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Bley, Carla

LC control no.n 80159163
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.B643 Biography
Personal name headingBley, Carla
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Variant(s)Borg, Karen
Borg, Lovella May
Birth date1936-05-11
Death date2023-10-17
Field of activityJazz Big band music
Profession or occupationComposers Band directors Keyboardists
Found inAuthor's Barrage. [Phonodisc] 1965.
New Grove dict. of jazz, 2nd ed. (Bley, Carla (née Borg, Karen); b. May 11, 1938, Oakland, CA; composer, bandleader, and keyboard player; married to Paul Bley, 1957-1967)
Washington post WWW site, viewed October 19, 2023 (in obituary dated October 18, 2023: Carla Bley, a relentlessly inventive composer, arranger, pianist and bandleader, died Oct. 17 at her home in Willow, N.Y. She was 87. Lovella May Borg was born in Oakland, Calif., on May 11, 1936. Unhappy with her given name, she changed it by adapting her father's middle name, Carl)