In this paper we present a new residual-based reliable a posteriori error estimator for the local discontinuous Galerkin approximations of linear and nonlinear diffusion problems in polygonal regions of R 2. Our analysis, which applies to convex and nonconvex domains, is based on Helmholtz decompositions of the error and a suitable auxiliary polynomial function interpolating the Dirichlet datum. Several examples confirming the reliability of the estimator and providing numerical evidences for its efficiency are given. Furthermore, the associated adaptive method, which considers meshes with and without hanging nodes, is shown to be much more efficient than a uniform refinement to compute the discrete solutions. In particular, the experiments illustrate the ability of the adaptive algorithm to localize the singularities of each problem.
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Bustinza, R., Gatica, G.N. & Cockburn, B. An A Posteriori Error Estimate for the Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method Applied to Linear and Nonlinear Diffusion Problems. J Sci Comput 22, 147–185 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-004-4137-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-004-4137-5