As cross-border e-commerce becomes more popular among global consumers and more important to global trade, there is a growing need for e-commerce research that explores the factors contributing to the success of global electronic markets. Yet, most extant literature on cross-border e-commerce is carried out from a buyer’s perspective. In this study, we contribute by arguing that the success of cross-border e-commerce is also determined by the behavior of sellers and their decision on which platforms to participate. To accomplish our research, we apply a sequential multimethod approach and draw on the information system success model and valence framework to conceptualize our work. We carried out interviews in a qualitative study of Chinese cross-border e-commerce sellers to uncover the key factors about which these sellers may be concerned, and the reasons why they engage in cross-border e-commerce. Our work then develops new operational definitions for concepts of system quality, service quality, perceived benefit and perceived cost relevant to the context of cross-border e-commerce. Next, we develop and test a research model to identify the most salient factors using data collected from a sample of 198 sellers in a Chinese cross-border e-commerce platform. Our quantitative results explain over 67% of seller intentions to participate in cross-border platforms, with trust and perceived benefits most important to that decision process. While other factors such as service quality were also found important, perceived costs had no direct effect. The theoretical contributions of the work and the practical implications for cross-border platforms are presented.
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We would like to thank the editor and the anonymous reviewers for their comments, which have greatly improved our paper. This study supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of No. 20103176477 [BX180604]; the National Natural Science Foundation of China [71573199]; the National Social Science Fund of China [18BTQ089] .
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Appendix: Questionnaire
Appendix: Questionnaire
Constructs | Items | Source |
System quality (SysQ) | 1. It is easy to use this e-marketplace website | Adapted from Wang [30] |
2. The interfaces of this e-marketplace website are user friendly | ||
3. It is easy for me to become skillful at using this e-marketplace website | ||
4. The product uploading system of this e-marketplace (e.g., uploading speed, draft saving function, uploading template) is convenient for me | New item (product uploading) | |
5. The order management system of this e-marketplace (e.g., order searching, order remarks, order sort function) is convenient for me | New item (order management) | |
6. The logistics system of this e-marketplace provides enough options for me | New item (logistics) | |
7. The auto push function of this e-marketplace for overdue products and safe stock is convenient for me | New item (product management) | |
Service quality (SQ) | 1. This e-marketplace website shows a sincere interest in solving my problem | Adapted from Wang [30] |
2. This e-marketplace website service is always willing to help me | ||
3. This e-marketplace website service is good at providing security and privacy protection | ||
4. This e-marketplace website service has the appropriate knowledge to answer my questions | ||
5. This e-marketplace website service understands my specific needs | ||
6. This e-marketplace provides me with enough training and good customer service | New item (e-marketplace) | |
Perceived benefit (PB) | 1. I think using this e-marketplace is convenient | Adapted from Kim et al. [13] (deleted) |
2. I can generate satisfactory profits using this e-marketplace | New item (financial) | |
3. I can increase sales volume using this e-marketplace | New item (financial) | |
4. I can pursue proprietary brand development using this e-marketplace | New item (product) | |
5. Selling my products through this e-marketplace is a future trend | New item (strategic) | |
6. There is less competitive pressure in this e-marketplace | New item (management) | |
Perceived cost (PC) | 1. Selling products through this e-marketplace may cause me to incur a monetary loss (e.g., chargeback, costly rent, sales return) | New item (financial) |
2. Logistics costs (e.g., long duration of shipping, costly logistics, packet loss, customer clearance) in this e-marketplace create problems for me | New item (logistic) | |
3. I cannot predict foreign market trends that can cause inventory control difficulty | New item (market trends) (deleted) | |
4. Patent infringement creates problems for me in this e-marketplace | New item (product) | |
5. How would you rate your overall perception of risk from this e-marketplace website? | Kim et al. [13] | |
Trust (Tr) | 1. This e-marketplace website is trustworthy | Adapted from Kim et al. [13] |
2. This e-marketplace website appears to keep its promises and commitments | ||
3. I believe that this e-marketplace website has my best interests in mind | ||
Intention (Int) | 1. I would like to sell products on this e-marketplace website | Adapted from Kim et al. [13] |
2. I would like to recommend this e-marketplace website to other sellers | Kim et al. [13] | |
3. I would like to continually use this e-marketplace website rather than use alternatives | Wang et al. [36] |
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Cui, Y., Mou, J., Cohen, J. et al. Understanding information system success model and valence framework in sellers’ acceptance of cross-border e-commerce: a sequential multi-method approach. Electron Commer Res 19, 885–914 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-019-09331-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-019-09331-0