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The Library of Congress > LCCN Permalink

Patschovsky, Alexander

LC control no.n 83300576
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPatschovsky, Alexander
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeKonstanz (Germany)
LocatedMunich (Germany)
Birth date1940-06-22
Place of birthRatibor (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität Konstanz
Profession or occupationMedievalists
Found inLiebeschütz, H. Synagoge und Ecclesia, 1983: title page verso (Alexander Patschovsky)
LC data base, March 15, 1984 (hdg.: Patschovsky, Alexander)
Der italienische Humanismus auf dem Konstanzer Konzil (1414-1418), 1999: title page (Alexander Patschovsky) back cover (born 1940)
Ein kurialer Ketzerprozess in Avignon (1354), 2018: title page (Alexander Patschovsky) page v (resides in Munich, Germany)
German Wikipedia, viewed May 17, 2018 (Alexander Patschovsky; born June 22, 1940, in Ratibor (now Racibórz, Poland); German historian; taught Medieval history at the Universität Konstanz from 1988 until his retirement)
Associated languageger