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The Library of Congress > LCCN Permalink

Pozniak, Beata, 1960-

LC control no.no2003070746
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPozniak, Beata, 1960-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Daniels, Beata Pozniak, 1960-
Birth date1960-04-30
Place of birthGdanĖsk (Poland)
Profession or occupationNarrator of audiobooks
Found inHeaven's tears, 2000: title frame (Beata Pozniak)
IMDB, 7/17/2003 (b. 30 April 1960 in Gdansk, Poland; married to actor Jeff Daniels; sometimes credited as Beata Pozniak Daniels; actress)
Associated languageeng