Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process of bounded variation is introduced as a solution of an analogue of the Langevin equation with an integrated telegraph process replacing a Brownian motion. There is an interval I such that the process starting from the internal point of I always remains within I. Starting outside, this process a. s. reaches this interval in a finite time. The distribution of the time for which the process falls into this interval is obtained explicitly. The certain formulae for the mean and the variance of this process are obtained on the basis of the joint distribution of the telegraph process and its integrated copy. Under Kac’s rescaling, the limit process is identified as the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
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Appendix: The Telegraph Process
Appendix: The Telegraph Process
Let \(({\varOmega }, \mathcal F, \mathcal F_{t}, \mathbb {P})\) be the complete filtered probability space. Consider the adapted telegraph process \(\mathbb {T}(t), t\geq 0,\) with two alternating symmetric velocities a and − a,a > 0, switching with positive intensities λ0 and λ1.
The joint distribution of \(\mathbb {T}(t)\) and ε(t) can be expressed by means of the (generalised) density functions
The following formulae seem to be generally known, but for the best of my belief, they have never been published.
Theorem A.1
The density functions \({p_{i}^{j}}(x, t), i, j\in \{0, 1\},\) are given by
where ξ = (x − a1t)/(a0 − a1),t − ξ = (a0t − x)/(a0 − a1),a1t < x < a0t.
Here I0 and I1 are the modified Bessel functions,
Let N(t) be the number of velocity switchings in the time interval [0,t).
By virtue of Kolesnik and Ratanov (2013, (4.1.10)-(4.1.11)), \({p_{0}^{0}},\) can be represented as
see Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (1994, formula 8.445). The remaining equalities of Eq. A.1 are obtained in the same manner. □
The well-known formulae for the (conditional) distribution of \(\mathbb {T}(t)\) follow from Eq. A.1:
cf Beghin et al. (2001) and López and Ratanov (2014) or see in the book by Kolesnik and Ratanov, (2013, (4.1.15)).
Similarly, \(f(x, t)={p_{0}^{0}}(x, t)+{p_{1}^{0}}(x, t)\) (and \(b(x, t)={p_{0}^{1}}(x, t)+{p_{1}^{1}}(x, t)\)) are the distribution density functions of the moving forward (and backward) particles, cf Orsingher (1995), where these formulae were presented in the symmetric case, λ0 = λ1.
The rest of this section is devoted to a description of the first and the second moments of \(\mathbb {T}(t)\) and \(\mathbb {T}(t)\mathbbm {1}_{\{{\varepsilon }(t)=j\}}, j\in \{0, 1\}.\)
We will use the following notations
Theorem A.2
Let a0 = −a1 = a > 0.
For t ≥ 0
2β = λ0 − λ1.
Here Φ(a,b; z) denotes the confluent hypergeometric function,
(⋅)n is the Pochhammer symbol; (γ)n = γ(γ + 1)…(γ + n − 1),n ≥ 1, (γ)0 = 1.
corresponding to the moment generating function of \(\mathbb {T}(t).\) Notice that \(\psi _{i}(z, t)=\sum \limits _{n=0}^{\infty } \psi _{i}(z, t; n)\) and
The explicit expressions for ψ0(z,t; n) and ψ1(z,t; n) can be written separately for even and odd n,n ≥ 0. Due to López and Ratanov (2014, Theorem 2.1), we have
Formulae (A.14)–(A.17) directly give the desired result (A.2)–(A.8). For instance, by differentiating in Eq. A.14 we have
The following known identities,
see Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (1994, [formula 9.213]), give the result, Eqs. A.2, A.10 and A.6, A.12. Formulae A.3 and A.7 can be obtained similarly from Eq. A.16.
