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Football Exile.

Football Exile.

I am a Football Exile.

I would like to convey to you through this blog what I'm doing!!


The Information from TESHIMA ATSUSHI.

Dear all Friends,

Hope you're doing well.

I am waiting for the Announcement of Shanghai Sun Fun FC however, I can't wait for that now. Because I must prepare for next Challange and etc...

I was an outgoing the position of Head Coach of Shanghai Sun Fun FC on 14th May 2018. Because I can handle the matters of Football. I never give up the matters of Football, even I can challenge that now. However, ...

I will go back to Japan on 28 May 2018, then quickly recover to find a new Challange.

I really appreciate all of your support and warm words.

See you soon!

Best Regards,


via Football Exile
Your own website,
Ameba Ownd


この度 中国足球乙級リーグ(2部リーグ・実質3rdDiv.)のクラブ 上海申梵足球俱乐部(Shanghai Sun Fun FC)のトップチーム監督兼各カテゴリー総監督を5月14日に退任しました。フットボールにおいて選手・チームを育成し、問題を改善することに関して 決してあきらめることはありません。今でも挑戦し続けることが可能です。しかし・・・。私自身に力不足な部分があったことは否めません。



手島 淳


via Football Exile
Your own website,
Ameba Ownd

"A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life "

John Robert Wooden (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010) was an American basketball player and head coach at the University of California at Los Angeles. Nicknamed the "Wizard of Westwood," he won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period as head coach at UCLA.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wooden

I would like to be that. "A Wonderful Coach can change the world!".
A Happy New Year 2018!

Great Talk!

The difference between winning and succeeding. 

via Football Exile
Your own website,
Ameba Ownd