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Curriculum Vitae

Lewis & Clark College, Counseling Psychology, Faculty Member
Curriculum Vitae Pilar Hernandez-Wolfe, Ph.D Associate Professor Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy Program Graduate School of Education & Counseling Lewis & Clark College CONTACT 0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd Graduate School of Education & Counseling Lewis & Clark College Portland, Oregon Email: pilarhw@lclark.edu EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Ph.D. Counseling and School Psychology with a specialty in Marriage and Family Therapy, APA accredited. Degree May, 2000 M.Ed. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. M.Ed. Education. Degree May, 1993 B.S. University of The Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. B.S. Psychology. Degree August, 1990 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS/LICENSURE 2014- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Maryland (T-0971) 2014- Approved Supervisor, Oregon 2010- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Maryland (LCM406) 2009- Licensed clinical professional counselor, Maryland (LC 3278) 2006 - Approved Supervisor Instructor, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy 2004 - Approved Supervisor, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy 2001 - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, New Jersey (37FI 00156900) 1996 – 2001 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Massachusetts (013207) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical member American Family Therapy Academy American Psychological Association, Divisions 17, 56. Oregon Association for Marriage and Family Therapy PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Academic Experience 2011- Lewis and Clark College, Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy program, tenured Associate Professor, Program Director, School of Education. 2011- 2014 Lewis and Clark College, Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy program, Program Director, Associate Professor, Program Director, School of Education. 2008- 2011 Johns Hopkins University, Clinical and Community Counseling Program, Associate Professor, Program Director, Clinical Community Counseling, School of Education. 2006- 2008 San Diego State University, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, tenured Associate Professor, Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling Psychology. 2003- 2005 San Diego State University, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, Assistant Professor, Marriage and Family Therapy & Counseling Psychology. San Diego State University, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, Visiting lecturer, Counseling Psychology. Seton Hall University, Department of Professional Psychology, Assistant Professor, Marriage and Family Therapy Clinical Services Private Practice, Maloka, LLC. Portland, OR, 2014 - Current. Lewis & Clark Community Counseling Center, Portland, OR, 2012- Current Private Practice, Transformational Counseling, Gaithersburg, MD. 2008-2011 Faculty and clinical supervisor, Institute for Family Services, Somerset, NJ, 2000-2014 Clinician, Survivors of Torture International, San Diego, 2003-2005. Clinician and supervisor in training, Institute for Family Services, Somerset, NJ. 2000-2002. Psychology Intern, Sunset Park Mental Health Center, Lutheran Hospital, Pre-Doctoral Intern. APA approved site, 1999-2000. Clinician and sexual abuse treatment team member, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Holyoke, MA. 1993-1999. Consultancies Fundación “Sé Quien Soy.” Comunidad Afrocolombiana, Cali, Valle, Colombia, 2012 – 2014 Provide integrated support for organizational capacity building, including: professional development and training on culturally responsive family and community engagement, gender and racial equity, and maintain healthy relationships. Corficolombia. Proyecto de Resiliencia Educativa, Colombia, 2011- 2013 Provided consultation to support resilience project with educators and develop outcome Research. Provide consultation on strategies for youth engagement and recommendations for creating culturally responsive and equitable work environment. National Association of Social Workers New Jersey, 2009-2010. Provided consultation to support development, redesign and implementation of equity in the organization’s strategic plan; examine issues of retention of professionals of Color. Tulane University, Social Work Department, Hurricane Katrina research support and consultancy for Dr. Rebecca Chaisson.2007. Provided consultation on PAR strategies to assist local research project; facilitated bilingual and inter-cultural work with Latino and South Asian communities. EBDI, East Baltimore Educational Initiative, 2008. Provided recommendations on engagement of service organizations in larger project involving low income youth and their families in urban contexts, domestic and community violence. ACTION Network, San Diego. (Against child trafficking & the prostitution of teens in our Neighborhoods). Educational collaboration, Webquest project. 