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Curriculum Vitae

University of Leeds, School of Languages, Cultures, and Societies, Faculty Member
CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL RECORD Name Janet Constance Elizabeth WATSON Position Professor of Arabic Linguistics (from 1st May 2013, Professor of Language@Leeds, University of Leeds) Nationality British Current Address School of Languages, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT j.c.e.watson@salford.ac.uk Education 1985–July 1989 SOAS, University of London. PhD in Linguistics: Aspects of the phonology and morphology of three Yemeni dialects. 1984–85 SOAS. Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics. 1980–84 University of Exeter. BA Arabic & Islamic Studies: First class. Dean’s commendation. Employment Aug 2005–present School of Languages/HuLSS, University of Salford. Professor of Arabic Linguistics. Oct. 1994–2005 IMEIS, University of Durham. Lecturer in Arabic (50% shared post). Promoted to Senior Lecturer Oct. 1998. July 1992–Sept.1994 Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Salford. Temporary lecturer in Arabic. Jan. 1990–July 1992 Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, University of Durham. British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellow. 1987–88 Dept. of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh. Temporary lecturer in Arabic. 1986–87 Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), Raymah Health Project, Yemen Arab Republic. Social researcher conducting feasibility study for a women's rural literacy project. I RESEARCH PROGRAMME (SINCE 2005) Research on the phonology and morphology of Arabic dialects, with particular focus on prosodic features (the syllable, syllabification, word stress) and on derivational morphology. Principal publications appeared in Morphology (Watson 2006), Phonology (Watson 2007), Companion to Phonology (2011), The Semitic Languages: An international handbook (Watson 2011). Documentation and grammar of the Modern South Arabian language, Mehri, including the relationship of Modern South Arabian with Ancient South Arabian and modern southern Arabic dialects (spoken in south-west Saudi, Yemen, Oman). Fieldwork conducted in eastern Yemen (Jan.–March 2008) and Dhofar, Oman (Dec. 2009–Jan. 2010, April 2010, Sept.–Oct. 2010, Jan.–March 2011, Dec. 2011). Principal publications published by Harrassowitz (Watson 2009, 2012), and appeared in PSAS (Watson & Bellem 2010), Instrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics (Watson & Bellem 2011). Projects funded by Leverhulme Trust (2007–8), British Academy Senior Research Fellowship (2010–2011). Documentation and ethnolinguistic analysis of Modern South Arabian. Three-year project funded from 1st January 2013 by Leverhulme Trust. Collaborative research on the geographical distribution, phonetics, and phonology of lateral emphatics in Saudi Arabian Arabic dialects. I have coordinated this project since 2010. Collaborators: Dr M. al-Azraqi, Dammam University, Saudi Arabia; Dr B. Heselwood, University of Leeds; Dr S. Naïm, CNRS, Villejuif, France. Principal dissemination Seminar for Arabian Studies (2010), University of Bergen (2011), King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) (2011), BAAP (2012). Project funded by KFCRIS, Riyadh. Comparative instrumental phonetic analysis of phonation in English, Arabic and Mehri, since 2011. Collaborative work with Dr B. Heselwood, University of Leeds. Principal dissemination BAAP (2012), LabPhon 13 (2012). Śḥeri Participation in international research projects Arabic in the Middle Atlas Mountains – The Structure of an Emergent Language, led by Prof. Dr U. Maas, University of Graz, and Prof. Dr S. Procházka, University of Vienna (2009–2012). Funded by the Austrian FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung). Arabic Urban Vernaculars, led by Dr Catherine Miller, Aix-en-Provence. This resulted in the Workshop on Arabic Urban Vernaculars, IREMAN, Aix-en-Provence, Oct. 2004 funded by ESF, CNRS and IREMAM, and the book Arabic in the City (2007). II RESEARCH DISSEMINATION (i) Conference papers (from 2005) Key-note conference papers 2011 ‘Issues in the phonology of emphatics’. Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP). With A. Bellem, Marrakesh, Jan. 2011 2009 ‘The phonetics and phonology of emphatics in Mehri’. With A. Bellem, Workshop on Pharyngeals and Pharyngealisation, University of Newcastle, March 2009. Invited conference/workshop papers 2012a ‘La corrélation occlusive laryngovélaire dans des variétés néo-arabes et sud-arabiques’. With S. Naïm. Back(ing), Glottal & Guttural Patterns in Onsets and Nuclei. LACITO-CNRS, Villejuif, France, May 2–4, 2012. 2012b ‘Travel to Mecca from Oman in the pre-motorised period’. With M. al-Mahri. Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam, British Museum, London. March 22–24, 2012. 2011a ‘Dialects of South-West Arabia: A living treasure trove’. With M. al-Azraqi & B. Heselwood. Arabic Studies – Aspects of Research. University of Bergen, Nov. 2011. 2011b ‘Language and Heritage: Collecting oral tales and stories in Mehri’. Workshop on recording intangible heritage on the UNESCO representative list. Abu Dhabi Culture & Heritage, Intangible Heritage Department, Abu Dhabi. March 2011. (In Arabic) 2009 ‘Endangered languages of the Middle East’. With G. Khan & C. Holes. Living Traditions Seminar, Cambridge, Nov. 2009. 2007 ‘South Arabian and modern Yemeni dialects’. Yemen: Bridging the gap between the past and the present, Heidelberg, June 2007. 2005a ‘More on the language of Jabal Razih’. With B. Glover Stalls, K. al-Razihi & S. Weir, Semitic Morphology and Grammar Workshop, Swedish Institute, Istanbul, Nov. 2005. 2005b ‘The language of Jabal Razih: A dialect of Arabic or another language?’ With B. Glover Stalls, K. al-Razihi & S. Weir, Semitic Morphology Workshop, Oslo, May 2005. Other conference/workshop papers and posters 2012a ‘The language-specific nature of phonological categories: evidence from the interaction of laryngographic closed quotient values with manner of articulation.’ With B. Heselwood, M. al-Azraqi, S. Naïm & R. Maghrabi. LabPhon 13, Stuttgart, July 2012. 