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Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest, 1815-1891

LC control no.n 81033649
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMeissonier, Jean Louis Ernest, 1815-1891
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Meissonier, 1815-1891
Meissonier, Ernest, 1815-1891
Meissonnier, E. (Ernest), 1815-1891
Birth date1815-02-21
Death date1891-01-31
Place of birthLyon (France)
Place of deathParis (France)
Field of activityArt
Profession or occupationArtists
Found inArmant, F. The World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition edition de luxe ... 1884.
Guilloux, P. Meissonier, 1980: t.p. (Meissonier) p. 11 (Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier; b. 2-21-1815, Lyon) p. 12 (d. 1-31-1891, Paris)
Bénézit (Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest: history/genre painter, portraitist, watercolorist, sculptor, engraver, graphic artist; many works in museums and in private hands. Signed his work EMeissonier [often with backwards E], EM, and variants)
Stahl, P.-J. Aventures de Tom Pouce, 1903?: t.p. (Meissonier)
LC data base, 10-17-90 (hdg.: Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest, 1815-1891; usage: Ernest Meissonier, Meissonier)
Les joueurs d'échecs, 189-?: caption (E. Meissonnier) art reproduction (Meissonier)