2006-2007. Provided consultation on traumatic stress and bicultural services; developed student involvement projects to support community efforts and provided trauma and vicarious trauma trainings. American Friends Committee, Colombia. Human rights and mental health consulting. 1998-2000. Provided support on research projects with displaced populations and ex-combatant girls; provided mental health workshop to displaced communities; and offered training linking traumatic stress, resilience and human rights. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2011 - 2014 Director, Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Counseling Psychology, Lewis & Clark College. 2008-2011 Director, Clinical Community Counseling Program, Department of Counseling and Human Services, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 2004-2007 Director, Cultural and Community Trauma Certificate Program, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. SCHOLARSHIP Books Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2013). Latinos, A Borderlands View of Latinos, Latin Americans and Decolonization. Rethinking Mental Health. Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson Publishers. Refereed Journal Articles Hernandez-Wolfe, P., Killian, K., Engstrom, D. & Gangsei, D. (2014). Vicarious Resilience, Vicarious Trauma and Awareness of Equity in Trauma Work, Journal of Humanistic Psychology. DOI: 0022167814534322 Acevedo, V. & Hernandez-Wolfe, P.(2014). Vicarious resilience: An exploration in work with Colombian educators. Journal of Trauma, Aggression and Maltreatment, 23(5),p. 473-493. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2014.904468 Hernandez-Wolfe, P. & McDowell, T. (2013). Social privilege and accountability: Lessons from family therapy educators. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. doi: 10.1080/08952833.2013.755079 Hernandez-Wolfe, P. & McDowell, T. (2012). Speaking of privilege: Family therapy educators’ journeys toward awareness, accountability & action. Family Process, 51 (2), 1-15. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.2012.01394.x Almeida, R., Hernandez-Wolfe, P. & Tubbs, C. (2011). Cultural equity: Bridging the complexity of social identities with therapeutic practices, The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, 3, 43-56. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011). Decolonization and “mental” health: A mestiza’s journey in the borderlands. Women and Psychology, 34(3), 293-306. Doi: 1080/02703149.2011.580687 Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2010). Altruism born of suffering: Illustrations of Colombian human rights activists. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 51(2) 229–249. Doi:10.1177/0022167810379960 McDowell, T. & Hernandez, P. (2010). Decolonizing academia: Intersectionality, participation and accountability in family therapy and counseling. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 22(2), 93-111. Doi: 10.1080/08952831003787834 Hernandez, P., Engstrom, D. & Gangsei, D. (2010). Exploring the impact of trauma on therapists: Vicarious resilience and related concepts in training. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 29(10), 67-83. Hernandez, P., Carranza, M. & Almeida, R. (2010). Mental health professionals’ adaptive responses to racial microaggressions: An exploratory study. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41(3), Jun, 2010. pp. 202-209.  Doi: 10.1037/a0018445 Hernandez, P. & McDowell, T. (2010). Intersectionality, power and relational safety: Key concepts in clinical supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 4(1), 29-35. Doi: 10.103/a0017064 Hernandez, P., Taylor, B., & McDowell, T. (2009). Listening to ethnic minority AAMFT approved supervisors: Reflections on their experiences as supervisees. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 28(1), 88-100. Hernandez, P. Siegel, A. & Almeida, R. (2009). How does the cultural context model facilitate therapeutic change? Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 35(1), 97-110. Hernandez, P. Rickard, J. & Giambruno, P.(2008). The CCM’s approach to working with lesbian couples: a case study. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 20 (4), 281-298. Engstrom, D., Hernández, P., & Gangsei, D. (2008). Vicarious resilience: A qualitative investigation into its description. Traumatology, 14(3), 13-21. Hernandez, P. (2008). The Cultural Context Model in Clinical Supervision: An Illustration of Critical Psychology in Training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2(1), 10-17. Hernandez, P. & Rankin, P. (2008). Relational safety in supervision. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34 (2), 58-74. Hernandez, P., Gangsei, D., & Engstrom, D.(2007). Vicarious resilience: A qualitative investigation into a description of a new concept. Family Process, 46, 229-241. Hernandez, P., Bunyi, B., & Townson, R. (2007). Interweaving ethnicity and gender in consultation: case study. Family Psychotherapy.18(1), 57-75. Taylor, B. Hernandez, P., Deri, A., Rankin, P. & Siegel, A. (2007). Integrating diversity dimensions in supervision: perspectives of ethnic minority supervisors. The Clinical Supervisor, 25, ½, pp. 3-22. Lim, S., Hernández, P., Ly, M., & Rush, D. (2007). The innovative use of WebQuest technology for training students in global advocacy in the issue of child trafficking and prostitution. Proceedings of the 12th International Counseling Conference, Shanghai, China, 14 – 20. Lim, S., & Hernández, P. (2007). The WebQuest:  An illustration of instructional technology implementation in MFT training. Contemporary Family Therapy, 29 (3), 163-175. Hernandez, P., & Torres, A. (2005). Dilemmas on motherhood and social activism in times of war: A clinical consultation. Family Psychotherapy. 