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Rosengarden, Bobby

LC control no.n 78044729
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRosengarden, Bobby
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Rosengarden, Bob
Rosengarden, Robert Marshall
Birth date1924-04-23
Death date2007-02-27
Place of birthElgin, Ill.
Place of deathSarasota, Fla.
Profession or occupationDrummer Percussionist
Found inJohn & Joe [SR] p1977 (a.e.) container (Bobby Rosengarden, drums)
The Trio [SR] p1977 (a.e.) container (Bob Rosengarden, drums)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Rosengarden, Bobby (Robert Marshall); b. Apr. 23, 1924, Elgin, IL; drummer and percussionist)
New York times WWW site, Mar. 2, 2007 (Bobby Rosengarden; b. Robert Marshall Rosengarden, Apr. 23, 1924, Elgin, Ill.; d. Tuesday [Feb. 27, 2007], Sarasota, Fla., aged 82; jazz drummer who worked with musicians from Igor Stravinsky to Jimi Hendrix but became best known for making musical wisecracks as the bandleader on The Dick Cavett show)