2012b ‘Closed-quotient dynamics and the voicing contrast in pre-pausal VC# sequences in Rijāl Almā’ Arabic and British English: A comparative study’. Poster with B. Heselwood, M. al-Azraqi, S. Naïm & R. Maghrabi, BAAP, Leeds, March 2012. 2012c ‘Lateral articulations of Arabic Dād in south-western Saudi Arabia: Electropalatographic evidence’. Paper with B. Heselwood, M. al-Azraqi, & S. Naïm, BAAP, Leeds, March 2012. 2012d ‘Camel terminology amongst the Omani Bedouin’. With D. Eades & M. al-Mahri. The 3rd Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development, SQU, Muscat, Jan. 2012. 2012e ‘Issues in Modern South Arabian’. UK Semitic Linguistics Meeting, Cambridge, June 2012. 2011a ‘SWAP emphatics: Glottal-pharyngeal settings in a corner of Semitic’. With A. Bellem. 14th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, University of Turin, June 2011. 2011b ‘Camel culture and camel terminology amongst the Omani Bedouin’. With D. Eades & M. al-Mahri. Camel Conference, SOAS, London, May 2011. 2010a ‘Lateral emphatics and lateral(ised) fricatives in Saudi Arabia and MSAL’. With M. al-Azraqi. Seminar for Arabian Studies, London, July 2010. 2010b ‘Aspects of deixis and definiteness in Mehri’. Deixis in Semitic, University of Salford, April 2010. 2009a ‘A detective story: Emphatics in Mehri’. With A. Bellem. Seminar for Arabian Studies. London, July 2009. 2009b Poster presentation: ‘The changing role of Semitic emphatics? Evidence from Arabic and beyond’. With A. Bellem, Seminar for Arabian Studies. London, July 2009. 2008 ‘Genitive constructions in Mehri’. Genitive constructions in Semitic. University of Salford, April 2008. 2007a ‘Das Südarabische und jemenitische Dialekte’. XXX. Deutsche Orientalistentag Freiburg, Sept. 2007. 2007b ‘Pre-pausal devoicing and glottalisation in varieties of the south-western Arabian peninsula’. With Y. Asiri, ICPhS, Saarbrücken, Aug. 2007. http://www.icphs2007.de/conference/Papers/1738/1738.pdf 2006a ‘Diminutive verbs and diminutive nouns in San’ani Arabic’. AIDA, Vienna, Sept. 2006. 2006b ‘Syllabification in Arabic dialects: A response to Kiparsky (2003)’, 14th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, May 2006. 2005 ‘The language of Jabal Razih: Arabic or something else?’ With B. Glover Stalls, K. al-Razihi & S. Weir, Seminar for Arabian Studies, London, July 2005. (ii) Public lectures and guest lectures (from 2005) January 2013 University of Vienna: ‘Mehri and the Modern South Arabian languages of Oman and Yemen’. April 2012a Sultan Qaboos University Staff Club, Muscat: ‘Travel to Mecca from southern Oman in the pre-motorised period’. With Ali al-Mahri. April 2012b Historical Association of Oman, Muscat: ‘Travel to Mecca from southern Oman in the pre-motorised period’. With Ali al-Mahri. Nov. 2011 King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh. ‘The language of Dād: A living treasure trove.’ With M. Al-Azraqi, S. Naim & B. Heselwood (In Arabic). March 2011 Sultan Qaboos University Staff Club, Muscat, Oman: ‘The Mehri language, alive and flourishing in modern-day Dhofar’. Dec. 2010 University of Vienna: ‘Das Südarabische, und jemenitische Dialekte’. April 2010 Workshop and two lectures at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. March 2010 University of Oxford, Linguistic Circle of Oxford: ‘Mehri, an endangered language spoken in Oman and Yemen’. June 2009 University of Tallinn, Estonia: ‘Researching Yemeni Arabic dialects’. May 2009 University of Cambridge: ‘Modern South Arabian’. Annual Semitic Philology lecture. Dec. 2008 University of Vienna, Austria: Short course in San’ani Arabic (2 x 2 hours), 2 lectures on Mehri (in German). Dec. 2007 University of Marburg, Germany: ‚Frauen im Jemen: Wie sie leben, wie sie sprechen‘. Nov. 2007 University of Erlangen, Germany: ‚Frauen im Jemen‘. Nov. 2007 University of Jena, Germany: ‚Das Südarabische, und jemenitische Dialekte‘. Sept. 2007 University of Leiden, Netherlands: ‘Threads and jigsaw pieces: What can the study of Arabic dialects teach us?’ Mar. 2007 University of Newcastle: ‘Diminutive verbs and diminutive nouns in San’ani Arabic’. Nov. 2006 University of Essex: ‘Syllabification patterns in Arabic dialects: Long segments and mora sharing’. April 2006 University of San'a. Two lectures: ‘Researching Yemeni dialects’ (in Arabic); ‘The translation of Mus'id wa-Mus'idih into English’ (in Arabic) I have presented 18 other guest lectures at: British Museum (British Museum Study Day); Arabesk Verein, Heidelberg; British Council, Yemen; YCAS, Yemen; Bayt al-Thaqafah, San’a, Yemen; Centre Français d’Études Yéménites, San’a, Yemen; Society for Arabian Studies; and the universities of Durham, Leeds, St Andrews, Exeter, SOAS, Vienna, Heidelberg, San’a and Oslo. The most significant of these are: 2004 ‘Arabic from earliest times until the Islamic Golden Age’ The Arabs: Origins and Identities, British Museum Study Day, British Museum, London. 2004 Universität Wien, ‚Arabische Dialektologie und linguistische Theorie: Was können die beiden voneinander lernen?‘ 2004 University of Oslo, Norway: ‘Yemen: Language, society, change’. 2002 Lecture in Arabic at launch party of Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture (Qadhaya Ijtima’iyyah fl l-Adab al-Sha’bi al-Yamani) at Bayt al-Thaqafah, San’a. Occasion presided over by Minister for Social Affairs, Dr Abd al-Karim Isma’il al-Arhabi. 2001 British Council, San’a, Yemen: ‘On San’ani Arabic: dispelling myths about the development of Arabic dialects’. (iii) Media reports, interviews and appearances relating to my research 13th Nov. 2011 ‘In search of forms of al-Dād’ (in Arabic), al-Waṭan (newspaper), Saudi Arabia. Sept. 2011 http://www.salford.ac.uk/home-page/news/2011/salford-academic-helps-to-preserve-threatened-language Oct. 2010 ‘Straight talk’, Horizon, Dept. of Public Relations and Information, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. https://www.squ.edu.om/Portals/33/almasar/1.Horizon%20200%20.pdf 23rd July 2002 Interview on Radio San’a, English service, ‘Yemen in the eyes of others.’ 21st + 22nd July 2002 Articles in al-Thawra, Yemeni daily Arabic-language newspaper, announcing launch and signing of Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture at Bayt al-Thaqafah, San’a. 15th March 2002 Interview on Radio Cleveland and Radio Newcastle, ‘A Yemeni radio soap opera’. 