16 (4), 65-82. Hernandez, P., Almeida, R., & Del-Vecchio, K. (2005). Critical consciousness, accountability, and empowerment: Key processes for helping families heal. Family Process, 44 (1), 105-130. Hernandez, P. (2004). The cultural context model in supervision: An illustration. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 15 (4), 1-8. Hernandez, P., & Romero, A. (2003). Adolescent girls in Colombia’s guerrilla: An exploration into gender and trauma dynamics. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 26 (1), 21-38. Hernandez, P. (2002). Trauma in war and political persecution: Expanding the concept. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 72 (1)16-25. Hernandez, P. (2002). Resilience in families and communities: Latin American contributions from the psychology of liberation. The Family Journal, 10 (3), 334- 343. Hernandez, P. (1996).Finding ways to attend to and to talk about family therapy and feminism from “non-mainstream” paths. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 8(2) 37-52. Book Chapters Hernandez-Wolfe, Ph. & McDowell, T. (2014). Cultural Equity and Humility: A Framework for Bridging Complex Identities in Supervision. In S.L. Storm & T. Todd (Eds.), The complete systemic supervisor: Context, philosophy and pragmatics (pp.43-61). Lincoln: Nebraska. Authors Choice Press. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012). Decolonization and “mental” health: A mestiza’s journey in the borderlands. In K. Norsworthy. & E. Kaschak. (Eds.), Global border crossings. Feminists activists and peace workers collaborating across cultures. New York, NY: Routledge. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2010). Family counseling supervision. In N. Ladany & L. Bradely. (Eds.), Counselor supervision (pp. 287-309). New York: Taylor & Francis. Brown, A., Almeida, R., Dharphuram, A., Choudry, A.W., Dressner, L. & Hernández, P. (2010).Indian and Pakistan on the Brink: Considerations for Truth, Reconciliation, and Forgiveness. In A.Kalayjian., & R. Paloutzan. (Eds.), Forgiveness and reconciliation: Psychological pathways to conflict transformation and peace building.(pp. 207-219). New York, New York: Springer. Hernandez, P. & Blanco, A. (2005) Violencia política y trauma psico-social. In A. Blanco (Ed.), 11-M: “ATOCHA ZONA CERO” (pp. 281- 310). Madrid: Trocha. Hernandez, P., & Roberts, J. (2002). Resilience and human rights activism in women’s life stories. In R. Massey & S. Massey (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy: Interpersonal, existential and humanistic approaches. (pp. 413- 434). NY: John Wiley and Sons. Hernandez, P. (2002). Convergencias entre los enfoques narrativos y feministas: Una mirada desde la vida de una mujer inmersa en el mundo de los derechos humanos. [Where narrative and feminist approaches converge: a human rights perspective]. In F. Gonzalez (Ed.), Psicoterapia familiar y de pareja: Modernidad y posmodernidad [Family and Couples Therapy: Modernity and Post Modernity]. (pp. 7-42). Puebla, Mexico: CEFAP. Encyclopedia Entries Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (In press). Vicarious resilience. The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, 2nd Edition. In Review/In Progress Killian, K., Hernandez-Wolfe, P., Engstrom, D., Gangsei, D. (In progress). Vicarious resilience scale. Assessments Hernandez-Wolfe, P., Almeida, R., Brown, A. & Dresser, L. (2013). Cultural Equity Assessment System (CEAS). In S.L. Storm & T. Todd (Eds.), The complete systemic supervisor: Context, philosophy and pragmatics (online resource). Lincoln: Nebraska. Authors Choice Press. Editorial Review Board Appointments 2011- current Editorial Board, Revista Colombiana de Psicología. 2012- current Editorial Board, Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Editorial Board, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of aggression, maltreatment and trauma Ad Hoc Reviewer, Political Psychology Ad Hoc Reviewer, Training and Education in Professional Psychology Ad Hoc Reviewer, Traumatology Ad Hoc Reviewer, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología social, Chile STATE AND NATIONAL PRESENTATIONS Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2014, January). The animal-human bond and counseling. Human-Animal Studies Conference, Lewis & Clark College Center for Animal Law Studies. Portland, Or. Hernandez-Wolfe, P & Paez, J. (2013, November). Latin American, Latinos and decolonization approaches to Well-being. Puerto Rican Psychological Association annual conference, Ponce, Puerto Rico. Killian, K. & Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2013, November). Development and validation of the vicarious resilience scale. Annual AFTA Conference, Chicago, IL. Acevedo, V. & Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2013, May). Teachers and children healing together: An exploration into vicarious resilience processes. Annual AFTA Conference, Chicago, IL. