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Simple Mechanism for Optimal Light-Use Efficiency of Photosynthesis Inspired by Giant Clams

Amanda L. Holt, Lincoln F. Rehm, and Alison M. Sweeney
PRX Energy 3, 023014 – Published 28 June 2024
Physics logo See Focus story: Giant Clams Are Models of Solar-Energy Efficiency


In photosymbiotic giant clams, vertical columns of single-celled algae absorb sunlight that has first been forward scattered from a superficial layer of light-scattering cells called iridocytes. In principle, this arrangement could lead to a highly efficient system but it has been unclear how to calculate a productivity denominator to normalize the performance of the system. Inspired by the geometry observed in the clam, we have created an analytical model that calculates the idealized performance of a system with a geometry similar to the clam. In our model, photosynthesis-irradiance behavior obeys that of algal cells isolated from clams. Using a standard rate of eight photons of photosynthetically active radiation required to create one molecule of O2, we find that a fixed geometry of the “light-dilution” strategy employed by the clams can reach a quantum efficiency of 43% relative to the solar resource in intense tropical sunlight. In comparing the performance of the model to published photosynthesis-irradiance relations of living clams, we have observed that the living system easily exceeds the performance of the static model. Therefore, we have next considered a model in which the system geometry changes dynamically to optimize the quantum efficiency as a function of the solar irradiance. In this scenario, with changes in irradiance typical of a sunny tropical day, the performance of the model was consistent with that of large mature living clams and had a quantum efficiency of 67%. We also show that a similar dynamic modulation of the clam-tissue geometry could plausibly occur in the living animals. We have considered the possibility that efficiency gains in the living system could also occur via further optimization of per-cell absorbance of multiply scattered light within the highly absorbing system. However, a numerical model of radiative transfer within clam tissue that captures realistic multiple scattering has not located efficiency gains relative to the simpler single-pass analytical model. Therefore, we infer that additional resource efficiency over the dynamic, large-clam-like model would require nontrivial organization among cells at small length scales. We also observe that boreal spruce forests coupled to atmospheric haze may realize the same scale-invariant scattering-and-absorbance strategy as the clams but at a different, larger, length scale. Given these results, our model may demonstrate the maximum realizable light-use efficiency of a large photosynthetic system relative to the solar resource. The general principles here also readily generalize to any photosynthetic cell type or organic photoconversion material and solar-irradiance regime. They could therefore provide inspiration both for engineering novel efficient photoconversion processes and materials and inform optimal land-use estimates for efficient industrial biomass production.

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  • Received 13 June 2023
  • Revised 1 May 2024
  • Accepted 6 May 2024


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Physics of Living SystemsEnergy Science & Technology


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Giant Clams Are Models of Solar-Energy Efficiency

Published 28 June 2024

A theoretical model for the illumination of photosynthesizing algae in giant clams suggests principles for high efficiency collection of sunlight.

See more in Physics

Authors & Affiliations

Amanda L. Holt

Lincoln F. Rehm

Alison M. Sweeney*

  • Departments of Physics and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA

  • *Corresponding author: alison.sweeney@yale.edu

Popular Summary

Living photosynthetic systems can achieve highly efficient solar energy conversion at a small scale or low light intensities; however, the photoconversion is inefficient (3%) at the scale of crops or ecosystems and under natural high light intensities. Is it physically possible to realize the near-perfect efficiencies of small-scale, dimly illuminated photosynthesis in large systems under natural sunlight? Answering this question is crucial for reducing economic reliance on fossil fuels.

In this work, the authors study the photosynthetic efficiency of a complex biological system: symbiotic giant clams that host single-celled algae in their tissues. They present a simple model of a “solar transformer” inspired by the geometry of these clams and find a straightforward, general mechanism to achieve a photosynthetic light-use efficiency of 67% under natural tropical illumination. Remarkably, living clams may exceed this efficiency, and the authors describe additional mechanisms that may enable this. Taking these insights further, the authors suggest that the optimized geometry and light scattering conditions achieved in giant clams could inform the design of sustainable biomass systems driven by intense natural sunlight.

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Vol. 3, Iss. 2 — June - August 2024

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    (a) A giant clam on a Palauan coral reef adjacent to reef-building corals in the genus Acropora. Both species harbor photosymbionts in the genus Symbiodinium but the overall reflectance of the two animals is quite different. (b) A small individual T. crocea, with strong directional illumination from the left. Under this asymmetric illumination, the forward-scattering iridocytes on the left side of the animal become transparent, revealing regular arrays of algae organized into an array of vertically oriented cylinders.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    A schematic of the simple-cylinder model. (a) The model geometry and parameters. (b) The schematic arrangement of cells in (left to right) the “ideal-cylinder” case and the “random-layer” case and how the more literal clam-tissue geometry containing columns of algae compares to these geometrically simpler cases.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    (a) A conceptual rendering of light propagation through a random layer of Symbiodinium. (b) A conceptual rendering of light propagation through a simple model cylinder in which each cell in the wall of the cylinder experiences the same light intensity.