30th Jan. 2002 Interview on American MBC television channel, in San’a. 27th Aug. 2001 Article in al-Thawra, ‘Mus’id wa-Mus’idih soon in English!’ 27th Aug. 2001 Translation from Arabic of San’ani soap opera, Mus’id wa-Mus’idih, acting and recording for Radio San’a, English service. 12th Aug. 2001 Interview on Radio San’a, Arabic service, ‘al-lahjah al-San’aniyyah’. 10th Aug. 2001 Interview on the Yemen television programme, Iklil, with Mahmoud al-Hajj. 9th Aug. 2001 Interview in 26 September, Yemeni weekly Arabic-language newspaper. 5th Aug. 2001 Interview in Yemen Observer, Yemeni weekly English-language newspaper. 2nd Aug. 2001 Article in 26 September, Yemeni weekly Arabic-language newspaper. June 2001 Interview in al-Nour magazine, London edition, ‘al-lahjah al-San’aniyyah fi dirasat urubiyyah’ [San’ani Arabic in European studies], p. 89. 28th March 2001 Interview on Radio San’a, English service, ‘Yemeni Arabic dialects’. March 2001 Article in al-Thawra, ‘Mus’id wa-Mus’idah bi-l-injaliziyyah!’ (iv) Publications (REF outputs marked by *) (a) Single-authored books *2012 The Structure of Mehri, pp. xxvix + 479, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden (Semitica Viva, Bd. 52), ISBN 978-3-447-06736-2. 2002 Phonology and Morphology of Arabic, pp. xv + 307, Oxford University Press: Oxford ISBN 0-19-925759-0. 2000 Wasf San'a: Texts in San'ani Arabic, pp. viii + 319, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden (Semitica Viva, Bd. 23), ISBN 3-447-04266-4. 1996a Sbahtu! A Course in San'ani Arabic, pp. xxv + 350, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden (Semitica Didactica, Bd. 3), ISBN 3-447-03755-5. 1996b Lexicon of Arabic Horse Terminology, pp. xxxviii + 62, Kegan Paul International: London, ISBN 0-7103-0452-7. 1993 A Syntax of San'ani Arabic, pp. xxii + 454, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden (Semitica Viva, Bd. 13), ISBN 3-447-03392-4. (b) Joint-authored books In preparation Taghamk āfyat: A course in Mehri. In preparation with native speaker consultants for Harrassowitz, Semitica Didactica series. 2002 Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture, (in Arabic and English) with Abd al-Rahman Mutahhar, pp. vi + 217, al-Sabahi: San’a. 1999a Standard Arabic: An advanced course, with J. Dickins, pp. xxix + 592, CUP: Cambridge, ISBN 0-521-63558-6. [under revision for CUP with updated texts, revised and expanded grammar section, interpreting sections] 1999b Standard Arabic: Teacher's handbook and key to the exercises, with J. Dickins, pp. xxii + 194, CUP: Cambridge, ISBN 0-521-63161-0. (c) Edited and annotated books 2011 The Semitic Languages, ed. S. Weninger, G. Khan, M. Streck & J.C.E. Watson. Walter de Gruyter: Berlin. (1287 pages). ISBN 978-3-11-018613-0. 2009a A. Sima, Mehri-Texte aus der jemenitischen Sharqīyah: Transkribiert unter Mitwirkung von Askari Hugayran Saad, edited, annotated and introduced by J.C.E. Watson & W. Arnold. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-447-05947-3. 2009b Relative Clauses and Genitive Constructions in Semitic. ed. J.C.E. Watson & J. Retsö. Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement Series 25. OUP. pp. ix + 244. ISBN 978-0-19-957549-7. 2007 Arabic in the City, ed. C. Miller, E. al-Wer, D. Caubet & J.C.E. Watson. Routledge. pp. xiv + 354. ISBN 978-0-415-77311-9 2006 Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism: A collection of articles in honour of Michael G. Carter, ed. L. Edzard & J.C.E. Watson. Harrassowitz. pp. 264. ISBN 978-3-447-05444-7. (d) Translated book 1991 English translation of Die Schia by Heinz Halm, Darmstadt, 1988. Published as Shiism, Edinburgh University Press, ISBN 0-7486-02682. (e) Articles and chapters in refereed journals and publications (from 2005) (for all academic research before 2005 apart from books, see appendices below) In press ‘Camel culture and camel terminology amongst the Omani Bedouin’. With D. Eades & Mohammad al-Mahri. Journal of Semitic Studies 58: 169–186. (doi: 10.1093/jss/fgs044) In press ‘Lateral reflexes of Proto-Semitic *ḍ and *ḏ̣ in Al-Rubū‘ah dialect, south-west Saudi Arabia: Electropalatographic and acoustic evidence.’ With B. Heselwood, M. Al-Azraqi & S. Naïm. In: R. Kuty, U. Seeger & S. Talay (eds), Nicht nur mit Engelszungen: Beiträge zur semitischen Dialektologie: Festschrift für Werner Arnold. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. In press ‘Tense and aspect in Semitic: A case study based on the Arabic of the Omani Šarqiyya and the Mehri of Dhofar’. With D. Eades. In: C. Holes & R. de Jong (eds), Festschrift for Bruce Ingham. Brill: Leiden. In press ‘Translation, mistranslation and the seasons in Mehri’. WZKM 10. 2012 ‘Jespersen’s cycle and negation in Mehri’. With P. Rowlett. In: D. Eades (ed.), Grammaticalisation in Semitic. Oxford: OUP. 205–225. *2011a ‘Word stress in Arabic’. In: M. van Oostendorp, C.J. Ewen, E. Hume & K. Rice (eds.) The Blackwell companion to phonology. 5 vols. Malden, MA & Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (10,000 words) 2011b ‘Arabic dialects: A discussion’. In: M. Embarki & M. Ennaji (eds) Modern Trends in Arabic Dialectology. Red Sea Press. 3–37. *2011c ‘Glottalisation and neutralisation in Yemeni Arabic and Mehri: An acoustic study’. With A. Bellem. In: B. Heselwood & Z. Hassan (eds) Arabic Instrumental Phonetics, Benjamins: Amsterdam. 235–256. *2011d ‘Arabic dialects (general article)’. In: S. Weninger, G. Khan, M. Streck & J.C.E. Watson (eds), The Semitic Languages. Walter de Gruyter: Berlin. 851–896. *2011e ‘Dialects of the Arabian Peninsula’. In: S. Weninger, G. Khan, M. Streck & J.C.E. Watson (eds), The Semitic Languages. Walter de Gruyter: Berlin. 897–908. 2009a ‘Children of San’a’. In: W. Arnold, M. Jursa, W.W. Müller & S. Procházka (eds), Philologisches und Historisches zwischen Anatolien und Sokotra: Analecta Semitica in Memoriam Alexander Sima, Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. 383–394. 2009b ‘Annexion, attribution and genitives in Mahriyyōt’. In: J.C.E. Watson & J. Retsö (eds) Relative Clauses and Genitive Constructions in Semitic. OUP. 229–244. 