E-Commerce firms have adopted Web Personalization techniques extensively in the form of recommender systems for influencing user behavior for customer retention. Although there are numerous studies in this area, academic research addressing the role of Web Personalization in user acceptance of technology is very scant. Further, owing to the potential of recommender systems to attract and retain customers, most studies in web personalization have been done in E-Commerce setting. In this research, the ‘Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology’ theory proposed in previous research has been extended to include web personalization as a moderator and has been tested in an E-Government context. Data collection involved conducting a laboratory experiment with the treatment group receiving personalized web forms for requesting an E-Government service. Our analyses show that personalizing the Web by self-reference and content relevance has a significant moderator role in influencing the relationship between determinants of intention to use and behavioral intention in certain cases.

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The work of the third author has been partially supported by Oakland University, 2014 School of Business Administration Spring/Summer Research Fellowship.
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Krishnaraju, V., Mathew, S.K. & Sugumaran, V. Web personalization for user acceptance of technology: An empirical investigation of E-government services. Inf Syst Front 18, 579–595 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9550-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9550-9