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    The photosynthesis-irradiance relation for dilute Symbiodinium from Fisher and colleagues [11]. The red squares indicate experimental data points and the blue line indicates the equation fitted to these data.

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  • Figure 5
    Figure 5

    (a) The calculated productivity of a random layer of algae. (b) The calculated productivity of the simple-cylinder model as a function of the cylinder parameter f and the equivalent average density as the layers represented in (a). The magenta curve indicates the contour of optimal productivity as a function of the intensity and f.

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  • Figure 6
    Figure 6

    The ratio of the productivity of a model cylinder to that of an idealized layer in the f-I plane: (a) 0<f<1; (b) 0<f<0.1.

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  • Figure 7
    Figure 7

    The absolute efficiency of the cylinder and the random layer. (a) The absolute efficiency of the cylinder model, log f scale. (b) The absolute efficiency of the random-layer model, log f scale.

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  • Figure 8
    Figure 8

    (a) The model of the daily photosynthetically active radiation experienced by the clams. (b) The system efficiencies when integrated over a day of radiance as shown in (a). The curves show calculations for the analytical models discussed in the text. The circles show equivalent calculations for our numerical model of radiative transfer through a system made of discrete cells. The circles representing the efficiency of the numerical model are placed along the x axis at the point where they are equal to the analytical calculation.

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  • Figure 9
    Figure 9

    The original and reanalyzed data from Fisher et al. (a) The original photosynthesis-irradiance data for giant clams normalized by chlorophyll a content. The symbols show original data points and the curve shows the fit to Eq. (9). (b) The original photosynthesis-irradiance data for the same four clams, normalized by the clam wet weight. The symbols show original data points and the curve shows the fit to Eq. (9). (c) Data from the upper-left panel, renormalized by the estimated mantle area. The solid lines represent an area-normalized PI curve for a clam with a mantle area estimated to be that of an ellipse half as wide as the shell length, . The dashed lines represent the area-normalized PI curve for a clam with a mantle area equal to a circle with diameter equal to . (d) The calculation of the per-day solar-resource efficiency of living clams, calculated as described above using PI curves from the lower-left panel, as a function of the shell length for the two different mantle-area estimates in the lower-left panel. The estimate for the largest clam exceeds 100% at the lower-bound estimate of the mantle size; for this point, we assume the mantle width required for efficiency to be 100% of 16cm=0.43.

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  • Figure 10
    Figure 10

    The inflation and stretching of relative column locations. (a) The living clam mantle in an initial configuration imaged using chlorophyll fluorescence, with the columns relatively close together. (b) The same living clam mantle 1 min later, with the mantle inflated by blood pressure and the algal columns farther apart. (c) A false-color image of a subregion in (a). (d) A false-color image of the same subregion in (b). (e) An overlay of (c) and (d). The asterisks show the point at which the images from (a) and (b) are aligned. The columns in (d) (red) are stretched in position relative to the same columns in (c) (blue) approximately 1 min earlier in time.

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  • Figure 11
    Figure 11

    A numerical Monte Carlo model of multiple scattering within clam tissue and its relation to the living clam. (a) A small living clam, showing the general appearance and relation between the shell length and the width of the exposed mantle tissue. (b) A low-magnification micrograph showing dark regions of algae under a thin array of iridocyte cells. (c) A transmission electron micrograph of a single clam iridocyte. (d) The specific cell coordinates of our Monte Carlo model of detailed multiple scattering within the clam tissue. Single-celled Symbiodinium are shown in blue and iridocytes are shown in green.

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  • Figure 12
    Figure 12

    (a) The column structures within clam tissue at length scales of tens of micrometers, visualized with 450-nm illumination and 750-nm long-pass filtered light. (b) An aerial photograph of spruce trees in boreal forest strongly resembles the columnar structures in the clam at a different length scale. (c) A comparison of the scattering behavior of clams iridocytes (blue curve) and clouds and haze (yellow and black curves). Image in (b) via CanStockPhoto at a location near the BOREAS long-term study site “NSA-UBS” at coordinates (55.908 N, 51.519 W); data in (c) from Refs. [20, 29].

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