2008 ‘Pre-pausal devoicing and glottalisation in varieties of the south-western Arabian Peninsula’. With Y. Asiri. In: M. Embarki (ed.) Arabic and its Varieties: Phonetic and Prosodic Aspects, Languages & Linguistics 22: 17–38. 2007a ‘Syllabification patterns in Arabic dialects: Long segments and shared moras’. Phonology 24: 335–356. 2007b ‘Ein Märchen im arabischen Dialekt von Ibb’. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 47: 1–31. 2007c ‘Linguistic levelling in San’ani Arabic as reflected in a popular radio serial’. In: C. Miller, E. Al-Wer, D. Caubet & J.C.E. Watson (eds) Arabic in the City, Routledge. 166–187. 2006a ‘The morphology of Arabic: Diminutive verbs and diminutive nouns in San’ani Arabic’. Morphology 16: 189–204. 2006b ‘Writing Arabic as L2: Linguistic and intercultural issues in composition’ with R. Husni. In: L. Edzard & J.C.E. Watson (eds) Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism: A collection of articles in honour of Michael G. Carter. Harrassowitz. 208–221 2006c ‘In search of the green donkey: changing colour terminology in San‘ani Arabic’. In: M. Woidich & J. Aguadé (eds) Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí 8 (2004), Homenaje a Peter Behnstedt en su 60 aniversario. Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo. 253–264. 2006d ‘Two texts in the language of Jabal Razih’ with B. Glover Stalls, K. al-Razihi & S. Weir. In: L. Edzard & J. Retsö (eds) Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon II. Harrassowitz. 40–63. 2005 ‘Patterns and functions of repetition in a popular Yemeni genre’. Folia Orientalia 41: 93–106. Earlier significant refereed journal articles/chapters include: 1999a ‘Syllable structure and syllabification in Cairene and San'ani Arabic’. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Ritter (eds) The Syllable: Views and Facts, Mouton de Gruyter. 501–525. 1999b 'The directionality of emphasis spread in Arabic’. Linguistic Inquiry 30: 289–300. 1999c ‘CVVC syllables in Arabic’. Language and Linguistics 4: 1–17. 1992a ‘Kashkasha with reference to modern Yemeni dialects’. ZAL 24: 60–81. 1992b ‘A lexicon of Cairene horse terminology’. JSS 37: 247–304. (f) Encyclopedia entries (since 2005) 6 encyclopedia entries appeared in Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. (g) Articles in working papers, conference proceedings, non-academic journals and review articles (from 2005) 2011a ‘South Arabian and Yemeni dialects.’ In: G. Howley (ed.), Salford Working Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics I: 27–40. http://www.languages.salford.ac.uk/research/centre_applied_linguistics/salfordworkingpapers/WP%20(2011)_watson.pdf 2011b ‘Lateral fricatives and lateral emphatics in southern Saudi Arabia and Mehri.’ With M. al-Azraqi. PSAS 41: 425–432. 2011c ‘The surviving non-Arabic languages of southern Arabia’. The Middle East in London, Oct–Nov. 2011: 24. 2010 ‘A detective story: Emphatics in Mehri’. With A. Bellem. PSAS 40. 2006a ‘The contribution of Peter Behnstedt to Yemeni dialectology’. Review article in Jemen-Report 17.2: 34–36. 2006b ‘The language of Jabal Razih: Arabic or something else?’ With B. Glover Stalls, K. al-Razihi & S. Weir. PSAS 36: 35–41. 2005 ‘In Memoriam Alexander Sima 9.11.1969 – 3.09.2004’. PSAS 35: 6–8. (h) Book reviews (from 2006) 10 reviews of books appeared since 2006 in Language, ZDMG, OLZ, JSS, ZAL, Orientalische Literaturzeitung, and Mediterranean Language Review. (i) Electronic media Texts in San’ani Arabic: Audio recordings of texts published in my books, Wasf San’a: Texts in San’ani Arabic and Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture available on the Semitic Language Archive at the University of Heidelberg: www.semarch.uni-hd.de III GRANTS (i) Major Awards and Fellowships Sept. 2012–2015 ‘Documentation and ethnolinguistic analysis of the Modern South Arabian languages’. Leverhulme Trust, Research Project Grant. As PI with Miranda Morris, Domenyk Eades, Mohammed Al-Mahri and MSAL language consultants (£149,680). Funding also offered by ELDP, SOAS, London for same project (£106,000). Grant declined by PI on award of Leverhulme Trust grant. 2010–2011 British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship to conduct research on the syntax of Mehri (£47,201). 2010–2012 Grant from King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to conduct research on lateral emphatics in south-west Saudi Arabia, with M. Al-Azraqi, S. Naim & B. Heselwood (£33,000). 2007–2008 One-year Leverhulme Research Fellowship to work on Mehri: grammar, texts and glossary (£22,221). 1997–1999 Two-year Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship to conduct research on Phonology and Morphology of Arabic (£15,500). Jan. 1990–July 1992 Three-year British Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship 1984–1987 British Academy: Major Research Grant. Awarded bids 2013–2016 HRELP, SOAS. Major Documentation Project. ‘Modern South Arabian Languages Documentation Project’. As PI with Miranda Morris, Domenyk Eades and MSAL language consultants (£105,935). Awarded for Jan. 2013–2016, but declined after successful application to Leverhulme Trust. Previous major project A-rated bids submitted as PI AHRC (Research Grants (Standard) ‘Emphasis, phonation and neutralisation in Semitic language varieties of the south-western Arabian Peninsula’ (2010, £623,228) (graded 4, invited to re-submit) ESRC-ANR bilateral scheme (2009, £818,175) ‘Phonation Categories in the Semitic Languages of the South-Western Arabian Peninsula’ ‘the joint ESRC-ANR panel considered this was a humanities proposal and they were not competent to make a final decision on it, though from what they saw they were strongly impressed.’ Leverhulme Trust (International Network) ‘Endangered Semitic’ (2008, £110k). Bids submitted FP7 Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration: ‘SME consortium for a non-standard language analysis framework’. Bid with three European partners (Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1, TECHLIMED, University College Dublin) and SME (Evaluations and Language Resources Distribution Agency SA) for 2-year programme to develop resources for non-standard languages (Arabish the key language) using freely available data from social networks. Submitted 15th January 2013. (ii) Minor Awards 2010 RISF Fund internal grant for collaborative research on emphatics in Mehri and fieldwork in Oman (£10,281). 