Recommendation Systems have obtained huge attention with notion to assist users in determining their interests by prognosticating their ratings or preferences on specific item. Concurrently, the unique capability of RL (Reinforcement Learning) agent to learn from environment for reward without training the data makes it specifically suitable approach for such systems. Due to such ability, traditional works have considered DRL (Deep RL) for recommendation system. However, existing studies faced several challenges like scalability issues, probability for overlapping of numerous values and information loss while passing into a NN (Neural Network) and improper model training which lead to incorrect recommendations. Hence, this study intends to resolve these existing pitfalls. To accomplish this, the research proposes a DRR (DRL based Recommendation) framework in accordance with actor-critic learning. In actor network, DWL-FA (Deep Weighted Likelihood-Factor Analysis) is proposed for modifying the existing DNN (Deep Neural Network) to new-environment for compensating vector through the removal of unwanted regions in network results. Attention mechanism considered in this process affords decoder with suitable information from each hidden-states of the encoder. This attention mechanism along with DWL-FA model is further capable of selectively concentrating on valuable input sequences thereby effectively learning association amongst them. This assists the trained model to learn better. Subsequently, in critic network, HMP-WU (Hidden Markov Probability-Weight Updation) is proposed for optimizing the interactions amongst users with their preferences for the recommended items (environment) and recommender system (agent). In this case, weight updation process assists in comprehending related sequences thereby resolving incorrect predictions. These proposed processes have made the system explore better results with an increase of 5.74% with regard to average of p-value.
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- R:
Reward function, determining the reward obtained by the agent for taking an action in a particular state
- γ:
Discount rate, determining the importance of future rewards
- π:
Policy, a function that maps states to actions
- \(A{V}^{\pi }\) :
Action-value function, computing the expected return for taking an action in a particular state
- Q-learning:
An approach to determining a good policy by computing the action-value function and selecting the action with the highest value
- S:
State space, representing the set of possible states
- A:
Action space, representing the set of possible actions
- \({s}_{t}\) :
State at time step t, represented as \({\mathrm{f}}({{\mathrm{h}}}_{{\mathrm{t}}})\)
- \(f(.)\) :
State representation framework
- \({h}_{t}\) :
Embedding corresponding to recent history of positive interactions, \(\{{{\mathrm{q}}}_{1}, ..., {{\mathrm{q}}}_{{\mathrm{n}}}\}\)
- \({q}_{i}\) :
Embedding vector of the ith item, \({{\mathrm{q}}}_{{\mathrm{i}}} \in {{\mathrm{R}}}^{1*{\mathrm{d}}}\)
- \(a\) :
Action generated by the actor network, \(\mathrm{a }= {\uppi }_{\uptheta }\left({\mathrm{s}}\right)\)
- \({\pi }_{\theta }\) :
Actor network with parameters \(\uptheta\)
- \(scor{e}_{v}\) :
Ranking score of item v, calculated as \({{\mathrm{q}}}_{{\mathrm{v}}} * {{\mathrm{a}}}^{{\mathrm{T}}}\)
- \({q}_{v}\) :
Embedding vector of item v
- \(Q-value\) :
Approximated state-action value,denoted as \({{\mathrm{Q}}}_{{\mathrm{w}}}({\mathrm{s}},\mathrm{ a})\)
- \({Q}_{w}(s, a)\) :
Critic network (DQN) approximating the actual state-action value \({{\mathrm{Q}}}^{\uppi }({\mathrm{s}},\mathrm{ a})\)
- \([{p}_{u}, {q}_{v}]\) :
Concatenation of user and item embeddings
- \(\grave{\mathrm{a_{uv}}}\) :
Updated attention weight for item v
- \(ReLU(.)\) :
Rectified linear unit activation function
- \({W}_{1}\) :
Weight matrix for attention network, with dimensions \({{\mathrm{R}}}^{{{\mathrm{d}}}_{1}\mathrm{x }1}\)
- \({W}_{2}\) :
Weight matrix for attention network, with dimensions \({{\mathrm{R}}}^{2\mathrm{d x }{{\mathrm{d}}}_{1}}\)
- \({b}_{1}\) :
Bias vector for attention network, with dimensions \({{\mathrm{R}}}^{1}\)
- \({b}_{2}\) :
Bias vector for attention network, with dimensions \({{\mathrm{R}}}^{1\mathrm{ x }{{\mathrm{d}}}_{1}}\)
- \(s\) :
Dimensionality of s is 3d
- \(r\) :
Output vector before Softmax activation, \(\mathrm{r }=\mathrm{ z}({{\mathrm{v}}}^{{\mathrm{L}}})\)
- \(x\) :
Input feature
- \(y\) :
Biased input feature
- \(R(.)\) :
Complete non-linear function of DNN
- \(r = R(y)\) :
Complete non-linear function of the deep neural network
- \({v}_{n}\) :
Basis of nth acoustic factor
- \({u}_{n}\) :
Loading matrix
- \({\mathrm{r}}\grave{~}\) :
Modified vector for compensating the network outcome, \({\mathrm{r}}\grave{~}=\mathrm R\left(\mathrm{y}\right)+\sum\limits_{\mathrm{i}=1}^\mathrm{n}{\mathrm{u}}_\mathrm{n}{\mathrm{v}}_\mathrm{n}\)
- \(\grave{\mathrm{a_{uv}}}\) :
Attention weight for item v, updated with DWL-FA
- \(ReLU(.)\) :
Rectified linear unit activation function
- \({a}_{uv}\) :
Softmax activation of attention weight \(\grave{\mathrm{a_{uv}}}\)
- \({T}_{kad}^{\left(GP\right)}\) :
Individual basis transitional function indexed by kth latent-parameter, dimension (d), action (a) is GP utilizing only (s) as input with linear interaction with instance-oriented weights \(({{\mathrm{w}}}_{{\mathrm{bk}}}).\)
- \(\grave{\mathrm{s_{d}}}\) :
\({\mathrm{Dth}}\) Dimension corresponding to s.
- \({w}_{bk}\) :
Kth latent-parameter.
- \({\sigma }_{w}^{2}, {\sigma }_{n}^{2}\) :
Variance of \({{\mathrm{w}}}_{{\mathrm{bk}}}\mathrm\;{ and }\;{{\mathrm{w}}}_{{\mathrm{b}}}\), respectively.
- ∈ :
Random noise term.
- \({T}^{BNN}(s,a,{w}_{b})\) :
Transitional function that includes instance-oriented weights \(({{\mathrm{w}}}_{{\mathrm{b}}})\) as an input to model output dimensions collaboratively.
- P(W):
Distribution upon latent embedding
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S, K., Shyam, G.K. DRL-HIFA: a dynamic recommendation system with deep reinforcement learning based Hidden Markov Weight Updation and factor analysis. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 72819–72843 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-18296-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-18296-8