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Supporting the analyzability of architectural component models - empirical findings and tool support

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Empirical Software Engineering Aims and scope Submit manuscript


This article discusses the understandability of component models that are frequently used as central views in architectural descriptions of software systems. We empirically examine how different component level metrics and the participants’ experience and expertise can be used to predict the understandability of those models. In addition, we develop a tool that supports applying the obtained empirical findings in practice. Our results show that the prediction models have a large effect size, which means that their prediction strength is of high practical significance. The participants’ experience plays an important role in the prediction but the obtained models are not as accurate as the models that use the component level metrics. The developed tools combine the DSL-based architecture abstraction approach with the obtained empirical findings. While the DSL-based architecture abstraction approach enables software architects to keep source code and architecture consistent, the metrics extensions enable them, while working with the DSL, to continuously judge and improve the analyzability of architectural component models based on the understandability of their individual components they create with the DSL. Provided metrics extensions can also help in assessing how much each architectural rule used to specify the DSL affects the understandability of a component which enables for instance finding the rules that contribute the most to a limited understandability. Finally, our approach supports change impact analysis, i.e., the identification of changes that affect different analyzability levels of the component models. We studied the applicability of our approach in a case study of an existing open source system.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14

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  1. Please note that the relationships between the classes consider dependencies between the classes affected by method calls, data reference or inheritance relationships. The same dependencies are considered for all sets of metrics.

  2. all versions: https://github.com/soomla/android-store, studied version: https://swa.univie.ac.at/soomla/

  3. https://swa.univie.ac.at/soomla-architectural-components/

  4. In principle the predictors with the highest VIF values are step-by-step excluded from the set until the highest VIF value becomes less than 10. In our case we have two predictors that have high VIF values that are close to each other (both in the first and in the second step of the analysis) and therefore we can exclude either one or another predictor. The performances of the obtained linear regression models in all the cases show very tiny differences between each other (see Section 4.2).

  5. Please note that predicting the percentage of the correct answers variable is also possible but since we focus on estimating the time as a measure for the understandability effort we consider the percentage of the correct answers as an auxiliary variable that helps in predicting the time variable.

  6. “Cross Validation techniques in R: A brief overview of some methods, packages, and functions for assessing prediction models”.

  7. Nested models are those where all predictors from one model are also contained in the other model. Our models use different sets of predictors and therefore they are non-nested.

  8. The reason for that is that Model 2 has a lower number of predictors which is more preferable for the AICc criterion.

  9. www.objectaid.com

  10. http://frag.sourceforge.net/

  11. The classes contained in the components are compared using their full qualified names that include the names of all packages that contain a given class.


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This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Project: P24345-N23. We thank Dr. Nina Senitschnig from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, for valuable suggestions and help related to the statistical analysis pursued.

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Stevanetic, S., Zdun, U. Supporting the analyzability of architectural component models - empirical findings and tool support. Empir Software Eng 23, 3578–3625 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-017-9583-4

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-017-9583-4
