow the integration phase as the replacement of product or even the money with the specific form of digital gift. Thus, this study present the first phase of the development by presenting the portal website as the digital platform for digital gift.
Responsive Innovation can be define as the attempt from the corporate or respected individual to ... more Responsive Innovation can be define as the attempt from the corporate or respected individual to bring the solution from particular problem by offer more ideal practical implementation based on specific requirement in the market. This type innovation can be generated or effectuate through modifying, combining, substituting or eliminating current process of problem solving or decision making in the market to be more precise, efficient and rigid compare to the previous. This study explore the possibilities to identify the characteristics of responsive innovation by developing web and mobile application based on the demand in the market with the several criteria namely number of exist application, higher demand, user experience attachment, attractive market and small routine margin of profit. Thus, this study present the application design called eLo and FunBuz to make it easier the process of order or reservation online.
Education has purposes to improve quality of human resources and to develop readiness to look at ... more Education has purposes to improve quality of human resources and to develop readiness to look at future. It also play critical role to reduce ignorance, recognize the potency and shape the behavior in the community. There are two types well-know of education in Indonesia, which are formal (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, senior high and university) and non-formal (computer courses, English lessons, tutoring session, vocational training and professional certification). Of course, people will go to formal education to obtain graduation degree for the necessity of finding job and position in the market. But, some people tend to seek alternative to provide adequate education for their future. It hinted certain problems have been resided in the current educational model, which focus on face to face approach. Along with the rising of IT in the era of Industry 4.0 in every aspect of daily life, people learn mostly every subject through Internet without considering much on its credib...
2021 International Conference Advancement in Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems (ICADEIS), 2021
To improve health levels, good health literacy is required, in which Indonesia still categorized ... more To improve health levels, good health literacy is required, in which Indonesia still categorized as low in health awareness. Someone with low health literacy will experience more challenges when using or accessing health care system, especially to identify or being aware about Internet addiction. Thus, electronic consultation come into the picture to provide more engaging and interactive mechanism in discussing several and related issues in order to improve the quality of understanding regarding the topic. It also aims to allow users to browse and investigate the indicator for the purpose to stay healthy or identify the others through online without having to visit doctor at his workplace due to various reasons such as lack of free time. In this study, user experience (UX) perspective was used through RSM (Recognize, Scrutinize and Materialize) design approach by developing and evaluating the prototype with usability testing using concrete scenarios with alternative design. Also, this study implement alternative design in the design phases to expand the usability criteria and aspects to align with the user demand as the critical factors and trigger for success implementation.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang epistemologi tafsir maqasidi Jasser Auda. Kebaharuan nilai episte... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang epistemologi tafsir maqasidi Jasser Auda. Kebaharuan nilai epistemik yang ditawarkan Auda ke dalam diskursus al-Qur’an yang menjadikan maqasid al-syari’ah sebagai pangkal tolok ukur berpikirnya menarik untuk ditelit lebih dalam. Sebab, paradigma literalisme atau bahkan dekonstruksionisme mendominasi diskursus al-Quran hingga menyebabkan prinsip-prinsip dasar, nilai-nilai universal, dan maqasid al-syari’ah menjadi terabaikan. Auda menjadikan maqasid al-syari’ah sebagai pangkal tolak berpikir dan menggunakan teori sistem sebagai pisau analisisnya. Sebagai makhluk yang menyejarah, upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Auda tersebut tidak bias dilepaskan dari perkembangan dan perubahan epistemologi keilmuan, orientasi kepentingan dan cara menjalani kehidupan masyarakat pada umumnya. Tesis ini mengkaji tentang struktur-struktur dasar epistemologi tafsir maqasidi Jasser Auda yang meliputi: pertama, hakikat tafsir maqasidi. Kedua, metode tafsir yang digunakan dan, keti...
Salah satu daerah pelabuhan perikanan yang rentan dengan kecelakaan awak diatas kapal penangkap i... more Salah satu daerah pelabuhan perikanan yang rentan dengan kecelakaan awak diatas kapal penangkap ikan adalah di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sibolga Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan peraturan pengawakan kapal terhadap keselamatan kerja diatas kapal sesuai dengan standar peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan menganalisis kelengkapan peralatan keselamatan kapal di (PPN) Sibolga Sumatera Utara. Penelitian menggunakan metode pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan melihat langsung saat operasi penangkapan ikan, wawancara dilapangan dan menggunakan daftar isian kuisioner yang terdiri dari 40 responden dari 5 kapal alat tangkap Purse Seine . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapal penangkap ikan alat tangkap Purse Seine belum sepenuhnya menerapkan peraturan pengawakan kapal mengenai alat keselamatan kerja sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan standar yang berlaku, awak kapal Purse Sein...
