The paper presents a bibliometric analysis of a document corpus on paleopedology retrieved in Web of Science (Clarivate) and Scopus (Elsevier) databases. The analysis reveals five decades trend in this research field development and demonstrated its positive dynamics; it pinpoints counties’ most active studying paleosols and detected the most productive authors and their affiliations, as well as papers cited more frequently; shows typical composition of the document corpus and names the periodicals with the highest publication activity; and demonstrated the documents’ thematical structure according to branches of knowledge (Scopus), research areas, and subject categories (Web of Science). The corpus of documents on paleopedology was visualized using CiteSpace software, which allows mapping a research field by creating the document co-citation and term co-occurrence networks, revealing research fronts. The results of bibliometric analysis should be useful for specialists in the field of studying paleosols to optimize and coordinate research with leading experts and research centers dealing this scientific area, as well as representatives of grant-giving organizations.
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All data are available in Scopus and Web of Science databases by license, CiteSpace is free software.
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Valentina Rykova retrieved and analyzed data in Scopus and Web of Science databases and Tatiana Busygina processed data in CiteSpace. Both authors wrote, read, and approved a manuscript.
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Rykova, V., Busygina, T. Bibliometric analysis of a research field “paleopedology”. Arab J Geosci 14, 1939 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-08292-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-08292-9