The remaining formulae of the theorem can be derived from Eqs. A.2–A.3 and A.6–A.7 by symmetry: Eq. A.5 follows from Eq. A.2; Eq. A.4 follows from Eq. A.3; Eq. A.9 follows from Eq. A.6; Eq. A.8 follows from Eq. A.7 after replacements \(a\rightarrow -a\) and \({\lambda }_{0}\leftrightarrow {\lambda }_{1}.\) □
Equations A.2–A.9 permit us to evaluate the covariance between \(\mathbb {T}(t)\) and \(\mathbb {T}(s).\)
Theorem A.3
For t > s > 0
where \({\mathbb {E}_{i}^{j}}[\mathbb {T}(s)], \mathbb {E}_{i}[\mathbb {T}(t-s)]\) and \(\mathbb {E}_{i}[\mathbb {T}(s)^{2}], i, j\in \{0, 1\},\) are given by Eqs. A.2–A.9.
Notice that \( \mathbb {E}_{0}\mathbb {T}(t)\mathbb {T}(s)=\mathbb {E}_{0}\left [(\mathbb {T}(t)-\mathbb {T}(s))\cdot \mathbb {T}(s)\right ]+\mathbb {E}_{0}[\mathbb {T}(s)^{2}]. \)
Due to persistence and time-homogeneity of the process \(\mathbb {T},\) see Eq. 1.1,
which gives Eq. A.18. Equation A.19 follows similarly. □
Remark 4
A.2 In the symmetric case λ0 = λ1 = λ > 0, the results of Theorem A.2 (Eqs. A.2–A.9) and Eqs. A.18–A.19 look much simpler, cf Kolesnik (2012).
Since β = 0 and Φ(⋅,⋅; 0) = 1, we have
Therefore, for the symmetric case, the first moments Eqs. A.2–A.4 are given by
and \( \mathbb {E}_{0}\mathbb {T}(t)=-\mathbb {E}_{1}\mathbb {T}(t)=\frac {a}{2{\lambda }}\left (1-\mathrm {e}^{-2{\lambda } t}\right ). \)
The second moments are given by
and, by summing we have
Equations A.20 and A.21 are consistent with known results, see e.g. Kolesnik and Ratanov (2013, (4.2.24)).
By Eqs. A.18–A.19, A.20 and A.21,
and the covariance becomes
It is known that under Kac’s scaling, \(a, {\lambda }\to \infty , a^{2}/{\lambda }\to \sigma ^{2},\) see Kac (1974), Kolesnik and Ratanov (2013), and López and Ratanov (2012), the symmetric telegraph process \(\mathbb {T}(t)\) converges to Brownian motion σW(t). Equations A.20, A.21 and A.22 consist with this convergence: under this scaling we have
by Eq. A.20,
$$ \lim\mathbb{E}_{0}[\mathbb{T}(t)]=\lim\mathbb{E}_{1}[\mathbb{T}(t)]=0; $$ -
by Eq. A.21,
$$ \lim\mathbb{E}_{0}[\mathbb{T}(t)^{2}]=\lim\mathbb{E}_{1}[\mathbb{T}(t)^{2}]=\sigma^{2}t, $$ -
by Eq. A.22,
$$ \lim\mathbb{E}_{0}[\mathbb{T}(t)\mathbb{T}(s)]=\lim\mathbb{E}_{1}[\mathbb{T}(t)\mathbb{T}(s)]=\sigma^{2}s,\qquad s\leq t. $$
Remark 2
Notice that the “general” telegraph process \(\mathbb {T}(t), t\geq 0,\) with two alternating velocities a0 and a1,a0 > a1, can be reduced to the symmetric case:
where \(\mathbb {T}_{\pm a}^{\mathrm sym}(t)\) is the telegraph process with symmetric velocities ± a,a = (a0 − a1)/2. Therefore, without loss of generality, only a “symmetric” process \(\mathbb {T}(t), t\geq 0,\) can be studied.
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Ratanov, N. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes of Bounded Variation. Methodol Comput Appl Probab 23, 925–946 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-020-09794-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-020-09794-x