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, October). Healing: De-linking ourselves from coloniality. Annual Liberation Based Healing conference, Portland, OR. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, May). Vicarious resilience. Annual AFTA Conference, San Francisco, CA. Acevedo, V.E. & Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, May). Vicarious resilience: An exploration in work with Colombian educators.. Annual AFTA Conference, San Francisco, CA. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, March). Vicarious resilience: A new concept in work with those who survive political violence and trauma. The Art of Conflict and Transformation Event Series, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Amherst, MA. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, March). Vicarious resilience and vicarious trauma in clinical context. Everywoman’s Center, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Amherst, MA. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. & McDowell, T. (2011, June). Speaking of privilege: Family therapy educators’ journeys toward compassionate action. Annual AFTA Conference, Baltimore, MD. Hernández-Wolfe, P. Matallana, S. & Ramirez, F. (2011, February). Colombian indigenous traditions and wisdom: Our journeys of discovery and connection. Presentation at the Teacher’s College Winter Round Table, New York, New York. Almeida, R. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. & Tubbs, C. (2010, May). Cultural equity in action. Presentation for The Family Therapy Networker annual conference, Washington D.C. Hernandez-Wolfe, P., Almeida, R. & McDowell, T. (2010, March). Decolonizing Family Therapy. Liberation Based Healing Conference, Austin, TX. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2010, March). Panel Moderator: Liberation Based Healing. Liberation Based Healing Conference, Austin, TX. Hernández-Wolfe, P. (2010, June). Exploring the impact of trauma on therapists: Vicarious resilience and related concepts. Presentation at the American Family Therapy Annual conference, Boulder, CO. Hernández, P. (2010, March). Vicarious trauma and vicarious resilience in cultural context. Pre- Conference Institute at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Pittsburgh, PA. Hernández, P. & Booker, B. (2009, March). Liberation based concepts and strategies for addressing Social justice issues in counseling education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Charlotte, NC. Hernández, P. (2008, August). Transformative family therapy: An implementation of an alternative Community paradigm. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA. Hernández, P, (2008, June). Dilemmas and challenges instructors of Color encounter in MFT Training. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy, Philadelphia, PA. Carranza, Hernández & Almeida, R. (2008, June). Navigating the trajectory of microaggressions within professional communities. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy, Philadelphia, PA. Hernandez, P. & McDowell, T. (2008, May). Toward a post-colonial academy. Liberation Based Healing Conference, Baltimore, MD. Lim, S.H., Romero, X, Raush, D. & Hernández, P. (March, 2008). Collaborative responses to social trauma: Community responsive training: Liking counseling with social issues. Paper presented at the annual Association for Women in Psychology conference, San Diego, CA. Hernández, P. (2007, August). Vicarious resilience: An introduction to a new concept. Poster presented at the Annual American Psychological Association conference, San Francisco. Chaisson, R., Brown, A. & Hernández, P. (2007, June). Collaborative responses to social trauma: Partnerships to the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy, Vancouver, Canada. Hernández, P. & Almeida, R. (2007, March). A Post-Colonial view on clinical work and political activism: A continuum of practices, Paper presented at the Women in Psychology conference, San Francisco, CA. Almeida, R. & Hernández, P. (2007, March). Transformative family therapy: an implementation of an alternative community paradigm. Paper presented at the Women in Psychology conference, San Francisco, CA. Hernández, P. & Bejarano, A. (2006, September). Traumatic Stress and Sex Trafficking: Treatment Issues with Immigrant Latino Populations. Paper presented at the 11th International conference on violence, abuse and trauma. San Diego, CA. Hernández, P., Almeida, R., Brown, A., & Ryu, E. (2005, June). Post-colonial clinical supervision: A liberating practice. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy, Washington, DC. Hernández, P., Bunyi, B., & Townson, R. (2005, January). Ethnicity, class, and gender: Paradigms for multicultural consultations to community organizations. Paper presented at the 2005 Multicultural Summit Conference, America Psychological Association, Hollywood, CA. Hernández, P., Bunyi, B., & Townson, R. (2004, October). Ethnicity, class, and gender: Paradigms For multicultural consultations to community organizations Paper presented at the 2004 Diversity challenge conference: Making Race and Culture Matter in Community-Focused Intervention. Boston, MA. Hernández, P., Brown, A., Meza, M. & Beatty, D. (2002, October). Collaborative conversations: Race and gender in supervision. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Cincinnati, OH. Hernández, P. (2001, October). A critique of contemporary trauma theory. 4th Annual Social Justice Conference. Institute for Family Services, Somerset, N.J. Almeida, R., Hernández, P., Akinyela, M., Ariel, J., Stearns, S., & Del Vecchio, K. (2002, May). Repairing harm: The ethics of accountability in family therapy. Panel organized for the Annual Multicultural Conference of the New Jersey Multicultural Family Institute, New Brunswick, NJ. Palmer, L., & Hernández, P. (2002, March). Prevention of domestic violence. Paper Presented at the Seton Hall Women’s Conference, South Orange, NJ. Webb, G., Murzaku, I., Inman, A., Hernández, P. (2001, March). Exploring women’s lives beyond our borders. Seton Hall University, Women’s Conference, South Orange, NJ. Almeida, R. & Hernández, P. (2001, January). Trauma: dilemmas posed through the intersection of psychic/familial and community violence. Workshop at the Rockland Psychiatric Center, New York. Hernández, P., Akinyela, M., & Almeida, R. (2001, June). Political and domestic violence. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Family Therapy Academy. FL. Himadeep, M., Asthana, S., Juluri, V., Hernández, P., & Marya, D. (2001, March). Other lands, same lies: Struggles of culture and self in postcolonial modernity. Round table at the Annual Communication Conference of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Sesin, M., Hernández, T., Bracero, W., Constantino, G., Hernández, P., & Ransom, M. (2000, May). TEMAS Psychoeducational group therapy with Latina mothers of children at risk. Third Annual Research Award Competition. Lutheran Medical Center. Brooklyn, NY. Bracero, W., Costantino, G., Hernández, P. Byrne, T., Llaverias, A. & Lopez, S. (2000, May).TEMAS life story group: Narrative inpatient therapy. Third Annual Research Award competition. Lutheran Medical Center. Brooklyn, N.Y. Hernández, P. (1999, October). Narratives of trauma and resilience in human rights’ activism. Poster presentation for the Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Chicago, IL. Hernández, P. (April, 1999). Approaching resilience from a narrative perspective. Paper presented at the International Family Therapy Association Conference, Akron, OH. INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2014, April). The animal human bond and counseling, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Acevedo, V. & Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2013, May). Resiliencia vicaria: Una exploración con educadores Colombianos. Fundación Corficolombiana, Hotel Intercontinental, Cali, Colombia Hernandez-Wolfe, P. & Jamioy, S. (2013, May). Conferencia: Saberes ancestrales y occidentales. Brechas y coincidencias en torno a la sanación. Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, November). La dimensión vicaria del trauma y la resiliencia: una perspectiva sistémica, JUCONI, Puebla, México. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, November). La otra cara de la violencia domestica: Intervenciones sistémicas con maltratadores en el ámbito de la terapia familiar comunitaria, JUCONI, Puebla, México. McDowell, T. & Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2012, March). Transferencia de conocimiento y dinámicas de poder: Una ilustración en la terapia de pareja. Universidad Nacional, Departamento de Ciencia Política, Bogotá, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. McDowell, T. (2012, March), Poder y equidad: Aproximaciones sistémicas en el ámbito de la violencia doméstica. Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, November). El trabajo con familiares de víctimas de muertes violentas. Congreso Anual de Terapia Breve CEFAP Cholula, Puebla, México. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, November). La práctica del trabajo con familiares de víctimas de muertes violentas, Congreso Anual de Terapia Breve CEFAP Cholula, Puebla, México. Hernández-Wolfe, P. (2011, July). Perspectivas críticas sobre la formación teórica y práctica de la psicología latinoamericana en torno al trauma psicosocial. Presentation at the XXXIII Interamerican Psychology Congress, Medellín, Colombia. Hernández-Wolfe, P. (2011, July). The internalization of training in psychology: opportunities, dilemmas and pathways for collaboration. Presentation at the XXXIII Interamerican Psychology Congress, Medellín, Colombia. Navia, C.E., Hernández-Wolfe, P. & Sanchez, N. (2011, July). Reflexiones en torno a la formación del psicólogo clínico el siglo XXI. Presentation at the XXXIII Interamerican Psychology Congress, Medellín, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, April). La opción descolonial en terapia familiar: Integrando el contexto en la consulta terapéutica. Conferencia magistral para ARCISCO, Asociación Red Sistémica Colombiana, Bogotá, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, January). Resiliencia comunitaria. Key note at Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Hernandez, P. (2007, November). Terapia