Active queue management (AQM) is essential to prevent the degradation of quality of service in TCP/AQM systems with round-trip time (RTT) delay. RTT delays are primarily caused by packet-propagation delays, but they can also be caused by the processing time of queuing operations and dynamically changing network situations. This study focuses on the design and analysis of an AQM digital controller under time-delay uncertainty. The controller is based on the Smith predictor algorithm and is called the SMITHPI controller. This study also demonstrates the stability of the controller and its robustness against network parameter variations such as the number of TCP connections, time delays, and user datagram protocol flows. The performance, robustness, and effectiveness of the proposed SMITHPI controller are evaluated using the NS-2 simulator. Finally, the performance of the SMITHPI controller is compared with that of a well-known queue-based AQM, called the proportional-integral controller.
主动式队列管理 (AQM) 对于预防具有往返时滞的TCP/AQM系统的服务质量退化至关重要. 往返时滞主要由数据包传播时延引起, 但也可由队列操作的处理时间和动态改变的网络情况引起. 本文聚焦带有时延不确定性的主动式队列管理数字控制器的设计与分析. 该控制器基于史密斯预估器算法, 我们称其为SMITHPI控制器. 本文同时证明了该控制器的稳定性和抵御网络参数变化的鲁棒性, 如传输控制协议源的数量、 时延、 用户数据电报协议流. 运用NS-2仿真评估所提SMITHPI控制器的性能、 鲁棒性和有效性. 最后, 将SMITHPI控制器与著名的主动式队列管理 (称为比例积分控制器) 进行性能比较.
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Ouassim MENACER and Abderraouf MESSAI designed the research. Abderraouf MESSAI guided the research. Ouassim MENACER and Abderraouf MESSAI conducted the simulations, derived the main results, and drafted the paper. Lazhar KASSA-BAGHDOUCHE helped organize and revised the paper.
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Ouassim MENACER, Abderraouf MESSAI, and Lazhar KASSA-BAGHDOUCHE declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Menacer, O., Messai, A. & Kassa-Baghdouche, L. Design and analysis of a proportional-integral controller based on a Smith predictor for TCP/AQM network systems. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 23, 291–303 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000245
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000245