Classroom action research is aimed to improve students' learning creativity through learning ... more Classroom action research is aimed to improve students' learning creativity through learning model of Active Learning with Question Student Have method with the material circle. The subject in this research is grade VII-a MTs. Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan with consist of students 34 students. The object of the research is to increase students' mathematical creativity through Active Learning model with Question Student Have method. Learning device in this research is the lesson plan, Teacher Handbook, Student Worksheet, Instrument test. The tests are used the validated and reliable test in learning mathematics. From the data analysis is showed that the evaluation result for the cycle I get 64,71%, the cycle II get 82.35%, and for cycle III get 91.18%. The result of student activity observation in cycle I get 54,9%, cycle II get 59,90% and cycle III get 86,70%. Observation on teachers’ competence in managing learning process in cycle I get 73.50%, on the cycle II and the cy...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dan mengkarakter isolat murni Rhizobium indegenous Reg... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dan mengkarakter isolat murni Rhizobium indegenous Regosol dan mengaji isolat tersebut yang paling kompatibel dengan kedelai Edamame. Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium Agrobioteknologi dan lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, DIY. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu : (1) Karakterisasi nodul akar kedelai Edamame, (2) Isolasi dan pemurnian Rhizobium sp. dari nodul akar kedelai Edamame, (3) Re-inokulasi Rhizobium sp. pada tanaman kedelai Edamame. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan faktor tunggal yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian isolat B, isolat E, isolat F dan isolat campuran (B, E dan F). Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali, setiap ulangan terdiri dari 3 sampel tanaman, 2 tanaman korban dan 1 tanaman cadangan. Dari hasil identifikasi dan karakterisasi diperoleh 6 isolat lalu dilakukan skr...
Today, IT services are obtained with a combination of multiple type of work activities, primarily... more Today, IT services are obtained with a combination of multiple type of work activities, primarily through sub-contract or known for as outsourcing policy. Structured activities are mainly based on standard processes, procedures and tools while unstructured mostly related to obtain new experience or knowledge in the different field through supervision. In support and delivery IT service, increasingly popular standardization efforts to be implemented into the business process which advocate for diverse kind of management such as capability, capacity, availability, service-level and financial in order to attain best level of IT product and quality result. As IT departments or division plan to bridge the digital divide that become the current trend, it is important that the automation can empower the process to become more efficient, there should be the trade-off to gain some improved activities if not have intention to hold the advantages as a adaptive, trigger and catalyst due to the interdependency. Thus, this study wants to develop an application in regard to deliver outsourcing service in various classification or type by understanding the current issue in the outsourcing in relation to pros and cons to balance the demand from the corporation (client) and preferences from the worker (provider).
2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
The parking process is common attempt to eliminate traffic in the road by providing certain spot ... more The parking process is common attempt to eliminate traffic in the road by providing certain spot for vehicle to stay for certain time. Considering the increase of amount of population, large parking area horizontally or vertically is not necessary proper solution because it requires enormous expenses to acquire vacant land or to construct high-rise building. Therefore, smart parking system is one solution to provide information on the availability of vacant parking locations efficiently and conduct identification and transaction process quickly. Telkom University has been adopted this system by using physical card with RFID built-in for handling, convenience and security purposes since October 2014. Even though, it deliver an easy way for verification and validation but some problem occurred that raise several complaints from student and staff. This study has objective to explore the challenges and to addresses the issues faced by smart parking system, which has been implemented in subsequent years. By identifying the solution, it can improve the quality of the system for greater purpose in the future.
This study proposes portal website to provide digital gift as the attempt to develop radical inno... more This study proposes portal website to provide digital gift as the attempt to develop radical innovation by offering interactive and dynamic interaction between customer and community. The application is expected to contain a high degree of new knowledge, although it begin with the foundation of determining the physical gift to be deliver at certain time and location to specific person. The process can be executed after the membership have been done, thus it allow the integration phase as the replacement of product or even the money with the specific form of digital gift. Thus, this study present the first phase of the development by presenting the portal website as the digital platform for digital gift.
Responsive Innovation can be define as the attempt from the corporate or respected individual to ... more Responsive Innovation can be define as the attempt from the corporate or respected individual to bring the solution from particular problem by offer more ideal practical implementation based on specific requirement in the market. This type innovation can be generated or effectuate through modifying, combining, substituting or eliminating current process of problem solving or decision making in the market to be more precise, efficient and rigid compare to the previous. This study explore the possibilities to identify the characteristics of responsive innovation by developing web and mobile application based on the demand in the market with the several criteria namely number of exist application, higher demand, user experience attachment, attractive market and small routine margin of profit. Thus, this study present the application design called eLo and FunBuz to make it easier the process of order or reservation online.
Education has purposes to improve quality of human resources and to develop readiness to look at ... more Education has purposes to improve quality of human resources and to develop readiness to look at future. It also play critical role to reduce ignorance, recognize the potency and shape the behavior in the community. There are two types well-know of education in Indonesia, which are formal (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, senior high and university) and non-formal (computer courses, English lessons, tutoring session, vocational training and professional certification). Of course, people will go to formal education to obtain graduation degree for the necessity of finding job and position in the market. But, some people tend to seek alternative to provide adequate education for their future. It hinted certain problems have been resided in the current educational model, which focus on face to face approach. Along with the rising of IT in the era of Industry 4.0 in every aspect of daily life, people learn mostly every subject through Internet without considering much on its credib...
Papers by Rahmat Fauzi