de pareja y estilos de apego. Presentation for the CEFAP Annual Family Therapy Congress, Cholula, México. Lim, S., Hernández, P., Ly, M., & Rush, D. (2007, June). The innovative use of WebQuest technology for training students in global advocacy in the issue of child trafficking and prostitution. Paper presentation at the 12th International Counseling Conference, Shanghai, China. Hernandez, P. (2006, June). The cultural context model: an empowerment family therapy approach. Opening plenary for the Second International Family Therapy CongressTijuana, México. Hernandez, P. (2003, November). Terapias posmodernas y narrativas: otra forma de hacer terapia breve (Postmodern and narrative therapies: Another way to do brief therapy). Round table presentation for the CEFAP Annual Family Therapy Congress, Puebla, México. Hernández, P. (2003, November). La sabiduría de tu experiencia. Conference presentation for the CEFAP Annual Family Therapy Congress, Puebla, México. Hernandez, P. (2003, November). Empoderamiento y responsabilidad: dimensiones clínicas. Conference presentation for the CEFAP Annual Family Therapy Congress, Puebla, México. Hernandez, P. (2002, November). Encontrando maneras de escuchar y hablar desde una perspectiva feminista en terapia familiar [Finding ways to listen and talk from a feminist perspective in family therapy]. Key Note speech at the Second International Family Therapy Conference: Terapia familiar y de pareja: Modernindad y post-modernindad Puebla, México. Hernandez, P. (2002, November). El uso de la terapia narrativa para el manejo de eventos traumáticos. Workshop at the Second International Family Therapy conference: Terapia familiar y de pareja: Modernindad y postmodernindad, Puebla, México. Hernandez, P. (2002, November). Cultural spiritual perspectives: “Espiritismo” in the Puerto Rican community. Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference, Psychology & Spirituality, NJ. Hernandez, P. (2001, August). Trauma and resistance: A critical perspective. Presented at the opening plenary of the Manuel Ancizar Seminar. National University, Bogotá, Colombia. Hernandez, P. (2001, August). Narrative ideas to trauma in contexts of war. Paper presented at Thematic Session, 28 Interamerican Psychology Congress, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Hernandez, P., Navia, C. E., & Jácome, M. C. (2001, August). Social violence and trauma: Psychosocial and clinical issues. Symposium organizer for the 28 Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Hernandez, P. (2000, June). Latin American contributions to an ecological understanding of resilience: hope and solidarity. Paper presented at the International Family Therapy Association Conference, Oslo, Norway. INVITED WORKSHOPS Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2014, April). Trauma y sistemas amplios. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2014, April). Decolonización y terapia familiar. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Almeida, R., Dressner, L. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2013, November). Las fronteras entre lo clínico y lo comunitario: Un proyecto liberador y sanador. Preconference workshop conducted for the Puerto Rican Psychological Association 60th convention. Ponce, Puerto Rico. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, August). Nuevos horizontes en la terapia familiar sistémica: La integración del contexto en la dinámica clínica. Training conducted for the Family Therapy program at the Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, April). La cuestión del poder y el contexto social en la supervisión clínica: Como integrarlo en la relación y el proceso de supervisión? ARCISCO. Bogotá, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe, P. (2011, February). Decolonizing academia: intersectionality, accountability and participation. AAMFT Winter Think Tank. Presentation for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy SAMHSA Fellows program. Hernandez-Wolfe. (2010, December). Resilience based interventions for working with Latino immigrant families. College of Lewis & Clark, Portland, OR. Hernandez-Wolfe. (2010, December). Vicarious resilience in cultural context. Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR. Hernandez-Wolfe. (2010, August). Dinámicas de trauma y resiliencia vicaria en contexto cultural: Una perspectiva sistémica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. Hernandez-Wolfe. (2010, June). Vicarious trauma and vicarious resilience in cultural context. Workshop training for the School of Social Work at Adelphi University. Long Island, NY. Hernandez, P. & Almeida, R. (2009, February). Decolonizing family therapy: Reclaiming our humanity. Workshop training for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy SAMHSA Fellows program. Almeida, R. & Hernandez, P. (2009, February).Healing threads beyond multiculturalism. Workshop training for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy SAMHSA Fellows program. Hernandez, P. (2007, November). Terapia de pareja centrada en las emociones (Emotional focused couples therapy). Workshop for the CEFAP Annual Family Therapy Congress, Cholula, México. Hernandez, P. (2007, June). Refugee children and trauma: introduction. AjA Project.