2009 DFG: Publication subvention for Mehri-Texte aus der jemenitischen Šarqiyyah (2009), with Prof. Werner Arnold, Heidelberg (2,000 Euros). 2008 British Academy: British conference grant to hold Genitive constructions in Semitic: Comparative and diachronic perspectives, University of Salford, April 2008 (£2,000). 2005 British Academy: Small research grant with S. Weir & Bonnie Glover Stalls to study historical aspects of the language of Jabal Razih, Yemen (£7,500). 2002 British Academy: Overseas conference grant to attend 5th Aïda conference in Cadiz, Sept. 2002 (£300). 2002 Social Fund for Development, San’a: Publication grant to print 3,000 copies of Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture ($3,000). 2002 Society for Arabian Studies: Grant to produce index of Phonology and Morphology of Arabic (£500). 2001 British Embassy, San’a: Small Grants Fund: grant to meet living and travel expenses during production of Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture book ($4,950). 2001 Leigh Douglas Memorial Fund: Grant towards publication of Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture, based on the San’ani Arabic radio soap opera, Mus’id wa-Mus’dih, by Abd al-Rahman Mutahhar (£300). 2000 British Academy: Small Research Grant to conduct research on language change in San'ani Arabic (£4,950). 1998 British Academy: Small Research Grant to pay salary of research assistant for six weeks to complete Wasf San'a (£1,200). 1998 Leigh Douglas Memorial Fund: Grant to pay airfare of research assistant from San'a to London (£500). 1998 Embassy of Republic of Yemen: Grant to meet additional expenses for Wasf San'a project (£300). 1996 British Academy: Overseas Conference Travel Award to attend The Syllable conference in Pézanas, France (£300). 1993 Christopher Hale Memorial Fund, University of Salford: Publication subvention for Syntax of San'ani Arabic (£750). 1991 British Academy: Small Research Grant to conduct 6 weeks field-work in Yemen related to Syntax of San'ani Arabic (£1,136). 1985 British Academy: Small Research Grant to conduct field-work for doctorate in Yemen (£1,200). IV CONFERENCES ORGANISED (SINCE 2005) Co-organisor of workshop on Semitic linguistics at University of Cambridge, June 2012, with Prof. G. Khan (Cambridge) and Dr D. Eades (Salford). Since 2007, I have organised and co-organised 5 international workshops/conferences on Semitic linguistics at the University of Salford: Relative clauses and attribution in Semitic (2007), Genitive constructions in Semitic: Typology and diachrony (2008), Deixis in Semitic (2010), Grammaticalisation in Semitic (2011), Mehri Language Workshop (2011). Co-organiser with Dr S. Hanna of workshop on To Repeat or not to Repeat! Problems and Strategies of Translating Repetition in English and Arabic, University of Salford, July 2010. Co-organiser with Prof. L. Edzard of Semitic Morphology Workshop, Oslo, May 2005.   V PhD SUPERVISION (SINCE 2005) 2013 (Jan) Mohammed Abu Nour, Arabic loan-word phonology. 2012 Abdallah Shdaifat, Arabic derivational morphology. 2012 Anas Hneety, Phonology and morphology of Wadi Mousa dialect. 2012 Bassil alMashaqba, Phonology and morphology of Wadi Ram dialect. 2010–present Gerry Howley, Roma acquisition of vernacular English dialect features. 2008–2012 John Peate, Spatial relations in Arabic and English. Successfully submitted May 2012 2008–2011 Haytham Soleiman, co-supervision with Prof. John Divers, University of Leeds, A Montague Grammar approach to quantification in Arabic. Successfully submitted October 2011. 2005–2009 Yahya Asiri, Aspects of the phonology and morphology of Rijal Alma’a in south-west Saudi Arabia’. Successfully submitted June 2009.   VI EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES (i) External examining and moderating 2005–2006 MA in Applied Linguistics with reference to Arabic/English Translation, SOAS, University of London. 2005–2007 Undergraduate degrees, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter 2001–2002 Examiner of Survival Arabic oral examinations, British Embassy, San’a, Yemen. 1998–2000 MA in Applied Linguistics with reference to Arabic/English Translation, SOAS, University of London. 1991–2000 Moderator of Arabic examinations, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. (ii) PhD examining (since 2005) 2012 Y. Elramli, University of Newcastle. 2012 B. Shaheen, University of Essex. 2011 M. Zaki, University of Middlesex. 2010 D. Birnstiel, University of Cambridge. 2010 Abdallah Shddadi, AMU, Aligarh, India. 2009 W. Danks, University of St Andrews. 2008 B. Rakhieh, University of Essex. 2007 A. Bellem, SOAS, London. 2007 W. Al-Bekai, University of Manchester. 2007 A. Samara, University of Exeter. 2005 T. Alkhalil, University of Essex. 9 PhDs examined previously at the universities of Göteborg (Sweden), Oslo, Huddersfield, Newcastle, Exeter, Bath, Birkbeck College, Essex. (iii) Visiting Positions November 2009 Visiting professorship, University of Vienna. June 2008 Visiting professorship, University of Heidelberg. Summer 2006 Visiting professorship, University of Heidelberg. 2004–05 Førsteamanuensis Arabisk [Associate Professorship], Institutt for østeuropeiske og orientalske studier, University of Oslo. 2003–04 Lehrstuhlvertretung [Visiting Professorship], Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Semitistik, University of Heidelberg.   (iv) Membership of scientific committees Member of scientific committee for Arabic Linguistics Symposium 27, 2013. Member of scientific committee for LabPhon 13, Stuttgart, July 2012. Member of scientific committee for LabPhon 12, New Mexico. July 2010. Member of scientific committee for Intonational Variation in Arabic, York, Sept. 2009. (vi) Invitations to evaluate proposals for grant-awarding bodies, and assess typescripts for major academic publishers and journals 16 book proposals assessed for CUP, OUP, Curzon, Routledge, Brill, EUP. 6 grant applications assessed for ESRC, AHRB/AHRC, NEH Fellowship programme (USA), Israel Science Foundation, Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch research council). 