Hardware information flow analysis detects security vulnerabilities resulting from microarchitectural design flaws, design-for-test/debug (DfT/D) backdoors, and hardware Trojans. Though information flow violations can be manifested through a multitude of possible ways, prior research has only focused on detecting the existence of such vulnerabilities and no approach has been proposed to exhaustively activate all vulnerable points and reduce false positives. In this paper, we propose EXERTv2, a novel analysis framework that combines ATPG, SAT, and FSM analysis as well as FSM integration to detect information flow violations and perform exhaustive analysis that reports the complete set of integrity-violating input patterns for vulnerable control points. Compared with the original version of EXERT, the significant contribution of EXERTv2 is its algorithm for integrating FSMs, which simplifies the process of constraining multiple FSMs. The FSM analysis and integration, in particular, consider the behavior of all the FSMs in the design as a whole, which can be performed offline and helps resolve scalability limitations in prior approaches while remaining exhaustive. We also demonstrate EXERT’s usage in the application of fault injection vulnerability analysis and attacks. As a proof-of-concept, EXERTv2 is evaluated on multiple Trojan benchmarks from Trust-Hub and two additional ciphers. It detects rare Trojan triggers (activation probability \(\approx\) 1.4243e\(-\)70), generates all activation patterns within minutes, and shows a 15\(\times\) to 110\(\times\) faster runtime compared with Cadence Jasper Security Path Verification (SPV). EXERT is also applied to a larger RISC-V benchmark to identify instruction sequences with and without fault injection that result in privilege escalation.
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Wu, J., Forte, D. EXERTv2: Exhaustive Integrity Analysis for Information Flow Security with FSM Integration. J Hardw Syst Secur 7, 147–164 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41635-023-00141-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41635-023-00141-3