This article introduces a Parallel Exhaustive Search algorithm aimed at optimizing routing paths in a ring network topology. The primary goal is to reduce spectrum usage in each core of the fiber optic cable by thoroughly evaluating all potential routing paths for each source and destination node pair, based on a specified traffic matrix. The algorithm checks each routing option to evaluate the spectrum consumption of each routing option, and picks the one that uses the least spectrum. The results indicate that traditional shortest path algorithms may not always provide the most efficient solutions. Moreover, the findings highlight the significance of specific traffic requirements in determining the optimal routing schedule, which leads to enhance network performance. We assume the use of 64-QAM, 16-QAM, or QPSK modulation depending on the number of links between source–destination pairs, the required data rates, and the spectrum slots needed, each with a width of 12.5 GHz. For spectrum assignment, we use the longest-first scheduling technique to meet all traffic requirements, which simplifies the problem to finding the optimal routing (R) table through an exhaustive search.
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Diab, A., Rashed, A.N.Z. & Fayez, M. Exhaustive search for the optimal routing paths in ring topology in elastic optical networks. J Opt (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12596-025-02505-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12596-025-02505-0