15 article typescripts assessed for Phonetica, BRISMES Journal, Morphology, Phonology, JIPA, JL, Lingua, Australian Journal of Linguistics, Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics, Studia Linguistica, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Linguistic Variation, Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Transactions of the Philological Society. (vii) Editorial work/membership of editorial boards (since 2005) Member of editorial board, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Member of steering committee, Seminar for Arabian Studies. Member of editorial committee, Wiener Zeitschrift der Kunde des Morgenlandes. Member of editorial advisory board, Journal of Semitic Studies. Member of editorial board, Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics (on-line). Member of editorial board for series on Arabic Linguistics, John Benjamins. (viii) Academic and academic-related consultancies (since 2005) External assessor for promotion, University of Oklahoma, 2012 External assessor of short-listed applications for Chair in Semitic Studies, University of Berlin, 2012. External assessor of short-listed candidates for tenure-track post in Arabic studies, University of Vienna, 2011. External member of interview panel for lectureship in Arabic Linguistics, SOAS, London, May 2011. Member of international committee assessing promotion application to Professorship at the University of Oslo, 2006. Member of international degree accreditation committee, University of Ajman, UAE, Sept. 2005. Member of international degree accreditation committee, American University of Sharjah, May 2005. (ix) Other Member of AHRC Peer Review College (2009–2012). Nomination to the REF Area Studies panel by the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies and the Philological Society. VII TEACHING (i) Salford, modules taught since 2005–6 1. Arabic>English translation (BA1) 2. Arabic/English consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, community interpreting (MA) 3. Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology/Sounds of Language (BA1) 4. Introduction to Morphology and Syntax (BA1) 5. Phonological Theory (BA2) 6. Morphological Theory (BA3) 7. Advanced Liaison Interpreting (Arabic/English) (BA3) 8. Ab-initio Arabic 102 (BA1), Arabic 302 (BA2) 9. Arabic/English translation (BA3) 10. Foundations in Linguistics (phonology and morphology) (MA) 11. Research Methods in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (MA) (ii) Oslo, modules taught 2004–5 1. Arabic linguistics (MA) 2. Arabic language (semesters 1–2 levels) 3. Arabic dialectology (semester 4 level) 4. Aural Arabic (semester 4 level) 5. Classical Arabic texts (semester 4 level) (iii) Heidelberg, courses taught 2003–4 1. Popular culture in Yemen (with texts) (in German) 2. Arabisch II & III 3. Jemenitisch Arabisch I & II 4. Einführung in die arabische Dialektologie 5. Phonologie des Neuarabischen VIII ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES (For details of duties associated with administrative roles, see supporting statement) (i) Current administrative roles at University of Salford Head of Linguistics Head of Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics REF UoA28 (Modern languages & linguistics) submission leader. Following re-alignment in October 2012 joint submission leader of REF UoA27 (Area Studies) (ii) Administrative roles at University of Salford, 2005–2010 Head of Arabic Associate Head of Research and Innovation (2009–2010) Member of School Executive Group (2009–2010) Admissions tutor: BA Arabic/English translation (2005–2007) Programme leader: BA Arabic/English Translation and Interpreting; Foundation Degree Arabic/English Translation and Interpreting Appendices Pre-2005 conference papers, publications (apart from books), guest lectures, supervision, administration. Appendix A Conference papers before 2005 2004 ‘Linguistic levelling in San’ani Arabic as reflected in a popular radio serial’ presented at Workshop on Arabic Urban Vernaculars, IREMAN, Aix-en-Provence, Oct. 2004. 2003 ‘On the linguistic geology of San’ani Arabic’ presented at Seminar for Arabian Studies, London, July 2003. 2002 ‘The sociolinguistic situation in San’a’ presented at 5th Aïda Conference, Cadiz, Spain, September 2002. 2000 ‘Written composition in Arabic and the extent to which phonological errors impinge on writing skills’ presented with R. Husni at Exploring Research-Based Innovations for Teaching L2 Pronunciation Seminar, Durham, May 2000. 1999 'The representation of emphasis in Cairene Arabic', presented at ZAS Conference on Distinctive Feature Theory, Berlin, Oct. 1999. 1998 'CVVC syllables in Arabic', poster presentation at 6th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, May 1998. 1997 'Feature representation of palatal vocoids and palatalisation with reference to Arabic', presented at the Premier Congres Chamito-Sémitique de Fes, Fez, Mar. 1997. 1996 'The syllable and syllabification in Cairene and San'ani Arabic', presented at the colloquium for The Phonology of the World's Languages: The Syllable (OUP-Pézanas), Pézanas, June 1996. 1995a 'The syntax of Arabic news headlines and news summaries', presented at BRISMES Conference, Durham, July 1995. 1995b 'Emphasis in San'ani Arabic', presented at 2nd Aïda Conference, Cambridge, Sept. 1995. 1994 'Vowel harmony in Arabic', presented at the Second Workshop on Phonology, Manchester, May 1994. 1993a 'Aspects of verb morphology in a Yemeni k- dialect: first singular perfect', presented at Issues in Arabic Linguistics workshop, Department of Modern Languages, Salford, February 1993. 1993b 'On the definition of dialect with reference to modern dialects of Yemeni Arabic', presented at Symposium of Arabic Sociolinguistics, Edinburgh, July 1993. 1988 'Third person feminine singular in a Yemeni dialect', presented at the Deutscher Orientalistentag, Cologne, Sept. 1988. Appendix B Articles before 2005 2004a ‘Social issues in San’a today’. Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies, No. 9, 2004, 11. 2004b ‘On the linguistic archaeology of San’ani Arabic’. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 34: 405–412 2004c ‘Insiders, outsiders, and language development in San’a’. AIDA 5th Conference Proceedings, Cadiz, September 2002, ed. I. Ferrando and J.J. Sanchez Sandoval, Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Cadiz, 561–570. 1999a 'The syntax of headlines and news summaries in Arabic'. In Arabic Grammar and Linguistics, (ed.) Y. Suleiman, Curzon Press, 161–81. 1999b 'Syllable structure and syllabification in Cairene and San'ani Arabic'. In The Syllable: Views and Facts, (eds.) Harry van der Hulst & Nancy Ritter, Mouton de Gruyter, 501–25. 1999c 'The directionality of emphasis spread in Arabic'. Linguistic Inquiry, vol. 30, No. 2, 289–300. 1999d 'The representation of palatal vocoids and palatalisation of k in dialects of Arabic'. Actes du 1er Congres Chamito-Sémitique de Fes, 209–26. 1999e 'CVVC syllables in Arabic'. In Language and Linguistics: Elements of Arabic linguistics: A comparative study No. 4, (ed.) Moha Ennaji, 1–17. 1995 'Emphasis in San'ani Arabic'. Proceedings of the Second Aïda Conference, University of Cambridge, 1995, 253–8. 1994 'On the definition of dialect with reference to modern dialects of Yemeni Arabic'. In Arabic Sociolinguistics: Issues & Perspectives, (ed.) Y. Suleiman, Curzon Press, 237–50. 1992a 'Kashkasha with reference to modern Yemeni dialects'. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik, 1992, vol. 24, 60–81. 1992b 'A lexicon of Cairene horse terminology'. Journal of Semitic Studies, 1992, vol. 37, 247–304. 1991 'Mubtada' and khabar with reference to San'ani Arabic'. In BRISMES: Proceedings of the 1991 Conference on Middle Eastern Studies, SOAS, London, 292–301. 1989 'Yemeni vowels in pausal position'. In BRISMES: Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Europe and the Middle East, Durham, 351–61. Appendix C Encyclopedia entries 2009a ‘Transitivity’. With James Dickins. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. vol IV. ed. Kees Versteegh et al. Brill. 2009b ‘San’ani Arabic’. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, vol. IV, ed. Kees Versteegh et al. Brill. 2006a ‘Adverbs’. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, vol I, ed. Kees Versteegh et al. Brill. 2006b ‘Teaching Arabic in Britain’, with James Dickins. In Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals, ed. Kassem Wahba et al. 2005a ‘Arabic as an introflecting language’. In Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics. ed. K. Brown. 2005b ‘The language situation in Yemen’. In Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. K. Brown. Appendix D Reviews In press M. Waltisberg, Satzkomplex und Funcktion: Syndese und Asyndese im Althocharabischen. Harrassowitz, 2009. To appear in JSS. 2012 E. Broselow & H. Ouali (eds), Perspectives on Arabic linguistics: Papers from the annual symposia on Arabic linguistics, vol. XXII–XXIII: College Park, Maryland, 2008 and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2009. In Language 88: 896–899.  2009a G. Bohas & M. Dat, Une theorie de l’organisation du lexique des langues semitiques: matrices et étymons, ENS éditions, 2007. In ZDMG 159: 402–405. 2009b H. Kammensjö, Discourse connectives in Arabic Lecturing Monologue. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. 2005. In ZDMG, 159: 412–413. 2009c P. Behnstedt & M. Woidich, Arabische Dialektgeographie, Brill, 2005. In ZDMG 159: 165–168. 2008a P. Behnstedt, Die nordjemenitischen Dialekte. Teil 2: Glossar. Fā’ – Yā’. Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2006. In OLZ 103, 224–7. 2008b S. Boudelaa (ed.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XVI, John Benjamins, 2006. In JSS 53, 367–70. 2008c S. Yoda, The Arabic dialect of the Jews of Tripoli (Libya): Grammar, text and glossary. Harrassowitz. 2005. In ZAL 48, 95–6. 2006a M. Haak, R. de Jong & K. Versteegh (eds.), Approaches to Arabic Dialects: A collection of articles presented to Manfred Woidich on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Brill, 2004. In Orientalische Literaturzeitung 101: 215–18. 2006b A. Geva-Kleinberger, Die arabischen Stadtdialekte von Haifa in der ersten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Harrassowitz, 2004. In ZAL 45: 86–7. 2006c O. Jastrow, Der arabische Dialekt von Kinderib, Harrassowitz, 2003. In Mediterranean Language Review 15 (2003/04): 193–4. 2004a J. Lentin & A. Lonnet (eds.), Mélanges David Cohen: Études sur le langage, les langues, les dialects, les littératures, offertes par ses éleves, ses collegues, ses amis. Présentées à l’occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire. Maisonneuve & Larose, 2003. In BSOAS, vol. 67, 449–50. 2004b M. Persson, Sentential object complements in Modern Standard Arabic, Almqvist & Wiksell, 2002. In JSS, vol. 49, 395–6. 2004c S. Procházka, Die arabischen Dialekte der Çukurova (Südtürkei), Harrassowitz, 2002. In ZAL, vol. 43, 93–5. 2003 C. Holes, Dialect, Culture, & Society in Eastern Arabia, 1 Glossary, Brill, 2001. In ZAL, vol. 42, 94–6. 2002 L. Edzard & M. Nekroumi (eds), Tradition and Innovation: Norm and deviation in Arabic and Semitic Linguistics, Wiesbaden, 1999. In ZAL, vol. 41, 95–7. 2001 R. Hetzron (ed.), The Semitic Languages, Routledge, 1997. In Journal of Linguistics vol. 36, 653–7. 2000 S-O. Dahlgren, Word Order in Arabic, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1998. In JSS vol. 45, 398–401. 1999a K. Mörth, Die Kardinalzahlwörter von eins biz zehn in den neuarabischen Dialekten, WUV-Universitätsverlag, 1997. In ZAL, vol. 36, 102–4. 1999b M. Cuvalay-Haak, The Verb in Literary and Colloquial Arabic, Mouton de Gruyter, 1997. In BRISMES Journal. 1999c B. Ingham, Arabian Diversions: studies on the dialects of Arabia, Garnet Publishing, 1997. In BRISMES Journal. 1999d A. Mansur (G. Wyman Bury), The Land of Uz, Garnet Publishing, 1998. In BRISMES Journal, vol. 26, 314. 1999e J. Owens (ed.), Neighborhood and Ancestry: variation in the spoken Arabic of Maiduguri, Nigeria, John Benjamins, 1998. In Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 41, 412–15. 1998 N. Haeri, The Sociolinguistic Market of Cairo, Kegan Paul, 1997. In BRISMES Journal, vol. 25. 1997a M. Vanhove, La Langue Maltaise: Études syntaxiques d'un dialecte arabe 'périphérique', Harrassowitz, 1994. In BRISMES Journal, vol. 24, 298–9. 