(Autosuficiencia Juntada con Apoyo - Self Sufficiency and Support). Hernandez, P. (2007, May/June). A prevention curriculum for at risk children. ACTION Network, San Diego. (Against child trafficking & the prostitution of teens in our Neighborhoods). Hernandez, P. (2006, Sept/Oct). Secondary trauma and its impact on attorneys. Workshop series for the office of the Alternate Public Defender, Dependency Unit County Counsel, Juvenile Dependency Division Public Defender Hernandez, P. (2006, April). The witnessing model: ideas for implementation in trauma therapy with children. Workshop for San Diego Youth and Community Services, San Diego, CA. Hernandez, P. (2006, March). Trauma in the lives of children. Workshop for SAY San Diego, San Diego, CA. Hernandez, P. (September, 2004 through April, 2005). Traumatic stress and resilience. Training workshops for the AjA project, San Diego, California. Hernandez, P. (2003, November). Aplicaciones de la resiliencia en terapia breve (Contributions from the study of resilience into brief therapy). Workshop for the CEFAP Annual Family Therapy Congress, Puebla, México. Hernandez, P. (2003, August). Post-traumatic stress dynamics and sexual abuse. San Diego Youth and Community Services. San Diego, CA. Hernandez, P. (2002, July). Therapeutic support and training in stress situations for health and education personnel from Putumayo. Catholic Relief Services and the American Friends Committee. Putumayo, Colombia. GRANT ACTIVITY Lewis & Clark College Faculty Research Award, Exploring elderly Guatemalan women views and practices on health: An encounter of horizons., $1,500 (Hernandez-Wolfe), 2013. Lewis & Clark College Faculty Research Award, A Borderlands View of Latinos, Latin Americans and Decolonization. Rethinking Mental Health, $2,500 (Hernandez-Wolfe), 2012. Lewis & Clark College President’s Strategic Research Funds, Family and Addictions Systemic Therapy Training: International Collaboration between India and the U.S., $11,400 (Perumbilly, McDowell, Brown & Hernandez-Wolfe), 2011. Lewis & Clark College President’s Strategic Research Funds, International family therapy: Social and cultural issues and intervention approaches in the U.S. and Colombia. $6,000 (Hernandez-Wolfe & McDowell), 2011. Lewis & Clark College President’s Strategic Research Funds , Victim-Survivor Resiliency through Interdisciplinary Clinical Services and Study. (Garvin, Brown & Hernández-Wolfe), 2011. San Diego State University, Teaching with technology summer award, Emerging Trends: Teaching better with technology project. Webquest developed for CSP 626 Theories of Family Therapy II. Webquest project: teen prostitution in San Diego: Applications from family therapy perspectives. (Hernández, & Lim), 2006. San Diego State University, Teaching with technology summer award, Emerging Trends: Teaching better with technology project. Webquest developed for CSP 626 Theories of Family Therapy II. Webquest project: teen prostitution in San Diego: Applications from family therapy perspectives. (Hernández, & Lim), 2006. San Diego State University, Research, Creativity and Scholarship Award. College of Education. “How does the cultural context model facilitate therapeutic change? 2005. San Diego State University, Teaching with technology summer award. Emerging Trends: Teaching better with technology project. Webquest developed for CSP 626 Theories of Family Therapy II. Webquest project: Child Trafficking/Prostitution: Applications from family therapy perspectives, (Hernández), 2005. San Diego State University, President’s Leadership Fund Award, Seed funds for Developing the San Diego State University Certificate in Cultural and Community Trauma, 2004. San Diego State University, Research, Creativity and Scholarship Award. College of Education, Vicarious resilience: A qualitative investigation into a description of a new concept, 2004. San Diego State University, Grant in Aid. Vicarious resilience: A qualitative investigation into a description of a new concept, 2004. TEACHING Lewis & Clark College, Marriage and Family Therapy, Counseling Psychology Advanced Family Therapy (CPSY 562) [Fall 2011] Introduction to Family Therapy (CPSY 569) [Fall 2011; 2012; 2013] Legal and Ethical Issues in Family Therapy (CPSY 566) [Fall 2011] Practical skills in MCFT (CPSY 526) [Spr 2012] MCFT practicum (CPSY 584) [Sum 2012, 2013] MCFT Internship (CPSY 588) [Spr 2012, 2013, 2014; Fall 2012; Sum 2013] Equity in family therapy (CPSY 550) [Fall 2012] International Family Therapy (CSPY 567) [Spr 2013] Culture & Community (CPSY 902) [Spr 2013] Trauma & larger systems (CPSY 563) [Sum 2013] Family life cycle (CPSY 519) [Spring 2014] Johns Hopkins University, Clinical Community Counseling, Counseling and Human Services Advanced Techniques in Counseling (ED861.712.71) [Spr 2008, 2009; Fall 2008, 2009; Sum 2009] Clinical Community Counseling Practicum (ED863.809.61) [Spr 2010, 2011; 2009; Fall 2009, 2010] Cross-Cultural Counseling (ED863.607) [Fall 2009] Diversity and Social Justice in Counseling (ED863.607.01) [Spr 2010, 2011; Fall 2010 Multicultural Dimensions in Trauma Work (ED.860.663.71) [Sum 2009; Spr 2011; Couple and Family Therapy (ED863.603.61) [Spr 2009] Graduate Project in Counseling (ED863.830) [Spr 2009, 2010, 2011; Fall 2009, 2010] Domestic Violence (ED.860.615) [Fall 2010] San Diego State University, Marriage and Family Therapy, Counseling Psychology Research methods (CSP 690) [Spr 2007] Professional Seminar: Personal and Professional Integration (CSP 710B) [Spr 2007] Professional Seminar: Master’s Project (CSP 710A) [Fall 2006, 2007] Advanced Seminar in Trauma (CSP 770) [Summ 2006] Marriage & Family Therapy Traineeship (CSP 785) [Spr 2004, 2005, 2006] Theories of MFT in Practice II (CSP 626) [Fall 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007] Practicum I: Marriage and Family Therapy (CSP 755) [Spr 2006] Practicum II: Marriage & Family Therapy (CSP 765) [Fall, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007] Trauma and Larger Systems (CSP 693) [Summ 2003, 2006] Determinants of Human Behavior: Personality theories (CSP 610A) [Spr 2003, 2004] Marriage & Family Therapy Traineeship (CSP 765) [Fall, 2003; Spr 2004; Spr 2005; Spr 2006] Practicum in Individual Counseling (CSP 740) [Spr 2003] Gender and Ethnicity in Marriage and Family Therapy (CSP 686) [Fall 2002] Multicultural Counseling (CSP 615) [Fall 2002] Counseling Communication Skills (CSP 600) [Fall 2002] Counseling and Communication Skills Pre-Practicum (CSP 600L) [Fall 2002] Seton Hall University, Marriage and Family Therapy, Counseling Psychology Internship supervision (CPSY 9881na, 9881nb) [Spr 2002] Practicum supervision (CPSY 9885) [Spr 2002] Research independent study (CPSY 8005) [Spr 2002] Pre-practicum (CPSY 9871) [Fall 2001] Ethical and legal issues in family therapy (CPSY 8011) [Fall 2001] Contemporary issues in family therapy (CPSY 8800) [Spr 2001; Spr 2002] Practicum supervision (CPSY 9885) [Spr 2001] Research independent study (CPSY 8005) [Spr 2001] Internship supervision (CPSY 9880na, 9880nb) [Fall 2000; Spr 2001] Practicum supervision (CPSY 9874) [Fall 2000] Practicum supervision (CPSY 9884) [Fall 2000] Research independent study (CPSY 8004) [Fall 2000] MEMBERSHIP IN DOCTORAL DISSERTATION COMMITTEES Kuehnert, K. (In progress). Cultural competency in child support services personnel. Lewis & Clark College. Melvin, K. (2011). Couple functioning and posttraumatic stress in army OIF/OEF veterans and spouses. Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Hammel, P. (2011). Vicarious resilience, Alliant International University, PsyD. Program. Ryu, E. (Spring, 2010). Sponsoring change in self and others: Female sponsors in the Cultural Context Model. Drexel University, PA. Pietry, S. (2005). The impact of treating sex offenders: Phenomenological study. Seton Hall University, School of Professional Psychology and Family Therapy. Brown, A. (2005). Exploring Blackness as a Site-Resilience in Street-life-Oriented Young Black Men Living in the Inner-City. Seton Hall University, School of Professional Psychology and Family Therapy. Eubanks, R. (2004).The transition of African American women on public assistance to economic self- sufficiency: a qualitative study of resiliency. Seton Hall University, School of Professional Psychology and Family Therapy. Gahary, N. (2003). Sequelae of political torture: Narratives of trauma and resilience by Iranian torture survivors. Seton Hall University, School of Professional Psychology. MCFT PROGRAM THESIS COMMITTEES Hyman, M. (2014). Higher educators of counseling and educational leadership with marginalized identities in the U.S. who practice decolonizing methodologies in their work as an educator. Professional Appointments and Positions Board Member, American Family Therapy Academy board member. 2009-2012 Cultural and economic diversity committee chair, American Family Therapy Academy board member. 2009-2013 Program committee member, American Family Therapy Academy board member. 2009, 2010, 2011. Nominations committee member American Family Therapy Academy board member. 2009-2010. President of the Maryland Association for Counseling and Development. 2009-2010. Council for Contemporary Families, board member, 2006-2007. AjA Project. Autosuficiencia Juntada con Apoyo (Self Sufficiency and Support). Mental health consultant, trainer and board member. 2002 – 2006 SCHOLARSHIP AND TEACHING AWARDS Distinguished Contribution to Social Justice, American Family Therapy Academy, 2013 Salzburg Seminar Academic Program Scholarship, Austria, 2001 Outstanding Teacher for the Marriage and Family Therapy Program, San Diego State University, 2005 SERVICE AT Lewis & Clark College Faculty representative to the L&CC Hate and bias committee, 2014 Doctoral program counsel, 2013- current Faculty Search Committee, CPSY School Psychology, 2013 Faculty Search Committee, CPSY Professional Mental Health Addictions, 2013 Admissions Committee, Marriage, Couple & Family Therapy Program, 20011- current Faculty Representative to International Education strategic plan implementation, Graduate School of Education and Counseling, 2013-current CORE committee, 2012-2013 Admissions Committee, Graduate School of Education and Counseling, 2011- 2012 Faculty Search Committee, Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy, 2011- 2012 LANGUAGES (oral and written proficiency) __________________________________________________________________________ English Spanish Updated 09/2014 28