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Zurrón, Vicente

LC control no.no 00051479
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingZurrón, Vicente
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Variant(s)Zurrón, V. (Vicente)
Associated countrySpain
Birth date1871-02-02
Death date1915-06-10
Place of birthZaragoza (Spain)
Place of deathMadrid (Spain)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposers Pianists
Found inChapí, R. Margarita la tornera, 2000?, c1909: t.p. (V. Zurrón)
OCLC database, July 20, 2000 (hdgs.: Zurrón, V.; Zurrón, Vicente; usage: Vicente Zurrón, V. Zurrón)
Dicc. de la mús. española e hispanoamericana (Zurrón, Vicente; born Feb. 2, 1871, Zaragoza; died June 10, 1915, Madrid; pianist and composer)