1997b T. Nishio, The Arabic Dialect of Qift (Upper Egypt), Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1994. In Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 8, 279–80. 1996a T.F. Mitchell & Shahir El-Hassan, Modality, Mood and Aspect in Spoken Arabic, Kegan Paul, 1994. In JSS, vol. 41, 374-5. 1996b J. Owens (ed.), Arabs and Arabic in the Lake Chad Region, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 1993. In BSOAS vol. 59, 359–60. 1995a J. Ashtiany, Media Arabic, EUP, 1993. In JSS, vol. 40, 381–2. 1995b H.A. Qafisheh, Yemeni Arabic Reference Grammar, Dunwoody Press, 1992. In Yemen Update, no. 37, 42–3. 1994a D. Agius & P.N. Arif, Wadaan: Reinforcing Reading/Writing/First Level Arabic Course, vol. 4; University of Leeds, 1991; D. Agius, Hayyan bina: Kitab al Tamarin Drills/First Level Arabic Course, vol. 5, and Mughamarat 'ajiba fi qisas mufida: Third Level Arabic Course, Book 1 University of Leeds, 1991; with J. Dickins. In BRISMES Journal vol. 20, 274-5. 1994b A.A. Al-Nassir, Sibawayh the Phonologist: A Critical Study of the Phonetic and Phonological Theory of Sibawayh as Presented in his Treatise Al-Kitab, Kegan Paul, 1993, with J. Dickins. In BRISMES Journal, vol. 21, 135–6. 1993 H.J. Ferghali, Arabic Adeni Reader, Dunwoody Press: Wheaton, 1990, and Arabic Adeni Textbook, Dunwoody Press, 1991. In JSS, vol. 38, 168–71. 1992 M. Piamenta, A Lexicon of Post-Classical Yemeni Arabic, Leiden: Brill, 1990. In BRISMES Journal vol. 19, 108-10. 1990a P. Behnstedt, Die Dialekte der Gegend von Sa'dah (Nordjemen), Harrassowitz, 1987. In JSS, vol. 35, 178–9. 1990b J. Deboo, Jemenitisches Wörterbuch: Arabisch-Deutsch-Englisch, Harrassowitz, 1989. In BRISMES Bulletin vol. 17. 1988 P. Behnstedt, Die nordjemenitischen Dialekte. Teil 1: Atlas, Harrassowitz, 1985. In MESA, vol. 22. Appendix D Guest lectures before 2005 July 17th, 2004 ‘Arabic from earliest times until the Islamic Golden Age’ The Arabs: Origins and Identities, British Museum Study Day, British Museum, London. April, 22nd, 2004 Universität Wien, ‘Arabische Dialektologie und linguistische Theorie: Was können die beiden voneinander lernen?’ Feb. 2004 Arabesk Verein, Heidelberg, ‘Frauen im Jemen’. Feb. 23rd, 2004 University of Oslo, Norway: ‘Yemen: Language, society, change’. May 20th, 2003 Society for Arabian Studies and British-Yemeni Society, SOAS, London, ‘Social issues in Yemen today’. May 7th, 2003 IMEIS, University of Durham, ‘People’s poetry: Poetry in Yemeni society’. March 18th, 2003 Dept. of Linguistics and Phonetics, University of Leeds, ‘The phonology and phonetics of palatals’. July 22nd, 2002 Lecture in Arabic at launch party of Social Issues in Popular Yemeni Culture (Qadhaya Ijtima’iyyah fl l-Adab al-Sha’bi al-Yamani) at Bayt al-Thaqafah, San’a. Occasion presided over by Minister for Social Affairs, Dr Abd al-Karim Isma’il al-Arhabi. Sept. 1st, 2001 Yemeni Language Center and the Yemeni Center for Arabic Studies, San’a, Yemen, ‘San’ani and other dialects of Yemeni Arabic’. April 21st, 2001 Centre Français d’Études Yéménites, San’a, Yemen, ‘Syntactic and morphological features of San’ani Arabic’ (in Arabic). April 8th, 2001 Centre Français d’Études Yéménites, San’a, Yemen, ‘The place of San’ani Arabic in Arabic dialects’ (in Arabic). Mar. 17th, 2001 British Council, San’a, Yemen, ‘On San’ani Arabic: dispelling myths about the development of Arabic dialects’. Feb. 27th, 2001 Yemeni Language Center and the Yemeni Center for Arabic Studies, San’a, Yemen, ‘What is San’ani Arabic?’ Dec. 28th–29th, 1998 Dept. of English, University of San'a, Yemen, 'Researching Yemeni Arabic dialects' (two lectures, in Arabic). Feb. 24th 1994 Dept. of Linguistics and English Language, University of Durham, 'Vowel harmony in three dialects of Yemeni Arabic'. Feb. 3rd 1994 Semitistik, Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland, 'Dialektvariationen im Nord-Jemen'. Jan. 19th 1994 Dept. of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, 'Dialect variation in North Yemen'. Appendix E PhD supervision and external teaching before 2005 2002–2003 B. al-Azzam, ‘Translation of the five pillars of Islam’, Durham. Transferred to new supervisor when I took up Visiting Professorship in Heidelberg Oct. 2003. Successfully submitted 2004. 2000– July 2004 G. Fantazi, 'Acquisition of English prosody by adult native speakers of Arabic', University of Durham. (50% with Linguistics). Successfully submitted. 2000–2003 N. Bosisio, 'The prosody of Italian and Arabic'. 10% supervision with Linguistics, Durham. Successfully submitted Oct. 2003. 1999–2000 O. Masadeh, 'Problems in the translation of the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty', Durham. Successfully submitted 2003. 1999–2000 G. El-Beheri, 'Dyslexia among Arabs'. 10% supervision with Dept. of Linguistics, Durham. 1995–1998 M. Al-Azraqi 'Aspects of the syntax of the dialect of Al-Abha (South-West Saudi Arabia)', Durham. Successfully submitted 1998. Appendix F External teaching 2008, July Einführung in die neusüdarabische Sprache, Mehri. University of Heidelberg. (Blockseminar) 1989 Organiser and teacher of four-week course in Yemeni Arabic for the Overseas Development Agency (ODA), June 1989. Appendix G Administration before 2005 (University of Durham) Undergraduate admissions officer Secretary of Language Teachers’ Committee (from 1996) Acting Director of Undergraduate Studies (March–Sept. 2000) Chair of undergraduate recruitment committee Administrator of departmental work-load measurement scheme (1999–2000) Initiator and organiser of Arabic language/linguistics/literature staff-student seminar series (from 1996) Year three tutor Coordinator of student year abroad to Yemen (1991–1992) Officer responsible for undergraduate handbooks (1995–1996) Personal harassment officer (1995–1997) Member of organising committee for Workshop on Arabic Urban Vernaculars, IREMAN, Aix-en-Provence, Oct. 2004 Member of organising committee for 15th Sociolinguistics Symposium, University of Newcastle, April 2004 Convenor of workshop Issues in Arabic Linguistics, Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Salford, 26th February 1993 10 JWatsonChairArabicStudies